path: root/en/downloads/get/index.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'en/downloads/get/index.php')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/en/downloads/get/index.php b/en/downloads/get/index.php
index 0d19ad9e5..078b34ff2 100644
--- a/en/downloads/get/index.php
+++ b/en/downloads/get/index.php
@@ -170,18 +170,16 @@ $_t['page_title'] = sprintf($_t['page_title'], '<em class="tag">' . $title . '</
<hr />
- <p>The making and the distribution of Mageia worldwide is made possible by all
- the <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/">people and organizations that mirror our software</a>
- and that <a href="/en/thank-you/">donate money, hardware, hosting and more</a>.
- <?php echo sprintf($_t['wanttohelp?'], '<a href="http://mageia.org/contribute/">', '</a>'); ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo sprintf($_t['thank-you-note'], 'http://mirrors.mageia.org/', '/en/thank-you/'); ?>
+ <?php echo sprintf($_t['wanttohelp?'], '<a href="http://mageia.org/contribute/">', '</a>'); ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="yui-g"><div class="para">
<h2>Sorry! :-(</h2>
- <p>Your download could not complete, as we could not find this file.
- Please try again from the <a href="/downloads/">main downloads page</a>.</p>
+ <p><?php echo sprintf($_t['dl-failed-try-again'], '/downloads/'); ?></p>
- <p>If you still encounter this error and think IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN &ndash; please tell us:</p>
+ <p><?php echo sprintf($_t['dl-failed-tell-us']); ?></p>
<li>directly on <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#mageia-web">#mageia-web on Freenode IRC</a>,</li>
<li>or <a href="http://twitter.com/mageia_org">via our Tweeter account</a>,</li>
@@ -190,7 +188,7 @@ $_t['page_title'] = sprintf($_t['page_title'], '<em class="tag">' . $title . '</
<p>You may embed this debug info if you like:</p>
- <pre class="term small"><?php echo $reason, "\n", (json_encode($_GET)); ?></pre>
+ <pre class="term small"><?php echo $reason, "\n", (json_encode(strip_tags($_GET))); ?></pre>
<p><a href="/">&laquo; back to that awesome Mageia home page</a></p>