diff options
authorfilip <filip.komar@gmail.com>2014-11-02 18:54:58 +0100
committerfilip <filip.komar@gmail.com>2014-11-02 18:54:58 +0100
commit0121de119bf5b48d176ca0332b0ba3b531e56a7c (patch)
parentd899565a5b5afa5e3964a5d5b19d8d14305f127d (diff)
first generation of about/values page for lv, pt and zh-tw converted to current version
lv symlinks cleaned up in the process, Note that gettext zh-tw file was updated only
18 files changed, 420 insertions, 391 deletions
diff --git a/langs/lv/about/values.po b/langs/lv/about/values.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..842974d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/lv/about/values.po
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-01 23:52+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-01 23:52+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Duffy Duck <d_duck@nowhere.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: lv\n"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia Values"
+msgstr "Mageia Vērtības"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +11"
+msgid "Mageia project values"
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +12"
+msgid "mageia, values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Values"
+msgstr "Vērtības"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia is Social Software"
+msgstr "Mageia ir Sociālā Programmatūra"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will, as a Community, Value Our Users. We will always be in touch with our user base, for they are as much part of the community as are makers and organisers."
+msgstr "Mēs, kā Kopiena, augstu vērtējam mūsu lietotājus. Mēs vienmēr uzturēsim kontaktus ar mūsu lietotājiem, jo tie ir tikpat svarīga kopienas daļa kā veidotāji un organizatori.."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We understand that our most valuable assets are people and the Community."
+msgstr "Mēs saprotam, ka cilvēki un Kopiena ir mūsu augstākās vērtības."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will always be a community distribution, valuing all the community's contributions."
+msgstr "Mēs vienmēr būsim kopienas distributīvs, cienot visas Kopienas ieguldījumu."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will be an inclusive distribution, making sure that everyone in the community can make their voice heard."
+msgstr "Mēs būsim visaptverošs distributīvs, rūpējoties, lai visu Kopienas dalībnieku balsis tiktu uzklausītas."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We esteem friendships highly and will promote social interaction between people."
+msgstr "Mēs ļoti cienām draudzību un veicināsim sociālo mijiedarbību starp cilvēkiem."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We value integrity, community, trust and will always adhere to the highest ethical standards."
+msgstr "Mēs augstu vērtējam integritāti, kopību, uzticību un vienmēr stingri pieturēsimies pie augstākajiem ētikas standartiem."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will, above all things, enjoy ourselves :-) ."
+msgstr "Mēs, pāri visam citam, priecāsimies par sevi :-) ."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will strive to maintain the goodwill of both our own and the wider Open Source community."
+msgstr "Mēs centīsimies uzturēt gan mūsu pašu kopienas, gan plašās atvērtā pirmkoda kopienas vērtības."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will help and support each other. When something isn't right, we will take the appropriate steps to find a better solution and use it."
+msgstr "Mēs palīdzēsim un atbalstīsim viens otru. Ja kaut kas nebūs kārtībā, mēs veiksim atbilstošus pasākumus, lai atrastu labāku risinājumu un to izmantotu."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia is Powerful Technology"
+msgstr "Mageia ir Augsta Tehnoloģija"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We, as Free Software and as an Operating System, will constantly innovate to remain a premium computing technology choice."
+msgstr "Mēs kā Brīvā Programmatūra un kā Operētājsistēma pastāvīgi ieviesīsim jauninājumus, lai paliktu kā labākā skaitļošanas tehnoloģiju izvēle."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Open Source, while choosing wisely to balance between modernization and reliability in our releases."
+msgstr "Mēs cieši sekosim Atvērtā Koda jaunākajām tendencēm, mūsu relīzēs gudri izvēloties līdzsvaru starp modernizāciju un uzticamību."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead the way in collaborative development."
+msgstr "Mēs saglabāsim dinamiku mūsu Kopienā, vienmēr mērķējot uz vadošu lomu kopējā attīstībā."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers."
+msgstr "Mēs mudināsim savus lietotājus būt iespējami labiem savu datoru lietotājiem."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations for novice and power users alike."
