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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request : amarok</H1>
+ <B>Thibaut FRANCOIS</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request : amarok">thibautf at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 00:44:51 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>2011/5/10 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;
+&gt;<i> Le Monday 09 May 2011 17:35:39, Thibaut FRANCOIS a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Hello,
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; I did an update from mandriva 2010.2 to mageia (about two weeks ago).
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Today after my update I had this error about amarok :
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; L'installation a &#233;chou&#233; : le fichier
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; /usr/lib64/ de l'installation de
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; amarok-3:2.4.1-0.mga1.x86_64 entre en conflit avec le fichier du
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; paquetage lib64ampache_account-3:2.4.0-1mdv2010.2.x86_64
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; It seems an old mandriva package led to that error.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> You were probably not up to date on MIB mirrors because i pushed a package
+</I>&gt;<i> to
+</I>&gt;<i> fix it on my KDE 4.5.5 mirror some weeks ago:
+</I>&gt;<i> I initially put this package in his own library but cooker did not follow
+</I>&gt;<i> this
+</I>&gt;<i> &amp; since mageia started from cooker package ...
+</I>&gt;<i> Regards,
+thanks for these informations.
+Now I will drop this package and start a new update
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader</H1>
+ <B>Ahmad Samir</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader">ahmadsamir3891 at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 01:37:59 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Please submit perl-PatchReader, it's mostly bug fixes:
+0.9.6 4/11/2011
+ Add tests to instantiate all modules and verify parsing of patches
+ Fix POD syntax
+ Fix corruption due to patched lines having a + or - as the first character
+ Fix FixPatchRoot w/DOS eol patches (RT bug #35362, regression from v0.9.3)
+ Attic file support for FixPatchRoot (RT bug #40467)
+ Multiple file patch support (RT bug #47625)
+This should close <A HREF=""></A>
+(a request from one of the bugzilla upstream devs for the update as
+this package hasn't had a new version from upstream in ~ 7 years; it
+should fix some stuff for Bugzilla).
+Ahmad Samir
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader</H1>
+ <B>nicolas vigier</B>
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+ <I>Wed May 11 02:01:58 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Wed, 11 May 2011, Ahmad Samir wrote:
+&gt;<i> Please submit perl-PatchReader, it's mostly bug fixes:
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 05:02:55 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>How can i do to add the new package kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1 since its in freeze now?
+I have tried running 'mgarepo putsrpm' to add it to svn but fails:
+SRPMS]$ mgarepo putsrpm kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1.src.rpm
+Importing package to svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>
+error: svn: URL 'svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>'
+doesn't exist
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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2">mmodem00 at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 05:36:56 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Could aspell-pt-0.60.0-2 existant in mandriva be pushed into mageia?
+Mageia current version is aspell-pt-0.50.2-12.mga1
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 05:57:07 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>In mandriva sincepatent expiration in freetype, fonts display wasnt
+smoth anymore and appeared ugly fonts, this used to exist just in
+But since theres no patents issues pending, why not old rendering
+algorithms by default (disable bytecode interpreter), that way fonts
+will have a better rendering and look.
+This is most true for guys that are used to use small fonts, for
+example im used to use Sans size 8, like its now in mageia, they dont
+look very good and also appear smaller that if using bytecode
+interpreter disabled, so to be able to have a good rendering font
+look, i always repackage freetype2.
+Why not Mageia start using also bytecode interpreter disabled by default?
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?</H1>
+ <B>Liam R E Quin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?">liam at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 06:23:07 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 04:57 +0100, Z&#233; wrote:
+&gt;<i> In mandriva sincepatent expiration in freetype, fonts display wasnt
+</I>&gt;<i> smoth anymore and appeared ugly fonts, this used to exist just in
+</I>&gt;<i> plf..
+Note that whether fonts are &quot;ugly&quot; is very subjective, and also varies
+depending on one's eyes.
+For example, people who wear glasses will often prefer their text *not*
+to be antialiased, especially when the screen resolution is under 150
+dpi and the viewing distance is under 18 inches / 0.5 metres) or so.
+&gt;<i> But since theres no patents issues pending, why not old rendering
+</I>&gt;<i> algorithms by default (disable bytecode interpreter), that way fonts
+</I>&gt;<i> will have a better rendering and look.
+</I>For some fonts and for many (most?) people, this will look worse.
+</I>&gt;<i> This is most true for guys that are used to use small fonts, for
+</I>&gt;<i> example im used to use Sans size 8
+I can't even see size 8 on my laptop without a magnifying glass. Not
+because of my vision, but because 8pt text gives letterforms that for
+lower case x-height is typically 1.4mm -and 8px gives me 0.7mm high
+You can turn off the bytecode interpreter, e.g. using gnome in
+preferences/appearance under fonts/details, or in fonts.conf, but you
+can't turn it back on if it was disabled at compilation time.
+You can also turn off antialiasing and sub-pixel positioning.
+Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, <A HREF=""></A>
+Pictures from old books: <A HREF=""></A>
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?</H1>
+ <B>Ahmad Samir</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?">ahmadsamir3891 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 06:32:08 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 11 May 2011 05:57, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> In mandriva sincepatent expiration in freetype, fonts display wasnt
+</I>&gt;<i> smoth anymore and appeared ugly fonts, this used to exist just in
+</I>&gt;<i> plf..
+</I>&gt;<i> But since theres no patents issues pending, why not old rendering
+</I>&gt;<i> algorithms by default (disable bytecode interpreter),
+Because upstream enables them by default, and they do know more about
+their own code.
+&gt;<i> that way fonts
+</I>&gt;<i> will have a better rendering and look.
+Different people, different eyes, different preferences. What looks
+good to you doesn't necessarily look good for the rest of the
+population :)
+&gt;<i> This is most true for guys that are used to use small fonts, for
+</I>&gt;<i> example im used to use Sans size 8, like its now in mageia, they dont
+</I>&gt;<i> look very good and also appear smaller that if using bytecode
+</I>&gt;<i> interpreter disabled, so to be able to have a good rendering font
+</I>&gt;<i> look, i always repackage freetype2.
