path: root/tr/addUser.html
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authorPapoteur <papoteur@mageia.org>2021-01-03 16:14:47 +0100
committerPapoteur <papoteur@mageia.org>2021-01-03 16:14:47 +0100
commite10814f593de441418e08a5a840ec8b4b8d46167 (patch)
treef7e5729a333c89fe0b2c49b4f344ddc45dbddf18 /tr/addUser.html
parent5e0313a793c94d8079667518a67ce2cbd45cc482 (diff)
Update tr
Diffstat (limited to 'tr/addUser.html')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/tr/addUser.html b/tr/addUser.html
index 9f95bc9..cc73849 100644
--- a/tr/addUser.html
+++ b/tr/addUser.html
@@ -2,29 +2,40 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <title>Kullan&#305;c&#305; ve S&uuml;per Kullan&#305;c&#305; Y&ouml;netimi</title>
+ <title>User Management</title>
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<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
- <div lang="tr" class="section" title="Kullan&#305;c&#305; ve S&uuml;per Kullan&#305;c&#305; Y&ouml;netimi">
+ <div lang="tr" class="section" title="User Management">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h2 class="title"><a name="addUser"></a>Kullan&#305;c&#305; ve S&uuml;per Kullan&#305;c&#305; Y&ouml;netimi
+ <h2 class="title"><a name="addUser"></a>User Management
<div class="section" title="Y&ouml;netici (k&ouml;k) Parolas&#305;n&#305; Ayarlay&#305;n:">
<div class="titlepage">
@@ -36,16 +47,17 @@
- <p>T&uuml;m <span class="application">Mageia</span> kurulumlar&#305; i&ccedil;in Linux' ta
- <span class="emphasis"><em>k&ouml;k parolas&#305;</em></span> olarak bilinen bir s&uuml;per kullan&#305;c&#305; veya
- y&ouml;netici parolas&#305; belirlemeniz &ouml;nerilir. &Uuml;stteki kutucu&#287;a parolay&#305; yazmaya
- ba&#351;lad&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305;zda kutucuktaki kalkan rengi, parolan&#305;z&#305;n g&uuml;c&uuml; oran&#305;nda
- k&#305;rm&#305;z&#305;dan sar&#305;ya ve ye&#351;ile d&ouml;ner. Ye&#351;il kalkan g&uuml;&ccedil;l&uuml; bir parola
- kulland&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305;z&#305; g&ouml;sterir. &#304;lk parola kutucu&#287;unun alt&#305;ndaki kutucu&#287;a ayn&#305;
- parolay&#305; yeniden girmelisiniz. Bu sayede ilk parolan&#305;n do&#287;ru yaz&#305;l&#305;p
- yaz&#305;lmad&#305;&#287;&#305; denetlenir.
+ <p>It is advisable for all Mageia installations to set a
+ <code class="literal">superuser</code> (Administrator) password, usually called the
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>root </em></span>password in Linux. As you type a password into the
+ top box a shield will change from red-to-yellow-to-green depending on the
+ strength of the password. A green shield shows you are using a strong
+ password. You need to repeat the same password in the box underneath, to
+ check that the first entry was not mistyped.
<div class="note" title="Not" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
<table border="0" summary="Note">
@@ -56,9 +68,8 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>T&uuml;m parolalar b&uuml;y&uuml;k-k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;k harfe duyarl&#305;d&#305;r. Harflerin (b&uuml;y&uuml;k harf ve k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;k
- harf), rakamlar&#305;n ve di&#287;er karakterlerin bir parolada kar&#305;&#351;&#305;k kullan&#305;lmas&#305;
- en iyisidir.
+ <p>All passwords are case-sensitive. It is best to use a mixture of letters
+ (upper and lower case), numbers and other characters in a password.
