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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-discuss] Cultural difference: &quot;Let your yes be yes&quot; &lt;---&gt; &quot;It is rude to say no&quot;
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Cultural difference: &quot;Let your yes be yes&quot; &lt;---&gt; &quot;It is rude to say no&quot;</H1>
+ <B>Marja van Waes</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Cultural difference: &quot;Let your yes be yes&quot; &lt;---&gt; &quot;It is rude to say no&quot;">marja11 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Thu Jul 12 18:20:43 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Again, and now to the correct ml (was wrongly sent to doc-discuss)
+Within Mageia, contributors from all over the world work together. We
+come from different countries, speak different mother tongues and have
+different cultural backgrounds.
+That can lead to confusion at times.
+In our community I'm sometimes reminded of a difference between the area
+where I was born, and the rest of the Netherlands, which my schoolmates
+and I used to call &quot;Holland&quot;.
+Where I was born it is not done to answer &quot;no&quot; if someone asks you to do
+something. You're supposed to be nice and friendly, not rude, so you say
+you'll do it, even if you can't or if you're not sure.
+In the words of someone who returned to the area after having lived in
+&quot;Holland&quot; for 30 years:
+&quot;Jao, is hie gein ech jao, mer ein belaefde meneer &#243;m nei te z&#232;kge!&quot;
+('&quot;Yes&quot; is no real yes here, but a polite way to say &quot;no&quot;!')
+<A HREF=""></A>
+The rest of the Netherlands has been under strong influence of all the
+Dutch who read their Bibles everyday. So there it is: 'let your &quot;yes&quot; be
+yes and your &quot;no&quot; be no'
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Now that is hard, when you grow up in a &quot;no is rude&quot; area and then move
+to &quot;Holland&quot;. You continue to say &quot;yes&quot;, because saying &quot;no&quot; feels like
+a major sin, but now you're expected to *do* all those thing you said
+you'd do. :-(
+Someone moving from &quot;Holland&quot; to the &quot;no is rude&quot; area goes crazy, too.
+Within weeks he'll think the people there hate him, because many things
+they agree to do don't get done (or only much later).
+How do we cope with such differences within our community?
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