path: root/eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
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authorPapoteur <papoteur@mageia.org>2021-01-03 15:58:51 +0100
committerPapoteur <papoteur@mageia.org>2021-01-03 15:58:51 +0100
commitd144c7cbfeaa23474ff1e9d0369ee9d80575d627 (patch)
tree5f21dc2d808455d2da7c3983cf199ed713567579 /eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
parent2dc385c405f378cb12eee807a92bbf4842dfb172 (diff)
Update Euskarian
Diffstat (limited to 'eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html b/eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
index d1f84be..755e6a4 100644
--- a/eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
+++ b/eu/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
<div class="section" title="Sarrera">
<div class="titlepage">
@@ -36,35 +42,88 @@
- <p>Mageia ISO irudi bidez banatzen da. Orri honek, irudia zure beharren arabera
- aukeratzen lagunduko dizu.
+ <p>Mageia is distributed via ISO images. This page will help you to choose
+ which image best suits your needs.
- <p>Bi media famili daude:</p>
+ <p>There are three types of installation media:</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Instalatzaile Klasikoa: baliabidea abiarazi ondoren, aukera baimentzen duen
- prozesua jarraituko duela zer jarri eta sistema nola itxuratu.. Honek emango
- dizu instalazio bat egiteko malgutasun maximoa, bereziki, bertan jarriko den
- Idazmahaiko Ingurunea aukeratzeko.
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Classical installer:</strong></span> Booting with this
+ media provides you with the maximum flexibility when choosing what to
+ install, and for configuring your system. In particular, you have a choice
+ of which Desktop environment to install.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>LIVE media:</strong></span> This option allows you to try
+ out Mageia without having to actually install it, or make any changes to
+ your computer. However, the Live media also includes an Installer, which can
+ be started when booting the media, or after booting into the Live operating
+ system itself.
+ <div class="note" title="Oharra" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+ <table border="0" summary="Note">
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Oharra]" src="note.png"></td>
+ <th align="left"></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <p>The Live Installer is simpler compared to the Classical Installer - but you
+ have fewer configuration options.
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <div class="important" title="Garrantzitsua" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+ <table border="0" summary="Important">
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Garrantzitsua]" src="important.png"></td>
+ <th align="left"></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <p>Live ISOs can only be used to create <span class="quote">&#8220;<span class="quote">clean</span>&#8221;</span> installations,
+ they cannot be used to upgrade previously installed Mageia releases.
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>LIVE media: benetako Mageia sistema bat abiarazi dezakezu instalatu gabe,
- instalazioa egin ondoren zer egin ikusteko. Instalazio prozesua errazagoa
- da, baina aukera txikiagoak lortuko dituzu.
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Net Install</strong></span>: These are minimal ISO's
+ containing no more than that which is needed to start the DrakX installer
+ and find <code class="literal">DrakX-installer-stage2</code> and other packages that
+ are needed to continue and complete the install. These packages may be on
+ the PC hard disk, on a local drive, on a local network or on the Internet.
+ </p>
+ <p>These media are very light (less than 100 MB) and are convenient if
+ bandwidth is too low to download a full DVD, or if you have a PC without a
+ DVD drive or is unable to boot from a USB stick.
- <p>Xehetasunak ematen dira hurrengo ataletan.</p>
+ <p>More details are given in the next sections.</p>
@@ -72,7 +131,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e29"></a>Baliabidea
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e41"></a>Baliabidea
@@ -83,19 +142,19 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e31"></a>Definizioa
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e43"></a>Definizioa
- <p>Hemen, baliabide bat (plurala: baliabideak) da ISO fitxategi bat Mageia
- instalatzeko eta/edo eguneratzeko eta hedaduratik onartzen da ISO fitxategia
- kopiatzen den edozein fisiko sostengatzen du.
+ <p>Here, a medium (plural: media) is an ISO image file that allows you to
+ install and/or update Mageia and, by extension, any physical medium (DVD,
+ USB stick, ...) the ISO file is copied to.
- <p>Aurki ditzakezu <a class="ulink" href="http://www.mageia.org/en/downloads/" target="_top">hemen</a>.
+ <p>You can find Mageia ISO's <a class="ulink" href="http://www.mageia.org/en/downloads/" target="_top">here</a>.