+Same as above, I think. And since you can spin your own packages so
+it's not a problem for you...
+&gt;<i> Why not Mageia start using also bytecode interpreter disabled by default?
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Z&#233;
+Ahmad Samir
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?</H1>
+ <B>Dimitrios Glentadakis</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?">dglent at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 06:58:54 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>&#931;&#964;&#953;&#962; &#932;&#949;&#964;&#940;&#961;&#964;&#951; 11 &#924;&#940;&#953;&#959;&#962; 2011 05:57:07 Z&#233; &#947;&#961;&#940;&#968;&#945;&#964;&#949;:
+&gt;<i> In mandriva sincepatent expiration in freetype, fonts display wasnt
+</I>&gt;<i> smoth anymore and appeared ugly fonts, this used to exist just in
+</I>&gt;<i> plf..
+</I>&gt;<i> But since theres no patents issues pending, why not old rendering
+</I>&gt;<i> algorithms by default (disable bytecode interpreter), that way fonts
+</I>&gt;<i> will have a better rendering and look.
+</I>&gt;<i> This is most true for guys that are used to use small fonts, for
+</I>&gt;<i> example im used to use Sans size 8, like its now in mageia, they dont
+</I>&gt;<i> look very good and also appear smaller that if using bytecode
+</I>&gt;<i> interpreter disabled, so to be able to have a good rendering font
+</I>&gt;<i> look, i always repackage freetype2.
+</I>&gt;<i> Why not Mageia start using also bytecode interpreter disabled by default?
+I reported a wish here:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Dimitrios Glentadakis
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Franklin Weng</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?">franklin at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 07:10:13 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Hi list,
+Right now I'm customizing my own menu (without menu editor). &#160;I'm
+implementing our own menu structure, so I followed XDG menu specs to
+create our own menu.
+However, I found that the menu layout attributes, like &quot;show_empty&quot;,
+&quot;inline&quot;, ... etc., seemed to be ignored.
+AFAIK, the XDG menu spec implementation should be done by distribution
+vendors. &#160;If yes, would anyone please tell me if Mageia (or even
+Mandriva) fully follows the XDG menu spec? Or, what should I do to
+make the show_empty, inline work?
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Cazzaniga Sandro</B>
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+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">cazzaniga.sandro at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 07:23:44 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Le 11/05/2011 05:02, Z&#233; a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> How can i do to add the new package kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1 since its in freeze now?
+</I>&gt;<i> I have tried running 'mgarepo putsrpm' to add it to svn but fails:
+</I>&gt;<i> SRPMS]$ mgarepo putsrpm kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1.src.rpm
+</I>&gt;<i> Importing package to svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> error: svn: URL 'svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>'
+</I>&gt;<i> doesn't exist
+</I>You can ask for a mgarepo import + mgarepo submit, I think.
+Sandro Cazzaniga - <A HREF=""></A>
+IRC: Kharec (
+Software/Hardware geek
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Cazzaniga Sandro</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?">cazzaniga.sandro at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 07:24:36 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Le 11/05/2011 07:10, Franklin Weng a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> Hi list,
+</I>&gt;<i> Right now I'm customizing my own menu (without menu editor). I'm
+</I>&gt;<i> implementing our own menu structure, so I followed XDG menu specs to
+</I>&gt;<i> create our own menu.
+</I>&gt;<i> However, I found that the menu layout attributes, like &quot;show_empty&quot;,
+</I>&gt;<i> &quot;inline&quot;, ... etc., seemed to be ignored.
+</I>&gt;<i> AFAIK, the XDG menu spec implementation should be done by distribution
+</I>&gt;<i> vendors. If yes, would anyone please tell me if Mageia (or even
+</I>&gt;<i> Mandriva) fully follows the XDG menu spec? Or, what should I do to
+</I>&gt;<i> make the show_empty, inline work?
+</I>&gt;<i> Thanks,
+</I>&gt;<i> Franklin
+</I>Mageia IS NOT Mandriva. It's important to precise it, i think.
+Sandro Cazzaniga - <A HREF=""></A>
+IRC: Kharec (
+Software/Hardware geek
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+Mageia and Mandriva contributor
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Franklin Weng</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?">franklin at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 07:26:44 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Oh, I know. I asked this here because I tried this on Mageia 1 beta2.
+2011/5/11 Cazzaniga Sandro &lt;<A HREF="">cazzaniga.sandro at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> Le 11/05/2011 07:10, Franklin Weng a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Hi list,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Right now I'm customizing my own menu (without menu editor). &#160;I'm
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> implementing our own menu structure, so I followed XDG menu specs to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> create our own menu.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> However, I found that the menu layout attributes, like &quot;show_empty&quot;,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &quot;inline&quot;, ... etc., seemed to be ignored.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> AFAIK, the XDG menu spec implementation should be done by distribution
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> vendors. &#160;If yes, would anyone please tell me if Mageia (or even
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Mandriva) fully follows the XDG menu spec? &#160;Or, what should I do to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> make the show_empty, inline work?
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Thanks,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Franklin
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia IS NOT Mandriva. It's important to precise it, i think.
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Sandro Cazzaniga - <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> IRC: Kharec (
+</I>&gt;<i> Software/Hardware geek
+</I>&gt;<i> Conceptor
+</I>&gt;<i> Magnum's Coordinator/editor (<A HREF=""></A>)
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia and Mandriva contributor
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Cazzaniga Sandro</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?">cazzaniga.sandro at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 07:28:28 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Le 11/05/2011 07:26, Franklin Weng a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> Oh, I know. I asked this here because I tried this on Mageia 1 beta2.
