path: root/userdrake
diff options
authorDexter Morgan <dmorgan@mageia.org>2011-02-07 11:58:29 +0000
committerDexter Morgan <dmorgan@mageia.org>2011-02-07 11:58:29 +0000
commit7b56e13962dfa49dba1f064a1ba0ab5cb27a179c (patch)
tree57613feda94a765122f30610b95fcabf5c5c5afa /userdrake
Diffstat (limited to 'userdrake')
1 files changed, 1329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/userdrake b/userdrake
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c1bc15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userdrake
@@ -0,0 +1,1329 @@
+# #
+# #
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Mandriva #
+# #
+# Daouda Lo #
+# Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandriva.com> #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as #
+# published by the Free Software Foundation. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+use strict;
+use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
+# i18n: IMPORTANT: to get correct namespace (userdrake instead of libDrakX)
+BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'userdrake', 'libuser', 'drakconf' }
+use standalone;
+use transfugdrake;
+use common;
+use run_program;
+use any;
+use mygtk2 qw(gtknew); #- do not import gtkadd which conflicts with ugtk2 version
+use ugtk2 qw(:all);
+use interactive;
+use POSIX qw(mktime ceil);
+use USER;
+#Only for Debugging
+#use Devel::Peek;
+use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms;
+use utf8;
+use log;
+$ugtk2::wm_icon = "userdrake";
+my $conffile = '/etc/sysconfig/userdrake';
+my $secfile = '/etc/sysconfig/msec';
+my $pixdir = '/usr/share/userdrake/pixmaps/';
+my @pix = ($pixdir . 'selected.png', $pixdir . 'unselected.png');
+my $in = interactive->vnew('su');
+my $us = {};
+$us->{VERSION} = '1.13.3';
+my $window_splash = Gtk2::Window->new('popup');
+$window_splash->signal_connect(delete_event => \&QuitGlobal);
+$window_splash->set_title(N("Userdrake") . $us->{VERSION});
+$window_splash->add(gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(Gtk2::Frame->new, 'etched_out'),
+ gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0),
+ gtkcreate_img("$pixdir/userdrake.png"),
+ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Loading Users and Groups... Please wait"))
+ )
+ )
+ );
+#my $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Loading User and Groups"));
+my $error = 0;
+my $GetValue = -65533;
+my $stringsearch = '';
+my %prefs = getVarsFromSh($conffile);
+my %sec = getVarsFromSh($secfile);
+my $sysfilter = text2bool($prefs{FILTER});
+sub HelpSystem() { run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, 'drakhelp', '--id', 'userdrake') }
+$us->{wnd} = ugtk2->new(N("Mageia Users Management Tool") . " " . $us->{VERSION});
+$::main_window = $us->{wnd}{real_window};
+gtkset_size_request($us->{wnd}{rwindow}, 660, 460);
+$us->{wnd}{rwindow}->set_position('center') if !$::isEmbedded;
+$us->{wnd}{window}->signal_connect(delete_event => \&QuitGlobal);
+my $utree_model = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Glib::String", "Glib::Int", "Glib::String",
+ "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String");
+my $gtree_model = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Glib::String", "Glib::Int", "Glib::String");
+my ($usertree, $grouptree);
+$usertree = CreateTree($utree_model); $grouptree = CreateTree($gtree_model);
+# slightly verbatimed from control-center
+my %xguest_labels = (
+ to_install => N("/_Install guest account"),
+ installed => N("/_Uninstall guest account"),
+my %options = (
+ 'edit' => [ N("/_Actions"), N("/_Edit") ],
+ 'delete' => [ N("/_Actions"), N("/_Delete") ],
+ 'xguest' => [ N("/_Actions"), $xguest_labels{installed} ],
+ 'filter' => [ N("/_Options"), N("/_Filter system users") ]
+ );
+my %buttorcheck;
+my ($menu, $factory) = create_factory_menu(
+ $::isEmbedded ? $::Plug : $us->{wnd}{rwindow},
+ ([ N("/_File"), undef, undef, undef, '<Branch>' ],
+ [ N("/_File") . N("/_Refresh"), undef,
+ sub { Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch) },
+ undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ N("/_File") . N("/_Quit"), N("<control>Q"), \&QuitGlobal, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ N("/_Actions"), undef, undef, undef, '<Branch>' ],
+ [ N("/_Actions") . N("/_Add User"), undef, \&AddUser, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ N("/_Actions") . N("/Add _Group"), undef, \&AddGroup, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ join('', @{$options{edit}}), undef, \&Edit, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ join('', @{$options{delete}}), undef, \&Delete, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ join('', @{$options{xguest}}), undef, \&Xguest, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ N("/_Options"), undef, undef, undef, '<Branch>' ],
+ [ join('', @{$options{filter}}), undef, sub {
+ $sysfilter = $buttorcheck{filter}->get_active;
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ }, undef, '<CheckItem>' ],
+ [ N("/_Help"), undef, undef, undef, '<Branch>' ],
+ [ N("/_Help") . N("/_Help"), undef, sub { HelpSystem() }, undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ N("/_Help") . N("/_Report Bug"), undef,
+ sub { run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, 'drakbug', '--report', 'userdrake') },
+ undef, '<Item>' ],
+ [ N("/_Help") . N("/_About..."), undef, \&About, undef, '<Item>' ]
+ )
+%buttorcheck = map {
+ $_ => $factory->get_widget("<main>" . join '',
+ map { s/_//; $_ } @{$options{$_}}) }
+ ('edit', 'delete', 'filter', 'xguest');
+if (defined $buttorcheck{filter}) {
+ $buttorcheck{filter}->set_active($sysfilter);
+} else {
+my $toolb = Gtk2::Toolbar->new;
+my $filter;
+my $searchBox = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5),
