path: root/langs
diff options
authorFilip Komar <filip@mageia.org>2013-05-10 06:17:22 +0000
committerFilip Komar <filip@mageia.org>2013-05-10 06:17:22 +0000
commit2490d439bb5adc36a201f1147e8071f9a6e3f0e3 (patch)
tree3927b08d79ed4a8bf9e9b2ef631093948aa7b145 /langs
parente823101fae3054c98a63d023f2a237f2645fc7c8 (diff)
added missing string in lang files for mga3 page
Diffstat (limited to 'langs')
17 files changed, 92 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/langs/cs/3.cs.lang b/langs/cs/3.cs.lang
index 4155d3092..c94990be4 100644
--- a/langs/cs/3.cs.lang
+++ b/langs/cs/3.cs.lang
@@ -91,6 +91,11 @@ Pokud potřebujete ovladače pro WiFi nebo zvláštní video <em>v době instala
Můžete, chcete-li, <em>po</em> instalaci přidat nesvobodná skladiště se software.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Živá CD nebo DVD použijte POUZE na čerstvou instalaci NE NA AKTUALIZACI.
diff --git a/langs/de/3.de.lang b/langs/de/3.de.lang
index 316220447..be8276773 100644
--- a/langs/de/3.de.lang
+++ b/langs/de/3.de.lang
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ Installer-DVD- und CD-ISOs enthalten nun freie Software und einige proprietäre
Sie werden gefragt, welche Art von Software Sie installieren wollen.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Benutzen Sie Live-CDs und Live-DVDs NUR für neue Installationen, nicht für AKTUALISIERUNGEN.
diff --git a/langs/el/3.el.lang b/langs/el/3.el.lang
index ab7820da5..488cbb068 100644
--- a/langs/el/3.el.lang
+++ b/langs/el/3.el.lang
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ Errata {ok}
Θα ερωτηθείτε για τον τύπο του λογισμικού που επιθυμείτε να εγκαταστήσετε.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Χρησιμοποιήστε τα LiveCD ή LiveDVD για καθαρή εγκατάσταση ΜΟΝΟ, ΟΧΙ ΓΙΑ ΑΝΑΒΑΘΜΙΣΗ.
diff --git a/langs/eo/3.eo.lang b/langs/eo/3.eo.lang
index 404dceb95..d182e3291 100644
--- a/langs/eo/3.eo.lang
+++ b/langs/eo/3.eo.lang
@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ Se vi bezonas konkretajn vifiajn aŭ videajn pelilojn dum la instalado, vi devus
Vi povos, laŭvole, aldoni neliberan programaran deponejon <em>post</em> la instalado.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Uzu vivajn KD NUR por freŝaj instaloj, NE POR ĜISDATIGOJ.
diff --git a/langs/es/3.es.lang b/langs/es/3.es.lang
index 0dc460694..0d23956f6 100644
--- a/langs/es/3.es.lang
+++ b/langs/es/3.es.lang
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ Los instaladores de las imágenes iso de DVD y CD ahora contienen Software Libre
Se le preguntará acerca del tipo de software que quiera instalar.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Utilice los LiveCDs y LiveDVDs SÓLO para instalaciones desde cero, NUNCA PARA ACTUALIZAR.
diff --git a/langs/et/3.et.lang b/langs/et/3.et.lang
index cdf37bb46..7ffea3cab 100644
--- a/langs/et/3.et.lang
+++ b/langs/et/3.et.lang
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ Paigaldus-DVD ja -CD ISO-tõmmised sisaldavad nüüd lisaks vabale tarkvarale m
Teie käest päritakse, millist laadi tarkvara soovite paigaldada.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Kasutage LiveCD-sid ja LiveDVD-sid AINULT paigaldamiseks, mitte uuendamiseks.
diff --git a/langs/fr/3.fr.lang b/langs/fr/3.fr.lang
index 37b7965e6..bac1c0d2e 100644
--- a/langs/fr/3.fr.lang
+++ b/langs/fr/3.fr.lang
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ Le DVD d'installation et les images ISO de CD contiennent désormais, en plus de
Il vous sera demandé quels types de logiciels vous souhaitez installer.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
N'utilisez les LiveCD ou LiveDVD QUE pour de nouvelles installations, PAS POUR UNE MISE À NIVEAU.
diff --git a/langs/id/3.id.lang b/langs/id/3.id.lang
index aded869f8..dde9d8d6a 100644
--- a/langs/id/3.id.lang
+++ b/langs/id/3.id.lang
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ Kamu akan ditanya Software mana yang ingin kamu install.
CD instalasi hanya berisi list paket minimal.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Gunakan LiveCD atau LiveDVD HANYA untuk instalasi baru, BUKAN UNTUK UPGRADE.
diff --git a/langs/it/3.it.lang b/langs/it/3.it.lang
index e5d86adf1..d7f014363 100644
--- a/langs/it/3.it.lang
+++ b/langs/it/3.it.lang
@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ Se ti serve il WiFi o driver video specifici <em>al momento dell'installazione</
Potresti, se lo vuoi, aggiungere repository di software non libero <em>dopo</em> l'installazione.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Utilizza LiveCD o LiveDVD SOLO per nuove installazioni, NON PER AVANZAMENTI DI VERSIONE.
diff --git a/langs/pl/3.pl.lang b/langs/pl/3.pl.lang
index 89003c953..05e4b4554 100644
--- a/langs/pl/3.pl.lang
+++ b/langs/pl/3.pl.lang
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ Raportowanie błędów
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +43
+;This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for May 2013.
