path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825')
18 files changed, 700 insertions, 0 deletions
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diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/53c08991/attachment-0001.asc b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/53c08991/attachment-0001.asc
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+# codename : viviane
+# Virtualized
+# Integrated
+# Verification of
+# Installer with
+# Automated
+# Networked
+# Eyeballs
+# adapted from
+function auto_install_test() {
+ ARCH=$1
+ NAME=viviane_${ARCH}_${PACKAGE}_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
+ TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/viviane_XXXXX)
+ chmod go+rx $TMP_DIR
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME started" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ # based on
+ # user that is created must be in dialout, to be able to send the message
+ # to the host on ttyS0 ( since consolekit do not handle this so far )
+ cat > $TMP_DIR/ <<EOF
+#!/usr/bin/perl -cw
+\$o = {
+ 'timezone' => {
+ 'ntp' => undef,
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',
+ 'UTC' => 1
+ },
+ 'default_packages' => [
+ 'urpmi',
+ 'basesystem',
+ 'man-pages',
+ 'info',
+ 'curl',
+ 'dhcp-client',
+ 'iputils',
+ 'autologin',
+ ],
+ 'users' => [
+ {
+ 'icon' => 'default',
+ 'realname' => 'Myrddin Wyllt',
+ 'uid' => undef,
+ 'groups' => ['dialout'],
+ 'name' => 'merlin',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'gid' => undef
+ }
+ ],
+ 'locale' => {
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'lang' => 'en_US',
+ 'langs' => {
+ 'en_US' => 1
+ },
+ 'utf8' => 1
+ },
+ 'net' => {
+ 'resolv' => {
+ 'DOMAINNAME' => 'test',
+ 'dnsServer' => '',
+ 'DOMAINNAME2' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer2' => undef,
+ 'DOMAINNAME3' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer3' => undef
+ },
+ 'network' => {
+ 'NETWORKING' => 'yes',
+ 'GATEWAY' => '',
+ 'FORWARD_IPV4' => 'false',
+ 'HOSTNAME' => '$NAME.test',
+ },
+ 'ethernet' => {},
+ 'ifcfg' => {
+ 'eth0' => {
+ 'BROADCAST' => '',
+ 'isUp' => 1,
+ 'BOOTPROTO' => 'dhcp',
+ 'isPtp' => '',
+ 'NETWORK' => '',
+ 'HWADDR' => undef,
+ 'DEVICE' => 'eth0',
+ 'METRIC' => 10
+ }
+ },
+ 'net_interface' => 'eth0',
+ 'type' => 'ethernet',
+ 'PROFILE' => 'default'
+ },
+ 'authentication' => {
+ 'shadow' => 1,
+ 'blowfish' => 1
+ },
+ 'partitions' => [
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'ext4',
+ 'mntpoint' => '/',
+ 'size' => 7700000
+ },
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'swap',
+ 'mntpoint' => 'swap',
+ 'size' => 256000
+ },
+ ],
+ 'partitioning' => {
+ 'auto_allocate' => 1,
+ 'clearall' => 1,
+ 'eraseBadPartitions' => 1
+ },
+ 'superuser' => {
+ 'password' => 'root',
+ 'realname' => 'root',
+ 'uid' => '0',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'home' => '/root',
+ 'gid' => '0'
+ },
+ 'security' => 1,
+ 'interactiveSteps' => [
+# 'doPartitionDisks',
+# 'formatPartitions'
+ ],
+ 'autoExitInstall' => 1,
+ 'keyboard' => {
+ 'GRP_TOGGLE' => '',
+ 'KEYBOARD' => 'us'
+ },
+ 'postInstall' => q(
+cat > /usr/local/bin/ <<SCRIPT
+echo "install_ok" >> /dev/ttyS0
+chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/
+cat > /etc/xdg/autostart/viviane_notify.desktop <<DESKTOP
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Viviane notification
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/autologin <<AUTO
+ ),
+ 'rpmsrate_flags_chosen' => {
+ },
+ 'compssListLevel' => 3,
+ 'firewall_ports' => undef,
+ 'keep_unrequested_dependencies' => 0,
+ };
+ # check the file, in case someone modify it
+ perl -cw $TMP_DIR/
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Incorrect file"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # needed to let qemu write here
+ touch $TMP_DIR/log
+ setfacl -m u:qemu:rw $TMP_DIR/log
+ # --os-type and --os-variant are likely needed to find the
+ # proper layout on the mirror, do not modify it
+ # required a patched version of virtinst
+ # ( )
+ # Also, the documentation about auto installation is wrong on mandriva
+ # wiki, since short form "net" is not the same as "netw"
+ virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
+ --network=network=default \
+ --initrd-inject=$TMP_DIR/ \
+ --extra-args="text kickstart=/ automatic=met:http,network:dhcp,ser:$SERVER,dir:$DIRECTORY/$ARCH,hostname:$NAME.test" \
+ --name=${NAME} \
+ --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/${NAME}.img,size=8 \
+ --ram 1024 \
+ --vcpus=1 \
+ --check-cpu \
+ --location=$TREE/$ARCH \
+ --serial=file,path=$TMP_DIR/log \
+ --hvm \