+ 1, Gtk2::Label->new(""),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Search:")),
+ 0, gtksignal_connect($filter = Gtk2::Entry->new,
+ key_press_event => sub {
+ $_[1]->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Return}
+ and Refresh($sysfilter, $filter->get_text);
+ }),
+ 0, my $fbut = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Apply filter")),
+ );
+gtkappend_page(my $nb = Gtk2::Notebook->new,
+ gtkpack(create_scrolled_window($usertree)),
+ gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Users"))));
+#PO: list of users belonging to that group
+ gtkpack(create_scrolled_window($grouptree)),
+ gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Groups"))));
+my @extra_widgets;
+if ($::isEmbedded) {
+ push @extra_widgets, 0, Gtk2::Banner->new("/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/user-mdk.png",
+ #-PO: do not translate, this is already translated in mcc
+ N("Users and groups"));
+$us->{wnd}{window}->add(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0),
+ 0, $menu,
+ @extra_widgets,
+ 0, $toolb,
+ 0, $searchBox,
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 1, $nb));
+my @ucolsize = (60, 45, 40, 120, 80, 120, 50, -1);
+my @gcolsize = (100, 80, 160, -1);
+each_index {
+ my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes($_,
+ Gtk2::CellRendererText->new,
+ 'text' => $::i);
+ $col->set_sort_column_id($::i);
+ $col->set_min_width($ucolsize[$::i]);
+ $usertree->append_column($col);
+} (N("User Name"), N("User ID"), N("Primary Group"),
+ N("Full Name"), N("Login Shell"), N("Home Directory"), N("Status"));
+each_index {
+ my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes($_, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => $::i);
+ $col->set_sort_column_id($::i);
+ $col->set_min_width($gcolsize[$::i]);
+ $grouptree->append_column($col);
+} (N("Group Name"), N("Group ID"), N("Group Members"));
+my @toolbwg;
+foreach ([ N("Add User"), N("Add a user to the system"), 'user_add', \&AddUser ],
+ [ N("Add Group"), N("Add a group to the system"), 'group_add', \&AddGroup ],
+ [ N("Edit"), N("Edit selected row"), 'user_conf', \&Edit ],
+ [ N("Delete"), N("Delete selected row"), 'user_del', \&Delete ],
+ [ N("Refresh"), N("Refresh the list"), 'refresh',
+ sub { Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch) } ]) {
+ my $t = $toolb->append_item($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2],
+ Gtk2::Image->new_from_file($pixdir . $_->[2] . '.png'),
+ $_->[3], $toolb);
+ push(@toolbwg, $t);
+ # $toolb->append_space;
+my ($_tbuser, $_tbgroup, $tbedit, $tbdel, $_tbref) = @toolbwg;
+my $ctx = USER::ADMIN->new;
+$fbut->signal_connect('clicked', sub {
+ $stringsearch = $filter->get_text;
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ });
+Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+$nb->signal_connect('switch-page' => sub { NotebookSwitch() });
+#undef $wait;
+undef $window_splash;
+sub is_xguest_installed() {
+ -e '/etc/security/namespace.d/guest.conf';
+sub GrayDelEdit() {
+ foreach ($tbedit, $tbdel, $buttorcheck{edit}, $buttorcheck{delete}) {
+ defined $_ and $_->set_sensitive(0);
+ }
+sub RefreshXguest {
+ my ($o_is_already_refreshed) = @_;
+ my $label = $xguest_labels{is_xguest_installed() ? 'installed' : 'to_install'};
+ $label =~ s!^/!!;
+ $buttorcheck{xguest}->get_child->set_label($label);
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch) if !$o_is_already_refreshed;
+sub TreeUnselect {
+ my $treev = shift;
+ $treev->get_selection->unselect_all;
+ GrayDelEdit();
+ RefreshXguest();
+sub NotebookSwitch() {
+ #my $page = $nb->get_current_page;
+ TreeUnselect($usertree); TreeUnselect($grouptree);
+sub ComputeLockExpire {
+ my $l = shift;
+ my $ep = $l->ShadowExpire($GetValue);
+ my $tm = ceil(time()/(24*60*60));
+ $ep = -1 if int($tm) <= $ep;
+ my $status = $ctx->IsLocked($l) ? N("Locked") : ($ep != -1 ? N("Expired") : '');
+ $status;
+sub RefreshUsersFull {
+ my ($filterusers, $strfilt) = @_;
+ my ($users, $group, $groupnm, $expr);
+ defined $ctx and $users = $ctx->UsersEnumerateFull;
+ $utree_model->clear;
+ my @UserReal;
+ LOOP: foreach my $l (@$users) {
+ next LOOP if $filterusers && $l->Uid($GetValue) <= 499 || $l->Uid($GetValue) == 65534;
+ push @UserReal, $l if $l->UserName($GetValue) =~ /^\Q$strfilt/;
+ }
+ my $i;
+ foreach my $l (@UserReal) {
+ $i++;
+ my $uid = $l->Uid($GetValue);
+ if (!defined $uid) {
+ warn "bogus user at line $i\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $a = $l->Gid($GetValue);
+ $group = $ctx->LookupGroupById($a);
+ $groupnm = '';
+ $expr = ComputeLockExpire($l);
+ $group and $groupnm = $group->GroupName($GetValue);
+ my $s = $l->Gecos($GetValue);
+ c::set_tagged_utf8($s);
+ $utree_model->append_set([ 0 => $l->UserName($GetValue),
+ 1 => $l->Uid($GetValue),
+ 2 => $groupnm,
+ 3 => $s,
+ 4 => $l->LoginShell($GetValue),
+ 5 => $l->HomeDir($GetValue),
+ 6 => $expr ]);
+ }
+sub RefreshGroupsFull {
+ my ($filtergroups, $strfilt) = @_;
+ my $groups;
+ defined $ctx and $groups = $ctx->GroupsEnumerateFull;
+ $gtree_model->clear;
+ my @GroupReal;
+ LOOP: foreach my $g (@$groups) {
+ next LOOP if $filtergroups && $g->Gid($GetValue) <= 499 || $g->Gid($GetValue) == 65534;
+ push @GroupReal, $g if $g->GroupName($GetValue) =~ /^\Q$strfilt/;
+ }
+ foreach my $g (@GroupReal) {
+ my $a = $g->GroupName($GetValue);
+ #my $group = $ctx->LookupGroupById($a);
+ my $u_b_g = $a && $ctx->EnumerateUsersByGroup($a);
+ my $listUbyG = join(',', @$u_b_g);
+ my $group_id = $g->Gid($GetValue);
+ $gtree_model->append_set([ 0 => $g->GroupName($GetValue),
+ if_($group_id, 1 => $group_id),
+ if_($listUbyG, 2 => $listUbyG) ]);
+ }
+sub Refresh {
+ my ($filt, $strfilt) = @_;
+ RefreshUsersFull($filt, $strfilt);