+msgstr "Mēs centīsimies atvieglot lietošanu, bet arī piedāvāsim visaptverošu inovāciju kopumu gan iesācējiem, gan pieredzējušiem lietotājiem."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia is Knowledge"
+msgstr "Mageia ir Zināšanas"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives."
+msgstr "Programmatūra ir neatņemama daļa no mūsu ikdienas dzīves gandrīz visās mijiedarbībās mājās un visā pasaulē, un tās pamatā ir datora kods. Mēs centīsimies izprast to un tā iedarbību uz mūsu ikdienas dzīvi."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will empower our user base by demystifying advanced technologies."
+msgstr "Mēs spēcināsim mūsu lietotājus, padarot pieejamas progresīvas tehnoloģijas."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve."
+msgstr "Mēs apzināmies, ka mēs esam cilvēki. Kļūmes un nepilnības notiek, un konteksti mainās. Mēs ņemsim to vērā mūsu programmatūrā un dzīvē, kā arī tieksmē pēc laimes. Mēs attīstīsimies."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free Software, our Community, and our Operating System."
+msgstr "Mēs uzskatām, ka nav nekā skaistāka kā ikdienas dzīvē izmantojamās programmatūras izpratne. Tāpēc mēs atklāti izglītosim cilvēkus par Brīvo Programmatūru, mūsu Kopienu un mūsu Operētājsistēmu."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia is Quality"
+msgstr "Mageia ir Kvalitāte"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia will be based on good quality/stability requirements."
+msgstr "Mageia pamatā būs labas kvalitātes / stabilitātes prasības."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia will be compliant with open source standards."
+msgstr "Mageia būs atbilstoša atvērtā koda standartiem."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy standards/technologies to protect our users' data."
+msgstr "Mageia vienmēr pieturēsies pie augstas drošības un konfidencialitātes standartiem / tehnoloģijām, lai aizsargātu mūsu lietotāju datus."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia is Open Relations"
+msgstr "Mageia ir Atvērtas Attiecības"
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will secure the future of the distribution through its community."
+msgstr "Mēs nodrošināsim distributīva nākotni caur kopienu."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel developers with code contribution."
+msgstr "Mēs sadarbosimies ar citiem AK distributīvu un kodola izstrādātājiem, ieguldot kodu."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will work in collaboration with other open source projects."
+msgstr "Mēs strādāsim, sadarbojoties ar citiem atvērtā koda projektiem."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "We will welcome any Commercial Enterprise as part of our community."
+msgstr "Mēs priecāsimies par jebkuru komerciālu uzņēmumu kā daļu no mūsu kopienas."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' diverse needs and expectations."
+msgstr "Mageia vienmēr balstīsies uz Atvērtā Koda programmatūru. Tomēr tā arī būs atvērta slēgtā koda līdzdalībai, lai nodrošinātu alternatīvas atbilstoši mūsu lietotāju dažādajām vajadzībām un vēlmēm."
+#: ./langs/lv/about/values.lv.lang
+msgid "Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, representative of our pluralistic community."
+msgstr "Mageia vienmēr būs kolektīvs, starptautisks un organizēts pasākums, mūsu daudzveidīgās sabiedrības pārstāvis."
+#~ msgid "Mageia is new community-based Linux distribution."
+#~ msgstr "Mageia ir jauns Linux distributīvs."
diff --git a/langs/pt/about/values.po b/langs/pt/about/values.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a93053ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/pt/about/values.po
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/values web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/values
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/values/index.php
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: about/values\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-16 20:51:26+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +10"
+msgid "Mageia Values"
+msgstr "Valores do Mageia"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +11"
+msgid "Mageia project values"
+msgstr "Valores do projeto Mageia"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +12"
+msgid "mageia, values"
+msgstr "mageia, valores"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +19"
+msgid "Values"
+msgstr "Valores"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +24"
+msgid "Mageia is Social Software"
+msgstr "Mageia é um Programa Social"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +27"
+msgid "We will, as a Community, Value Our Users. We will always be in touch with our user base, for they are as much part of the community as are makers and organisers."