+</I>I told that because of your topic: &quot;Does Mageia (Mandriva)&quot;
+Sandro Cazzaniga - <A HREF=""></A>
+IRC: Kharec (
+Software/Hardware geek
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )</H1>
+ <B>Michael scherer</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )">misc at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 07:28:48 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 11:36:28PM +0200, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
+&gt;<i> On 9 May 2011 22:48, &lt;<A HREF="">root at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Revision 1266 Author misc Date 2011-05-09 22:48:31 +0200 (Mon, 09 May 2011)
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Log Message
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn't notice this one, but
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; pterjan checker did )
+</I>&gt;<i> you lie:
+Or maybe I misued perl_checker :/
+How do you check, just perl_checker file ?
+Michael Scherer
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Franklin Weng</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?">franklin at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 07:30:08 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Sorry. I should put the topic as &quot;Mageia (or Mandriva)&quot;. I fixed the subject.
+Would anyone please give me some hint about my question?
+2011/5/11 Cazzaniga Sandro &lt;<A HREF="">cazzaniga.sandro at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> Le 11/05/2011 07:26, Franklin Weng a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Oh, I know. &#160;I asked this here because I tried this on Mageia 1 beta2.
+</I>&gt;<i> I told that because of your topic: &quot;Does Mageia (Mandriva)&quot;
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Sandro Cazzaniga - <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> IRC: Kharec (
+</I>&gt;<i> Software/Hardware geek
+</I>&gt;<i> Conceptor
+</I>&gt;<i> Magnum's Coordinator/editor (<A HREF=""></A>)
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia and Mandriva contributor
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2</H1>
+ <B>Michael scherer</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2">misc at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 07:31:05 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 04:36:56AM +0100, Z&#233; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Could aspell-pt-0.60.0-2 existant in mandriva be pushed into mageia?
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia current version is aspell-pt-0.50.2-12.mga1
+We are in version freeze, so the version update should be motivated.
+Without good reason, it will not be pushed, and you didn't give one.
+Michael Scherer
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Pascal Terjan</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?">pterjan at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 09:46:59 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 06:10, Franklin Weng &lt;<A HREF="">franklin at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Hi list,
+</I>&gt;<i> Right now I'm customizing my own menu (without menu editor). &#160;I'm
+</I>&gt;<i> implementing our own menu structure, so I followed XDG menu specs to
+</I>&gt;<i> create our own menu.
+</I>&gt;<i> However, I found that the menu layout attributes, like &quot;show_empty&quot;,
+</I>&gt;<i> &quot;inline&quot;, ... etc., seemed to be ignored.
+</I>&gt;<i> AFAIK, the XDG menu spec implementation should be done by distribution
+</I>&gt;<i> vendors. &#160;If yes, would anyone please tell me if Mageia (or even
+</I>&gt;<i> Mandriva) fully follows the XDG menu spec? &#160;Or, what should I do to
+</I>&gt;<i> make the show_empty, inline work?
+On which environment did you test? GNOME? KDE?
+The specification is followed by the desktop environment as far as I
+know, but the distro defines some rules (using the menu spec)
+inline works and is used in /etc/xdg/menus/
+ &lt;Name&gt;Applications&lt;/Name&gt;
+ &lt;Layout&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Internet&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Office&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Graphics&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;SoundVideo&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Tools&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Development&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Games&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Education&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Sciences&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Documentation&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;menus&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;files&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;Separator/&gt;
+ &lt;Filename&gt;rpmdrake.desktop&lt;/Filename&gt;
+ &lt;/Layout&gt;
+ &lt;DefaultLayout inline=&quot;true&quot; inline_limit=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;files&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname&gt;More&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;menus&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;/DefaultLayout&gt;
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?</H1>
+ <B>Franklin Weng</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?">franklin at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 10:02:56 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Thanks for your reply.
+Please see below.
+2011/5/11 Pascal Terjan &lt;<A HREF="">pterjan at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 06:10, Franklin Weng &lt;<A HREF="">franklin at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Hi list,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Right now I'm customizing my own menu (without menu editor). &#160;I'm
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> implementing our own menu structure, so I followed XDG menu specs to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> create our own menu.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> However, I found that the menu layout attributes, like &quot;show_empty&quot;,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &quot;inline&quot;, ... etc., seemed to be ignored.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> AFAIK, the XDG menu spec implementation should be done by distribution
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> vendors. &#160;If yes, would anyone please tell me if Mageia (or even
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Mandriva) fully follows the XDG menu spec? &#160;Or, what should I do to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> make the show_empty, inline work?
+</I>&gt;<i> On which environment did you test? GNOME? KDE?