+ RefreshGroupsFull($filt, $strfilt);
+ GrayDelEdit();
+ RefreshXguest(1);
+sub GetFaceIcon {
+ my ($user) = @_;
+ my @icons = any::facesnames();
+ my $i;
+ my $current_icon;
+ my $user_icon = "$::prefix/usr/share/faces/$user.png";
+ gtkpack_(my $hb = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 2),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Click on the icon to change it") . ' '),
+ 0, my $bt = Gtk2::Button->new
+ );
+ my $set = sub {
+ my ($icon) = @_;
+ my $f = $icon =~ m,^/, ? $icon : any::face2png($icon);
+ $us->{o}{iconval} = $icon;
+ gtkdestroy($us->{o}{icon});
+ # so that we do display "no icon" if either file doesn't exist or it's corrupted:
+ undef $us->{o}{icon};
+ $us->{o}{icon} = eval { gtkcreate_img($f) } if -e $f;
+ $us->{o}{icon} ||= Gtk2::Label->new("No Icon");
+ $bt->add($us->{o}{icon});
+ $us->{o}{icon}->show;
+ };
+ if (-e $user_icon) {
+ my $current_md5 = common::md5file($user_icon);
+ eval { $i = find_index { common::md5file(any::face2png($_)) eq $current_md5 } @icons };
+ if (!$@) { #- current icon found in @icons, select it
+ $current_icon = $icons[$i];
+ } else { #- add and select current icon in @icons
+ push @icons, $user_icon;
+ $current_icon = $user_icon;
+ $i = @icons - 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ #- no icon yet, select a random one
+ $current_icon = $icons[$i = rand(@icons)];
+ }
+ $set->($current_icon);
+ my $leave = 0;
+ $bt->signal_connect(enter => sub { $leave = 0 });
+ $bt->signal_connect(leave => sub { $leave = 1 });
+ $bt->signal_connect(button_release_event => sub {
+ return if $leave;
+ if ($_[1]->button == 1) {
+ $i = defined $icons[$i+1] ? $i+1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ $i = defined $icons[$i-1] ? $i-1 : @icons-1;
+ }
+ $set->($icons[$i]);
+ });
+ $hb;
+sub AddUser() {
+ my $w = NewWindow(N("Create New User"));
+ my $dontcreatehomedir = 0; my $is_system = 0;
+ my %u;
+ gtkpack_($w->vbox,
+ 0, BuildUui(),
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 0, $us->{o}{createhomedir} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Create Home Directory")),
+ 0, gtkpack_(my $vv = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 4),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Home Directory: ")),
+ 0, $us->{o}{homedir} = Gtk2::Entry->new
+ ),
+ 0, $us->{o}{privategroup} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Create a private group for the user")),
+ 0, $us->{o}{userid} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Specify user ID manually")),
+ 0, gtkset_sensitive(my $h = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 4), 0),
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 0, GetFaceIcon()
+ );
+ gtkadd($w->action_area,
+ map {
+ my $r = $_->[1];
+ gtksignal_connect(
+ Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]),
+ clicked => sub {
+ if (!$r) {
+ $u{username} = $us->{o}{login}->get_text; $error = 0;
+ $u{gecos} = $us->{o}{fullname}->get_text;
+ if (!valid_username($u{username})) { RaiseError($us->{error}) }
+ my $nm = !$error && $ctx->LookupUserByName($u{username});
+ if ($nm) {
+ RaiseError(N("User already exists, please choose another User Name"));
+ $us->{o}{login}->set_text('');
+ }
+ $u{passwd} = $us->{o}{passwd}->get_text;
+ if ($u{passwd} ne $us->{o}{confpasswd}->get_text) {
+ RaiseError(N("Password Mismatch"));
+ }
+ if ($sec{SECURE_LEVEL} > 3 && length($u{passwd}) < 6) {
+ RaiseError(N("This password is too simple. \n Good passwords should be > 6 characters"));
+ }
+ my $userEnt = !$error && $ctx->InitUser($u{username}, $is_system);
+ if (!$error && $us->{o}{createhomedir}->get_active) {
+ $dontcreatehomedir = 0;
+ $u{homedir} = $us->{o}{homedir}->get_text;
+ $userEnt and $userEnt->HomeDir($u{homedir});
+ } else {
+ $dontcreatehomedir = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$error && $us->{o}{userid}->get_active) {
+ if (($u{uid} = $us->{o}{uid}->get_value) < 500) {
+ my $uidchoice = GimmeChoice(N("User Uid is < 500"),
+ N("Creating a user with a UID less than 500 is not recommended.\n Are you sure you want to do this?\n\n"));
+ $uidchoice and $userEnt->Uid($u{uid});
+ } else { $userEnt->Uid($u{uid}) }
+ }
+ if ($us->{o}{privategroup}->get_active) {
+ if (!$error) {
+ #Check if group exist
+ my $gr = $ctx->LookupGroupByName($u{username});
+ if ($gr) {
+ my $groupchoice = ChooseGroup();
+ if ($groupchoice == 0 && !$error) {
+ #You choose to put it in the existing group
+ $u{gid} = $gr->Gid($GetValue);
+ } elsif ($groupchoice == 1) {
+ # Put it in 'users' group
+ log::explanations(N("Putting %s to 'users' group",
+ $u{username}));
+ $u{gid} = Add2UsersGroup($u{username});
+ }
+ } else {
+ #it's a new group: Add it
+ my $newgroup = $ctx->InitGroup($u{username},$is_system);
+ log::explanations(N("Creating new group: %s", $u{username}));
+ $u{gid} = $newgroup->Gid($GetValue);
+ $ctx->GroupAdd($newgroup);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ !$error and $u{gid} = Add2UsersGroup($u{username});
+ }
+ if (!$error) {
+ log::explanations(N("Adding user: %s", $u{username}));
+ $u{loginshell} = $us->{o}{shells}->entry->get_text;
+ $userEnt->Gecos($u{gecos}); $userEnt->LoginShell($u{loginshell});
+ $userEnt->Gid($u{gid});
+ $userEnt->ShadowMin(-1); $userEnt->ShadowMax(99999);
+ $userEnt->ShadowWarn(-1); $userEnt->ShadowInact(-1);
+ $ctx->UserAdd($userEnt, $is_system, $dontcreatehomedir);
+ $ctx->UserSetPass($userEnt, $u{passwd});
+ defined $us->{o}{iconval} and
+ any::addKdmIcon($u{username}, $us->{o}{iconval});
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ transfugdrake::get_windows_disk()
+ and $in->ask_yesorno(N("Migration wizard"),
+ N("Do you want to run the migration wizard in order to import Windows documents and settings in your Mageia distribution?"))