+msgstr "Nós, como comunidade, valorizamos os nossos usuários. Estaremos sempre em contato com nossa base de usuários pois eles são tão parte da comunidade como são os criadores e organizadores."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +28"
+msgid "We understand that our most valuable assets are people and the Community."
+msgstr "Entendemos que o nosso patrimônio mais valioso são as pessoas e a comunidade."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +29"
+msgid "We will always be a community distribution, valuing all the community's contributions."
+msgstr "Nós seremos sempre uma distribuição da comunidade, valorizando todas as contribuições da comunidade."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +30"
+msgid "We will be an inclusive distribution, making sure that everyone in the community can make their voice heard."
+msgstr "Seremos uma distribuição abrangente, assegurando que toda a comunidade possa fazer sua voz ser ouvida."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +31"
+msgid "We esteem friendships highly and will promote social interaction between people."
+msgstr "Nós teremos em alta estima a amizade e promoveremos a interação social entre as pessoas."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +32"
+msgid "We value integrity, community, trust and will always adhere to the highest ethical standards."
+msgstr "Valorizamos a integridade, a comunidade, a confiança, sempre nos basearemos nos mais altos padrões éticos."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +33"
+msgid "We will, above all things, enjoy ourselves :-) ."
+msgstr "Acima de tudo, vamos nos divertir e apreciar muito o trabalho no projeto&nbsp; :-)"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +34"
+msgid "We will strive to maintain the goodwill of both our own and the wider Open Source community."
+msgstr "Nos esforçamos para manter o bom espírito entre a nossa comunidade, bem como com a ampla comunidade de código aberto."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +35"
+msgid "We will help and support each other. When something isn't right, we will take the appropriate steps to find a better solution and use it."
+msgstr "Vamos ajudar e apoiar uns aos outros. Quando algo não estiver certo, vamos tomar as medidas adequadas para encontrar a melhor solução e implementá-la."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +38"
+msgid "Mageia is Powerful Technology"
+msgstr "Mageia é uma Tecnologia Poderosa"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +40"
+msgid "We, as Free Software and as an Operating System, will constantly innovate to remain a premium computing technology choice."
+msgstr "Como um sistema operacional de software livre, inovaremos constantemente para permanecermos como uma opção de tecnologia da informação de qualidade superior."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +41"
+msgid "We will stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Open Source, while choosing wisely to balance between modernization and reliability in our releases."
+msgstr "Buscaremos estar atualizados com as últimas tendência do software de software livre, mas também escolher sabiamente para manter o equilíbrio entre a modernização e a confiabilidade em nossas versões."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +42"
+msgid "We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead the way in collaborative development."
+msgstr "Manteremos a vitalidade da nossa comunidade, sempre nos esforçando para liderar o caminho para o desenvolvimento colaborativo."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +43"
+msgid "We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers."
+msgstr "Nós incentivaremos nossos usuários a&nbsp; ser o melhor que puderem em seus computadores."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +44"
+msgid "We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations for novice and power users alike."
+msgstr "Faremos o possível para facilitar o uso, mas também oferecer uma gama holística e abrangente de inovações aos usuários novos e aos experientes."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +47"
+msgid "Mageia is Knowledge"
+msgstr "Mageia é Conhecimento"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +49"
+msgid "Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives."
+msgstr "O software é uma parte integrante do nosso quotidiano, em quase todas as interações que temos em casa e ao redor do mundo, e seu núcleo é o código de programação. Nós nos esforçaremos para entender isso e como isso afeta nossas vidas diárias."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +50"
+msgid "We will empower our user base by demystifying advanced technologies."
+msgstr "Vamos encorajar aos nossos usuários a desmistificar as tecnologias avançadas."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +51"
+msgid "We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve."
+msgstr "Nós reconhecemos que nós somos humanos. As falhas e as deficiências ocorrem e as mudanças de contexto. Vamos levar isso em conta em nosso software, em nossas vidas e em nossa busca da felicidade. Vamos evoluir."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +52"
+msgid "We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free Software, our Community, and our Operating System."
