path: root/cs/selectInstallClass.html
diff options
authorPapoteur <papoteur@mageia.org>2019-03-16 16:32:13 +0100
committerPapoteur <papoteur@mageia.org>2019-03-16 16:32:13 +0100
commit32de613fffd82bf15940c568ee30fa708f256ca9 (patch)
treeddcabe57feeb3be84875733154773abe154854ca /cs/selectInstallClass.html
parent215945e331d64ea6fccccdd37c91c70076fa0922 (diff)
Update Chech translation
Diffstat (limited to 'cs/selectInstallClass.html')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/cs/selectInstallClass.html b/cs/selectInstallClass.html
index 559bfaa..4b29c17 100644
--- a/cs/selectInstallClass.html
+++ b/cs/selectInstallClass.html
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
@@ -30,6 +33,11 @@
@@ -38,73 +46,47 @@
<div class="itemizedlist">
- <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist" compact>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Instalace</p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Install</strong></span></p>
- <p>Pou&#382;ijte tuto volbu pro &#269;erstvou instalaci
- <span class="application">Mageii</span>.
+ <p>Use this option to perform a fresh installation of Mageia. This will format
+ the <code class="literal">root</code> partition (<code class="filename">/</code>), but can
+ preserve a pre-existing <code class="filename">/home</code> partition (a dedicated
+ /home partition, rather than being incorporated within the root (/)
+ partition itself).
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Aktualizace</p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Upgrade</strong></span></p>
- <p>Pokud m&aacute;te v syst&eacute;mu jednu nebo v&iacute;ce instalac&iacute;
- <span class="application">Mageii</span>, instal&aacute;tor v&aacute;m dovol&iacute; aktualizovat jednu
- z nich na nejnov&#283;j&#353;&iacute; vyd&aacute;n&iacute;.
- </p>
- <div class="warning" title="Varov&aacute;n&iacute;" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
- <table border="0" summary="Warning">
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Varov&aacute;n&iacute;]" src="warning.png"></td>
- <th align="left"></th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Pouze aktualizov&aacute;n&iacute; z p&#345;edchoz&iacute; verze Mageii, kter&aacute; byla <span class="emphasis"><em>je&#353;t&#283;
- podporov&aacute;na</em></span>, kdy&#382; byla vyd&aacute;na verze tohoto instal&aacute;toru, bylo
- d&#367;kladn&#283; odzkou&#353;eno. Pokud chcete aktualizovat verzi Mageii, kter&aacute; u&#382;
- dos&aacute;hla sv&eacute;ho konce &#382;ivotnosti, kdy&#382; byla vyd&aacute;na tato verze, potom je lep&#353;&iacute;
- ud&#283;lat &#269;istou instalaci, p&#345;i&#269;em&#382; si ponech&aacute;te v&aacute;&#353; domovsk&yacute; odd&iacute;l
- <code class="literal">/home</code>.
- </p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
+ <p>Use this option to upgrade an existing installation of Mageia.</p>
- <div class="note" title="Pozn&aacute;mka" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
- <table border="0" summary="Note">
+ <div class="important" title="D&#367;le&#382;it&eacute;" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+ <table border="0" summary="Important">
- <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Pozn&aacute;mka]" src="note.png"></td>
+ <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[D&#367;le&#382;it&eacute;]" src="important.png"></td>
<th align="left"></th>
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Pokud se b&#283;hem instalace rozhodnete instalaci zastavit, je mo&#382;n&eacute; restartovat
- po&#269;&iacute;ta&#269;, ale d&#345;&iacute;ve ne&#382; toto ud&#283;l&aacute;te, si to pros&iacute;m d&#367;kladn&#283; zva&#382;te. Kdy&#382; u&#382;
- byl odd&iacute;l jednou naform&aacute;tov&aacute;n nebo se za&#269;aly instalovat aktualizace, v&aacute;&#353;
- po&#269;&iacute;ta&#269; u&#382; nad&aacute;le nen&iacute; ve stejn&eacute;m stavu a jeho restartov&aacute;n&iacute; by v&aacute;s mohlo
- velmi lehce zanechat s nepou&#382;iteln&yacute;m syst&eacute;mem. Pokud si jste p&#345;esto p&#345;ese
- v&#353;echno velmi jist&iacute;, &#382;e restartov&aacute;n&iacute; je to, co chcete, jd&#283;te do textov&eacute;ho
- termin&aacute;lu sou&#269;asn&yacute;m stisknut&iacute;m t&#345;&iacute; kl&aacute;ves
- <span class="guilabel">Alt+Ctrl+F2</span>. Potom sou&#269;asn&#283; stiskn&#283;te
- <span class="guilabel">Alt+Ctrl+Delete</span> pro restart.
+ <p>Only upgrading from a previous Mageia version that was <span class="emphasis"><em>still
+ supported</em></span> when this Installer's version was released, has been
+ thoroughly tested. If you want to upgrade a Mageia version that has reached
+ its <span class="quote">&#8222;<span class="quote">End Of Life</span>&#8220;</span> then it is better to do a
+ <span class="quote">&#8222;<span class="quote">clean</span>&#8220;</span> install instead, while preserving your
+ <code class="filename">/home</code> partition.
@@ -122,10 +104,9 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Pokud jste objevili, &#382;e jste zapomenuli vybrat n&#283;jak&yacute; dopl&#328;kov&yacute; jazyk,
- m&#367;&#382;ete se vr&aacute;tit z obrazovky "Instalace a aktualizace" k v&yacute;b&#283;ru jazyka
- sou&#269;asn&yacute;m stisknut&iacute;m <span class="guilabel">Alt+Ctrl+Home</span>. Toto v&#353;ak u&#382;
- <span class="emphasis"><em>ned&#283;lejte</em></span> pozd&#283;ji b&#283;hem instalace.
+ <p>If you have discovered that you forgot to select an additional language, you
+ can return from the <span class="emphasis"><em>Install or Upgrade</em></span> screen to the
+ language choice screen by pressing <span class="keycap"><strong>Ctrl</strong></span>+<span class="keycap"><strong>Alt</strong></span>+<span class="keycap"><strong>Home</strong></span>. Do<span class="bold"><strong> NOT</strong></span> do this later in the install.