+ --accelerate \
+ --os-type=linux \
+ --os-variant=mandriva2010 \
+ --wait=30 \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ --quiet
+ # let the system do the first boot
+ sleep 120
+ if grep -q install_ok $TMP_DIR/log ; then
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy $NAME
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine $NAME
+ rm -Rf $TMP_DIR
+ else
+ # FIXME requires a recent version of libvirt for screenshot
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system screenshot $NAME /tmp/$NAME.png
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system suspend $NAME
+ # FIXME better message ( with url of the screenshot )
+ #echo "test of $NAME failed" | mail foo -s "automated install test report"
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME ( $TMP_DIR ) failed" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ cat $TMP_DIR/log >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ fi
+auto_install_test i586 task-kde4
+#for a in i586 x86_64; do
+# for p in task-kde4 task-gnome; do
+# auto_install_test $a $p
+# done
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment.bin b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment.bin
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c051e1866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/7f2c0b35/attachment.bin
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# codename : viviane
+# Virtualized
+# Integrated
+# Verification of
+# Installer with
+# Automated
+# Networked
+# Eyeballs
+# adapted from
+function auto_install_test() {
+ ARCH=$1
+ NAME=viviane_${ARCH}_${PACKAGE}_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
+ TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/viviane_XXXXX)
+ chmod go+rx $TMP_DIR
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME started" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ # based on
+ # user that is created must be in dialout, to be able to send the message
+ # to the host on ttyS0 ( since consolekit do not handle this so far )
+ cat > $TMP_DIR/ <<EOF
+#!/usr/bin/perl -cw
+\$o = {
+ 'timezone' => {
+ 'ntp' => undef,
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',
+ 'UTC' => 1
+ },
+ 'default_packages' => [
+ 'urpmi',
+ 'basesystem',
+ 'man-pages',
+ 'info',
+ 'curl',
+ 'dhcp-client',
+ 'iputils',
+ 'autologin',
+ ],
+ 'users' => [
+ {
+ 'icon' => 'default',
+ 'realname' => 'Myrddin Wyllt',
+ 'uid' => undef,
+ 'groups' => ['dialout'],
+ 'name' => 'merlin',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'gid' => undef
+ }
+ ],
+ 'locale' => {
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'lang' => 'en_US',
+ 'langs' => {
+ 'en_US' => 1
+ },
+ 'utf8' => 1
+ },
+ 'net' => {
+ 'resolv' => {
+ 'DOMAINNAME' => 'test',
+ 'dnsServer' => '',
+ 'DOMAINNAME2' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer2' => undef,
+ 'DOMAINNAME3' => undef,
+ 'dnsServer3' => undef
+ },
+ 'network' => {
+ 'NETWORKING' => 'yes',
+ 'GATEWAY' => '',
+ 'FORWARD_IPV4' => 'false',
+ 'HOSTNAME' => '$NAME.test',
+ },
+ 'ethernet' => {},
+ 'ifcfg' => {
+ 'eth0' => {
+ 'BROADCAST' => '',
+ 'isUp' => 1,
+ 'BOOTPROTO' => 'dhcp',
+ 'isPtp' => '',
+ 'NETWORK' => '',
+ 'HWADDR' => undef,
+ 'DEVICE' => 'eth0',
+ 'METRIC' => 10
+ }
+ },
+ 'net_interface' => 'eth0',
+ 'type' => 'ethernet',
+ 'PROFILE' => 'default'
+ },
+ 'authentication' => {
+ 'shadow' => 1,
+ 'blowfish' => 1
+ },
+ 'partitions' => [
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'ext4',
+ 'mntpoint' => '/',
+ 'size' => 7700000
+ },
+ {
+ 'fs_type' => 'swap',
+ 'mntpoint' => 'swap',
+ 'size' => 256000
+ },
+ ],
+ 'partitioning' => {
+ 'auto_allocate' => 1,
+ 'clearall' => 1,
+ 'eraseBadPartitions' => 1
+ },
+ 'superuser' => {
+ 'password' => 'root',
+ 'realname' => 'root',
+ 'uid' => '0',
+ 'shell' => '/bin/bash',
+ 'home' => '/root',
+ 'gid' => '0'
+ },
+ 'security' => 1,
+ 'interactiveSteps' => [
+# 'doPartitionDisks',
+# 'formatPartitions'
+ ],
+ 'autoExitInstall' => 1,
+ 'keyboard' => {
+ 'GRP_TOGGLE' => '',
+ 'KEYBOARD' => 'us'
+ },
+ 'postInstall' => q(
+cat > /usr/local/bin/ <<SCRIPT
+echo "install_ok" >> /dev/ttyS0
+chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/
+cat > /etc/xdg/autostart/viviane_notify.desktop <<DESKTOP
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Viviane notification
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/autologin <<AUTO
+ ),
+ 'rpmsrate_flags_chosen' => {
+ },
+ 'compssListLevel' => 3,
+ 'firewall_ports' => undef,
+ 'keep_unrequested_dependencies' => 0,
+ };
+ # check the file, in case someone modify it
+ perl -cw $TMP_DIR/
