path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35')
2 files changed, 488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment-0001.bin b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment-0001.bin
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c051e1866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment-0001.bin
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# codename : viviane
+# Virtualized
+# Integrated
+# Verification of
+# Installer with
+# Automated
+# Networked
+# Eyeballs
+# adapted from
+function auto_install_test() {
+ ARCH=$1
+ NAME=viviane_${ARCH}_${PACKAGE}_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
+ TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/viviane_XXXXX)
+ chmod go+rx $TMP_DIR
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME started" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ # based on
+ # user that is created must be in dialout, to be able to send the message
+ # to the host on ttyS0 ( since consolekit do not handle this so far )
+ cat > $TMP_DIR/ <<EOF
+#!/usr/bin/perl -cw
+\$o = {
+ 'timezone' => {
+ 'ntp' => undef,
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',
+ 'UTC' => 1
+ },
+ 'default_packages' => [
+ 'urpmi',
+ 'basesystem',
+ 'man-pages',
+ 'info',
+ 'curl',
+ 'dhcp-client',
+ 'iputils',
+ 'autologin',
+ ],
+ 'users' => [
+ {
+ 'icon' => 'default',
+ 'realname' => 'Myrddin Wyllt',
+ 'uid' => undef,
+ 'groups' => ['dialout'],
+ 'name' => 'merlin',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'gid' => undef
+ }
+ ],
+ 'locale' => {
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'lang' => 'en_US',
+ 'langs' => {
+ 'en_US' => 1
+ },
+ 'utf8' => 1
+ },
+ 'net' => {
+ 'resolv' => {
+ 'DOMAINNAME' => 'test',
+ 'dnsServer' => '',
+ 'DOMAINNAME2' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer2' => undef,
+ 'DOMAINNAME3' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer3' => undef
+ },
+ 'network' => {
+ 'NETWORKING' => 'yes',
+ 'GATEWAY' => '',
+ 'FORWARD_IPV4' => 'false',
+ 'HOSTNAME' => '$NAME.test',
+ },
+ 'ethernet' => {},
+ 'ifcfg' => {
+ 'eth0' => {
+ 'BROADCAST' => '',
+ 'isUp' => 1,
+ 'BOOTPROTO' => 'dhcp',
+ 'isPtp' => '',
+ 'NETWORK' => '',
+ 'HWADDR' => undef,
+ 'DEVICE' => 'eth0',
+ 'METRIC' => 10
+ }
+ },
+ 'net_interface' => 'eth0',
+ 'type' => 'ethernet',
+ 'PROFILE' => 'default'
+ },
+ 'authentication' => {
+ 'shadow' => 1,
+ 'blowfish' => 1
+ },
+ 'partitions' => [
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'ext4',
+ 'mntpoint' => '/',
+ 'size' => 7700000
+ },
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'swap',
+ 'mntpoint' => 'swap',
+ 'size' => 256000
+ },
+ ],
+ 'partitioning' => {
+ 'auto_allocate' => 1,
+ 'clearall' => 1,
+ 'eraseBadPartitions' => 1
+ },
+ 'superuser' => {
+ 'password' => 'root',
+ 'realname' => 'root',
+ 'uid' => '0',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'home' => '/root',
+ 'gid' => '0'
+ },
+ 'security' => 1,
+ 'interactiveSteps' => [
+# 'doPartitionDisks',
+# 'formatPartitions'
+ ],
+ 'autoExitInstall' => 1,
+ 'keyboard' => {
+ 'GRP_TOGGLE' => '',
+ 'KEYBOARD' => 'us'
+ },
+ 'postInstall' => q(
+cat > /usr/local/bin/ <<SCRIPT
+echo "install_ok" >> /dev/ttyS0
+chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/
+cat > /etc/xdg/autostart/viviane_notify.desktop <<DESKTOP
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Viviane notification
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/autologin <<AUTO
+ ),
+ 'rpmsrate_flags_chosen' => {
+ },
+ 'compssListLevel' => 3,
+ 'firewall_ports' => undef,
+ 'keep_unrequested_dependencies' => 0,
+ };
+ # check the file, in case someone modify it
+ perl -cw $TMP_DIR/
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Incorrect file"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # needed to let qemu write here
