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+ <H1>[Mageia-marketing] Mageia in Enli 2010/2011</H1>
+ <B>Bradley D. Thornton</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-marketing] Mageia in Enli 2010/2011">Bradley at NorthTech.US
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Fri Jan 21 23:26:46 CET 2011</I>
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+Hash: RIPEMD160
+Okay, it was just a couple of ideas I was throwing up in the air, but so
+everyone can have an opportunity to see... here ya go :)
+&lt;tallship&gt; flood coming...
+&lt;tallship&gt; We are a major point of call for the Free Software community
+in Mexico, Latin America and the world. Adem&#225;s de ser un lugar de
+acercamiento de nuevas personas al mundo fascinante de Linux y el Sw
+Libre, tambi&#233;n ofrecemos un espacio de participaci&#243;n en la b&#250;squeda de
+ideas y proyectos innovadores que consoliden al Software Libre como una
+herramienta de vanguardia para empresas, desarrolladores, estudiantes,
+profesores y p
+&lt;tallship&gt; ersonas involucradas con el uso, difusi&#243;n y desarrollo de
+software. Besides being a place to approach new people to the
+fascinating world of Linux and Free Sw also offer a forum for
+participation in the search for innovative ideas and projects that
+strengthen the Free Software as a cutting-edge tool for businesses,
+developers, students , teachers and people involved with the use,
+dissemination and development of software.
+&lt;tallship&gt; in terms of numbers of attendees, it may not seem all that
+significant, but the speakers list typically looks like a who's who of
+FOSS and other ares of the industry with some big players.
+&lt;tallship&gt; They expect about 750 attendees, yet the media coverage is
+going to be significant.
+&lt;tallship&gt; He's got an hour - that's a long time. He's going to need a
+translated version of the slide show, and perhaps a demonstration w/a
+[hopefully] new look to some of the tools intrinsic to Mandrake/Mandriva
+as they are incarnated in Mageia would be a good thing.
+&lt;tallship&gt; I think it's perfect timing wrt our Alpha release - it will
+have occurred.
+&lt;tallship&gt; I think it's an even better date since we will have our
+first, maybe second alpha out w/our April 2kx1 release on schedule, and
+be able to tout this to the media at the conference.
+&lt;tallship&gt; 23, 24, and 25 February 2011 are the dates.
+&lt;tallship&gt; I think that what is most important, is that we have
+representation in attendance with a speaker (1hr - that's great!). This
+convention goes a long way toward how the waters flow in Mexico and
+South America.
+&lt;tallship&gt; Such adoption is critical in those parts of the world where
+specialized regional Linux Distributions have been the predominant
+distros for a few years now.
+&lt;tallship&gt; A truly global Linux Distro - i.e., Mageia - translates into
+easy integration and operability in multi-national companies (and
+universities adopting its usage does this too).
+&lt;tallship&gt; If we can make a big splash in Latin America, this also
+results in assimilation of the technology (meaning, the Mageia Linux
+distro) further north in the United States where there are (you fill in
+the blank here) xxxx million Spanish speaking citizens, residents, and
+students in the potential user base.
+&lt;tallship&gt; On another note: as far as slogans, one liners, I've got a
+few ideas stemming from the etymology of the word 'Mageia'...
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Mageia! It's Like Magic!
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;The Magic of Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Wield the Magic in Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;There's Magic in Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;It's all in the magic. Mageia Linux&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Harness the Magic of Linux with Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Mageia - It's Magic in the Enterprise&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;The Magic of Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Mageia Magic - at home in the Enterprise&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Mageia! It's Magic!&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Unleash the Magic of Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;The Magic of Mageia&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; &quot;Mageia. It's Magic&quot;
+&lt;tallship&gt; you get the idea ;)
+* tallship is afk
+On 01/21/2011 07:40 AM, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
+&gt;<i> Le jeudi 20 janvier 2011 16:20:38, Wolfgang Bornath a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 2011/1/20 Bradley D. Thornton &lt;<A HREF="">Bradley at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Hash: RIPEMD160
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> I just posted several taglines in the #mageia-marcom chan. just
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> brainstorming really, throwing ideas out there surrounding the play on
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> words stemming from the etymology of our distro's name.
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Also, I address what I believe to be real significance in the Enli
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> conference on 23/24/25 Feb 2kxi
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> I invite, and indeed encourage, everyone to check the logs there for
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> what I hope you will agree is very pertinent information regarding the
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> adoption of our distro in Latin American, and what it will do for Mageia.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> It is not a good idea to post something you want to use later to an
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> IRC channel (outside of the logged meetings). If nobody has logged the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> channel by chance your ideas are lost. Such things should be better
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> posted in the mailing list for future refference.
+</I>&gt;<i> Yes, can you rewrite them here?
+</I>&gt;<i> _______________________________________________
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia-marketing mailing list
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="">Mageia-marketing at</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+- --
+Bradley D. Thornton
+Manager Network Services
+NorthTech Computer
+TEL: +1.760.666.2703 (US)
+TEL: +44.702.405.1909 (UK)
+<A HREF="http://NorthTech.US">http://NorthTech.US</A>
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
+Comment: Find this cert at x-<A HREF="hkp://">hkp://</A>
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