path: root/en/1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'en/1')
5 files changed, 474 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/en/1/index.php b/en/1/index.php
index 6e64cad99..942564bf6 100644
--- a/en/1/index.php
+++ b/en/1/index.php
@@ -1 +1,77 @@
-<?php require '../../1/1.php'; ?> \ No newline at end of file
+$locale = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+$locale = $locale[1];
+require 'locales.php';
+if (!array_key_exists($locale, $_t)) {
+ $locale = 'en';
+$_t = $_t[$locale];
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html dir="ltr" lang="<?php echo $locale; ?>">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title><?php echo $_t['1_title']; ?></title>
+ <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $_t['1_desc']; ?>">
+ <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $_t['1_kw']; ?>">
+ <meta name="DC.date" content="2010-06-01" scheme="DCTERMS.W3CDTF">
+ <link rel="canonical" href="/<?php echo $locale; ?>/1/">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/g/style/all.css">
+ <?php include '../../analytics.php'; ?>
+<body class="release">
+ <?php include '../../langs.php'; ?>
+ <div id="doc" class="yui-t7">
+ <div id="hd" role="banner"><h1><a id="logo" href="/"><span>Mageia</span></a> <span class="lsep">|</span> <span class="subh">1</span></h1></div>
+ <?php include 'nav.php'; ?>
+ <div id="bd" role="main">
+ <div class="yui-g bb1">
+ <div class="para">
+ <img src="/g/1/screenshots/opt-mageia-450.jpg" alt="<?php echo $_t['img_desktop']; ?>" class="rel-desktop-home" style="float: left; margin: 0 2em 2em 0; width: 450px;">
+ <h2 class="download-btn"><a href="/downloads/"><?php echo $_t['download_it']; ?></a></h2>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['mageia_is']; ?></p>
+ <h3><?php echo $_t['h3_what_is']; ?></h3>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['plenty_see_notes']; ?></p>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ <h3><?php echo $_t['h3_context']; ?></h3>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['mageia_began']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['our_work']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['encourage_you']; ?></p>
+ <hr>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['9_months']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['people']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['prereleases']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['servers']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['languages']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['distribution']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['users']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['in_for_you']; ?></p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="yui-g bb1">
+ <div class="yui-u first rb1">
+ </div>
+ <div class="yui-u">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <?php include 'nav.php'; ?>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/en/1/locales.php b/en/1/locales.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..755e6ff79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/1/locales.php
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+$_t = array(
+ 'en' => array(
+ '1_title' => 'Mageia 1',
+ '1_desc' => 'Mageia 1 is a new community-based Linux distribution.',
+ '1_kw' => 'mageia, 1, first release, linux, mandriva, free software',
+ 'img_desktop' => 'Mageia 1 KDE Desktop',
+ 'download_it' => 'Download it',
+ 'mageia_is' => 'Mageia 1 is a GNU/Linux distribution for your computer,
+ released by the Mageia community.',
+ 'h3_what_is' => 'What is in it?',
+ 'plenty_see_notes' => 'Plenty! See the <a href="notes/">release notes</a> for an extensive exposé.',
+ 'h3_context' => 'Mageia in context',
+ 'mageia_began' => 'Mageia began in September 2010 as
+ <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">a fork of Mandriva Linux</a>.
+ It is supported by a <a href="/en/about/">not-for-profit organisation</a>,
+ <a href="http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=org">governed by</a>
+ a body of recognized and elected contributors</a>,
+ and made by 100+ people around the world.',
+ 'our_work' => 'Our work adds to the excellent work of the wider Linux
+ and Free Software community. We aim to bring one of the best,
+ most stable, reliable and enjoyable experience and platform we can make;
+ for a regular user, a developer, or a business.',
+ 'encourage_you' => 'And we encourage you to <a href="/en/contribute/">be part of it</a>,
+ on your own time or through your professional activity.',
+ '9_months' => '9&nbsp;months from <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">inception</a> we\'ve reached:',
+ 'people' => '<a href="">100+&nbsp;contributors</a> in <a href="/wiki/doku.php?id#teams">10+ teams</a>.