+&gt;<i> The specification is followed by the desktop environment as far as I
+</I>&gt;<i> know, but the distro defines some rules (using the menu spec)
+</I>&gt;<i> inline works and is used in /etc/xdg/menus/
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160;&lt;Name&gt;Applications&lt;/Name&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160;&lt;Layout&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Internet&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Office&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Graphics&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;SoundVideo&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Tools&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Development&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Games&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Education&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Sciences&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot;&gt;Documentation&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Merge type=&quot;menus&quot;/&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Merge type=&quot;files&quot;/&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Separator/&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Filename&gt;rpmdrake.desktop&lt;/Filename&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160;&lt;/Layout&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160;&lt;DefaultLayout inline=&quot;true&quot; inline_limit=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Merge type=&quot;files&quot;/&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Menuname&gt;More&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160; &#160;&lt;Merge type=&quot;menus&quot;/&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160;&lt;/DefaultLayout&gt;
+My rules are like this:
+ &lt;Name&gt;Applications&lt;/Name&gt;
+ &lt;Directory&gt;;/Directory&gt;
+ &lt;KDELegacyDirs/&gt;
+ &lt;DefaultAppDirs/&gt;
+ &lt;DefaultDirectoryDirs/&gt;
+ &lt;DefaultLayout inline=&quot;true&quot; inline_limit=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;menus&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;files&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;Separator/&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname&gt;More&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;/DefaultLayout&gt;
+ &lt;Layout&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Office&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Graphics&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;SoundVideo&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Internet&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Games&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Education&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Accessibility&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Separator/&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;System&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Development&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;false&quot; show_empty=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Settingsmenu&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Separator/&gt;
+ &lt;/Layout&gt;
+ &lt;Menu&gt;
+ &lt;Name&gt;Internet&lt;/Name&gt;
+ &lt;Directory&gt;;/Directory&gt;
+ &lt;Layout&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;true&quot; inline_limit=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Internet-Browser&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Separator/&gt;
+ &lt;Menuname inline=&quot;true&quot; inline_limit=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Internet-IM&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Separator/&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;menus&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;Merge type=&quot;files&quot;/&gt;
+ &lt;/Layout&gt;
+ &lt;Menu&gt;
+ &lt;Name&gt;Internet-Browser&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Include&gt;
+ &lt;And&gt;
+ &lt;Category&gt;Network&lt;/Category&gt;
+ &lt;Category&gt;WebBrowser&lt;/Category&gt;
+ &lt;Not&gt;&lt;Category&gt;X-KDE-More&lt;/Category&gt;&lt;/Not&gt;
+ &lt;/And&gt;
+ &lt;/Include&gt;
+ &lt;/Menu&gt;
+ &lt;Menu&gt;
+ &lt;Name&gt;Internet-IM&lt;/Menuname&gt;
+ &lt;Include&gt;
+ &lt;And&gt;
+ &lt;Category&gt;Network&lt;/Category&gt;
+ &lt;Category&gt;InstantMessaging&lt;/Category&gt;
+ &lt;Not&gt;&lt;Category&gt;X-KDE-More&lt;/Category&gt;&lt;/Not&gt;
+ &lt;/And&gt;
+ &lt;/Include&gt;
+ &lt;/Menu&gt;
+ &lt;/Menu&gt;
+The result is: the show_empty attribute didn't work. The inline
+attribute inside the layout of Internet menu didn't work.
+I thought that I've followed the XDG men specs. Did I write anything wrong?
+Thanks for your help!
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )</H1>
+ <B>Thierry Vignaud</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )">thierry.vignaud at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 10:26:58 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 11 May 2011 07:28, Michael scherer &lt;<A HREF="">misc at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;&gt;<i> &gt; add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn't notice this one, but
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &gt; pterjan checker did )
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> you lie:
+</I>&gt;<i> Or maybe I misued perl_checker :/
+</I>&gt;<i> How do you check, just perl_checker file ?
+You didn't misued it but you are not used to it :-)
+So you failed to see at end of log that it was aborting
+due to some core perl modules not following
+proper perl_checker style.
+Thus it didn't completed its checks on the file.
+So I blacklisted some more modules:
+<A HREF=";r2=1272">;r2=1272</A>
+BTW, note that, in the previous years, I already run perl_checker
+on iurt and added comments about dubious stuff in the code...
+eg dead code:
+793 # FIXME: (tv) kill this dead code or use it!!
+794 my $_s = sub {
+795 if ($run{main}) {
+796 plog(&quot;dumping cache...&quot;);
+797 dump_cache_par(\%run);
+798 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+799 $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+800 plog(&quot;Running environment:\n&quot;, Data::Dumper-&gt;Dump([\%run]), &quot;\n&quot;);
+801 plog(&quot;Configuration:\n&quot;, Data::Dumper-&gt;Dump([$config]), &quot;\n&quot;);
+802 }
+803 exit();
+804 };
+eg supposed to be doing stuff for arches but not actually using arch value
+(aka a look that is equivalent to one single assignment):
+1425 foreach my $arch (@{$config-&gt;{supported_arch}}) { #FIXME: (tv)
+this loop looks suspiciously broken
+1426 $ok &amp;&amp;= $cache-&gt;{queue}{$srpm};
+1427 }
+and the like
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] [1290] Allow listing posts and rejects</H1>
+ <B>Thierry Vignaud</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] [1290] Allow listing posts and rejects">thierry.vignaud at
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+ <I>Wed May 11 10:29:43 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 10 May 2011 22:51, &lt;<A HREF="">root at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Revision 1290 Author pterjan Date 2011-05-10 22:51:35 +0200 (Tue, 10 May
+</I>&gt;<i> 2011)
+</I>&gt;<i> Log Message
+</I>&gt;<i> Allow listing posts and rejects
+BTW, why are those messages send as both text + html?
+plain text is fine for all of us I think whereas html is hard to read in gmail
+b/c it uses some stupid tiny unreadable font
+Cannot we just drop the html part please?
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )</H1>
+ <B>Thierry Vignaud</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )">thierry.vignaud at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 11:36:04 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 11 May 2011 10:26, Thierry Vignaud &lt;<A HREF="">thierry.vignaud at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> eg supposed to be doing stuff for arches but not actually using arch value
+</I>&gt;<i> (aka a look that is equivalent to one single assignment):
+(aka a looP that is equivalent to one single assignment):
+&gt;<i> 1425 &#160; &#160;foreach my $arch (@{$config-&gt;{supported_arch}}) { #FIXME: (tv)
+</I>&gt;<i> this loop looks suspiciously broken
+</I>&gt;<i> 1426 &#160; &#160;$ok &amp;&amp;= $cache-&gt;{queue}{$srpm};
+</I>&gt;<i> 1427 &#160; &#160;}
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Balcaen John</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mikala at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 11:40:54 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Le Wednesday 11 May 2011 00:02:55, Z&#233; a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> How can i do to add the new package kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1 since its in freeze
+</I>&gt;<i> now?
+</I>&gt;<i> I have tried running 'mgarepo putsrpm' to add it to svn but fails:
+</I>&gt;<i> SRPMS]$ mgarepo putsrpm kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1.src.rpm
+</I>&gt;<i> Importing package to svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> error: svn: URL 'svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>'
+</I>&gt;<i> doesn't exist
+</I>man mgarepo should show you how to use mgarepo.
