path: root/langs/report_test.php
diff options
authorFilip Komar <filip@mageia.org>2014-05-01 15:51:34 +0000
committerFilip Komar <filip@mageia.org>2014-05-01 15:51:34 +0000
commit8faab456a92c1eb1ed2592c9d981c6eeb3f06f13 (patch)
tree8b09a2b02ffae1e2726e780158c2b045c07ca1d4 /langs/report_test.php
parent7f84afb87b23e966ae2e0063888602275cab9876 (diff)
workaround for timeouts of report
Diffstat (limited to 'langs/report_test.php')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/langs/report_test.php b/langs/report_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66ec7da4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/report_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,nosnippet">
+ <title>www.mageia.org translation report</title>
+ <style>
+ html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: Verdana, "Trebuchet MS", "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans", Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; }
+ #page { padding: 1em; position: absolute; top: 128px; }
+ th { text-align: left; }
+ .ok a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ .ok { color: darkgreen; background: lightgreen; }
+ .ok, .strings, .missing { text-align: center; }
+ .number { text-align: right; }
+ .strings { background: orange; }
+ .strings, .missing, .small { font-size: 80%; }
+ td, th { vertical-align: top; font-family: Arial; font-size: 80%; padding: 0.3em; }
+ td { vertical-align: middle; }
+ .action { font-size: smaller; display: block; text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none; padding: 0.3em 0.5em; border-radius: 3px;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); margin: 0.5em 0; }
+ .partial { display: inline; margin-left: 0.3em; margin-top: 0.3em; }
+ .addlang { color: #333; }
+ </style>
+<body class="contribute">
+ <header id="mgnavt">
+ <h1><a href="//www.mageia.org/">www.mageia.org</a> translation report</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Please check <a href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Internationalisation_Team_(i18n)#Website_translation">localization Wiki page</a> for special cases for navigation and some web pages like <a href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Internationalisation_Team_%28i18n%29#Special_cases_of_web_pages">downloads/get, constitution, license...</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </header>
+ <div id="page">
+ <?php
+ /**
+ */
+ function time_debug($name) {
+ static $start_of_microtime = NULL;
+ if($start_of_microtime === NULL) {
+ $start_of_microtime = microtime(TRUE);
+ return array($name, number_format(0, 3), number_format(0, 3));
+ }
+ static $previus_microtime = NULL;
+ if($previus_microtime === NULL) {
+ $previus_microtime = $start_of_microtime;
+ }
+ $current_microtime = microtime(true);
+ $array = array($name, number_format($current_microtime - $previus_microtime, 3), number_format($current_microtime - $start_of_microtime, 3));
+ $previus_microtime = $current_microtime;
+ return $array;
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('start_time');
+ include 'lib.php';
+ $times[] = time_debug('lib.php');
+ $one_language = isset($_GET['l']) ? strip_tags(trim($_GET['l'])) : null;
+ $one_resource = isset($_GET['r']) ? strip_tags(trim($_GET['r'])) : null;
+ $restore_languages = FALSE;
+ $restore_resources = FALSE;
+ if (isset($one_resource) && $one_resource != 'all') {
+ $enFiles = array($one_resource);
+ $restore_resources = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ $enFiles = array_merge(array('../_nav/langs/en.pot'), get_lang_references('*.lang'), get_lang_references('*.pot')); // added navigation file
+ foreach($enFiles as $enFile) {
+ if($enFile != 'en/about/license.pot' && $enFile != '../_nav/langs/en.pot') {
+ $enFiles_tmp[] = $enFile;
+ }
+ }
+ $enFiles = $enFiles_tmp;
+ sort($enFiles);
+ }
+ $num_of_enFiles = count($enFiles);
+ if (isset($one_language) && $one_language != 'all') {
+ $otherLangs = array('en', $one_language);
+ $restore_languages = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ $otherLangs = get_other_langs();
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('get_other_langs');
+ $enStringsCount = array();
+ $report = array();
+ $stats = array();
+ $stats['en']['files'] = 0;
+ $num_of_col = 0;
+ $diff_link = '<a href="diff.php?s=%s&amp;l=%s" title="see detailed diff">';
+ $languages = array();
+ $unique_lines_in_eng_constitution = array();
+ $number_of_unique_lines_in_eng_constitution = 0;
+ foreach ($otherLangs as $l) {
+ $stats['en']['files'] += 1;
+ $stats[$l]['files'] = 0;
+ $stats[$l]['strings'] = 0;
+ if ($l == 'en' || $restore_languages) {
+ $link_one_language = '%s';
+ } else {
+ $link_one_language = '<a href="?l=' . $l . '" title="see this language only">%s</a>';
+ }
+ $s = sprintf('<tr><th>' . $link_one_language . '<br><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: smaller;">%s</span></th>',
+ $langs[$l], $l);
+ $cols = '';
+ $lang_coloumn = '';
+ foreach ($enFiles as $f) {
+ if (strrpos($f, '.pot')) {
+ $gettext = true;
+ $resource = _extract_resource($f);
+ $langF = _po_file_switch($f, $l);
+ } else {
+ $gettext = false;
+ $resource = _extract_resource($f, '.en.lang');
+ $langF = _lang_file_switch($f, $l);
+ }
+ $enStringsCount[$f] = 0;
+ if (false !== strstr($f, '../_nav/langs/en.')) {
+ $nav = true;
+ $langF = '../_nav/langs/' . $l . '.po' . (($l == 'en') ? 't' : '');
+ } else {
+ $nav = false;
+ }
+ $link = str_replace('index', '', $resource);
+ if ($nav) {
+ $dest_en = sprintf('%s/%s/%s', G_APP_ROOT, '_nav/langs', 'en.pot');
+ $dest_l = sprintf('%s/%s/%s', G_APP_ROOT, '_nav/langs', $l . '.po');
+ } else {
+ $dest_en = sprintf('%s/%s/%s/%s', G_APP_ROOT, 'en', $link, 'index.php');
+ $dest_l = sprintf('%s/%s/%s/%s', G_APP_ROOT, $l, $link, 'index.php');
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('pre realpath ' . $f);
+ // if symlink e.g. does directly translated page exist?