@@ -67,6 +78,7 @@
<div class="section" title="Bir kullan&#305;c&#305; girin">
<div class="titlepage">
@@ -78,55 +90,60 @@
- <p>Buraya bir kullan&#305;c&#305; ekleyin. Bir kullan&#305;c&#305;, s&uuml;per kullan&#305;c&#305;dan (k&ouml;k) daha
- az yetkiye sahiptir; ancak internette gezinmeye, ofis uygulamalar&#305;n&#305;
- kullanmaya veya oyunlar&#305; oynamaya ve ortalama bir kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n
- bilgisayar&#305;nda yapt&#305;&#287;&#305; di&#287;er her &#351;eyi yapmaya yetkisi olur
+ <p>Add a User here. A regular user has fewer privileges than the
+ <code class="literal">superuser</code> (root), but enough to use the Internet, office
+ applications or play games and anything else the average user might use a
+ computer for.
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guibutton">Simge</span>: bu d&uuml;&#287;meye t&#305;klarsan&#305;z kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n simgesini
- de&#287;i&#351;tirebilirsiniz.
- </p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Icon</strong></span></p>
+ <p>Click on this button if you want to change the user's icon</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Ger&ccedil;ek Ad</span>: Kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n ger&ccedil;ek ad&#305;n&#305; bu metin kutusuna
- girin.
- </p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Real Name</strong></span></p>
+ <p>Insert the user's real name into this text box</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Giri&#351; Ad&#305;</span>: Burada kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n giri&#351; ad&#305;n&#305;
- belirleyebilir veya drakx' in kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n ger&ccedil;ek ad&#305;n&#305;n bir benzerini
- kullanmas&#305;na izin verebilirsiniz. <span class="emphasis"><em>Giri&#351; ad&#305; b&uuml;y&uuml;k-k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;k harfe
- duyarl&#305;d&#305;r.</em></span></p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Login Name</strong></span></p>
+ <p>Enter the user login name or let DrakX use a version of the user's real
+ name. <span class="bold"><strong>The login name is case-sensitive.</strong></span></p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">&#350;ifre</span>: Bu metin kutusuna kullan&#305;c&#305; parolas&#305;
- yaz&#305;n. Metin kutusunun sonunda &#351;ifre g&uuml;c&uuml;n&uuml; g&ouml;steren bir kalkan
- vard&#305;r. (Ayr&#305;ca bkz: <a class="xref" href="addUser.html#givePassword" title="Not">Not</a>)
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Password</strong></span></p>
+ <p>Type in the user password. There is a shield at the end of the text box that
+ indicates the strength of the password. (See also <a class="xref" href="addUser.html#givePassword" title="Not">Not</a>)
- </li>
- <li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Parola (yeniden)</span>: Kullan&#305;c&#305; parolas&#305;n&#305; bu metin
- kutusuna yeniden yaz&#305;n ki drakx her bir kullan&#305;c&#305; parolas&#305; metin kutusunda
- ayn&#305; parolan&#305;n bulundu&#287;unu denetleyebilsin.
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Password (again):</strong></span> Retype the user
+ password. DrakX will check that you have not mistyped the password.
<div class="note" title="Not" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
<table border="0" summary="Note">
@@ -137,14 +154,16 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Mageia' y&#305; kurarken ekledi&#287;iniz her kullan&#305;c&#305; i&ccedil;in herkes taraf&#305;ndan
- okunamayan ve yaz&#305;lamayan bir ev dizini olu&#351;turulur (umask=0027).
+ <p>Any users added while installing Mageia, will have a home directory that is
+ both read and write protected (umask=0027)
- <p>Di&#287;er t&uuml;m kullan&#305;c&#305;lar&#305; kurulum s&#305;ras&#305;nda <span class="emphasis"><em>Yap&#305;land&#305;rma -
- &Ouml;zet</em></span> ad&#305;m&#305;nda ekleyebilirsiniz. <span class="emphasis"><em>Kullan&#305;c&#305;
- y&ouml;netimi</em></span>ni se&ccedil;in.
+ <p>You can add any extra needed users in the <span class="emphasis"><em>Configuration -
+ Summary</em></span> step during the install. Choose <span class="emphasis"><em>User
+ management</em></span>.