+ <a href="/en/thank-you/">160+&nbsp;generous donors</a> of
+ <a href="/en/donate/">8.800+&nbsp;EUR</a>
+ with only <a href="/en/about/reports/">1.277 spent</a> so far
+ and 20.000 forecast for 2011.',
+ 'prereleases' => '5&nbsp;intermediary technical releases.
+ 7.389&nbsp;source packages,
+ 2 &times; 14.226&nbsp;binary packages for 2&nbsp;architectures (i586 and x86_64
+ &ndash; ARM is on its way).',
+ 'servers' => '7&nbsp;servers, 3&nbsp;datacenters (Paris and Marseille, France),
+ <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/">19&nbsp;mirrors worldwide</a>.',
+ 'languages' => '<a href="http://mageia.org/?langs">21-language</a> localized Website,
+ <a href="">161-languages</a> localized distribution.',
+ 'distribution' => 'All this for <a href="http://mageia.org/en/1/">one distribution</a>,
+ ready for you, now.',
+ 'users' => 'How many users? Time will tell.',
+ 'in_for_you' => 'But more important than vanity figures: <a href="/en/1/next/">what will it do for you?</a>'
+ ),
+ 'uk' => array(
+ '1_title' => 'Mageia 1',
+ '1_desc' => 'Mageia 1 — це новий дистрибутив Linux, супровід якого здійснює спільнота.',
+ '1_kw' => 'mageia, 1, перший випуск, linux, mandriva, вільне програмне забезпечення',
+ 'img_desktop' => 'Mageia 1 зі стільницею KDE',
+ 'download_it' => 'Звантажити',
+ 'mageia_is' => 'Mageia 1 — дистрибутив GNU/Linux для вашого комп’ютера,
+ випущений спільнотою Mageia.',
+ 'h3_what_is' => 'Що всередині?',
+ 'plenty_see_notes' => 'Багато чого! Докладніше про це у <a href="notes/">нотатках щодо випуску</a>.',
+ 'h3_context' => 'Докладніше про Mageia',
+ 'mageia_began' => 'Роботу над проектом Mageia було розпочато у вересні 2010 року у форматі
+ <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">відгалуження від Mandriva Linux</a>.
+ Підтримку проекту забезпечує <a href="/en/about/">неприбуткова організація</a>,
+ <a href="http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=org">якою керує</a>
+ група з відомих та вибраних учасників проекту</a>,
+ група складається з понад 100 людей зі всього світу.',
+ 'our_work' => 'Наша праця поєднується з чудовою роботою ширшої спільноти Linux
+ та вільного програмного забезпечення. Нашою метою є забезпечення найкращого,
+ найстабільнішого, найнадійнішого та приємного середовища та платформи
+ для звичайного користувача, розробника та бізнесу.',
+ 'encourage_you' => 'Нам хочеться, що ви <a href="/uk/contribute/">стали частиною проекту</a>,
+ у вільний від роботи час або пов’язали вашу роботу з проектом.',
+ '9_months' => 'За 9&nbsp;місяців з часу <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">перших кроків</a> нам вдалося:',
+ 'people' => 'Об’єднати <a href="">понад 100&nbsp;учасників</a> у <a href="/wiki/doku.php?id#teams">понад 10 команд</a>.
+ Отримати підтримку <a href="/en/thank-you/">понад 160&nbsp;щедрих спонсорів</a>, якими пожертвувано понад
+ <a href="/en/donate/">8.800&nbsp;євро</a>,
+ з яких витрачено лише <a href="/en/about/reports/">1.277 євро</a>. Прогнозовані пожертви протягом 2011 року
+ можуть скласти 20.000 євро.',
+ 'prereleases' => 'Випустити 5&nbsp;проміжних тестових випуски.
