diff options
2 files changed, 11 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang b/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang
index eadfd2930..f2b8ad08d 100644
--- a/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang
+++ b/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-08-07T18:17:51+02:00
# Domain thank-you
+# added manually
+;Note: this page has not been updated recently and is in the process of being replaced. You can check latest donations on <a href="http://treasurer.mageia.org/donations.html">this page</a>.
+Remarque&nbsp: cette page n'a pas été mise à jour récemment et va bientôt être remplacée. Vous pouvez voir les derniers dons sur <a href="http://treasurer.mageia.org/donations.html" hreflang="en">cette page</a>.
# /en/thank-you/index.php +14
;Thank you for making Mageia possible.
Merci de permettre à Mageia de devenir une réalité.
diff --git a/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang b/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang
index 6a35e840f..6e5f6bb48 100644
--- a/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang
+++ b/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang
@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ Siz de bağışta bulunabilirsiniz!
Etkinliklerimizi ve mali raporlarımızı kontrol edin!
+# en/thank-you/index.php +32
+;Note: this page has not been updated recently and is in the process of being replaced. You can check latest donations on <a href="http://treasurer.mageia.org/donations.html">this page</a>.
+Not: Bu sayfa yakın zamanda güncellenmedi ve değiştirilme sürecindedir. Son bağış durumuna <a href="http://treasurer.mageia.org/donations.html">bu sayfadan</a> bakabilirisiniz.
# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Eylül 2010'dan bu yana, yüzlerce insanın katılımı, fikri ve coşkusu olmasaydı Mageia bu noktaya gelemezdi.