+aka here mgarepo import to import the src.rpm.
+Also as said by Anna we're currently in Freeze for packages *already*
+submitted, you can still submitted a package if it's a new package (2 days
+lefts btw)
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 13:45:51 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>I thought already had all needed permissions to submit packages but
+seams Michael Scherer have forgot to set some group since when i try
+to import the package it gives error.
+Can anyone check whats the missing group and set it?
+Or at least someone who can grab the kvirc package i have and add it
+to main repo.
+And the import option is not listed when you run 'mgarepo --help'
+2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> Le Wednesday 11 May 2011 00:02:55, Z&#233; a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> How can i do to add the new package kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1 since its in freeze
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> now?
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I have tried running 'mgarepo putsrpm' to add it to svn but fails:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> SRPMS]$ mgarepo putsrpm kvirc-4.0.4-1.mga1.src.rpm
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Importing package to svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> error: svn: URL 'svn+<A HREF="ssh://">ssh://</A>'
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> doesn't exist
+</I>&gt;<i> man mgarepo should show you how to use mgarepo.
+</I>&gt;<i> aka here mgarepo import to import the src.rpm.
+</I>&gt;<i> Also as said by Anna we're currently in Freeze for packages *already*
+</I>&gt;<i> submitted, you can still submitted a package if it's a new package (2 days
+</I>&gt;<i> lefts btw)
+</I>&gt;<i> Regards,
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 14:03:46 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Yes i also agree that should exist this option, and AFAIK when patents
+were still active, it was needed to turn bytecode interpreter, and in
+that time fonts were smooth, speacially for whos used to use small
+fonts, but even for who uses bigger fonts, its always better to not
+have bytecode interpreter (by the way, still in mandriva 2010.1
+bytecode interpreter was off).
+2011/5/11 Dimitrios Glentadakis &lt;<A HREF="">dglent at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> &#931;&#964;&#953;&#962; &#932;&#949;&#964;&#940;&#961;&#964;&#951; 11 &#924;&#940;&#953;&#959;&#962; 2011 05:57:07 Z&#233; &#947;&#961;&#940;&#968;&#945;&#964;&#949;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> In mandriva sincepatent expiration in freetype, fonts display wasnt
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> smoth anymore and appeared ugly fonts, this used to exist just in
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> plf..
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> But since theres no patents issues pending, why not old rendering
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> algorithms by default (disable bytecode interpreter), that way fonts
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> will have a better rendering and look.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> This is most true for guys that are used to use small fonts, for
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> example im used to use Sans size 8, like its now in mageia, they dont
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> look very good and also appear smaller that if using bytecode
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> interpreter disabled, so to be able to have a good rendering font
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> look, i always repackage freetype2.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Why not Mageia start using also bytecode interpreter disabled by default?
+</I>&gt;<i> I reported a wish here:
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Dimitrios Glentadakis
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Balcaen John</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mikala at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 15:27:31 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+Le mercredi 11 mai 2011 08:45:51, Z&#233; a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> I thought already had all needed permissions to submit packages but
+</I>&gt;<i> seams Michael Scherer have forgot to set some group since when i try
+</I>&gt;<i> to import the package it gives error.
+</I>If i'm not wrong you should only have the permissions to commit on svn since
+you're supposed to be an apprentice so far
+&gt;<i> Can anyone check whats the missing group and set it?
+</I>Did you open a bug report for account creation ?
+If so you should reopen it for clarification.
+&gt;<i> Or at least someone who can grab the kvirc package i have and add it
+</I>&gt;<i> to main repo.
+</I>&gt;<i> And the import option is not listed when you run 'mgarepo --help'
+</I>Well after reading the src it seems like import is just an alias for putsrcpm
+It was in fact on the wiki ( cf
+<A HREF=";s[">;s[</A>]=mgarepo )
+Balcaen John
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer</H1>
+ <B>Balcaen John</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer">mikala at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 15:56:54 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Could you please push phonon-gstreamer ?
+It has been updated to 4.5.1 which is a bugfixe only release :
+- should fix broken plugin installations
+- quick fix for corrupted GStreamer registrie that somehow managed to blacklist
+ certain core elements.
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 16:27:01 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+</I>I think this is relative to how the user prefers...
+</I>&gt;<i> Le mercredi 11 mai 2011 08:45:51, Z&#233; a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I thought already had all needed permissions to submit packages but
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> seams Michael Scherer have forgot to set some group since when i try
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> to import the package it gives error.
+</I>&gt;<i> If i'm not wrong you should only have the permissions to commit on svn since
+</I>&gt;<i> you're supposed to be an apprentice so far
+In aprentice mode i would be able to commit in svn, but seams so far
+im not even able to do that, but ill wait that i can resolve this with
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?</H1>
+ <B>Ahmad Samir</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?">ahmadsamir3891 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 18:15:41 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 11 May 2011 14:03, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Yes i also agree that should exist this option, and AFAIK when patents
+</I>&gt;<i> were still active, it was needed to turn bytecode interpreter, and in
+</I>&gt;<i> that time fonts were smooth, speacially for whos used to use small
+</I>&gt;<i> fonts, but even for who uses bigger fonts, its always better to not
+</I>&gt;<i> have bytecode interpreter
+How do you know what would look better for those who use bigger fonts
+if you use small fonts yourself? :)
+How do you know what would look better for other users who use small
+fonts but different types of monitors, have different eyesight, i.e.
+different preferences of how fonts looks best in their eyes?
+&gt;<i> (by the way, still in mandriva 2010.1
+</I>&gt;<i> bytecode interpreter was off).
+Because the patent hadn't expired yet when 2010.1 was released, and
+2010.1 still uses freetype2-2.3.12 (and no one enabled the BCI after
+the patent expired).