+ and run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, 'transfugdrake');
+ }
+ }
+ !$error and $w->destroy; $error = 0 });
+ } ([ N("Cancel"), 1 ], [ N("Ok"), 0 ]),
+ );
+ foreach (qw(privategroup createhomedir)) { $us->{o}{$_}->set_active(1) }
+ GrayBox($us->{o}{createhomedir}, $vv, 1);
+ $us->{o}{login}->signal_connect(
+ 'focus_out_event' => sub {
+ my $fullname = $us->{o}{fullname}->get_text;
+ $us->{o}{homedir}->set_text("/home/" . $us->{o}{login}->get_text);
+ $fullname or $us->{o}{fullname}->set_text($us->{o}{login}->get_text);
+ 0; # Gdk expect focus event handlers to return false
+ });
+ $us->{o}{uid} = Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new(500, 1, 65000, 1, 10, 10), 1, 0);
+ $h->pack_end($us->{o}{uid}, 0, 0, 4);
+ $h->pack_end(Gtk2::Label->new(N("UID: ")), 0, 0, 4);
+ GrayBox($us->{o}{userid}, $h, 0);
+ $w->show_all;
+sub Add2UsersGroup {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $usersgroup = $ctx->LookupGroupByName('users');
+ $usersgroup->MemberName($name, 1);
+ return $usersgroup->Gid($GetValue);
+sub ChooseGroup() {
+ my $w = NewWindow(N("Choose group"));
+ my $choice;
+ my @radio = gtkradio(N("Add to the existing group"),
+ (N("Add to the existing group"),
+ N("Add to the 'users' group")));
+ gtkadd($w->vbox,
+ Gtk2::Label->new(N("A group with this name already exists. What would you like to do?")),
+ gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), @radio),
+ );
+ gtkadd($w->action_area,
+ gtksignal_connect(
+ Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")),
+ clicked => sub {
+ each_index { $_->get_active and $choice = $::i } @radio;
+ $w->destroy;
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ }),
+ gtksignal_connect(
+ Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")),
+ clicked => sub {
+ $error = 1;
+ $w->destroy;
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ }));
+ $w->show_all;
+ Gtk2->main;
+ $choice;
+sub GimmeChoice {
+ my ($title, $text) = @_;
+ my $choice = $in->ask_yesorno($title, $text) or $error = 1;
+ gtkset_mousecursor_normal();
+ $choice;
+sub AddGroup() {
+ my $w = NewWindow(N("Create New Group"));
+ my $mode = 0; my %g; my $is_system = 0;
+ gtkpack_($w->vbox,
+ 0, BuildGui(),
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 0, $us->{o}{groupid} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Specify group ID manually")),
+ 0, gtkset_sensitive(my $h = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 4), 0),
+ );
+ gtkadd($w->action_area,
+ map {
+ my $r = $_->[1];
+ gtksignal_connect(
+ Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]),
+ clicked => sub {
+ if (!$r) {
+ $g{groupname} = $us->{o}{groupname}->get_text; $error = 0;
+ if (!valid_groupname($g{groupname})) {
+ RaiseError($us->{error});
+ }
+ my $nm = $ctx->LookupGroupByName($g{groupname});
+ if ($nm) {
+ RaiseError(N("Group already exists, please choose another Group Name"));
+ $us->{o}{groupname}->set_text('');
+ }
+ my $groupEnt = $ctx->InitGroup($g{groupname}, $is_system);
+ if ($us->{o}{groupid}->get_active) {
+ if (($g{gid} = $us->{o}{gid}->get_value) < 500) {
+ my $gidchoice = GimmeChoice(N(" Group Gid is < 500"),
+ N("Creating a group with a GID less than 500 is not recommended.\n Are you sure you want to do this?\n\n"));
+ $gidchoice and $groupEnt->Gid($g{gid});
+ } else {
+ $groupEnt->Gid($g{gid});
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$error) {
+ log::explanations(N("Adding group: %s ", $g{groupname}));
+ $ctx->GroupAdd($groupEnt);
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ }
+ }
+ !$error and $w->destroy; $error = 0 });
+ } ([ N("Cancel"), 1 ], [ N("Ok"), 0 ])
+ );
+ $us->{o}{gid} = Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new(500, 1, 65000, 1, 10, 10), 1, 0);
+ $h->pack_end($us->{o}{gid}, 0, 0, 4);
+ $h->pack_end(Gtk2::Label->new(N("GID: ")), 0, 0, 4);
+ $us->{o}{groupid}->signal_connect('clicked' => sub { $mode = !$mode; $h->set_sensitive($mode) });
+ $w->show_all;
+sub UpdateOrDelUsersInGroup {
+ my ($name, $action) = @_;
+ my $groups = $ctx->GroupsEnumerateFull;
+ if ($action) {
+ foreach my $g (@$groups) {
+ my $members = $g->MemberName(1, 0);
+ if (InArray($name, $members)) {
+ eval { $g->MemberName($name, 2) };
+ eval { $ctx->GroupModify($g) };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub GetNameEntFromIter {
+ my ($tree, $model, $rank) = @_;
+ my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected;
+ my $name = $model->get($iter, $rank);
+ $name;
+sub FillUserInfo {
+ my $ent = shift;
+ my $s = $ent->Gecos($GetValue);
+ c::set_tagged_utf8($s);
+ $us->{o}{fullname}->set_text($s);
+ $us->{o}{passwd}->set_text(' ');
+ $us->{o}{confpasswd}->set_text(' ');
+ $us->{o}{shells}->entry->set_text($ent->LoginShell($GetValue));
+ $us->{o}{homedir}->set_text($ent->HomeDir($GetValue));
+sub UserDelete() {
+ my ($checkhome, $checkspool);
+ my $username = GetNameEntFromIter($usertree, $utree_model, 0);
+ my $userEnt = $ctx->LookupUserByName($username);
+ # Old Delete version
+ #my $removehome = GimmeChoice(N(" Remove Home Directory"), N("Do you want to delete the user's home directory and mail spool?"));
+ #$removehome and $ctx->Clean($userEnt);
+ # New version
+ my $w = NewWindow(N("Delete files or not?"));
+ my $hd = $userEnt->HomeDir($GetValue);
+ gtkpack_($w->vbox,
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Deleting user %s\n Also perform the following actions\n",
+ $username)),
+ 0, $checkhome = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Delete Home Directory: %s", $hd)),
+ 0, $checkspool = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Delete Mailbox: /var/spool/mail/%s",
+ $username)),
+ );
+ gtkadd($w->action_area,
+ map {
+ my $r = $_->[1];
+ gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]), clicked =>
+ sub {
+ if (!$r) {
+ log::explanations(N("Removing user: %s", $username));
+ $ctx->UserDel($userEnt);