+ if ((realpath($dest_l) == realpath($dest_en)) || $nav) {
+ $page_not_linked = '';
+ $old_page = '';
+ } else {
+ $page_not_linked = sprintf('<a href="/%s/%s">old page</a> still exists!', $l, $link);
+ $old_page = sprintf('by recycling <a href="/%s/%s">old page</a>', $l, $link);
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('post realpath');
+ $add_translation = sprintf('<td class="missing"><a href="missing.php?s=%s&amp;l=%s" class="action addlang">add translation</a>%s</td>',
+ $f, $l, $old_page
+ );
+ if (file_exists($langF)) {
+ $times[] = time_debug('file_exists');
+ $stats[$l]['files'] += 1;
+ if ($gettext) {
+ $test = _po_diff($l, $resource);
+ $num_of_missing_strings = 0;
+ $num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings = count($test['fuzzy_or_missing']);
+ } else {
+ $test = _lang_diff($f, $langF);
+ $num_of_missing_strings = count($test['missing']);
+ $num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings = 0;
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('_diff ' . $l . ' '. $f);
+ $num_of_untranslated_strings = count($test['notrans']);
+ $num_of_duplicated_strings = count($test['dup_str']);
+ $num_of_extra_strings = count($test['extra']);
+ if ($link == 'about/constitution') {
+ $constitution_results = aproximate_number_of_untranslated_constitution_lines(G_APP_ROOT, $l, $unique_lines_in_eng_constitution);
+ if ($l == 'en') {
+ $unique_lines_in_eng_constitution = $constitution_results['unique_lines_in_constitution'];
+ $number_of_unique_lines_in_eng_constitution = count($unique_lines_in_eng_constitution);
+ }
+ $test['a'] += $number_of_unique_lines_in_eng_constitution; // add aproximate number of lines from constitution to translate
+ $num_of_untranslated_strings += $constitution_results['aproximate_number_of_untranslated_lines'];
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('aproximate_number_of_untranslated_constitution_lines');
+ if ($link == 'about/license') {
+ require_once('../en/about/license/license.php');
+ $times[] = time_debug('require_once ' . $l);
+ $license_array = read_license_from_vcs($l);
+ $license_numbers = array_pop($license_array);
+ $test['a'] += $license_numbers["all"]; // add aproximate number of untranslated sentences from license
+ $num_of_untranslated_strings += $license_numbers["untran"]; // add number of all license sentences
+ }
+ $times[] = time_debug('read_license_from_vcs ' . $l);
+ if ($nav) {
+ $mga = array();
+ $local_f = @file_get_contents('../_nav/langs/' . $l . '.po');
+ $times[] = time_debug('local_f ' . $l);
+ $mognas_f = @file_get_contents('http://nav.mageia.org/langs/' . $l . '.po');
+ $times[] = time_debug('mognas_f ' . $l);
+ if ($local_f != $mognas_f) {
+ $page_not_linked = 'difference in svn <a class="action partial" href="//svnweb.mageia.org/web/www/trunk/_nav/langs/">1</a> &amp; <a class="action partial" href="//svnweb.mageia.org/web/nav/langs/">2</a>';
+ }
+ } else if ($link == 'downloads/get') {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'A' => 'downloads/get/index.php?q=Mageia-2-dual-CD.iso&amp;d=1', // " style="display: block;
+ 'B' => 'downloads/get/index.php?q=Non_existing_file&amp;d=1',
+ );
+ } else if ($link == '2') {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'A' => '2/index.php',
+ 'B' => '2/download_index.php',
+ 'C' => '2/for-pc/index.php',
+ 'D' => '2/for-server/index.php',
+ );
+ } else if ($link == '3') {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'A' => '3/index.php',
+ 'B' => '3/download_index.php',
+ 'C' => '3/for-pc/index.php',
+ 'D' => '3/for-server/index.php',
+ );
+ } else if ($link == '4') {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'A' => '4/index.php',
+ 'B' => '4/download_index.php',
+ );
+ } else if ($link == 'cauldron') {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'view page' => '5/download_index.php',
+ );
+ } else if ($link == 'documentation') {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'doc' => 'doc/index.php',