@@ -104,7 +163,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e36"></a>Instalazioa Klasiko baliabidea
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e48"></a>Instalazioa Klasiko baliabidea
@@ -115,7 +174,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e38"></a>Ezaugarri komunak
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e50"></a>Ezaugarri komunak
@@ -126,36 +185,36 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>ISO hauek DrakX deituriko Instalatzaile tradizionalak erabilitzen dituzte.</p>
+ <p>These ISOs use the Classical installer called DrakX</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Eskuragarri dago instalazio garbi bat egitea edo berritzea aurreko bertsio
- batetatik.
+ <p>They are used for performing clean installs or to upgrade a previously
+ installed version of Mageia
<li class="listitem">
- <p>32 edo 64 biteko arkitektura media ezberdinak.</p>
+ <p>Different media for 32 and 64-bit architectures</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Tresna batzuk Ongi etorri pantailan eskuragarri daude: Berreskuratze
- Sistema, Memoria Testa, Hardware hautemate tresna.
- </p>
+ <p>Some tools are available in the Installer <span class="quote">&#8220;<span class="quote">Welcome</span>&#8221;</span> screen:
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>Rescue System, Memory Test, </em></span>and <span class="emphasis"><em>Hardware
+ Detection Tool</em></span></p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>DVD bakoitzak mahaigaineko ingurune eta hizkuntza asko dauka.</p>
+ <p>Each DVD contains many available desktop environments and languages</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Instalazioan zehar software ez librea gehitzeko aukera izango duzue.</p>
+ <p>You'll be given the choice during the installation to add non-free software</p>
@@ -169,7 +228,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e53"></a>Live baliabidea
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e68"></a>Live baliabidea
@@ -180,7 +239,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e55"></a>Ezaugarri komunak
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e70"></a>Ezaugarri komunak
@@ -191,31 +250,29 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Distribuzioa aurreikusteko HDD baten instalatu gabe, eta aukeran Mageia zure
- HDD-an instalatzeko erabil daiteke.
+ <p>Can be used to preview the Mageia operating system without having to install
+ it
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Each ISO contains only one desktop environment (Plasma, GNOME or Xfce).</p>
+ <p>The Live media also includes an Installer.</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>32 edo 64 biteko arkitektura media ezberdinak.</p>
+ <p>Each ISO contains only one desktop environment (Plasma, GNOME or Xfce)</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="bold"><strong>Live ISOak instalazio garbiak sortzeko soilik
- erabiliko dira, ezin dira aurreko bertsioetatik eguneratzeko
- erabili.</strong></span></p>
+ <p>Different media for 32 and 64-bit architectures</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Software ez librea dute.</p>
+ <p>They contain non-free software</p>
@@ -227,7 +284,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e69"></a>Plasma Live DVDa
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e83"></a>Plasma Live DVDa
@@ -238,17 +295,17 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Plasma desktop environment only.</p>
+ <p>Plasma desktop environment only</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Hizkuntza guztiak presente daude.</p>
+ <p>All available languages are present</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>64 bit arkitektura soilik.</p>
+ <p>64-bit architecture only</p>
@@ -260,7 +317,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e78"></a>GNOME-ren Live DVD-a
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e92"></a>GNOME-ren Live DVD-a
@@ -271,17 +328,17 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>GNOME mahaigaineko ingurunea soilik.</p>
+ <p>GNOME desktop environment only</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Hizkuntza guztiak presente daude.</p>
+ <p>All available languages are present</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>64 bit arkitektura soilik</p>
+ <p>64-bit architecture only</p>
@@ -293,7 +350,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e87"></a>Xfce Live DVDa
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e101"></a>Xfce Live DVDa
@@ -304,17 +361,17 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Xfce mahaigain ingurunea soilik.</p>
+ <p>Xfce desktop environment only</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Hizkuntza guztiak presente daude.</p>
+ <p>All available languages are present</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>32 edo 64 bit arkitektura</p>
+ <p>32 or 64-bit architectures</p>
@@ -324,11 +381,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="Abioko CD baliabidea soilik">
+ <div class="section" title="Net install media">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e96"></a>Abioko CD baliabidea soilik
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e110"></a>Net install media
@@ -339,7 +396,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e98"></a>Ezaugarri komunak
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e112"></a>Ezaugarri komunak
@@ -350,30 +407,12 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Bakoitza irudi txiki bat da eta hori drakx instalatzailea abiarazteko
- beharrezkoa dena baino ez dauke eta drakx-installer-Stage2 eta beharrezkoak
- diren beste pakete batzuk instalazioa jarraitu eta burutzeko. Pakete hauek
- PC disko gogorrean egon daiteke, tokiko drive baten, sare lokalean zein
- Interneten.