+ touch $TMP_DIR/log
+ setfacl -m u:qemu:rw $TMP_DIR/log
+ # --os-type and --os-variant are likely needed to find the
+ # proper layout on the mirror, do not modify it
+ # required a patched version of virtinst
+ # ( )
+ # Also, the documentation about auto installation is wrong on mandriva
+ # wiki, since short form "net" is not the same as "netw"
+ virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
+ --network=network=default \
+ --initrd-inject=$TMP_DIR/ \
+ --extra-args="text kickstart=/ automatic=met:http,network:dhcp,ser:$SERVER,dir:$DIRECTORY/$ARCH,hostname:$NAME.test" \
+ --name=${NAME} \
+ --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/${NAME}.img,size=8 \
+ --ram 1024 \
+ --vcpus=1 \
+ --check-cpu \
+ --location=$TREE/$ARCH \
+ --serial=file,path=$TMP_DIR/log \
+ --hvm \
+ --accelerate \
+ --os-type=linux \
+ --os-variant=mandriva2010 \
+ --wait=30 \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ --quiet
+ # let the system do the first boot
+ sleep 120
+ if grep -q install_ok $TMP_DIR/log ; then
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy $NAME
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine $NAME
+ rm -Rf $TMP_DIR
+ else
+ # FIXME requires a recent version of libvirt for screenshot
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system screenshot $NAME /tmp/$NAME.png
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system suspend $NAME
+ # FIXME better message ( with url of the screenshot )
+ #echo "test of $NAME failed" | mail foo -s "automated install test report"
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME ( $TMP_DIR ) failed" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ cat $TMP_DIR/log >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ fi
+auto_install_test i586 task-kde4
+#for a in i586 x86_64; do
+# for p in task-kde4 task-gnome; do
+# auto_install_test $a $p
+# done
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment.bin b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment.bin
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c051e1866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment.bin
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# codename : viviane
+# Virtualized
+# Integrated
+# Verification of
+# Installer with
+# Automated
+# Networked
+# Eyeballs
+# adapted from
+function auto_install_test() {
+ ARCH=$1
+ NAME=viviane_${ARCH}_${PACKAGE}_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
+ TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/viviane_XXXXX)
+ chmod go+rx $TMP_DIR
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME started" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ # based on
+ # user that is created must be in dialout, to be able to send the message
+ # to the host on ttyS0 ( since consolekit do not handle this so far )
+ cat > $TMP_DIR/ <<EOF
+#!/usr/bin/perl -cw
+\$o = {
+ 'timezone' => {
+ 'ntp' => undef,
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',
+ 'UTC' => 1
+ },
+ 'default_packages' => [
+ 'urpmi',
+ 'basesystem',
+ 'man-pages',
+ 'info',
+ 'curl',
+ 'dhcp-client',
+ 'iputils',
+ 'autologin',
+ ],
+ 'users' => [
+ {
+ 'icon' => 'default',
+ 'realname' => 'Myrddin Wyllt',
+ 'uid' => undef,
+ 'groups' => ['dialout'],
+ 'name' => 'merlin',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'gid' => undef
+ }
+ ],
+ 'locale' => {
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'lang' => 'en_US',
+ 'langs' => {
+ 'en_US' => 1
+ },
+ 'utf8' => 1
+ },
+ 'net' => {
+ 'resolv' => {
+ 'DOMAINNAME' => 'test',
+ 'dnsServer' => '',
+ 'DOMAINNAME2' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer2' => undef,
+ 'DOMAINNAME3' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer3' => undef