+ Створити 7.389&nbsp;пакунки з кодами,
+ 2 &times; 14.226&nbsp;бінарних пакунки для 2&nbsp;архітектур (i586 і x86_64
+ &ndash; ARM на черзі).',
+ 'servers' => 'Підтримувати роботу 7&nbsp;серверів у 3&nbsp;датацентрах (Париж і Марсель, Франція),
+ <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/">19&nbsp;дзеркал у всьому світі</a>.',
+ 'languages' => 'Перекласти сайт <a href="http://mageia.org/?langs">21 мовою</a> і
+ створити переклади дистрибутива <a href="">161 мовою</a>.',
+ 'distribution' => 'І все це заради <a href="http://mageia.org/en/1/">одного дистрибутива</a>,
+ який ми приготували для вас.',
+ 'users' => 'Чи багато у дистрибутива користувачів? Час покаже.',
+ 'in_for_you' => 'Але набагато важливішим за всі ці цифри те, <a href="/en/1/next/">що цікавого у дистрибутиві для вас?</a>'
+ ),
+ 'es' => array(
+ '1_title' => 'Mageia 1',
+ '1_desc' => 'Mageia 1 es una nueva distribución de Linux basada en la comunidad.',
+ '1_kw' => 'mageia, 1, primer lanzamiento, linux, mandriva, software libre',
+ 'img_desktop' => 'Mageia 1 Escritorio KDE ',
+ 'download_it' => 'Descargar',
+ 'mageia_is' => 'Mageia 1 es una distribución GNU/Linux para su computador,
+ lanzada por la comunidad Mageia.',
+ 'h3_what_is' => '¿Qué hay en ella?',
+ 'plenty_see_notes' => '¡Mucho! vea las <a href="notes/">notas de versión</a> para una descripción extensa.',
+ 'h3_context' => 'Mageia en contexto',
+ 'mageia_began' => 'Mageia comenzó en Septiembre de 2010 como
+ <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">un derivado (fork) de Mandriva Linux</a>.
+ Es apoyado por una <a href="/en/about/">organización sin fines de lucro</a>,
+ <a href="http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=org">governada por</a>
+ un cuerpo de reconocidos y electos contribuidores</a>,
+ y hecha por mas de 100 personas alrededor del mundo.',
+ 'our_work' => 'Nuestro trabajo se suma al excelente trabajo de la comunidad de Linux
+ y del Software Libre. Queremos llevarle una de las mejores,
+ más estables, confiable y agradable experiencia y plataforma que podemos hacer;
+ para un usuario regular, un desarrollador o para un negocio.',
+ 'encourage_you' => 'Le instamos a <a href="/en/contribute/">ser parte de ello</a>,
+ en su propio tiempo o por medio de su actividad profesional.',
+ '9_months' => 'Hemos llegado a 9&nbsp;meses desde el <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">origen</a>:',
+ 'people' => '<a href="">Más de 100&nbsp;contribuidores</a> en <a href="/wiki/doku.php?id#teams">más de 10 equipos</a>.
+ <a href="/en/thank-you/">más de 160&nbsp; generosos donantes</a> of
+ <a href="/en/donate/">más de 8.800&nbsp;EUR</a>
+ con sólo <a href="/en/about/reports/">1.277 gastados</a> hasta ahora
+ y 20.000 previstos para 2011.',
+ 'prereleases' => '5&nbsp; versiones técnicas intermedias.
+ 7.389&nbsp; paquetes fuente,
+ 2 &times; 14.226&nbsp; paquetes binarios para 2&nbsp;arquitecturas (i586 y x86_64
+ &ndash; ARM está en camino).',
+ 'servers' => '7&nbsp;servidores, 3&nbsp;centros de datos (París y Marsella, Francia),
+ <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/">19&nbsp;espejos alrededor del mundo</a>.',
+ 'languages' => '<a href="http://mageia.org/?langs">21-idiomas</a> sitio Web localizado,
+ <a href="">161-idiomas</a> distributión localizada.',
+ 'distribution' => 'Todo esto por <a href="http://mageia.org/en/1/">una distribución</a>,
+ lista para tí, ahora.',
+ 'users' => '¿Cuántos usuarios? El tiempo lo dirá.',
+ 'in_for_you' => 'Pero más importante que cifras vanidosas: <a href="/en/1/next/">¿qué hará para tí?</a>'
+ ),
+ 'it' => array(
+ '1_title' => 'Mageia 1',
+ '1_desc' => 'Mageia 1 è una nuova distribuzione Linux basata sulla comunità.',
+ '1_kw' => 'mageia, 1, prima release, linux, mandriva, software libero',
+ 'img_desktop' => 'Mageia 1 Desktop KDE',
+ 'download_it' => 'Download it',
+ 'mageia_is' => 'Mageia 1 è una distribuzione GNU/Linux per il tuo computer,
+ rilasciata dalla comunità Mageia.',
+ 'h3_what_is' => 'Cosa c\'è dentro?',
+ 'plenty_see_notes' => 'Abbondanza! Guarda le <a href="notes/">note di rilascio</a> per un\'esposizione completa.',
+ 'h3_context' => 'Mageia nel contesto',
+ 'mageia_began' => 'Mageia nasce a Settembre 2010 come
+ <a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">biforcazione di Mandriva Linux</a>.