+ UpdateOrDelUsersInGroup($username, 1);
+ #Let's check out the user's primary group
+ my $usergid = $userEnt->Gid($GetValue);
+ my $groupEnt = $ctx->LookupGroupById($usergid);
+ if ($groupEnt) {
+ my $member = $groupEnt->MemberName(1, 0);
+ if (scalar(@$member) == 0 && $groupEnt->Gid($GetValue) > 499) {
+ $ctx->GroupDel($groupEnt);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($checkhome->get_active) {
+ eval { $ctx->CleanHome($userEnt) };
+ $@ and RaiseError($@);
+ }
+ if ($checkspool->get_active) {
+ eval { $ctx->CleanSpool($userEnt) };
+ $@ and RaiseError($@);
+ }
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ }
+ !$error and $w->destroy; $error = 0 });
+ } ([ N("Cancel"), 1 ], [ N("Delete"), 0 ]),
+ );
+ if ($hd !~ m!(?:/home|/var/spool)!) { $checkhome->set_sensitive(0); $checkspool->set_sensitive(0) }
+ $w->show_all;
+sub GroupDelete() {
+ my $groupname = GetNameEntFromIter($grouptree, $gtree_model, 0);
+ my $wg = NewWindow(translate("Warning"));
+ gtkadd($wg->vbox,
+ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Do you really want to delete the group %s?", $groupname)),
+ );
+ gtkadd($wg->action_area,
+ map {
+ my $r = $_->[1];
+ gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]), clicked =>
+ sub {
+ if (!$r) {
+ my $groupEnt = $ctx->LookupGroupByName($groupname);
+ my $members = $ctx->EnumerateUsersByGroup($groupname);
+ GLOOP: foreach my $username (@$members) {
+ my $userEnt = $ctx->LookupUserByName($username);
+ if ($userEnt && $userEnt->Gid($GetValue) == $groupEnt->Gid($GetValue)) {
+ RaiseError(N("%s is a primary group for user %s\n Remove the user first", $groupname, $username));
+ last GLOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$error) {
+ log::explanations(N("Removing group: %s", $groupname));
+ eval { $ctx->GroupDel($groupEnt) }; Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ }
+ }
+ !$error and $wg->destroy; $error = 0 });
+ } ([ N("Cancel"), 1 ], [ N("Delete"), 0 ]),
+ );
+ $wg->show_all;
+sub Delete() {
+ my $page = $nb->get_current_page;
+ $us->{wnd}{rwindow}->set_sensitive(0);
+ gtkset_mousecursor_wait(); $error = 0;
+ if ($page <= 0) {
+ UserDelete();
+ } elsif ($page == 1) {
+ GroupDelete();
+ }
+ $us->{wnd}{rwindow}->set_sensitive(1);
+ gtkset_mousecursor_normal();
+# Gtk Facilities
+sub CreateTree {
+ my ($tree_model) = @_;
+ my $tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model);
+ $tree->get_selection->set_mode('browse');
+ $tree->set_headers_visible(1);
+ $tree->set_rules_hint(1);
+ $tree->get_selection->signal_connect(
+ 'changed' => sub {
+ foreach ($tbedit, $tbdel, $buttorcheck{edit}, $buttorcheck{delete}) {
+ $_->set_sensitive(1);
+ }
+ });
+ my $menu_treeview = Gtk2::Menu->new;
+ my @menu_treeview_actions = ([ 'edit', N("Edit") ], [ 'delete', N("Delete") ]);
+ foreach (@menu_treeview_actions) {
+ my ($action, $text) = @$_;
+ my %actions; %actions = (
+ edit => sub {
+ my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected;
+ $iter and Edit();
+ },
+ delete => sub {
+ my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected;
+ $iter and Delete();
+ }
+ );
+ $menu_treeview->append(
+ gtksignal_connect(
+ gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($text)),
+ activate => sub { $actions{$action}->() }));
+ }
+ $tree->signal_connect(
+ button_press_event => sub {
+ my (undef, $event) = @_;
+ my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected;
+ return unless $iter;
+ foreach ($tbedit, $tbdel, $buttorcheck{edit}, $buttorcheck{delete}) {
+ $_->set_sensitive(1);
+ }
+ Edit() if $event->type eq '2button-press';
+ $_[1]->button == 3
+ and $menu_treeview->popup(undef, undef, undef, undef, $_[1]->button, $_[1]->time);
+ });
+ $tree->signal_connect(
+ key_press_event => sub {
+ my (undef, $event) = @_;
+ my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected;
+ return unless $iter;
+ Edit() if $event->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Return};
+ });
+ $tree;
+sub GtkEntryHidePass {
+ my ($o_text) = @_;
+ my $e = gtknew('WeaknessCheckEntry');
+ $o_text and $e->set_text($o_text);
+ $e->set_visibility(0);
+ $e;
+sub GtkEntrySized {
+ my ($i, $spac) = @_;
+ my $e = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length($i);
+ $e->set_size_request($spac, 20);
+ $e;
+sub BuildUui {
+ my ($o_extra_widget) = @_;
+ gtkpack_(my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2),
+ 1, create_packtable({ homogeneous => 1, col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5 },
+ [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Full Name:")),
+ $us->{o}{fullname} = Gtk2::Entry->new ],
+ [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Login:")),
+ $us->{o}{login} = Gtk2::Entry->new ],
+ [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Password:")),
+ $us->{o}{passwd} = GtkEntryHidePass() ],
+ [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Confirm Password:")),
+ $us->{o}{confpasswd} = GtkEntryHidePass() ],
+ [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Login Shell:")),
+ $us->{o}{shells} = Gtk2::Combo->new ],
+ $o_extra_widget,
+ )
+ );
+ $us->{o}{shells}->set_popdown_strings(@{$ctx->GetUserShells});
+ $us->{o}{shells}->entry->set_text("/bin/bash");
+ $vbox;
+sub BuildGui() {
+ gtkpack_(my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2),
+ 1, create_packtable({ homogeneous => 1, col_spacings => 5, row_spacings =>5 },
+ [ N("Group Name:"), $us->{o}{groupname} = Gtk2::Entry->new ]
+ )
+ );
+ $vbox;
+sub NewWindow {
+ my ($title) = @_;
+ my $dialog = gtkset_border_width(
+ _create_dialog($title, { transient_for => $us->{wnd}{real_window} }),
+ 5);
+ $dialog->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { $dialog->destroy });
+ my $prev_main_window = $::main_window;
+ $::main_window = $dialog;
+ $dialog->signal_connect(destroy => sub { $::main_window = $prev_main_window });
+ $dialog;
+sub Xguest() {