+ 'archive' => 'doc/archive.php',
+ );
+ } else {
+ $mga = array(
+ 'view page' => $link,
+ );
+ }
+ $link = '<div>';
+ foreach ($mga as $k => $v) {
+ $link .= sprintf('<a href="/%s/%s" class="action partial">%s</a>', $l, $v, $k);
+ }
+ $link .= $page_not_linked . '</div>';
+ if ($num_of_missing_strings === 0
+ && $num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings === 0
+ && $num_of_untranslated_strings === 0) {
+ $extra = null;
+ if ($num_of_extra_strings > 0) {
+ $extra = ' <span class="small">' . sprintf($diff_link, $f, $l) . '+' . $num_of_extra_strings . '</a></span>';
+ }
+ if ($num_of_duplicated_strings > 0) {
+ $extra .= ' <span class="small">' . sprintf($diff_link, $f, $l) . 'dup: ' . $num_of_duplicated_strings . '</a></span>';
+ }
+ $cols .= sprintf('<td class="ok"><a href="%s" title="get a copy of the file">OK</a>%s%s</td>',
+ $langF, $extra, $link);
+ $done = $test['a'];
+ } else {
+ // special case, en
+ if ($l == 'en') {
+ $cols .= '<td class="number">' . $num_of_untranslated_strings . ' strings</td>';
+ $enStringsCount[$f] += $test['a'];
+ $done = $test['a'];
+ // regular case
+ } else {
+ if(($num_of_missing_strings + $num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings + $num_of_untranslated_strings) < $test['a']) {
+ $cols .= sprintf('<td class="strings">' . $diff_link, $f, $l);
+ if ($num_of_missing_strings > 0) {
+ $cols .= $num_of_missing_strings . '&nbsp;missing<br>';
+ }
+ if ($num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings > 0) {
+ $cols .= $num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings . '&nbsp;fuzzy or missing<br>';
+ }
+ if ($num_of_untranslated_strings > 0) {
+ $cols .= $num_of_untranslated_strings . '&nbsp;untranslated<br>';
+ }
+ if ($num_of_extra_strings > 0) {
+ $cols .= $num_of_extra_strings . '&nbsp;extra<br>';
+ }
+ if ($num_of_duplicated_strings > 0) {
+ $cols .= $num_of_duplicated_strings . '&nbsp;duplicate';
+ $cols .= ($num_of_duplicated_strings > 1 ? 's' : '');
+ }
+ $cols .= '</a>';
+ $cols .= $link . '</td>';
+ } else {
+ $cols .= $add_translation;
+ }
+ $done = $test['a'] - $num_of_untranslated_strings - $num_of_missing_strings - $num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings;
+ }
+ }
+ $stats[$l]['strings'] += $done;
+ } else {
+ $cols .= $add_translation;
+ }
+ $num_clmns_to_repeat = 9;
+ $num_of_col++;
+ if ($num_of_col % $num_clmns_to_repeat == 0 && $num_of_col <= $num_of_enFiles - ($num_clmns_to_repeat / 3)) {
+ if ($l == 'en') {
+ $cols .= $lang_coloumn = '<td style="font-weight: bold;">Language</td>';
+ } else {
+ $cols .= $lang_coloumn = sprintf('<td style="font-weight: bold; vertical-align: top;">' . $link_one_language . '<br><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: smaller;">%s</span></td>', $langs[$l], $l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cols .= $lang_coloumn; // last coloumn
+ $num_of_col = 0; // reset counter of coloumns
+ $times[] = time_debug('progress');
+ $progress = floor($stats[$l]['strings'] / $stats['en']['strings'] * 100);
+ // special case, en
+ if ($l == 'en') {
+ $s .= sprintf('<td class="number">%d strings</td>', $stats[$l]['strings']);
+ // regular case
+ } else {
+ $s .= sprintf(
+ '<td class="number">%d%%<br><span style="font-size: smaller;">%d / %d</span></td>',
+ $progress,
+ $stats[$l]['strings'],
+ $stats['en']['strings']
+ );
+ }
+ $s .= $cols;
+ $s .= '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
+ $languages[$stats[$l]['strings'] . '-' . $l] = $s;
+ }
+ $en_language = array_shift($languages); // shift English for proper sorting
+ krsort($languages, SORT_NUMERIC);
+ $times[] = time_debug('krsort');
+ // add language coloumn repeating
+ $lang_line = array();
+ $num_of_h_col = 0;
+ $add_last_coloumn = FALSE;
+ $resources = ($restore_resources ? '&nbsp;' : $num_of_enFiles . ' resources');
+ foreach ($enFiles as $lang_chunk) {