+ E\' supportata da una <a href="/en/about/">organizzazione senza scopo di lucro (no-profit)</a>,
+ <a href="http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=org">governata da</a>
+ un corpo riconosciuto ed eletto di collaboratori</a>,
+ e realizzata da più di 100 persone in tutto il mondo.',
+ 'our_work' => 'Il nostro lavoro si aggiunge a quello eccellente della più ampia comunità
+ di Linux e del Software Libero. Il nostro scopo è di fornire una delle migliori,
+ più stabili, affidabili e divertenti piattaforme ed esperienze che possiamo realizzare;
+ per un utente normale, per uno sviluppatore o per un business.',
+ 'encourage_you' => 'E ti incoraggiamo ad <a href="/en/contribute/">essere parte di questo</a>,
+ nel tuo tempo libero o attraverso la tua attività professionale.',
+ '9_months' => 'A 9&nbsp;mesi dall\'<a href="/en/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">inizio</a> abbiamo raggiunto:',
+ 'people' => '<a href="">Più di 100&nbsp;collaboratori</a> in <a href="/wiki/doku.php?id#teams">più di 10 squadre</a>.
+ <a href="/en/thank-you/">Più di 160&nbsp; generosi donatori</a> di
+ <a href="/en/donate/">Più di 8.800&nbsp;EURO</a>
+ di cui solo <a href="/en/about/reports/">1.277 spesi</a> sino ad ora
+ e 20.000 previsti per il 2011.',
+ 'prereleases' => '5&nbsp;rilasci tecnici intermedi.
+ 7.389&nbsp;pacchetti sorgente,
+ 2 &times; 14.226&nbsp;pacchetti binari per 2&nbsp;architetture (i586 e x86_64
+ &ndash; ARM sta arrivando).',
+ 'servers' => '7&nbsp;servers, 3&nbsp;centri dati (Parigi e Marsiglia, Francia),
+ <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/">19&nbsp;mirrors sparsi per il mondo</a>.',
+ 'languages' => 'Sito Web tradotto in <a href="http://mageia.org/?langs">21 lingue</a>,
+ Distribuzione tradotta in <a href="">161 lingue</a>.',
+ 'distribution' => 'Tutto questo per <a href="http://mageia.org/en/1/">una distribuzione</a>,
+ pronta per te, adesso.',
+ 'users' => 'Quanti utenti? Il tempo lo dirà.',
+ 'in_for_you' => 'Ma cosa più importante delle cifre: <a href="/en/1/next/">che cosa farà per te?</a>'
+ ),
+ 'fr' => array(
+ '1_title' => 'Mageia 1',
+ '1_desc' => 'Mageia 1 est une nouvelle distribution Linux communautaire.',
+ '1_kw' => 'mageia, 1, premiere release, linux, mandriva, logiciel libre',
+ 'img_desktop' => 'Bureau KDE de Mageia 1',
+ 'download_it' => 'Téléchargez-la',
+ 'mageia_is' => 'Mageia 1 est une distribution GNU/Linux pour votre ordinateur,
+ réalisée par la communauté Mageia.',
+ 'h3_what_is' => 'Que contient-elle&nbsp;?',
+ 'plenty_see_notes' => 'Plein de choses&nbsp;! Consultez les <a href="notes/">notes de version</a> pour une liste exhaustive.',
+ 'h3_context' => 'Mageia dans son contexte',
+ 'mageia_began' => 'La distribution Mageia est arrivée en septembre 2010 comme
+ <a href="/fr/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">un fork de Mandriva Linux</a>.