<p>Eri&#351;im izinleri kurulumdan sonra da de&#287;i&#351;tirilebilir.</p>
@@ -154,77 +173,46 @@
- <div class="section" title="Geli&#351;mi&#351; Kullan&#305;c&#305; Y&ouml;netimi">
+ <div class="section" title="User Management (advanced)">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="addUserAdvanced"></a>Geli&#351;mi&#351; Kullan&#305;c&#305; Y&ouml;netimi
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="addUserAdvanced"></a>User Management (advanced)
- <p><span class="guibutton">geli&#351;mi&#351;</span> d&uuml;&#287;mesine t&#305;klanm&#305;&#351;sa eklemekte oldu&#287;unuz
- kullan&#305;c&#305; i&ccedil;in ayarlar&#305; de&#287;i&#351;tirebilmenizi sa&#287;layan bir ekran &ouml;nerilir.
+ <p>The <span class="emphasis"><em>Advanced</em></span> option allows you to edit further settings
+ for the user you are adding.
- <p>Ek olarak, bir konuk hesab&#305;n&#305; etkinle&#351;tirebilir veya devre d&#305;&#351;&#305;
- b&#305;rakabilirsiniz.
- </p>
- <div class="warning" title="Uyar&#305;" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
- <table border="0" summary="Warning">
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Uyar&#305;]" src="warning.png"></td>
- <th align="left"></th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>&Ouml;ntan&#305;ml&#305; bir <span class="emphasis"><em>rbash</em></span> konuk hesab&#305;na sahip bir konu&#287;un
- kendi /home dizinine kaydetti&#287;i her &#351;ey oturumunu kapatt&#305;&#287;&#305;nda silinir.
- Konuk &ouml;nemli dosyalar&#305;n&#305; bir USB belle&#287;e kaydetmelidir.
- </p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Konuk hesab&#305;n&#305; etkinle&#351;tir</span>: Burada bir konuk hesab&#305;n&#305;
- etkinle&#351;tirebilir veya devre d&#305;&#351;&#305; b&#305;rakabilirsiniz. Konuk hesab&#305;, bir
- konu&#287;unuzun bilgisayarda oturum a&ccedil;mas&#305;n&#305; ve kullanmas&#305;n&#305; sa&#287;lar; ancak
- normal kullan&#305;c&#305;lardan &ccedil;ok daha s&#305;n&#305;rl&#305; eri&#351;im verir.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Kabuk</span>: Bu a&ccedil;&#305;l&#305;r liste, bir &ouml;nceki ekranda ekledi&#287;iniz
- kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n kabu&#287;unu de&#287;i&#351;tirmenizi sa&#287;lar. Se&ccedil;enekler Bash, Dash ve Sh'
- dir.
- </p>
+ <p><span class="emphasis"><em>Shell</em></span>: This drop-down list allows you to change the
+ shell available to any user you added in the previous screen. Options are
+ <code class="literal">Bash</code>, <code class="literal">Dash</code> and <code class="literal">Sh</code></p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Kullan&#305;c&#305; Kimli&#287;i</span>: Burada, bir &ouml;nceki ekranda
- ekledi&#287;iniz kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;n kullan&#305;c&#305; kimli&#287;ini ayarlayabilirsiniz. Bu bir
- rakamd&#305;r. Ne yapt&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305;z&#305; bilmiyorsan&#305;z bo&#351; b&#305;rak&#305;n.
+ <p><span class="emphasis"><em>User ID</em></span>: Here you can set the user ID for any user you
+ added in the previous screen. If you are unsure what the purpose of this is,
+ then leave it blank.
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Grup Kimli&#287;i</span>: Bu, grup kimli&#287;ini ayarlaman&#305;z&#305;
- sa&#287;lar. Genellikle kullan&#305;c&#305;n&#305;nki ile ayn&#305; olan bir rakamd&#305;r. Ne yapt&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305;z&#305;
- biliyorsan&#305;z bo&#351; b&#305;rak&#305;n.
+ <p><span class="emphasis"><em>Group ID</em></span>: This lets you set the group ID. Again, if
+ unsure, leave it blank.