+ if (is_xguest_installed()) {
+ run_program::run('rpm', '-e', 'xguest');
+ } else {
+ run_program::run('gurpmi2', 'xguest');
+ }
+ RefreshXguest();
+sub UserEdit_valid {
+ my ($userEnt, $model, $primgid) = @_;
+ my ($Exp, $gEnt, $ugid);
+ my $error = 0;
+ my %u = (
+ username => $us->{o}{login}->get_text, gecos => $us->{o}{fullname}->get_text,
+ homedir => $us->{o}{homedir}->get_text, pw => $us->{o}{passwd}->get_text,
+ confm => $us->{o}{confpasswd}->get_text, shell => $us->{o}{shells}->entry->get_text
+ );
+ if (!valid_username($u{username})) {
+ RaiseError($us->{error});
+ }
+ if ($u{pw} ne $u{confm}) {
+ RaiseError(N("Password Mismatch"));
+ } elsif ($u{pw} eq $u{confm} && $u{pw} ne ' ') {
+ if ($sec{SECURE_LEVEL} > 3 && length($u{pw}) < 6) {
+ RaiseError(N("This password is too simple. \n Good passwords should be > 6 characters"));
+ }
+ !$error and $ctx->UserSetPass($userEnt, $u{pw});
+ }
+ if (!$error) {
+ $userEnt->UserName($u{username});
+ $userEnt->Gecos($u{gecos});
+ $userEnt->HomeDir($u{homedir});
+ $userEnt->LoginShell($u{shell});
+ my $username = $userEnt->UserName($GetValue);
+ $model->foreach(sub {
+ my ($mod, $_path, $iter) = @_;
+ my $ch = $mod->get($iter, 2);
+ my $name = $mod->get($iter, 1);
+ $gEnt = $ctx->LookupGroupByName($name);
+ $ugid = $gEnt->Gid($GetValue);
+ my $m = $gEnt->MemberName(1,0);
+ if ($ch == 1) {
+ if (!InArray($username, $m) && $primgid != $ugid) {
+ eval { $gEnt->MemberName($username, 1) };
+ $ctx->GroupModify($gEnt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (InArray($username, $m)) {
+ eval { $gEnt->MemberName($username, 2) };
+ $ctx->GroupModify($gEnt);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }, undef);
+ if ($us->{o}{primgroup}->entry->get_text eq '') {
+ RaiseError(N("Please select at least one group for the user"));
+ } elsif (!$error) {
+ my $ent = $ctx->LookupGroupByName($us->{o}{primgroup}->entry->get_text);
+ $ugid = $ent->Gid($GetValue);
+ $userEnt->Gid($ugid);
+ if ($us->{o}{acheckexpire}->get_active) {
+ my $yr = $us->{o}{expy}->get_value;
+ my $mo = $us->{o}{expm}->get_value;
+ my $dy = $us->{o}{expd}->get_value;
+ ValidInt($yr, $dy, $mo)
+ or RaiseError(N("Please specify Year, Month and Day \n for Account Expiration "));
+ if (!$error) { $Exp = ConvTime($dy, $mo, $yr);
+ $userEnt->ShadowExpire($Exp) }
+ } else { $userEnt->ShadowExpire(ceil(-1)) }
+ if ($us->{o}{pcheckexpire}->get_active) {
+ my $allowed = int($us->{o}{dbca}->get_text);
+ my $required = int($us->{o}{dbcr}->get_text);
+ my $warning = int($us->{o}{bwbc}->get_text);
+ my $inactive = int($us->{o}{dbai}->get_text);
+ $allowed && $required && $warning && $inactive
+ or RaiseError(N("Please fill up all fields in password aging\n"));
+ if (!$error) {
+ $userEnt->ShadowMin($allowed);
+ $userEnt->ShadowMax($required);
+ $userEnt->ShadowWarn($warning);
+ $userEnt->ShadowInact($inactive);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $userEnt->ShadowMin(-1);
+ $userEnt->ShadowMax(99999);
+ $userEnt->ShadowWarn(-1);
+ $userEnt->ShadowInact(-1);
+ }
+ !$error and $ctx->UserModify($userEnt);
+ if ($us->{o}{lockuser}->get_active) {
+ !$ctx->IsLocked($userEnt) and $ctx->Lock($userEnt);
+ } else { $ctx->IsLocked($userEnt) and $ctx->UnLock($userEnt) }
+ defined $us->{o}{iconval} and any::addKdmIcon($u{username}, $us->{o}{iconval});
+ !$error and Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ }
+ }
+sub GroupEdit_valid {
+ my ($groupEnt, $model, $groupname) = @_;
+ my %g;
+ my ($uEnt);
+ $g{groupname} = $us->{o}{groupname}->get_text; $error = 0;
+ if (!valid_groupname($g{groupname})) { RaiseError($us->{error}) }
+ if (!$error && $groupname ne $g{groupname}) { $groupEnt->GroupName($g{groupname}) }
+ $groupname = $groupEnt->GroupName($GetValue);
+ my $members = $ctx->EnumerateUsersByGroup($groupname);
+ my $gid = $groupEnt->Gid($GetValue);
+ !$error and $model->foreach(
+ sub {
+ my ($mod, $_path, $iter) = @_;
+ my $ch = $mod->get($iter, 2);
+ my $name = $mod->get($iter, 1);
+ if ($ch == 1) {
+ if (!InArray($name, $members)) {
+ $uEnt = $ctx->LookupUserByName($name);
+ my $ugid = $uEnt->Gid($GetValue);
+ if ($ugid != $gid) {
+ eval { $groupEnt->MemberName($name,1) };
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (InArray($name, $members)) {
+ $uEnt = $ctx->LookupUserByName($name);
+ if ($uEnt->Gid($GetValue) == $groupEnt->Gid($GetValue)) {
+ $model->set($iter, 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[0]));
+ $model->set($iter, 2 => 1);
+ RaiseError(N("You cannot remove user '%s' from their primary group", $name));
+ }
+ if (!$error) {
+ eval { $groupEnt->MemberName($name,2) };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }, undef);
+ if (!$error) {
+ $ctx->GroupModify($groupEnt);
+ Refresh($sysfilter, $stringsearch);
+ }
+sub UserEdit_widget {
+ my ($nbU, $tree, $model, $Gent) = @_;
+ my ($vald, $mo, $ye) = (localtime())[3, 4, 5];
+ my $valy = $ye+1900;
+ my $valm = $mo+1;
+ gtkappend_page($nbU,
+ BuildUui([ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Home:")),
+ $us->{o}{homedir} = Gtk2::Entry->new ]),
+ gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("User Data"))));
+ gtkappend_page(
+ $nbU,
+ gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2),
+ 0, $us->{o}{acheckexpire} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Enable account expiration")),
+ 0, gtkpack__(my $h = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 10),
+ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Account expires (YYYY-MM-DD):")),
+ map { my ($s, $value, $minv, $maxv) = @$_; #my $spc = $_->[4];
+ $us->{o}{$s} = Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new($value, $minv , $maxv, 1, 10, 10), 1, 0);
+ } (['expy', $valy, 1970, 10000],
+ ['expm', $valm, 1, 12],
+ ['expd', $vald, 1, 31]),
+ ),
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 0, $us->{o}{lockuser} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Lock User Account")),