- </p>
+ <p>Different media for 32 and 64-bit architectures</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Media hauek oso arinak dira (100 MB baino gutxiago), eta komenigarria denean
- banda zabalera oso baxua denean DVD oso bat jaisteko, PC bat DVD unitate
- gabea edo USB batetik ezin abiarazi dezakeen PC bat.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li class="listitem">
- <p>32 edo 64 biteko arkitektura media ezberdinak.</p>
- </li>
- <li class="listitem">
- <p>Ingelera hizkuntza soilik</p>
+ <p>First steps are English language only</p>
@@ -385,7 +424,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e109"></a>netinstall.iso
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e119"></a>netinstall.iso
@@ -396,8 +435,8 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Contains only free software, for those people who prefer not to use non-free
- software.
+ <p>Contains only free software, for those who prefer to not use non-free
+ software
@@ -410,7 +449,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e114"></a>netinstall-nonfree.iso
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e124"></a>netinstall-nonfree.iso
@@ -421,9 +460,7 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Software ez-librea (batez gidariak, kodek...) behar duten pertsonentzat
- dauzka.
- </p>
+ <p>Contains non-free software (mostly drivers, codecs...) for those who need it</p>
@@ -439,7 +476,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e119"></a>Media Deskargatu eta Egiaztatzen
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e129"></a>Media Deskargatu eta Egiaztatzen
@@ -450,7 +487,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e121"></a>Deskargatzen
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e131"></a>Deskargatzen
@@ -458,57 +495,83 @@
<p>Once you have chosen your ISO file, you can download it using either http or
- BitTorrent. In both cases, a window gives you some information, such as the
- mirror in use and an opportunity to change if the bandwidth is to low. If
- http is chosen, you may also see something like
+ BitTorrent. In both cases, you are provided with some information, such as
+ the mirror in use and an option to switch to an alternative if the bandwidth
+ is too low.
+ <p>If http is chosen you will also see some information regarding checksums.</p>
- <p>md5sum and sha1sum are tools to check the ISO integrity. Use only one of
- them. Keep one of them <a class="link" href="Select-and-use-ISOs.html#integrity">for further
- usage</a>. Then a window similar to this one appears:
+ <p><code class="literal">md5sum</code>, <code class="literal">sha1sum</code> and
+ <code class="literal">sha512sum</code> (the most secure) are tools to check the ISO
+ integrity. Copy one of the checksums (string of alphanumeric characters) for
+ use in the next section.
+ <p>In the meantime, a window to download the actual ISO will open:</p>
- <p>Egiaztatu Fitxategia Gorde botoia.</p>
+ <p>Click on <span class="emphasis"><em>Save File</em></span>, then click <span class="emphasis"><em>OK</em></span>.
+ </p>
- <div class="section" title="Checking the integrity of the downloaded media">
+ <div class="section" title="Deskargatutako baliabide osotasunaren egiaztapena">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e133"></a>Checking the integrity of the downloaded media
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e149"></a>Deskargatutako baliabide osotasunaren egiaztapena
- <p>Both checksums are hexadecimal numbers calculated by an algorithm from the
- file to be downloaded. When you ask these algorithms to recalculate this
- number from your downloaded file, either you have the same number and your
- downloaded file is correct, or the number is different and you have a
- failure. A failure infers that you should retry the download or attempt a
- repair using BitTorrent.
+ <p>The checksums referred to earlier, are digital fingerprints generated by an
+ algorithm from the file to be downloaded. You may compare the checksum of
+ your downloaded ISO against that of the original source ISO. If the
+ checksums do not match, it means that the actual data on the ISO's do not
+ match, and if that is the case, then you should retry the download or
+ attempt a repair using BitTorrent.
- <p>Ireki kontsola bat, ez da root izan beharrik, eta:</p>
- <p>- md5sum erabiltzeko, idatzi: [sam@localhost]$ <strong class="userinput"><code>md5sum
- path/to/the/image/file.iso</code></strong>.
+ <p>To generate the checksum for your downloaded ISO, open a console, (no need
+ to be root), and:
- <p>- sha1sum erabiltzeko, idatzi: [sam@localhost]$ <strong class="userinput"><code>sha1sum
- path/to/the/image/file.iso</code></strong>.
- </p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>To use the md5sum, type: <span class="command"><strong>md5sum
+ path/to/the/image/file.iso</strong></span></p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>To use the sha1sum, type: <span class="command"><strong>sha1sum
+ path/to/the/image/file.iso</strong></span></p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>To use the sha512sum, type: <span class="command"><strong>sha512sum
+ path/to/the/image/file.iso</strong></span></p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
- <p>eta lortutako zenbakia zure ordenagailuan konparatu mageia emandako
- zenbakiarekin (pixka bat itxaron beharko duzu). Adibidea:
- </p>
+ <p>Example:</p>
- <p></p>
+ <p>then compare the result (you may have to wait for a while) with the ISO
+ checksum provided by Mageia.
