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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] free software purity question</H1>
+ <B>Frank Griffin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] free software purity question">ftg at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Thu Jul 19 18:38:24 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On 07/19/2012 11:48 AM, Johnny A. Solbu wrote:
+&gt;<i> I am not talking about the hardware. If I want to change the hardware
+</I>&gt;<i> I have to make something myself, or more realistically, replace it.
+&gt;<i> That's where the difference of opinion is. I have the same opinion on
+</I>&gt;<i> this as Stallman and FSF have.
+Well, three cheers for you, but I was discussing the issue on its own
+merits, and not Stallman's or FSF's agenda.
+The difference of opinion is simply whether &quot;hardware&quot; or &quot;software&quot; has
+anything to do with the issue any more. My point is that I could make a
+perfectly good argument for the position that if it can be programmed, I
+want to be able to program it, and if I can't, then it's not free and open.
+That was pretty much the original thrust of the Free Software movement,
+except that back then the only things that were viewed as &quot;programmable&quot;
+were computer systems. That has changed drastically, and it no longer
+makes any sense to draw arbitrary distinctions between hardware and
+software, especially if the basis of the distinction is how far &quot;into
+your face&quot; the existence of closed software gets.
+If you use a computer of any sort, you are at some point and at some
+level using closed proprietary software whether you like it or not.
+That's always been true, just not as obvious as it is today. And that's
+why drawing an arbitrary line in the sand and trying to view the issue
+as black and white doesn't make sense. It is, and always has been,
+shades of grey.
+In our case, the particular greyscale balances finer feelings about free
+software against the desire to be able to accomplish certain goals,
+whether the goal is to get 3D video, be able to use
+commercially-produced hard disks, or even just use a computer to do
+*anything* at all. At some point, we all cave and walk away from the
+BTW, my last post was directed at the thread in general, not you
+specifically. Please don't think that I was singling out &quot;your&quot;
+particular line in the sand. My point is that *any* line in the sand is
+equally meaningless. And, as should be obvious at this point, I wasn't
+&quot;confusing&quot; hardware and software, I was deliberately erasing the
+distinction between them.
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