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Incorrect file"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # needed to let qemu write here
+ touch $TMP_DIR/log
+ setfacl -m u:qemu:rw $TMP_DIR/log
+ # --os-type and --os-variant are likely needed to find the
+ # proper layout on the mirror, do not modify it
+ # required a patched version of virtinst
+ # ( )
+ # Also, the documentation about auto installation is wrong on mandriva
+ # wiki, since short form "net" is not the same as "netw"
+ virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
+ --network=network=default \
+ --initrd-inject=$TMP_DIR/ \
+ --extra-args="text kickstart=/ automatic=met:http,network:dhcp,ser:$SERVER,dir:$DIRECTORY/$ARCH,hostname:$NAME.test" \
+ --name=${NAME} \
+ --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/${NAME}.img,size=8 \
+ --ram 1024 \
+ --vcpus=1 \
+ --check-cpu \
+ --location=$TREE/$ARCH \
+ --serial=file,path=$TMP_DIR/log \
+ --hvm \
+ --accelerate \
+ --os-type=linux \
+ --os-variant=mandriva2010 \
+ --wait=30 \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ --quiet
+ # let the system do the first boot
+ sleep 120
+ if grep -q install_ok $TMP_DIR/log ; then
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy $NAME
+ virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine $NAME
+ rm -Rf $TMP_DIR
+ else
+ # FIXME requires a recent version of libvirt for screenshot
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system screenshot $NAME /tmp/$NAME.png
+ # virsh --connect qemu:///system suspend $NAME
+ # FIXME better message ( with url of the screenshot )
+ #echo "test of $NAME failed" | mail foo -s "automated install test report"
+ date >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ echo "test of $NAME ( $TMP_DIR ) failed" >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ cat $TMP_DIR/log >> /tmp/viviane.log
+ fi
+auto_install_test i586 task-kde4
+#for a in i586 x86_64; do
+# for p in task-kde4 task-gnome; do
+# auto_install_test $a $p
+# done
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9eb9ffb2/attachment-0001.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9eb9ffb2/attachment-0001.html
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+<div class="gmail_quote">On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 17:49, Michael Scherer <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
+I finished a quick script that I wrote during my spare time on Wednesday<br>
+to do a automated test installation in a vm, using libvirt, virtinst,<br>
+and drakx auto-installation feature.<br>
+As I like catchy names, the project is called Viviane, for<br>
+Virtualized Integrated Verification of Installer with Automated<br>
+Networked Eyeballs. Why did I chose that name is buried deep in the<br>
+script, kudos to who find it ( and there goes the trick to make people<br>
+read my code ).<br></blockquote><div><br>After all this suspense you did, I read the entire code at least 5 times, but I am still clueless. <br><br>Although, it was a nice choice for the name, that&#39;s for sure :).<br>
+<br></div></div>-- <br>Eugeni Dodonov<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9eb9ffb2/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9eb9ffb2/attachment.html
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+<div class="gmail_quote">On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 17:49, Michael Scherer <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
+I finished a quick script that I wrote during my spare time on Wednesday<br>
+to do a automated test installation in a vm, using libvirt, virtinst,<br>
+and drakx auto-installation feature.<br>
+As I like catchy names, the project is called Viviane, for<br>
+Virtualized Integrated Verification of Installer with Automated<br>
+Networked Eyeballs. Why did I chose that name is buried deep in the<br>
+script, kudos to who find it ( and there goes the trick to make people<br>
+read my code ).<br></blockquote><div><br>After all this suspense you did, I read the entire code at least 5 times, but I am still clueless. <br><br>Although, it was a nice choice for the name, that&#39;s for sure :).<br>
+<br></div></div>-- <br>Eugeni Dodonov<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9ee67aab/attachment-0001.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9ee67aab/attachment-0001.html
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+<div class="gmail_quote">On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 18:48, Stew Benedict <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
