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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Petit mousse au rapport !</H1>
+ <B>Romain d'Alverny</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Petit mousse au rapport !">rdalverny at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Apr 6 19:07:29 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Hi there,
+Since past September (6 months 1/2), what we all have done so far is
+already quite amazing!
+Among things were defining, building teams and making them work. The
+result we can see is these releases and especially the last, beta1. I
+can't name everyone - but I really think we can cheer every one of us
+who took her fair share of the work to make this happen! Congrats,
+Things are not over, far from that. Notwithstanding next beta2, RC and
+finale after which a brainstorming Summer awaits us.
+To keep it short, here's the point: we do need more hands (and more
+than just that). To make things more regular, better, stronger. Not
+that those already in these teams do not already do great, but they
+could do even better with a slightly larger team, sharing the workload
+and tasks.
+Looking at the Council composition
+(<A HREF=""></A> ) you can see holes.
+Those I will stress out (because I see them first hand, but that's not
+exclusive) are:
+ - sysadmin &amp; web teams - these two are crucial to build, manage and
+fix the very infrastructure needed for the community to work and
+reflect on itself;
+ - marketing &amp; communication teams - these will help mesure, design
+and shape the messages we send out to the world;
+ - artwork - these shape what we do, because their work materializes &amp;
+identifies essential parts of the project;
+ - QA (being setup as we speak) defines, implements (when auto) and
+conducts tests to ensure what we ship is already OK regarding
+improving criteria.
+ - I am not forgetting other teams, no offense! :-) each needs new,
+fresh or experienced hands!
+Too, there's special care, respect, patience to be taken by every
+team, and every team member, to _advocate_ and _listen_ what and why
+doing things in some way and not in an other. Especially as we grow
+existing and new teams, as we then need to adapt/change the way we
+used to do things sometimes.
+Of course, not only posting to this list will be a solution. I could
+open a bug on &quot;We need to grow our teams&quot; for that for a record. But I
+would certainly better welcome ideas here. :-)
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