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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-i18n] Transifex discussion
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+ <H1>[Mageia-i18n] Transifex discussion</H1>
+ <B>Remco Rijnders</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-i18n] Transifex discussion">remco at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sun Jun 19 09:24:21 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Dear all,
+In last thursdays meeting on IRC the sole topic of discussion was the
+evaluation of the use of transifex for our translation work. This
+discussion was part of our general debriefing / post mortem of the
+translation process leading up to the first official release of Mageia.
+The general concensus of this meeting was that transifex is a useful tool
+for the i18n process and quite userfriendly to use, especially to those
+less familiar with tools like subversion for the translation process. That
+said, in this meeting quite some missing features came up that would make
+transifex much more useful to us if available.
+This email is intended to summarize the findings of this meeting and to
+invite both those who were and weren't present in that discussion to add
+their views and opinions on the subject. Once the discussion is finished
+we can hopefully come to a list of suggestions and improvement
+opportunities for transifex and our use of it. Once we have the list, we
+can see which opportunities are already available but not used by us yet,
+which opportunities are already identified and worked on by upstream, and
+which 'new' features we'd like to see. For the new features we can file
+requests in the upstream ticket system for transifex. For new features and
+already requested but not yet implemented features we can hopefully also
+contribute to the discussion and development of these features as time and
+skills permit.
+- When uploads from .po files from svn fail, no clear error message is
+ given. This makes it harder to learn what the issue with the file is.
+- Translation credits are an issue still. Upstream has indicated a fix for
+ this. When can we expect to see this in our version of transifex?
+- Some unclarity exists on the integration between transifex and our svn
+ repositories. This integration is possible, but not yet configured for
+ us. An additional question is if this integration should be both ways or
+ one-way (from svn to transifex).
+- Proofreading features are missing. It is hard to see what has recently
+ changed in a project. As a result, a proofreading consists of the entire
+ .po file instead of just the changed strings.
+- tx does offer 'suggestions' instead of general comments. Unfortunately
+ they have to be browsed individually and are not easily searchable.
+- 'diff' functionality should be available in transifex and not only in
+ svn. This would massively improve usability for us.
+- 'fuzzy' strings are emptied by transifex. Better handling of fuzzy
+ strings would require less work by and confusion for translators.
+- More collaboration features are needed. For example, the opportunity to
+ add comments to a project and not just a string. e.g. &quot;I have reviewed
+ the first 200 strings&quot;.
+Other wishes not directly related to transifex:
+- It would be useful that whenever a .pot file changes, a summary or diff
+ of the changes is sent to the i18n-mailinglist.
+Please feel free to give your input on any of the above, give corrections,
+or additions for any things I might have missed.
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