+<div><div></div>While I don&#39;t disagree with the theory, it&#39;s not workable with the current state, as I don&#39;t have enough free cycles to think about actually updating any packages an/or doing the testing. One has to keep in mind that in the past life this was nearly a full time job for 2 people to identify, fix build, test, release updates for the supported releases. The people that have inquired about helping with security issues quickly go away when they find out how inglorious(sic) it is.<br>
+</div></blockquote><div><br>+100 to this. As former member of Mandriva Security team as well, I sign up under all of your words.<br><br></div></div>-- <br>Eugeni Dodonov<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9ee67aab/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/9ee67aab/attachment.html
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+<div class="gmail_quote">On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 18:48, Stew Benedict <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
+<div><div></div>While I don&#39;t disagree with the theory, it&#39;s not workable with the current state, as I don&#39;t have enough free cycles to think about actually updating any packages an/or doing the testing. One has to keep in mind that in the past life this was nearly a full time job for 2 people to identify, fix build, test, release updates for the supported releases. The people that have inquired about helping with security issues quickly go away when they find out how inglorious(sic) it is.<br>
+</div></blockquote><div><br>+100 to this. As former member of Mandriva Security team as well, I sign up under all of your words.<br><br></div></div>-- <br>Eugeni Dodonov<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/abd400ee/attachment-0001.asc b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/abd400ee/attachment-0001.asc
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+Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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+Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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+Le 25 août 2011 20:43, &quot;Maarten Vanraes&quot; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; a écrit :<br>
+&gt; Op donderdag 25 augustus 2011 02:50:20 schreef Samuel Verschelde:<br>
+&gt; &gt; Best regards<br>
+&gt; &gt;<br>
+&gt; &gt; Samuel Verschelde<br>
+&gt; that is a very nice summary, it seems the updates are being handled better<br>
+&gt; than i thought (except for security fixes; perhaps there is miscommunication<br>
+&gt; between secteam and qa-team?)</p>
+<p>It means we need some more packagers. What about finalizing your training?<br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/ad2ee3d5/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/ad2ee3d5/attachment.html
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+Le 25 août 2011 20:43, &quot;Maarten Vanraes&quot; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; a écrit :<br>
+&gt; Op donderdag 25 augustus 2011 02:50:20 schreef Samuel Verschelde:<br>
+&gt; &gt; Best regards<br>
+&gt; &gt;<br>
+&gt; &gt; Samuel Verschelde<br>
+&gt; that is a very nice summary, it seems the updates are being handled better<br>
+&gt; than i thought (except for security fixes; perhaps there is miscommunication<br>
+&gt; between secteam and qa-team?)</p>
+<p>It means we need some more packagers. What about finalizing your training?<br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/fe3cb21c/attachment-0001.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/fe3cb21c/attachment-0001.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78417d04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/fe3cb21c/attachment-0001.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Are we affected by this bugs ?<div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, sans-serif"><a href=""></a><br clear="all"></font></div><div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, sans-serif"><a href=""></a></font></div>
+<div><br></div>-- <br>Cheers</div><div>Stblack<br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/fe3cb21c/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/fe3cb21c/attachment.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78417d04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110825/fe3cb21c/attachment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Are we affected by this bugs ?<div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, sans-serif"><a href=""></a><br clear="all"></font></div><div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, sans-serif"><a href=""></a></font></div>
+<div><br></div>-- <br>Cheers</div><div>Stblack<br>