+ Elle est appuyée par une <a href="/en/about/">association à but non lucratif</a>,
+ <a href="http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=org">régie par</a>
+ un corps de contributeurs élus et reconnus</a>,
+ et développée par plus d\'une centaine de personnes de par le monde.',
+ 'our_work' => 'Nos efforts s\'ajoutent à l\'excellent travail réalisé par la vaste
+ communauté de Linux et du logiciel libre. Notre objectif est de fournir l\'une
+ des plateformes les plus stables, fiables et agréables qu\'il nous est possible
+ de faire ; tant pour un utilisateur classique que pour un développeur ou une
+ entreprise.',
+ 'encourage_you' => 'Et nous vous encourageons à <a href="/fr/contribute/">
+ participer au projet</a>, sur votre temps libre ou à travers votre activité
+ professionnelle.',
+ '9_months' => '9&nbsp;mois après le <a href="/fr/about/2010-sept-announcement.html">lancement du projet</a>, nous avons atteint&nbsp;:',
+ 'people' => 'Plus d\'<a href="">une centaine de contributeurs</a> dans <a href="/wiki/doku.php?id#teams">une douzaine d\équipes</a>.
+ Plus de <a href="/en/thank-you/">160&nbsp;généreux donateurs</a> pour
+ un total de <a href="/fr/donate/">8&nbsp;800&nbsp;&#8364</a>, dont seulement
+ <a href="/en/about/reports/">1&nbsp;277&nbsp;&#8364 ont été dépensés</a> jusqu\'à
+ maintenant, avec 20&nbsp;000&nbsp;&#8364 prévus pour 2011.',
+ 'prereleases' => '5&nbsp;versions de développement intermédiaires.
+ 7&nbsp;389&nbsp;paquets sources,
+ 2&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;14&nbsp;226&nbsp;paquets binaires pour 2&nbsp;architectures
+ matérielles (i586 et x86_64 &ndash; le support d\'ARM arrivera
+ prochainement).',
+ 'servers' => '7&nbsp;serveurs, 3&nbsp;centres de traitement de données (Paris et
+ Marseille, en France), <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/">19&nbsp;miroirs
+ de par le monde</a>.',
+ 'languages' => 'Un site Web traduit dans <a href="http://mageia.org/?langs">
+ 21&nbsp;langues</a>, une distribution traduite dans <a href="">
+ 161&nbsp;langues</a>.',
+ 'distribution' => 'Tout cela pour <a href="http://mageia.org/en/1/">une distribution</a>,
+ qui est maintenant à votre disposition.',
+ 'users' => 'Combien d\'utilisateurs&nbsp;? L\'avenir nous le dira.',
+ 'in_for_you' => 'Mais il y a plus important que tous ces chiffres&nbsp;: <a href="/en/1/next/">que fera Mageia pour vous&nbsp;?</a>'
+ )
diff --git a/en/1/migrate/index.php b/en/1/migrate/index.php
index 96776ab51..99f7bb3d8 100644
--- a/en/1/migrate/index.php
+++ b/en/1/migrate/index.php
@@ -1 +1,116 @@
-<?php require '../../../1/migrate/migrate.php'; ?>
+$locale = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+$locale = $locale[1];
+require 'locales.php';
+if (!array_key_exists($locale, $_t)) {
+ $locale = 'en';
+$_t = $_t[$locale];
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="<?php echo $locale; ?>">
+ <meta charset="utf-8" />
+ <title><?php echo $_t['page_title']; ?></title>
+ <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $_t['page_desc']; ?>" />
+ <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $_t['page_kw']; ?>" />
+ <meta name="author" content="Mageia" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/g/style/all.css" >
+ <?php include '../../../analytics.php'; ?>
+<body class="release">
+ <?php include '../../../langs.php'; ?>
+ <div id="doc" class="yui-t7">
+ <div id="hd" role="banner"><h1><a id="logo" href="/"><span>Mageia</span></a> <span class="lsep">|</span> <span class="subh"><?php echo $_t['page_h1']; ?></span></h1></div>
+ <div id="bd" role="main">
+ <div class="yui-g">
+ <?php include '../nav.php'; ?>
+ <div class="para">
+ <p><?php echo $_t['upgrading_general']; ?></p>
+ <ul>
+ <?php foreach ( $_t['upgrading_general_array'] as $anItem ) {
+ echo '<li>'.$anItem.'</li>';