+msgstr "Acreditamos que não há nada tão bom como entender o software que você usa no seu cotidiano. Portanto, iremos abertamente educar as pessoas sobre Software Livre, sobre nossa Comunidade e sobre nosso Sistema Operacional."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +55"
+msgid "Mageia is Quality"
+msgstr "Mageia é Qualidade"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +57"
+msgid "Mageia will be based on good quality/stability requirements."
+msgstr "Mageia será baseada na boa qualidade e nos requisitos de estabilidade."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +58"
+msgid "Mageia will be compliant with open source standards."
+msgstr "Mageia será compatível com os padrões de código aberto."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +59"
+msgid "Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy standards/technologies to protect our users' data."
+msgstr "Mageia sempre aderirá aos padrões elevados de segurança e tecnologia de privacidade para proteger os dados de nossos usuários."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +62"
+msgid "Mageia is Open Relations"
+msgstr "Mageia significa Relações Abertas"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +64"
+msgid "We will secure the future of the distribution through its community."
+msgstr "Nós iremos garantir o futuro da distribuição através desta comunidade."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +65"
+msgid "We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel developers with code contribution."
+msgstr "Cooperaremos com outras distribuições de software de livre e com os desenvolvedores do núcleo e das bases&nbsp; do sistema, contribuindo com o código."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +66"
+msgid "We will work in collaboration with other open source projects."
+msgstr "Trabalharemos em colaboração com outros projetos de código aberto."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +67"
+msgid "We will welcome any Commercial Enterprise as part of our community."
+msgstr "Nós daremos boas-vindas a qualquer empresa comercial, como parte da nossa comunidade."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +68"
+msgid "Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' diverse needs and expectations."
+msgstr "Mageia sempre será baseada em software livre. No entanto, também estamos abertos a contribuições de softwares que não são, a fim de proporcionar aos nossos usuários as alternativas que atendam suas diferentes necessidades e expectativas."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +69"
+msgid "Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, representative of our pluralistic community."
+msgstr "Mageia será sempre um esforço coletivo, internacional e organizado, representativo de nossa comunidade pluralista."
diff --git a/langs/zh-tw/about/values.po b/langs/zh-tw/about/values.po
index 63a49c49a..84e685962 100644
--- a/langs/zh-tw/about/values.po
+++ b/langs/zh-tw/about/values.po
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-16 20:51:26+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-31 05:30+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/zh_TW/)\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-02 00:38+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-02 00:38+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Duffy Duck <d_duck@nowhere.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -36,178 +36,134 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "mageia, values"
msgstr ""
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +19"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Values"
msgstr "價值"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +24"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia is Social Software"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 重視社群"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +27"
-msgid ""
-"We will, as a Community, Value Our Users. We will always be in touch with "
-"our user base, for they are as much part of the community as are makers and "
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will, as a Community, Value Our Users. We will always be in touch with our user base, for they are as much part of the community as are makers and organisers."
+msgstr "我們做為一個社群,絕對珍惜我們的使用者。我們會始終與使用者保持聯繫,因為他們是形成與組成這個社群的最重要份子。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +28"
-msgid ""
-"We understand that our most valuable assets are people and the Community."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We understand that our most valuable assets are people and the Community."
+msgstr "我們瞭解,我們最有價值的資產,就是這個社群本身,與參與這個社群的人們。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +29"
-msgid ""
-"We will always be a community distribution, valuing all the community's "
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will always be a community distribution, valuing all the community's contributions."
+msgstr "我們永遠會是社群開發的套件,因此我們珍惜社群的貢獻。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +30"
-msgid ""
-"We will be an inclusive distribution, making sure that everyone in the "
-"community can make their voice heard."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will be an inclusive distribution, making sure that everyone in the community can make their voice heard."
+msgstr "我們會是個包羅萬象的套件,並確保社群中每個人的聲音都會被聽到。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +31"
-msgid ""
-"We esteem friendships highly and will promote social interaction between "
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We esteem friendships highly and will promote social interaction between people."
+msgstr "我們高度尊重與珍惜友誼,並希望促進社群朋友間的互動。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +32"
-msgid ""
-"We value integrity, community, trust and will always adhere to the highest "
-"ethical standards."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We value integrity, community, trust and will always adhere to the highest ethical standards."