+ </p>
@@ -518,33 +581,33 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e146"></a>Grabatu edo irauli ISOa
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e168"></a>Grabatu edo irauli ISOa
- <p>Hautatutako ISOa orain CD edo DVD batean erre daiteke edo USB baten
- irauli. Eragiketa hauek ez dira kopia sinple bat eta helburua abiatzeko gai
- den baliabide bat egitea da.
+ <p>The verified ISO can now be burned to a CD/DVD or <span class="quote">&#8220;<span class="quote">dumped</span>&#8221;</span> to a
+ USB stick. This is not a standard copy operation, as a bootable medium will
+ actually be created.
<div class="section" title="ISOa CD/DVDan grabatzen">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e149"></a>ISOa CD/DVDan grabatzen
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e172"></a>ISOa CD/DVDan grabatzen
- <p>Erabil ezazu nahiago duzun edozein erregailua baina ziurta ezazu grabatzeko
- gailuak ondo dagoela <span class="bold"><strong>irudi bat grabatzeko</strong></span>,
- datuak edo fitxategiak erretzea ez da zuzena. Informazio gehiago dago <a class="ulink" href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" target="_top">Mageia
- wikia</a>n.
+ <p>Whichever software you use, ensure that the option to burn an<span class="emphasis"><em>
+ image</em></span> is used. Burn <span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span> or
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>files</em></span> is NOT correct. See the <a class="ulink" href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" target="_top">the Mageia
+ wiki</a> for more information.
@@ -553,15 +616,15 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e154"></a>Irauli ISOa USB baten
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e179"></a>Irauli ISOa USB baten
- <p>Mageia ISO guztiak hibridoak dira, horrek esan dezake horiekn USB baten
- "isuri" ditzakezula eta, ondoren, erabili sistema abiarazi eta instalatzeko.
+ <p>All Mageia ISOs are hybrids, which means you can dump them to a USB stick
+ and then use that to boot and install the system.
<div class="warning" title="Abisua" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
@@ -573,9 +636,8 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Irudi "isurketa" bat flash gailu baten gainean aldez aurreko partizio
- fitxategi-sistema suntsitzen du; edozein datu galduko dira eta partizio
- ahalmena irudiaren tamainara murriztuko da.
+ <p>Dumping an image onto a flash device destroys any previous file-system on
+ the device and all existing data will be lost.
@@ -583,15 +645,35 @@
- <p>Jatorrizko ahalmena berreskuratzeko, berriro formateatu eta zatitu behar
- duzu USB makila.
- </p>
+ <div class="note" title="Oharra" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+ <table border="0" summary="Note">
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Oharra]" src="note.png"></td>
+ <th align="left"></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <p>Also, the only partition on the flash device will then just be the Mageia
+ ISO partition.
+ </p>
+ <p>So, if an ISO of about 4GB is written to an 8GB USB stick, the stick will
+ then only show up as 4GB. This is because the remaining 4GB is no longer
+ formatted - hence not currently available for use. To recover the original
+ capacity, you must reformat and repartition the USB stick.
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
<div class="section" title="Tresna grafiko bat erabiliz Mageia-ren barnean">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e160"></a>Tresna grafiko bat erabiliz Mageia-ren barnean
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e187"></a>Tresna grafiko bat erabiliz Mageia-ren barnean
@@ -608,7 +690,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e164"></a>Tresna grafiko bat erabiliz Windows-en barnean
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e191"></a>Tresna grafiko bat erabiliz Windows-en barnean
@@ -617,20 +699,31 @@
<p>Zu saiatuko zinateke:</p>
- <p>- <a class="ulink" href="http://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=en_US" target="_top">Rufus</a> "ISO
- irudia" aukera erabiliz;
- </p>
- <p>- <a class="ulink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager" target="_top">Win32
- Disk Imager</a></p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><a class="ulink" href="http://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=en_US" target="_top">Rufus</a> using the
+ "ISO image" option
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><a class="ulink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager" target="_top">Win32 Disk
+ Imager</a></p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
- <div class="section" title="Komando lerroa erabiliz GNU/Linux sistema barnean">
+ <div class="section" title="Using the Command line within a GNU/Linux system">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e171"></a>Komando lerroa erabiliz GNU/Linux sistema barnean
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e201"></a>Using the Command line within a GNU/Linux system
@@ -646,8 +739,8 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>potentzialki *arriskutsua* da hau eskuz egitea. Disko partizioa gainidatziz
- okerreko identifikatzailea lortzeko arriskua dago.
