path: root/sk/setupSCSI.html
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1 files changed, 13 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/sk/setupSCSI.html b/sk/setupSCSI.html
index 298069b..00adf53 100644
--- a/sk/setupSCSI.html
+++ b/sk/setupSCSI.html
@@ -28,29 +28,32 @@
- <p><a name="setupSCSI-pa1"></a>DrakX zvy&#269;ajne detekuje pevn&eacute; disky spr&aacute;vne. U niektor&yacute;ch star&#353;&iacute;ch SCSI
- ovl&aacute;da&#269;ov m&ocirc;&#382;e by&#357; nemo&#382;n&eacute; ur&#269;i&#357; spr&aacute;vne ovl&aacute;da&#269;e, ktor&eacute; sa maj&uacute; pou&#382;i&#357; a
- n&aacute;sledne zlyh&aacute;va rozpoznanie zariadenia.
- </p>
- <p><a name="setupSCSI-pa2"></a>Ak sa toto stane, budete potrebova&#357; manu&aacute;lne zada&#357; DrakXu, ktor&eacute; SCSI
- zariadenie (alebo zariadenia) m&aacute;te.
+ <p><a name="setupSCSI-pa1"></a>DrakX will normally detect hard disks correctly. However, with some older
+ SCSI controllers it may be unable to determine the correct drivers to use
+ and subsequently fail to recognise the drive.
- <p><a name="setupSCSI-pa3"></a>DrakX by potom mal by&#357; schopn&yacute; nakonfigurova&#357; ono zariadenie (alebo
- zariadenia) korektne.
+ <p><a name="setupSCSI-pa2"></a>If your device is not recognised, you will need to manually tell DrakX which
+ SCSI drive(s) you have. DrakX should then be able to configure the drive(s)
+ correctly.