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 0, GetFaceIcon(GetNameEntFromIter($usertree, $utree_model,0))
+ ), gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Account Info"))));
+ GrayBox($us->{o}{acheckexpire}, $h, 0);
+ gtkappend_page($nbU,
+ gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2),
+ 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("User last changed password on: ")),
+ 0, my $dayStr = Gtk2::Label->new(""),
+ 0, my $month = Gtk2::Label->new(""),
+ 0, my $dayInt = Gtk2::Label->new(""),
+ 0, my $year = Gtk2::Label->new("")
+ ),
+ 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new,
+ 0, $us->{o}{pcheckexpire} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Enable Password Expiration")),
+ 1, gtkpack_(
+ my $v = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,1),
+ 1, create_packtable(
+ { homogeneous => 1, col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5 },
+ [ N("Days before change allowed:"),
+ $us->{o}{dbca} = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_text(0) ],
+ [ N("Days before change required:"),
+ $us->{o}{dbcr} = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_text(0) ],
+ [ N("Days warning before change:"),
+ $us->{o}{bwbc} = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_text(0) ],
+ [ N("Days before account inactive:"),
+ $us->{o}{dbai} = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_text(0) ]
+ )
+ )), gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Password Info"))));
+ GrayBox($us->{o}{pcheckexpire}, $v, 0);
+ gtkappend_page($nbU,
+ gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Select the groups that the user will be a member of:")),
+ 1, create_scrolled_window($tree),
+ 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 1),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Primary Group")),
+ 1, $us->{o}{primgroup} = Gtk2::OptionMenu->new,
+ )
+ ), gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Groups"))));
+ my $username = GetNameEntFromIter($usertree, $utree_model,0);
+ $us->{o}{login}->set_text($username);
+ my $userEnt = $ctx->LookupUserByName($username); FillUserInfo($userEnt);
+ my $Uid = $userEnt->Uid($GetValue);
+ my $expire = $userEnt->ShadowExpire($GetValue);
+ if ($expire && $expire != -1) {
+ $us->{o}{acheckexpire}->set_active(1);
+ $h->set_sensitive(1);
+ my $times = TimeOfArray($expire, 1);
+ $us->{o}{expd}->set_value($times->{dayint});
+ $us->{o}{expm}->set_value($times->{month});
+ $us->{o}{expy}->set_value($times->{year});
+ }
+ #root account should never be locked
+ !$Uid and $us->{o}{lockuser}->set_sensitive(0);
+ # Check if user account is locked
+ $ctx->IsLocked($userEnt) and $us->{o}{lockuser}->set_active(1);
+ my $lastchg = $userEnt->ShadowLastChange($GetValue);
+ if ($lastchg) {
+ my $times = TimeOfArray($lastchg, 0);
+ $dayStr->set_text($times->{daystr});
+ $month->set_text($times->{month});
+ $dayInt->set_text($times->{dayint});
+ $year->set_text($times->{year});
+ }
+ my $min = $userEnt->ShadowMin($GetValue);
+ my $max = $userEnt->ShadowMax($GetValue);
+ my $warn = $userEnt->ShadowWarn($GetValue);
+ my $inact = $userEnt->ShadowInact($GetValue);
+ if ($min && $min != -1 || $max && $max != 99999 || $warn && $warn != 7 && $warn != -1 || $inact && $inact != -1) {
+ $us->{o}{pcheckexpire}->set_active(1);
+ $v->set_sensitive(1);
+ }
+ $min && $min != -1 and $us->{o}{dbca}->set_text($min);
+ $max && $max != -1 and $us->{o}{dbcr}->set_text($max);
+ $warn && $warn != -1 and $us->{o}{bwbc}->set_text($warn);
+ $inact && $inact != -1 and $us->{o}{dbai}->set_text($inact);
+ my $grps = $ctx->GroupsEnumerate;
+ my @sgroups = sort @$grps;
+ my $members = $ctx->EnumerateGroupsByUser($username);
+ my $primgid = $userEnt->Gid($GetValue);
+ $Gent = $ctx->LookupGroupById($primgid);
+ my @primgroup;
+ foreach my $group (@sgroups) {
+ if (member($group, @$members)) {
+ $model->append_set([ 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[0]), 1 => $group, 2 => 1 ]);
+ push @primgroup, $group;
+ } else { $model->append_set([ 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[1]), 1 => $group, 2 => 0 ]) }
+ }
+ $us->{o}{primgroup}->set_popdown_strings(@primgroup);
+ $Gent and $us->{o}{primgroup}->entry->set_text($Gent->GroupName($GetValue));
+ ($userEnt, $primgid, @primgroup);
+sub GroupEdit_widget {
+ my ($nbG, $tree, $model, $groupname) = @_;
+ $nbG->set_size_request(300, 200);
+ gtkappend_page($nbG,
+ gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2),
+ 1, BuildGui()),
+ gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Group Data"))));
+ gtkappend_page($nbG,
+ gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 1),
+ 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Select the users to join this group:")),
+ 1, create_scrolled_window($tree)),
+ gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Group Users"))));
+ $groupname = GetNameEntFromIter($grouptree, $gtree_model, 0);
+ $us->{o}{groupname}->set_text($groupname);
+ # Don't allow change on group name since there is a bug in lu_user_modify group
+ $us->{o}{groupname}->set_editable(0);
+ my $groupEnt = $ctx->LookupGroupByName($groupname);
+ my $users = $ctx->UsersEnumerate;
+ my @susers = sort(@$users);
+ my $members = $ctx->EnumerateUsersByGroup($groupname);
+ foreach my $user (@susers) {
+ if (member($user, @$members)) {
+ $model->append_set([ 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[0]), 1 => $user, 2 => 1 ]);
+ } else {
+ $model->append_set([ 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[1]), 1 => $user, 2 => 0 ]);
+ }
+ }
+ $groupEnt;
+sub Edit() {
+ my $w = NewWindow(N("Edit Groups / Users"));
+ my $model = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf", "Glib::String", "Glib::Int");
+ my $tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($model);
+ my ($groupname, $groupEnt, $userEnt, $primgid, $Gent);
+ my @primgroup;