+ } ?>
+ </ul>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['upgrading_ways']; ?></p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><?php echo $_t['upgrading_ways_dvd']; ?></li>
+ <li><?php echo $_t['upgrading_ways_inline']; ?></li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="dvd"><?php echo $_t['h2_dvd']; ?></h2>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['dvd_clean_install']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['to_upgrade']; ?></p>
+ <ul>
+ <?php foreach ( $_t['to_upgrade_array'] as $anItem ) {
+ echo '<li>'.$anItem.'</li>';
+ } ?>
+ </ul>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['recommended']; ?></p>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="inline"><?php echo $_t['h2_inline']; ?></h2>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['inline_1']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['inline_2']; ?></p>
+ <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="/en/downloads/dl.php?product=mgaonline" rel="nofollow" title="Download mgaonline"><img src="/g/images/oxygen/application-x-rpm.png" alt="mgaonline"><br>
+ mgaonline<br>
+ <?php echo $_t['mgaonline_image_title']; ?></a></p>
+ <br>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['inline_3']; ?></p>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['a_or_b']; ?></p>
+ <br>
+ <h2 id="mgaonline"><?php echo $_t['h2_a']; ?></h2>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['popup_window_1']; ?></p>
+ <img src="/g/1/mgaonline/mgaonline8.png" alt="mgaonline pop-up" class="screen-copy">
+ <p><?php echo $_t['popup_window_2']; ?></p>
+ <img src="/g/1/mgaonline/mgaonline2.png" alt="mgaonline pop-up" class="screen-copy">
+ <p><?php echo $_t['as_soon_complete']; ?></p>
+ <br>
+ <h2 id="urpmi"><?php echo $_t['h2_b']; ?></h2>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['cli_1']; ?></p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p><?php echo $_t['cli_2']; ?></p>
+ <p><code class="term">$ su<br />
+ # urpmi.removemedia -a</code></p></li>
+ <li><p><?php echo $_t['cli_3']; ?></p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p><?php echo $_t['cli_4']; ?></p>
+ <p><code class="term">$ su<br />
+ # urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist</code></p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><?php echo $_t['cli_5']; ?></p>
+ <p><code class="term">$ su<br />
+ # urpmi.addmedia --distrib &lt;media_url&gt;</code></p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr>
+ <h2><?php echo $_t['h2_thats_it']; ?></h2>
+ </div></div>
+ <hr>
+ <div class="yui-g">
+ <div class="yui-u first"><div class="para" style="padding-right: 0;">
+ <h3><?php echo $_t['h3_question']; ?></h3>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['join_and_ask']; ?></p>
+ </div></div>
+ <div class="yui-u"><div class="para">
+ <h3><?php echo $_t['h3_feedback']; ?></h3>
+ <p><?php echo $_t['tweet_it']; ?></p>
+ </div></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/en/1/migrate/locales.php b/en/1/migrate/locales.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b265706ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/1/migrate/locales.php
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+$_t = array(
+ 'en' => array(
+ 'page_title' => 'Migrate from Mandriva Linux to Mageia',
+ 'page_desc' => 'How to migrate from Mandriva Linux 2010.1/2010.2 to Mageia 1 in a few, safe steps.',
+ 'page_kw' => 'mageia, mandriva, upgrade, migrate',
+ 'page_h1' => 'Migrate from Mandriva Linux',
+ 'upgrading_general' => 'Upgrading from Mandriva Linux 2010.1 and 2010.2 is supported, and has been fine tuned over the past
+ months, so it should work. But as always and before:',
+ 'upgrading_general_array' => array('back up your data before upgrading;',
+ 'if you are upgrading a laptop, connect to power!