+ },
+ 'network' => {
+ 'NETWORKING' => 'yes',
+ 'GATEWAY' => '',
+ 'FORWARD_IPV4' => 'false',
+ 'HOSTNAME' => '$NAME.test',
+ },
+ 'ethernet' => {},
+ 'ifcfg' => {
+ 'eth0' => {
+ 'BROADCAST' => '',
+ 'isUp' => 1,
+ 'BOOTPROTO' => 'dhcp',
+ 'isPtp' => '',
+ 'NETWORK' => '',
+ 'HWADDR' => undef,
+ 'DEVICE' => 'eth0',
+ 'METRIC' => 10
+ }
+ },
+ 'net_interface' => 'eth0',
+ 'type' => 'ethernet',
+ 'PROFILE' => 'default'
+ },
+ 'authentication' => {
+ 'shadow' => 1,
+ 'blowfish' => 1
+ },
+ 'partitions' => [
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'ext4',
+ 'mntpoint' => '/',
+ 'size' => 7700000
+ },
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'swap',
+ 'mntpoint' => 'swap',
+ 'size' => 256000
+ },
+ ],
+ 'partitioning' => {
+ 'auto_allocate' => 1,
+ 'clearall' => 1,
+ 'eraseBadPartitions' => 1
+ },
+ 'superuser' => {
+ 'password' => 'root',
+ 'realname' => 'root',
+ 'uid' => '0',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'home' => '/root',
+ 'gid' => '0'
+ },
+ 'security' => 1,
+ 'interactiveSteps' => [
+# 'doPartitionDisks',
+# 'formatPartitions'
+ ],
+ 'autoExitInstall' => 1,
+ 'keyboard' => {
+ 'GRP_TOGGLE' => '',
+ 'KEYBOARD' => 'us'
+ },
+ 'postInstall' => q(
+cat > /usr/local/bin/ <<SCRIPT
+echo "install_ok" >> /dev/ttyS0
+chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/
+cat > /etc/xdg/autostart/viviane_notify.desktop <<DESKTOP
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Viviane notification
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/autologin <<AUTO
+ ),
+ 'rpmsrate_flags_chosen' => {
+ },
+ 'compssListLevel' => 3,
+ 'firewall_ports' => undef,
+ 'keep_unrequested_dependencies' => 0,
+ };
+ # check the file, in case someone modify it
+ perl -cw $TMP_DIR/
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Incorrect file"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # needed to let qemu write here
+ touch $TMP_DIR/log
+ setfacl -m u:qemu:rw $TMP_DIR/log
+ # --os-type and --os-variant are likely needed to find the
+ # proper layout on the mirror, do not modify it
+ # required a patched version of virtinst
+ # ( )
+ # Also, the documentation about auto installation is wrong on mandriva
+ # wiki, since short form "net" is not the same as "netw"
+ virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
+ --network=network=default \
+ --initrd-inject=$TMP_DIR/ \
+ --extra-args="text kickstart=/ automatic=met:http,network:dhcp,ser:$SERVER,dir:$DIRECTORY/$ARCH,hostname:$NAME.test" \
+ --name=${NAME} \
+ --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/${NAME}.img,size=8 \
+ --ram 1024 \
+ --vcpus=1 \
+ --check-cpu \
+ --location=$TREE/$ARCH \
+ --serial=file,path=$TMP_DIR/log \
+ --hvm \
+ --accelerate \
+ --os-type=linux \
+ --os-variant=mandriva2010 \
+ --wait=30 \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ --quiet
+ # let the system do the first boot
+ sleep 120
+ if grep -q install_ok $TMP_DIR/log ; then
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy $NAME
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine $NAME
+ rm -Rf $TMP_DIR
+ else
+ # FIXME requires a recent version of libvirt for screenshot
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system screenshot $NAME /tmp/$NAME.png
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system suspend $NAME
+ # FIXME better message ( with url of the screenshot )
+ #echo "test of $NAME failed" | mail foo -s "automated install test report"
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME ( $TMP_DIR ) failed" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ cat $TMP_DIR/log >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ fi
+auto_install_test i586 task-kde4
+#for a in i586 x86_64; do
+# for p in task-kde4 task-gnome; do
+# auto_install_test $a $p
+# done