+&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Dimitrios Glentadakis &lt;<A HREF="">dglent at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &#931;&#964;&#953;&#962; &#932;&#949;&#964;&#940;&#961;&#964;&#951; 11 &#924;&#940;&#953;&#959;&#962; 2011 05:57:07 Z&#233; &#947;&#961;&#940;&#968;&#945;&#964;&#949;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> In mandriva sincepatent expiration in freetype, fonts display wasnt
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> smoth anymore and appeared ugly fonts, this used to exist just in
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> plf..
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> But since theres no patents issues pending, why not old rendering
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> algorithms by default (disable bytecode interpreter), that way fonts
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> will have a better rendering and look.
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> This is most true for guys that are used to use small fonts, for
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> example im used to use Sans size 8, like its now in mageia, they dont
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> look very good and also appear smaller that if using bytecode
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> interpreter disabled, so to be able to have a good rendering font
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> look, i always repackage freetype2.
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Why not Mageia start using also bytecode interpreter disabled by default?
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I reported a wish here:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Dimitrios Glentadakis
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Z&#233;
+Ahmad Samir
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Ahmad Samir</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">ahmadsamir3891 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 18:33:33 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 11 May 2011 16:27, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+</I>&gt;<i> I think this is relative to how the user prefers...
+No it's not, there's a general Netiqutte that should be followed, and
+part of it is to always bottom-post not top-post when using public
+mailing lists. <A HREF=""></A>
+Ahmad Samir
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Dexter Morgan</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">dmorganec at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 21:29:39 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+</I>&gt;<i> I think this is relative to how the user prefers...
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Le mercredi 11 mai 2011 08:45:51, Z&#233; a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> I thought already had all needed permissions to submit packages but
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> seams Michael Scherer have forgot to set some group since when i try
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> to import the package it gives error.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> If i'm not wrong you should only have the permissions to commit on svn since
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> you're supposed to be an apprentice so far
+</I>&gt;<i> In aprentice mode i would be able to commit in svn, but seams so far
+</I>&gt;<i> im not even able to do that, but ill wait that i can resolve this with
+</I>&gt;<i> misc.
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Z&#233;
+How do you try to import on the SVN?
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 22:51:49 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>In fact theres no rule that says its better this way or other way, now
+if someones decided that some way can be more efficient doesnt mean
+that a user will be forced to use that way, its still the user that
+decides whats the best layout that fits hes needs.
+It matters to be concise, to use proper structure and keep the same
+layout when answering.
+<A HREF=""></A>
+So far im also used to use the bottom page to answer emails, but i
+have been using gmail webmail and when clicking to answer, it prompts
+empty space in the top of the email, so to do things faster i simply
+wrote there, but i could simply startig using this method for my
+2011/5/11 Ahmad Samir &lt;<A HREF="">ahmadsamir3891 at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> On 11 May 2011 16:27, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I think this is relative to how the user prefers...
+</I>&gt;<i> Off-topic:
+</I>&gt;<i> No it's not, there's a general Netiqutte that should be followed, and
+</I>&gt;<i> part of it is to always bottom-post not top-post when using public
+</I>&gt;<i> mailing lists. <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> [...]
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Ahmad Samir
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer</H1>
+ <B>Anne nicolas</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer">ennael at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 22:53:17 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> Could you please push phonon-gstreamer ?
+</I>&gt;<i> It has been updated to 4.5.1 which is a bugfixe only release :
+</I>&gt;<i> - should fix broken plugin installations
+</I>&gt;<i> - quick fix for corrupted GStreamer registrie that somehow managed to blacklist
+</I>&gt;<i> &#160;certain core elements.
+</I>&gt;<i> Regards,
+<A HREF=""></A>
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Oliver Burger</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">oliver.bgr at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 23:03:35 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; schrieb am 11.05.2011
+&gt;<i> In fact theres no rule that says its better this way or other way,
+</I>&gt;<i> now if someones decided that some way can be more efficient doesnt
+</I>&gt;<i> mean that a user will be forced to use that way, its still the
+</I>&gt;<i> user that decides whats the best layout that fits hes needs.
+</I>&gt;<i> It matters to be concise, to use proper structure and keep the same
+</I>&gt;<i> layout when answering.
+</I>It is the usual way on mailing lists, to only cite the part, you are
+answering to, and answer below that part.
+See also <A HREF=""></A>)
+(should be added to our won wiki imho.
+(And I have to admit, this might be a html mail, and I excuse for
+that, but something about my kmail settings went bad :( )
+&gt;<i> So far im also used to use the bottom page to answer emails, but i
+</I>&gt;<i> have been using gmail webmail and when clicking to answer, it
+</I>&gt;<i> prompts empty space in the top of the email, so to do things
+</I>&gt;<i> faster i simply wrote there, but i could simply startig using this
+</I>&gt;<i> method for my answers.
+</I>You can quickly change the settings of Gmail to text mails, then you
+have full control of what you are sending.
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Ahmad Samir</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">ahmadsamir3891 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 23:12:50 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On 11 May 2011 22:51, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> In fact theres no rule that says its better this way or other way, now
+</I>&gt;<i> if someones decided that some way can be more efficient doesnt mean
+</I>&gt;<i> that a user will be forced to use that way, its still the user that
+</I>&gt;<i> decides whats the best layout that fits hes needs.
+Unless there's a general consensus on which way should be used; that's
+when it's not a decision the user can take, either he/she complies
+with those simple rules or doesn't, but then that would be considered
+rude of him/her.
+&gt;<i> It matters to be concise, to use proper structure and keep the same
+</I>&gt;<i> layout when answering.
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+What does have to do with top/bottom posting? you keep the same layout
+when you bottom-post....
+&gt;<i> So far im also used to use the bottom page to answer emails, but i
+</I>&gt;<i> have been using gmail webmail and when clicking to answer, it prompts
+</I>&gt;<i> empty space in the top of the email, so to do things faster i simply
+</I>&gt;<i> wrote there, but i could simply startig using this method for my
+</I>&gt;<i> answers.