+ You might be updating over 2000 packages, and this can take some time;',
+ 'do not start up any net-intensive applications during the upgrade
+ &ndash; you need to reserve bandwidth for the upgrade.'),
+ 'upgrading_ways' => 'There are several ways to upgrade from one of those previous Mandriva releases:',
+ 'upgrading_ways_dvd' => '<a href="#dvd">using the Mageia 1 DVD</a>',
+ 'upgrading_ways_inline' => '<a href="#inline">using the online media sources directly</a>,
+ using <a href="#mgaonline">mgaonline</a> or <a href="#urpmi">urpmi</a>.',
+ 'h2_dvd' => 'Upgrade using the Mageia 1 DVD',
+ 'dvd_clean_install' => 'You can use the <a href="/downloads/">Mageia 1 DVD</a> to do a clean install
+ but also to upgrade from previous releases.',
+ 'to_upgrade' => 'To upgrade:',
+ 'to_upgrade_array' => array('<a href="/downloads/">Download the ISO</a> and burn it on a DVD;',
+ 'Boot the DVD and select "Install Mageia 1" from the bootloader menu;',
+ 'Select the "Upgrade" option in the installer.'),
+ 'recommended' => 'It is recommended to set up the online repositories, if possible
+ &ndash; the installer will ask you about this during the upgrade.
+ The reason is that the DVD only includes a subset
+ of these full fledged online Mageia repositories.',
+ 'h2_inline' => 'Upgrading inline',
+ 'inline_1' => 'You can upgrade using the online media sources directly, from within your Mandriva installation.',
+ 'inline_2' => 'This can be done either using the graphical <code>mgaonline</code> tool
+ or the command-line <code>urpmi</code>.
+ Both methods are outlined below. But first, download and install
+ this <code>mgaonline</code> package that will help you through the process:',
+ 'mgaonline_image_title' => 'for Mandriva Linux 2010.1 or 2010.2',
+ 'inline_3' => 'Note that you may get a security warning, due to invalid package signatures.
+ This is because a Mandriva system does not recognise Mageia signatures;
+ you can safely ignore these warnings.
+ Yes, that sucks, we know.',
+ 'a_or_b' => 'So, it installed the package? Good, let\'s move on and pick a) or b) below:',
+ 'h2_a' => 'a) Upgrading inline, using mgaonline (GUI)',
+ 'popup_window_1' => 'a) Upgrading inline, using mgaonline (GUI)',
+ 'popup_window_2' => 'Just follow the wizard instructions; it will configure Mageia media sources and start the migration.',
+ 'as_soon_complete' => 'As soon as the migration is complete, you should restart your system; and here you are.',
+ 'h2_b' => 'b) Upgrading inline, using urpmi (CLI)',
+ 'cli_1' => 'You can also upgrade using <code>urpmi</code> from your favourite terminal emulator,
+ if you are confortable with it. Here are the steps:',
+ 'cli_2' => 'Remove all the existing media sources on your system:',
+ 'cli_3' => 'Add the Mageia online sources:',
+ 'cli_4' => 'either directly (this will select a best matching mirror, after your location):',
+ 'cli_5' => 'either using a specific media mirror (you can decide from <a href="http://mirrors.mageia.org/distrib">our mirrors list</a>):',
+ 'h2_thats_it' => 'That\'s it!',
+ 'h3_question' => 'Have a question?',
+ 'join_and_ask' => 'Do not hesitate to join our <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#mageia">#mageia</a>
+ IRC channel on Freenode or go in <a href="http://forums.mageia.org/">our forum</a>
+ to ask for assistance or details.',
+ 'h3_feedback' => 'Want to send some feedback?',
+ 'tweet_it' => 'Just <a href="http://twitter.com/mageia_org">tweet it to @mageia_org</a>.'
+ )
diff --git a/en/1/next/index.php b/en/1/next/index.php
index 272bd63c0..18424b205 100644
--- a/en/1/next/index.php
+++ b/en/1/next/index.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ $_t = array(
</div><div class="para">
- <h2>What will <strong>we</strong> do from there?</h2>
+ <h2>Where will <strong>we</strong> go from there?</h2>
<p>You can <a href="/en/contribute/">join us</a>
and help us improve.</p>