path: root/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml
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authorYuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>2014-10-12 14:17:11 +0300
committerYuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>2014-10-12 14:17:11 +0300
commit086b93b96125cebc1b7048fdd48c017df207707b (patch)
treeae007d9f22a489a9a16525e72c59000f259070fa /docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml
parentf8c70a89004db11bddfcbebf85795891daa1a717 (diff)
Updates from Tx
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml b/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml
index e8acca36..cc6c348e 100644
--- a/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml
+++ b/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakfirewall.xml
@@ -11,25 +11,25 @@
- <para>This tool<footnote>
+ <para>Tresna hau<footnote>
<para>Komando-lerrotik tresna hau abiaraz dezakezu, <emphasis
role="bold">drakfirewall</emphasis> root bezala idatziz.</para>
- </footnote> is found under the Security
-tab in the Mageia Control Center labelled "Set up your personal
-firewall". It is the same tool in the first tab of "Configure system
-security, permissions and audit".</para>
- <para>A basic firewall is installed by default with Mageia. All the incoming
-connections from the outside are blocked if they aren't authorised. In the
-first screen above, you can select the services for which outside connection
-attempts are accepted. For your security, uncheck the first box -
-<guilabel>Everything (no firewall)</guilabel> - unless you want to disable
-the firewall, and only check the needed services.</para>
- <para>It is possible to manually enter the port numbers to open. Click on
-<guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> and a new window is opened. In the field
-<guilabel>Other ports</guilabel>, enter the needed ports following these
-examples :</para>
+ </footnote> Mageia Kontrol Guneko
+Segurtasun fitxan dago etiketaturik "Konfiguratu suebaki
+pertsonala". Lehenengo fitxako "Konfiguratu segurtasun-sistema, baimenak eta
+auditoria" tresna bera da.</para>
+ <para>Oinarrizko suebaki bat instalatzen da modu lehenetsian
+Mageia-rekin. Kanpoaldetiko konexio guztiak oztopatzen ditu ez badaude
+baimenduta. Goiko lehen pantailan, zerbitzuak hauta ditzakezu zeinetarako
+kanpoko konexio-ahaleginak onartuko diren. Zure segurtasunerako, desmarkatu
+lehen kutxa - <guilabel>Guztia (suebaki gabe)</guilabel> - suebakia desgaitu
+nahi ez baduzu behintzat, eta soilik beharrezko zerbitzuak egiaztatzeko.</para>
+ <para>Posible da, portu-zenbakiak eskuz sartzea irekitzeko. Sakatu
+<guibutton>Aurreratua</guibutton> eta leiho berri bat irekiko
+da. <guilabel>Beste portuak</guilabel> eremuan, sartu behar diren portuak
+honako adibideak jarraituz :</para>
<para>80/tcp : ireki 80 portua tcp protokoloan</para>
@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ examples :</para>
<para>Zerrendatutako portuak espazio baten bidez bereizi behar dira.</para>
- <para>If the box <guilabel>Log firewall messages in system logs</guilabel> is
-checked, the firewall messages will be saved in system logs</para>
+ <para><guilabel>Suebaki erregistro mezuak sistemaren erregistroaren</guilabel>
+laukia aktibatuta badago, suebakiaren mezuak sistemaren erregistroetan
+gordeko dira</para>
@@ -47,19 +48,20 @@ checked, the firewall messages will be saved in system logs</para>
- <para>If you don't host specific services (web or mail server, file sharing, ...)
-it is completely possible to have nothing checked at all, it is even
-recommended, it won't prevent you from connecting to the internet.</para>
+ <para>Ez baduzu barne zerbitzu espezifikorik (web edo posta zerbitzaria, fitxategi
+partekatzea...) erabat posiblea da ezer ez markatuta izatea, gomendatzen
+dute, ez dizu eragozten Internetera konektatzea.</para>
- <para>The next screen deals with the Interactive Firewall options. These feature
-allow you to be warned of connection attempts if at least the first box
-<guilabel>Use Interactive Firewall </guilabel>is checked. Check the second
-box to be warned if the ports are scanned (in order to find a failure
-somewhere and enter your machine). Each box from the third one onwards
-corresponds to a port you opened in the two first screens; in the screenshot
-below, there are two such boxes: SSH server and 80:150/tcp. Check them to be
-warned each time a connection is attempted on those ports.</para>
+ <para>Hurrengo pantaila Suebaki aukera Interaktiboekin banatzen da. Ezaugarri
+hauek konexio-saioez zuri ohartaraztea baimentzen dutela espero dute
+gutxienez lehen lauki <guilabel>Suebaki Interaktiboa Erabili
+</guilabel>markaturik badago. Bigarren laukia marka ezazu portuak eskaneatu
+egiten badira (nonbait faila bat aurkitzeko eta zure makinan sartzeko asmoz)
+abisatzeko. Hirugarreneko lauki bakoitzak hemendik aurrera lehen bi
+pantailetan ireki zenituen portuena da; beheko pantailan, bi gutunontzi
+daude: SSH zerbitzaria eta 80:150/tcp. Portu horietan konexioa saiatzen den
+bakoitzean abisatzeko egiazta itzazu.</para>
<para>Ohartarazpen hauek alerta popups sare applet bitartez eman dira.</para>
@@ -75,12 +77,12 @@ warned each time a connection is attempted on those ports.</para>
- <para>In the last screen, choose which network interfaces are connected to the
-Internet and must be protected. Once the OK button is clicked, the necessary
-packages are downloaded.</para>
+ <para>Azken pantailan, aukeratu zein sare interfazeak Internetera konektatzen
+diren eta babestu egin itzazu. Ados botoian klikatu eta gero, beharrezko
+paketeak jaitsi egingo dira.</para>
- <para>If you don't know what to choose, have a look in MCC tab Network &amp;
-Internet, icon Set up a new network interface.</para>
+ <para>Ez badakizu zer aukeratu, MCC-en Sare &amp; Internet fitxa, Ezarri sare
+interfaze berri bat ikonoan begirada bat bota.</para>
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