+ $tree->get_selection->set_mode('browse');
+ my $check = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new,
+ 'pixbuf' => 0);
+ $tree->append_column($check);
+ $check->{is_pixbuf_column} = 1;
+ $tree->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new,
+ 'text' => 1));
+ $tree->set_headers_visible(0);
+ my $p = $nb->get_current_page;
+ my $nbU = Gtk2::Notebook->new;
+ my $nbG = Gtk2::Notebook->new;
+ if ($p <= 0) {
+ ($userEnt, $primgid, @primgroup) = UserEdit_widget($nbU, $tree, $model, $Gent);
+ } elsif ($p == 1) {
+ $groupEnt = GroupEdit_widget($nbG, $tree, $model, $groupname);
+ }
+ gtkpack_($w->vbox,
+ 1, !$p ? $nbU : $nbG);
+ gtkadd($w->action_area,
+ map {
+ my $retv = $_->[1];
+ gtksignal_connect(
+ Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]), clicked => sub {
+ if (!$retv) {
+ if ($p <= 0) {
+ eval { UserEdit_valid($userEnt, $model, $primgid) };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ c::set_tagged_utf8($err);
+ RaiseError(N("An error occurred:") . "\n" . $err);
+ }
+ } elsif ($p == 1) {
+ GroupEdit_valid($groupEnt, $model, $groupname);
+ }
+ }
+ !$error and $w->destroy; $error = 0 });
+ } ([ N("Cancel"), 1 ], [ N("Ok"), 0 ]),
+ );
+ $tree->show;
+ $w->show_all;
+ $tree->signal_connect(
+ button_press_event => sub {
+ my ($path, $column) = $tree->get_path_at_pos($_[1]->x, $_[1]->y);
+ if ($path && $column) {
+ if ($column->{is_pixbuf_column}) {
+ my $iter = $model->get_iter($path);
+ if ($iter) {
+ my $cp = $model->get($iter, 2);
+ my $item = $model->get($iter, 1);
+ $model->set($iter, 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[$cp]));
+ $model->set($iter, 2 => !$cp);
+ if ($p <= 0) {
+ if (!$cp) {
+ !InArray($item, \@primgroup) and push(@primgroup, $item);
+ } else {
+ InArray($item, \@primgroup) and @primgroup = RemoveFromArray($item, \@primgroup);
+ }
+ $us->{o}{primgroup}->set_popdown_strings(@primgroup);
+ $Gent and $us->{o}{primgroup}->entry->set_text($Gent->GroupName($GetValue));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $tree->signal_connect(
+ key_press_event => sub {
+ my $c = chr($_[1]->keyval & 0xff);
+ if ($_[1]->keyval >= 0x100 ? $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\x8d" : $c eq ' ') {
+ my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected;
+ return unless $iter;
+ my $cp = $model->get($iter, 2);
+ my $item = $model->get($iter, 1);
+ $model->set($iter, 0 => gtkcreate_pixbuf($pix[$cp]));
+ $model->set($iter, 2 => !$cp);
+ if ($p <= 0) {
+ if (!$cp) {
+ !InArray($item, \@primgroup) and push(@primgroup, $item);
+ } else {
+ InArray($item, \@primgroup) and @primgroup = RemoveFromArray($item, \@primgroup);
+ }
+ $us->{o}{primgroup}->set_popdown_strings(@primgroup);
+ $Gent and $us->{o}{primgroup}->entry->set_text($Gent->GroupName($GetValue));
+ }
+ }
+ 0;
+ });
+sub ValidInt {
+ foreach my $i (@_) { $i =~ /\d+/ or return 0 }
+ return 1;
+sub ConvTime {
+ my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
+ my ($tm, $days, $mon, $yr);
+ $mon = $month - 1; $yr = $year - 1900;
+ $tm = POSIX::mktime(0, 0, 0, $day, $mon, $yr);
+ $days = ceil($tm / (24 * 60 * 60));
+ return $days;
+sub TimeOfArray {
+ my ($reltime, $cm) = @_;
+ my $h; my %mth = (Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3, Apr => 4, May => 5, Jun => 6, Jul => 7, Aug => 8, Sep => 9, Oct => 10, Nov => 11, Dec => 12);
+ my $_t = localtime($reltime * 24 * 60 * 60) =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)/;
+ $h->{daystr} = $1;
+ $h->{month} = $2;
+ $h->{dayint} = $3;
+ $h->{year} = $5;
+ $cm and $h->{month} = $mth{$2};
+ $h;
+sub InArray {
+ my ($item, $arr) = @_;
+ return any { $item eq $_ } @$arr;
+sub RemoveFromArray {
+ my ($item, $arr) = @_;
+ my ($t, $_s) = partition { $item ne $_ } @$arr;
+ return @$t;
+sub GrayBox {
+ my ($o, $v, $m) = @_;
+ $v->set_sensitive($m);
+ $o->signal_connect('clicked' => sub { $m = !$m; $v->set_sensitive($m) });
+sub NewDialog {
+ my ($title) = @_;
+ my $dialog = gtkset_border_width(
+ _create_dialog($title, { transient_for => $us->{wnd}{real_window} }),
+ 5);
+ $dialog->action_area->pack_start(
+ gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Close")), clicked => sub { $dialog->destroy }),
+ 0,0,0);
+ $dialog;
+sub About() {
+ my $license = formatAlaTeX(translate($::license));
+ $license =~ s/\n/\n\n/sg; # nicer formatting
+ my $w = gtknew('AboutDialog', name => N("Userdrake"),
+ version => $us->{VERSION},
+ copyright => N("Copyright (C) %s by Mandriva", '2001-2009') . "\n" . N("Copyright (C) %s by Mageia", '2011'),
+ if_(-r "$pixdir/userdrake.png", logo => "$pixdir/userdrake.png"),
+ license => $license, wrap_license => 1,
+ comments => N("Users Management"),
+ website => 'http://www.mageia.org',
+ website_label => N("Mageia"),
+ authors => 'Daouda Lo
+Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandriva.com>',
+ artists => 'Hélène Durosini <ln@mandriva.com>',
+ translator_credits =>
+ #-PO: put here name(s) and email(s) of translator(s) (eg: "John Smith <jsmith@nowhere.com>")
+ N("_: Translator(s) name(s) & email(s)\n"),
+ );
+ $w->show_all;
+ $w->run;
+sub valid {
+ $_[0] or $us->{error} = N("Name field is empty please provide a name"), return 0;
+ $_[0] =~ /^[a-z]+?[a-z0-9_-]*?$/ or do {
+ $us->{error} = N("The name must contain only lower cased latin letters, numbers, `-' and `_'");
+ return 0;
+ };
+ length($_[0]) <= $_[1] or $us->{error} = N("Name is too long"), return 0;
+ return 1;
+sub valid_username {
+ return valid($_[0], 32);
+sub valid_groupname {
+ return valid($_[0], 16);
+sub RaiseError {
+ my $w = NewWindow(N("Error"));
+ $error = 1;
+ gtkpack($w->vbox, Gtk2::Label->new($_[0]));
+ gtkadd($w->action_area,
+ gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")),
+ clicked => sub { $w->destroy })
+ );
+ $w->show_all;
+sub QuitGlobal() {
+ setVarsInSh($conffile, {
+ FILTER => bool2text($sysfilter),
+ });
+ Gtk2->main_quit;