+I use Gmail 95% of the time I am sending emails, and I always
+bottom-post, just one/two scrolls down take about 1.5 seconds :)
+</I>&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Ahmad Samir &lt;<A HREF="">ahmadsamir3891 at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> On 11 May 2011 16:27, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> I think this is relative to how the user prefers...
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Off-topic:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> No it's not, there's a general Netiqutte that should be followed, and
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> part of it is to always bottom-post not top-post when using public
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> mailing lists. <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> [...]
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Ahmad Samir
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Z&#233;
+Ahmad Samir
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze</H1>
+ <B>Z&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze">mmodem00 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Like i said a user can choose what layout better fits his needs, if
+its top or bottom its simply the user prefers, but the user should
+continue with same layout.
+And seams your giving me reason:
+&gt;<i> What does have to do with top/bottom posting? you keep the same layout
+</I>&gt;<i> when you bottom-post....
+exactly, you also keep the same layout if you choose to use the top.
+Well seams your wanting to turn this into a big issue, that way ill
+just drop this discussion here, i have better things to do.
+2011/5/11 Ahmad Samir &lt;<A HREF="">ahmadsamir3891 at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> On 11 May 2011 22:51, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> In fact theres no rule that says its better this way or other way, now
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> if someones decided that some way can be more efficient doesnt mean
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> that a user will be forced to use that way, its still the user that
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> decides whats the best layout that fits hes needs.
+</I>&gt;<i> Unless there's a general consensus on which way should be used; that's
+</I>&gt;<i> when it's not a decision the user can take, either he/she complies
+</I>&gt;<i> with those simple rules or doesn't, but then that would be considered
+</I>&gt;<i> rude of him/her.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> It matters to be concise, to use proper structure and keep the same
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> layout when answering.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> What does have to do with top/bottom posting? you keep the same layout
+</I>&gt;<i> when you bottom-post....
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> So far im also used to use the bottom page to answer emails, but i
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> have been using gmail webmail and when clicking to answer, it prompts
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> empty space in the top of the email, so to do things faster i simply
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> wrote there, but i could simply startig using this method for my
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> answers.
+</I>&gt;<i> I use Gmail 95% of the time I am sending emails, and I always
+</I>&gt;<i> bottom-post, just one/two scrolls down take about 1.5 seconds :)
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Ahmad Samir &lt;<A HREF="">ahmadsamir3891 at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> On 11 May 2011 16:27, Z&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">mmodem00 at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> 2011/5/11 Balcaen John &lt;<A HREF="">mikala at</A>&gt;:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Could you please answer under the mail next time ?
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> I think this is relative to how the user prefers...
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Off-topic:
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> No it's not, there's a general Netiqutte that should be followed, and
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> part of it is to always bottom-post not top-post when using public
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> mailing lists. <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> [...]
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> Ahmad Samir
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Z&#233;
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Ahmad Samir
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+ <h1>11 May 2011 Archives by author</h1>
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+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Wed May 11 00:44:51 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 36<p>
+ <ul>
+<LI><A HREF="004634.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4634">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Oliver Burger
+<LI><A HREF="004601.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request : amarok
+</A><A NAME="4601">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thibaut FRANCOIS
+<LI><A HREF="004609.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4609">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="004623.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4623">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004626.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4626">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004627.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4627">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004631.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4631">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dexter Morgan
+<LI><A HREF="004607.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4607">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Liam R E Quin
+<LI><A HREF="004602.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4602">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004608.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4608">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004629.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4629">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004630.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4630">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004635.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4635">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004611.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4611">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004612.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4612">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004614.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4614">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004618.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4618">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Pascal Terjan
+<LI><A HREF="004620.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4620">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004621.html">[Mageia-dev] [1290] Allow listing posts and rejects
+</A><A NAME="4621">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004622.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4622">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004610.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4610">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004613.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4613">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004616.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4616">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004619.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4619">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004604.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4604">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004605.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4605">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004606.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4606">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004624.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4624">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004625.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4625">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004628.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4628">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004632.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4632">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004636.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4636">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004633.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4633">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne nicolas
+<LI><A HREF="004615.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4615">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<LI><A HREF="004617.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4617">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<LI><A HREF="004603.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4603">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>nicolas vigier
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:49:23 CEST 2011</i>
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+ <h1>11 May 2011 Archives by date</h1>
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+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Wed May 11 00:44:51 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 36<p>
+ <ul>
+<LI><A HREF="004601.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request : amarok
+</A><A NAME="4601">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thibaut FRANCOIS
+<LI><A HREF="004602.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4602">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004603.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4603">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>nicolas vigier
+<LI><A HREF="004604.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4604">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004605.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4605">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004606.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4606">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004607.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4607">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Liam R E Quin
+<LI><A HREF="004608.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4608">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004609.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4609">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="004610.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4610">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004611.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4611">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004612.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4612">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004613.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4613">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004614.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4614">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004615.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4615">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<LI><A HREF="004616.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4616">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004617.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4617">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<LI><A HREF="004618.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4618">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Pascal Terjan
+<LI><A HREF="004619.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4619">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004620.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4620">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004621.html">[Mageia-dev] [1290] Allow listing posts and rejects
+</A><A NAME="4621">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004622.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4622">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004623.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4623">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004624.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4624">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004625.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4625">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004626.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4626">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004627.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4627">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004628.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4628">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004629.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4629">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004630.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4630">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004631.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4631">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dexter Morgan
+<LI><A HREF="004632.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4632">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004633.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4633">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne nicolas
+<LI><A HREF="004634.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4634">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Oliver Burger
+<LI><A HREF="004635.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4635">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004636.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4636">&nbsp;</A>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:49:23 CEST 2011</i>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="thread.html#start">[ thread ]</a>
+ <a href="subject.html#start">[ subject ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <hr>
+ <i>This archive was generated by
+ Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).</i>
+ </BODY>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/index.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/index.html