+ $num_of_h_col++;
+ if ($restore_resources) {
+ $lang_line[] = str_replace('en/', '', $lang_chunk);
+ } else {
+ $lang_line[] = '<a href="?r=' . $lang_chunk . '" title="see only this resource">' . str_replace('en/', '', $lang_chunk) . '</a>';
+ }
+ if ($num_of_h_col % $num_clmns_to_repeat == 0 && $num_of_h_col <= $num_of_enFiles - ($num_clmns_to_repeat / 3)) {
+ $lang_line[] = $resources;
+ $add_last_coloumn = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($add_last_coloumn) {
+ $lang_line[] = $resources;// last h coloumn
+ }
+ $thfiles = '<th>' . implode('</th><th>', $lang_line) . '</th>' . PHP_EOL;
+ if ($restore_languages) {
+ echo '<p>Restore <a href="?l=all" title="see all languages">all languages</a>.</p>';
+ $count = '&nbsp;';
+ } else {
+ $count = count($otherLangs) . ' languages';
+ }
+ if ($restore_resources) {
+ echo '<p>Restore <a href="?r=all" title="see all resources">all resources</a>.</p>';
+ }
+ $chunks = array_chunk($languages, $num_lines_to_repeat = 8); // add header repeating
+ $table_body = array();
+ $times[] = time_debug('table_body');
+ foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
+ $table_body = array_merge($table_body, $chunk, array(count($chunk) > ($num_lines_to_repeat / 2) ? '<tr><th>' . $count . '</th><th>' . $resources . '</th>' . $thfiles : ''));
+ }
+ array_unshift($table_body, $en_language); // unshift English back
+ $s = implode($table_body);
+ echo <<<S
+<table border="1">
+ <th>{$count}</th>
+ <th>Progress</th>
+ {$thfiles}
+$times[] = time_debug('end_time');
+$sum = 0;
+$read_license_from_vcs_ = array();
+$mognas_f_ = array();
+$_diff_ = array();
+foreach ($times as $time) {
+ if($time[1] >= 0.01) {
+ $snails[] = array($time[0], $time[1]);
+ $sum += $time[1];
+ $pos = strpos($time[0], 'read_license_from_vcs');
+ if ($pos !== false) {
+ $read_license_from_vcs_[] = array($time[0], $time[1]);
+ }
+ $pos = strpos($time[0], 'mognas_f');
+ if ($pos !== false) {
+ $mognas_f_[] = array($time[0], $time[1]);
+ }
+ $pos = strpos($time[0], '_diff');
+ if ($pos !== false) {
+ $_diff_[] = array($time[0], $time[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($time[0] == 'end_time') {
+ $end = $time[2];
+ }
+$snails_time = 0;
+$read_license_from_vcs_time = array();
+$mognas_f_time = array();
+$_diff_time = array();
+foreach ($read_license_from_vcs_ as $part) {
+ $read_license_from_vcs_time[] = $part[1];
+$snails_time += $read_license_from_vcs_time_sum = array_sum($read_license_from_vcs_time);
+foreach ($mognas_f_ as $part) {
+ $mognas_f_time[] = $part[1];
+$snails_time += $mognas_f_time_sum = array_sum($mognas_f_time);
+foreach ($_diff_ as $part) {
+ $_diff_time[] = $part[1];
+$snails_time += $_diff_time_sum = array_sum($_diff_time);
+// read_license_from_vcs, mognas_f, _diff
+//print_r($read_license_from_vcs_) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+//print_r($mognas_f_) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+//print_r($_diff_) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '<pre>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'rlv: ';
+print_r($read_license_from_vcs_time_sum) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'mog: ';
+print_r($mognas_f_time_sum) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'dif: ';
+print_r($_diff_time_sum) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'Sst: ';
+print_r($snails_time) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'sum: ';
+print_r($sum) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'end: ';
+print_r($end) . '</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+echo '</br>' .'rel: ' . number_format(100 * $sum/$end, 1) . ' %</br>' . PHP_EOL;
+/*echo '</br>' .'snails: ' . PHP_EOL;
+print_r($snails) . PHP_EOL;
+echo 'times: ' . PHP_EOL;
+print_r($times) . PHP_EOL; /**/
+echo '</pre>' . PHP_EOL;
+ </div>
+ <script src="/_nav/js/source.js"></script>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file