+ <p>It is potentially *dangerous* to do this by hand. You risk overwriting
+ potentially valuable existing data if you specify the wrong target device.
@@ -655,8 +748,6 @@
- <p>dd kontsola tresna bezala ere erabil dezakezu:</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
<li class="listitem">
@@ -666,27 +757,36 @@
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Bihurtu root komando <strong class="userinput"><code> su - </code></strong> (ez ahaztu finalean '-')
+ <p>Become a <span class="emphasis"><em>root</em></span> (Administrator) user with the command
+ <span class="command"><strong>su -</strong></span> (don't forget the <span class="command"><strong>-</strong></span> )
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Entxufatu zure USBa (ez muntatu, hau ere esan dezake edozein aplikazio edo
- fitxategi kudeatzaile ez ireki hori eskuratu eta irakurri, ezin)
+ <p>Plug in your USB stick - but do not mount it (this also means do not open
+ any application or file manager that could access or read it)
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Idatzi <strong class="userinput"><code>fdisk-l</code></strong> komandoa
- </p>
+ <p>Enter the command <span class="command"><strong>fdisk -l</strong></span></p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>Find the device name for your USB stick (by its size), for example
+ <code class="filename">/dev/sdb</code> in the screenshot above, is an 8GB USB stick.
+ </p>
- <p>Bestela, gailuaren izena lor dezakezu <code class="code">dmesg</code> komandoarekin:
- amaieran, gailuaren izena <span class="emphasis"><em>sd</em></span> hasita ikusiko duzu, eta
- <span class="emphasis"><em>sdd</em></span> honetan kasu:
+ <p>Alternatively, you can find the device name with the command
+ <span class="command"><strong>dmesg</strong></span>. Towards the end of the following example, you can
+ see the device name starting with <code class="filename">sd</code>, and in this case,
+ <code class="filename">sdd</code> is the actual device. You can also see that its
+ size is 2GB:
<pre class="screen">[72594.604531] usb 1-1-a: 27 zenbakia xhci_hcd erabiliz abiadura handiko USB-tresna berria
[72594.770528] usb 1-1-a: Aurkitutako USB-tresna berria, idVendor=8564, idProduktua=1000
@@ -709,30 +809,43 @@
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Aurkitu zure USB gailuaren izena (bere tamainaren arabera), adibidez
- <code class="code">/dev/sdb</code> goiko irudian, 8GB USB-makila.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li class="listitem">
+ <p>Enter the command: <span class="command"><strong>dd if=path/to/the/ISO/file
+ of=/dev/sd<em class="replaceable"><code>X</code></em> bs=1M</strong></span></p>
- <p>Agindua sartu: # <strong class="userinput"><code>dd if=path/to/the/ISO/file of=/dev/sdX
- bs=1M</code></strong></p>
+ <p>Where <em class="replaceable"><code>X</code></em>=your device name eg:
+ <code class="filename">/dev/sdd</code></p>
- <p>Non X=zure dispositiboaren izena adibidez: /dev/sdc</p>
+ <p>Example:<code class="literal"> dd if=/home/user/Downloads/Mageia-6-x86_64-DVD.iso
+ of=/dev/sdd bs=1M</code></p>
- <p>Adibidea: # <strong class="userinput"><code>dd if=/home/user/Downloads/Mageia-6-x86_64-DVD.iso
- of=/dev/sdb bs=1M</code></strong></p>
+ <div class="tip" title="Iradokizuna" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+ <table border="0" summary="Tip">
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Iradokizuna]" src="tip.png"></td>
+ <th align="left"></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <p>It might be helpful to know that <span class="bold"><strong>if</strong></span> stands
+ for <span class="bold"><strong>i</strong></span>nput <span class="bold"><strong>f</strong></span>ile and <span class="bold"><strong>of</strong></span> stands
+ for <span class="bold"><strong>o</strong></span>utput <span class="bold"><strong>f</strong></span>ile
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Agindua sartu: # <strong class="userinput"><code>sync</code></strong></p>
+ <p>Enter the command: <span class="command"><strong>sync</strong></span></p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Deskonektatu zure USB, eginda dago</p>
+ <p>This is the end of the process, and you may now unplug your USB stick.</p>