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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/langs/it/about/code-of-conduct.it.lang b/langs/it/about/code-of-conduct.it.lang
index 81a965454..dfeccdb28 100644
--- a/langs/it/about/code-of-conduct.it.lang
+++ b/langs/it/about/code-of-conduct.it.lang
@@ -198,15 +198,15 @@ Ottieni supporto da altri nella comunità.
# /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +98
;Disagreements, both political and technical, happen all the time. Our community is not an exception. The goal is not to avoid disagreements or differing views but to resolve them constructively. You should turn to the community to seek advice and to resolve disagreements, and where possible, consult the team(s) most directly involved.
-Disagreements, both political and technical, happen all the time. Our community is not an exception. The goal is not to avoid disagreements or differing views but to resolve them constructively. You should turn to the community to seek advice and to resolve disagreements, and where possible, consult the team(s) most directly involved.
+Disaccordi, sia politici che tecnici, si verificano tutte le volte. La nostra comunità non fa eccezione. L'obiettivo non è di evitare i disaccordi o i differenti punti di vista ma di risolverli costruttivamente. Dovresti rivolgerti alla comunità per cercare consigli e per risolvere disaccordi e, quando possibile, consulta il team coinvolto più direttamente.
# /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +100
;Think deeply before turning a disagreement into a public dispute. If necessary request mediation and attempt to resolve differences in a less highly-emotional medium. If you do feel that you or your work is being attacked, take your time to breathe before writing heated replies. Consider a 24 hour moratorium if emotional language is being used - a cooling off period is sometimes all that is needed. If you really want to go a different way, then we encourage you to publish your ideas and your work, so that it can be tried and tested.
-Think deeply before turning a disagreement into a public dispute. If necessary request mediation and attempt to resolve differences in a less highly-emotional medium. If you do feel that you or your work is being attacked, take your time to breathe before writing heated replies. Consider a 24 hour moratorium if emotional language is being used - a cooling off period is sometimes all that is needed. If you really want to go a different way, then we encourage you to publish your ideas and your work, so that it can be tried and tested.
+Pensa bene prima di trasformare un disaccordo in una disputa pubblica. Se necessario richiedi una mediazione e cerca di risolvere le divergenze in un mezzo meno altamente emozionale. Se senti che tu o il tuo lavoro viene attaccato, prenditi il tuo tempo per respirare prima di scrivere risposte animate. Prendi in considerazione una moratoria di 24 ore se viene usato un linguaggio emozionale - un periodo di raffreddamento è talvolta tutto ciò di cui si ha bisogno. Se davvero vuoi procedere in modo differente, ebbene ti incoraggiamo a pubblicare le tue idee ed il tuo lavoro affinché possa essere provato e collaudato.
# /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +102
;This document is licensed under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 License</a> (<a href="http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Code_of_Conduct" rel="nofollow">parent version</a>).
-This document is licensed under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 License</a> (<a href="http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Code_of_Conduct" rel="nofollow">parent version</a>).
+Questo documento è tutelato da licenza <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 License</a> (<a href="http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Code_of_Conduct" rel="nofollow">parent version</a>).