+msgstr "我們珍惜整合、社群與信任,並且永遠遵循最高道德標準。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +33"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "We will, above all things, enjoy ourselves :-) ."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "最重要的是,我們享受這一切:-)。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +34"
-msgid ""
-"We will strive to maintain the goodwill of both our own and the wider Open "
-"Source community."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will strive to maintain the goodwill of both our own and the wider Open Source community."
+msgstr "我們會努力爭取包括我們自己社群內,以及整個開放源碼社群的善意與認同。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +35"
-msgid ""
-"We will help and support each other. When something isn't right, we will "
-"take the appropriate steps to find a better solution and use it."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will help and support each other. When something isn't right, we will take the appropriate steps to find a better solution and use it."
+msgstr "我們會彼此協助與支援。當出現問題時,我們會找出適當的步驟與更好的解決方法。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +38"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia is Powerful Technology"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 重視強有力的科技"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +40"
-msgid ""
-"We, as Free Software and as an Operating System, will constantly innovate to"
-" remain a premium computing technology choice."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We, as Free Software and as an Operating System, will constantly innovate to remain a premium computing technology choice."
+msgstr "我們做為自由軟體以及作業系統,會不斷地創新,以持續成為優質的電腦科技選擇。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +41"
-msgid ""
-"We will stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Open Source, while "
-"choosing wisely to balance between modernization and reliability in our "
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Open Source, while choosing wisely to balance between modernization and reliability in our releases."
+msgstr "我們會隨時掌握開放源碼的最新趨勢,並在創新與可靠性之間明智地找出平衡點,做為我們發行版的依據。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +42"
-msgid ""
-"We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead "
-"the way in collaborative development."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead the way in collaborative development."
+msgstr "我們會維持社群的活力,並永遠致力於帶領合作開發。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +43"
-msgid ""
-"We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers."
+msgstr "我們會讓我們的使用者在他們的電腦上盡情發揮所有的可能。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +44"
-msgid ""
-"We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations"
-" for novice and power users alike."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations for novice and power users alike."
+msgstr "我們會力求易用性,但也同時帶給初學及進階使用者全面的創新。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +47"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia is Knowledge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 重視知識"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +49"
-msgid ""
-"Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction"
-" at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will "
-"strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives."
+msgstr "不管是家庭中的互動或是世界性的交流,軟體已經整合到我們的生活當中。而它的核心即是電腦程式碼。我們會全力去瞭解它,以及它在我們日常生活裡是如何運作的。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +50"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "We will empower our user base by demystifying advanced technologies."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "我們會深入淺出地解釋進階技術來讓我們的使用群更強大。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +51"
-msgid ""
-"We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and "
-"context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, "
-"as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve."
+msgstr "我們知道我們是凡人。失敗和不足之處在所難免,且時空背景會變。我們對我們的軟體和生活,還有追求幸福快樂時會將其考慮在內。我們會逐漸成長。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +52"
-msgid ""
-"We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software "
-"you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free "
-"Software, our Community, and our Operating System."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free Software, our Community, and our Operating System."
+msgstr "我們相信沒有什麼能比瞭解您日常生活中所用的軟體還要美好。因此,我們會公開教導人們理解自由軟體、我們的社群,以及我們的作業系統。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +55"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia is Quality"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 重視品質"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +57"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia will be based on good quality/stability requirements."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 會力求高品質與高穩定度。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +58"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia will be compliant with open source standards."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 會符合開放源碼的標準。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +59"
-msgid ""
-"Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy "
-"standards/technologies to protect our users' data."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy standards/technologies to protect our users' data."
+msgstr "Mageia 會永遠遵循標準,運用技術以保證使用者資料的安全性與私密性。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +62"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "Mageia is Open Relations"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mageia 重視開放性"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +64"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "We will secure the future of the distribution through its community."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "我們將確保套件的未來由社群所決定。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +65"
-msgid ""
-"We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel "
-"developers with code contribution."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel developers with code contribution."