+This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for May 2013.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +43
;Be careful! This is an alpha, unstable release.
Bądź ostrożny! To jest wersja alpha - wydanie niestabilne.
@@ -86,14 +91,19 @@ Jeśli potrzebujesz WiFi lub konkretnego sterownika karty graficznej <em>podczas
Istnieje możliwość dodania repozytorium nonfree z oprogramowaniem <em>po</em> instalacji - bez względu na wersję płyty instalacyjnej.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Użyj wersji LiveCD lub LiveDVD tylko do wykonania nowej instalacji (czysty komputer/zamazanie starej instalacji), NIE DO AKTUALIZACJI STARSZEJ WERSJI.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +60
-;If you are looking for a stable version of Mageia, <a href="%s">go here</a>.
-Jeśli szukasz stabilnej wersji Mageia, <a href="%s">wejdź tutaj</a>.
+;If you are looking for a stable version of Mageia, <a href="%s" rel="nofollow">go here</a>.
+Jeśli szukasz stabilnej wersji Mageia, <a href="%s" rel="nofollow">wejdź tutaj</a>.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +61
diff --git a/langs/pt-br/3.pt-br.lang b/langs/pt-br/3.pt-br.lang
index 263cbacb5..a2e2a4676 100644
--- a/langs/pt-br/3.pt-br.lang
+++ b/langs/pt-br/3.pt-br.lang
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ As imagens ISO do Instalador em DVD e CD agora contém Software livre e alguns d
Você será solicitado a escolher qual tipo de Software que deseja instalar.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
O uso dos LiveCDs ou LiveDVDs são apenas para novas instalações limpas, NÃO SÃO PARA ATUALIZAÇÕES.
diff --git a/langs/ro/3.ro.lang b/langs/ro/3.ro.lang
index 9c58887fa..7e6d3dc28 100644
--- a/langs/ro/3.ro.lang
+++ b/langs/ro/3.ro.lang
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ Fișierele ISO pentru DVD și CD conțin aplicații libere și cîțiva piloți
Veți fi întrebat ce fel de aplicații doriți să instalați.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Folosiți CD-urile sau DVD-urile Live DOAR pentru instalări noi, NU PENTRU ACTUALIZARE MAJORĂ.
diff --git a/langs/ru/3.ru.lang b/langs/ru/3.ru.lang
index 481352cba..f61e6b7f7 100644
--- a/langs/ru/3.ru.lang
+++ b/langs/ru/3.ru.lang
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ Mageia 3 {ok}
При установке вы сможете определиться с тем, какое программное обеспечение вы хотите установить.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Пользуйтесь LIVE образами системы только для установки системы с нуля, НЕ ДЛЯ ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ.
diff --git a/langs/sl/3.sl.lang b/langs/sl/3.sl.lang
index b008d8899..dd7d8e17c 100644
--- a/langs/sl/3.sl.lang
+++ b/langs/sl/3.sl.lang
@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ Namestitveni CD vsebuje minimalen nabor paketov.
#Po želji lahko <em>po namestitvi</em> dodate skladišče z lastniško programsko opremo.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Uporabite LiveCD ali LiveDVD samo za testiranje in NOVE namestitve, NE ZA NADGRADNJE.
diff --git a/langs/tr/3.tr.lang b/langs/tr/3.tr.lang
index 027dd99b2..eda593e32 100644
--- a/langs/tr/3.tr.lang
+++ b/langs/tr/3.tr.lang
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ Kurulum yapan DVD ve CD ISO'ları şimdi özgür yazılım ve bazı tescilli sü
Hangi yazılım türünü kurmak istediğiniz size sorulacaktır.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+Kurulum CD'si sadece en gerekli paketleri içerir.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
LiveCD'leri veya LiveDVD'leri YALNIZCA yeni kurulum için kullnınız, YÜKSELTME İÇİN KULLANMAYINIZ.
diff --git a/langs/uk/3.uk.lang b/langs/uk/3.uk.lang
index ff2511042..761e5353c 100644
--- a/langs/uk/3.uk.lang
+++ b/langs/uk/3.uk.lang
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ Mageia 3 {ok}
Під час встановлення ви зможете визначитися з тим, яке програмне забезпечення ви хочете встановити.
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Користуйтеся портативними образами системи лише для встановлення системи з нуля, НЕ ДЛЯ ОНОВЛЕННЯ.
diff --git a/langs/zh-cn/3.zh-cn.lang b/langs/zh-cn/3.zh-cn.lang
index 78cdd3e81..e0ef4b9c2 100644
--- a/langs/zh-cn/3.zh-cn.lang
+++ b/langs/zh-cn/3.zh-cn.lang
@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ Mageia 3
+# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
+;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
+The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
LiveCD 或 LiveDVD 仅适用于全新安装,而非升级。