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..db4b46f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+thread.html \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/subject.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/subject.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6678bbc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/subject.html
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <title>The Mageia-dev 11 May 2011 Archive by subject</title>
+ <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,follow">
+ <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <a name="start"></A>
+ <h1>11 May 2011 Archives by subject</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="thread.html#start">[ thread ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
+ <a href="date.html#start">[ date ]</a>
+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Wed May 11 00:44:51 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 36<p>
+ <ul>
+<LI><A HREF="004615.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4615">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<LI><A HREF="004620.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4620">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004622.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4622">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004621.html">[Mageia-dev] [1290] Allow listing posts and rejects
+</A><A NAME="4621">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<LI><A HREF="004604.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4604">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004611.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4611">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004623.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4623">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004624.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4624">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004626.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4626">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004628.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4628">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004630.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4630">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004631.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4631">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dexter Morgan
+<LI><A HREF="004632.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4632">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004634.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4634">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Oliver Burger
+<LI><A HREF="004635.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4635">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004636.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4636">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004610.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4610">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004612.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4612">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004613.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4613">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004614.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4614">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<LI><A HREF="004618.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4618">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Pascal Terjan
+<LI><A HREF="004616.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4616">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004619.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4619">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<LI><A HREF="004602.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4602">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004603.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4603">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>nicolas vigier
+<LI><A HREF="004601.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request : amarok
+</A><A NAME="4601">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thibaut FRANCOIS
+<LI><A HREF="004605.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4605">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004617.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4617">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<LI><A HREF="004627.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4627">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<LI><A HREF="004633.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4633">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne nicolas
+<LI><A HREF="004606.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4606">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004607.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4607">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Liam R E Quin
+<LI><A HREF="004608.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4608">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<LI><A HREF="004609.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4609">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="004625.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4625">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="004629.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4629">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:49:23 CEST 2011</i>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="thread.html#start">[ thread ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
+ <a href="date.html#start">[ date ]</a>
+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <hr>
+ <i>This archive was generated by
+ Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).</i>
+ </BODY>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/thread.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/thread.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47f197ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110511/thread.html
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <title>The Mageia-dev 11 May 2011 Archive by thread</title>
+ <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,follow">
+ <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <a name="start"></A>
+ <h1>11 May 2011 Archives by thread</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="subject.html#start">[ subject ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
+ <a href="date.html#start">[ date ]</a>
+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Wed May 11 00:44:51 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 36<p>
+ <ul>
+<!--0 01305067491- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004601.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request : amarok
+</A><A NAME="4601">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thibaut FRANCOIS
+<!--0 01305070679- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004602.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4602">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<!--1 01305070679-01305072118- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004603.html">[Mageia-dev] Free push request: perl-PatchReader
+</A><A NAME="4603">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>nicolas vigier
+<!--0 01305082975- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004604.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4604">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--1 01305082975-01305091424- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004611.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4611">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<!--1 01305082975-01305106854- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004623.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4623">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<!--2 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004624.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4624">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004626.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4626">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004628.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4628">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021-01305131613- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004630.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4630">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021-01305131613-01305147109- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004632.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4632">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021-01305131613-01305147109-01305147815- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004634.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4634">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Oliver Burger
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021-01305131613-01305147109-01305148370- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004635.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4635">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021-01305131613-01305147109-01305148370-01305150516- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004636.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4636">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--3 01305082975-01305106854-01305114351-01305120451-01305124021-01305142179- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004631.html">[Mageia-dev] add new package kvirc to freeze
+</A><A NAME="4631">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dexter Morgan
+<!--0 01305085016- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004605.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4605">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--1 01305085016-01305091865- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004617.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: aspell-pt-0.60.0-2
+</A><A NAME="4617">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<!--0 01305086227- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004606.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4606">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--1 01305086227-01305087787- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004607.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4607">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Liam R E Quin
+<!--1 01305086227-01305088328- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004608.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4608">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<!--1 01305086227-01305089934- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004609.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4609">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<!--2 01305086227-01305089934-01305115426- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004625.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4625">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--3 01305086227-01305089934-01305115426-01305130541- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004629.html">[Mageia-dev] why not disable bytecode interpreter in freetype2 ?
+</A><A NAME="4629">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Ahmad Samir
+<!--0 01305090613- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004610.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4610">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<!--1 01305090613-01305091476- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004612.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4612">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<!--2 01305090613-01305091476-01305091604- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004613.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4613">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<!--3 01305090613-01305091476-01305091604-01305091708- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004614.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4614">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Cazzaniga Sandro
+<!--1 01305090613-01305100019- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004618.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia (Mandriva) fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4618">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Pascal Terjan
+<!--0 01305091728- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004615.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4615">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Michael scherer
+<!--1 01305091728-01305102418- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004620.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4620">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<!--2 01305091728-01305102418-01305106564- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004622.html">[Mageia-dev] [1266] add missing function ( and no titi, perl_checker didn' t notice this one, but pterjan checker did )
+</A><A NAME="4622">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<!--0 01305091808- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004616.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4616">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<!--0 01305100976- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004619.html">[Mageia-dev] Does Mageia fully follow XDG menu specifications?
+</A><A NAME="4619">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Franklin Weng
+<!--0 01305102583- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004621.html">[Mageia-dev] [1290] Allow listing posts and rejects
+</A><A NAME="4621">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Thierry Vignaud
+<!--0 01305122214- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004627.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4627">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Balcaen John
+<!--1 01305122214-01305147197- -->
+<LI><A HREF="004633.html">[Mageia-dev] Freeze Push Request: phonon-gstreamer
+</A><A NAME="4633">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne nicolas
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Wed May 11 23:48:36 CEST 2011</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 11 23:49:23 CEST 2011</i>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="subject.html#start">[ subject ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
+ <a href="date.html#start">[ date ]</a>
+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <hr>
+ <i>This archive was generated by
+ Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).</i>
+ </BODY>