+msgstr "我們會與其他開源套件、關鍵以及核心開發者合作,並做出程式碼的貢獻。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +66"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "We will work in collaboration with other open source projects."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "我們將會與其他開源計畫一起合作。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +67"
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
msgid "We will welcome any Commercial Enterprise as part of our community."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "我們歡迎任何營利企業成為我們社群的一份子。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +68"
-msgid ""
-"Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also"
-" be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' "
-"diverse needs and expectations."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' diverse needs and expectations."
+msgstr "Mageia將永遠建立在開源軟體上面。但是,它也接受其他非開源軟體的貢獻,從而依照使用者不同的需求和期待提供替代方案。"
-#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +69"
-msgid ""
-"Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, "
-"representative of our pluralistic community."
-msgstr ""
+#: ./langs/zh-tw/about/values.zh-tw.lang
+msgid "Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, representative of our pluralistic community."
+msgstr "Mageia將永遠是一個整合性,全球化而且有組織的努力者,我們多元化社群的象徵。"
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html dir="ltr" lang="lv"><head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Mageia Vērtības</title>
- <meta name="description" content="Mageia ir jauns Linux distributīvs.">
- <meta name="keywords" content="mageia, values">
- <meta name="author" content="Mageia">
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/g/style/all.css">
- <?php include '../../../analytics.php'; ?>
- <?php include '../../../langs.php'; ?>
-<div id="doc" class="yui-t7">
- <div id="hd" role="banner"><h1><a id="logo" href="/"><span>Mageia</span></a> <span class="lsep">|</span> <span class="subh">Vērtības</span></h1></div>
- <div id="bd" role="main">
- <div class="yui-g">
- <div class="para values">
- <h2>Mageia ir Sociālā Programmatūra</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Mēs, kā Kopiena, augstu vērtējam
-mūsu lietotājus. Mēs vienmēr uzturēsim kontaktus ar mūsu lietotājiem, jo tie ir tikpat
-svarīga kopienas daļa kā veidotāji un organizatori..</li>
- <li>Mēs saprotam, ka cilvēki un Kopiena ir mūsu augstākās vērtības.</li>
- <li>Mēs vienmēr būsim kopienas distributīvs, cienot visas
-Kopienas ieguldījumu.</li>
- <li>Mēs būsim visaptverošs
-distributīvs, rūpējoties, lai visu Kopienas dalībnieku balsis tiktu
- <li>Mēs ļoti cienām draudzību un veicināsim sociālo mijiedarbību
-starp cilvēkiem.</li>
- <li>Mēs augstu vērtējam integritāti, kopību, uzticību un
-vienmēr stingri pieturēsimies pie augstākajiem ētikas standartiem.</li>
- <li>Mēs, pāri visam citam, priecāsimies par sevi :-) .</li>
- <li>Mēs centīsimies uzturēt gan mūsu pašu kopienas, gan
-plašās atvērtā pirmkoda kopienas vērtības.</li>
- <li>Mēs palīdzēsim un atbalstīsim viens
-otru. Ja kaut kas nebūs kārtībā, mēs
-veiksim atbilstošus pasākumus, lai atrastu labāku risinājumu un to
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia ir Augsta Tehnoloģija</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Mēs kā Brīvā
-Programmatūra un kā Operētājsistēma pastāvīgi ieviesīsim jauninājumus,
-lai paliktu kā labākā skaitļošanas tehnoloģiju izvēle.</li>
- <li>Mēs cieši sekosim Atvērtā Koda jaunākajām tendencēm, mūsu
-relīzēs gudri izvēloties līdzsvaru starp modernizāciju un uzticamību.</li>
- <li>Mēs saglabāsim dinamiku mūsu
-Kopienā, vienmēr mērķējot uz vadošu lomu kopējā attīstībā.</li>
- <li>Mēs mudināsim savus lietotājus būt iespējami labiem savu datoru
- <li>Mēs centīsimies atvieglot
-lietošanu, bet arī piedāvāsim visaptverošu inovāciju kopumu gan
-iesācējiem, gan pieredzējušiem lietotājiem.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia ir Zināšanas</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Programmatūra ir neatņemama daļa no mūsu ikdienas dzīves gandrīz visās
-mijiedarbībās mājās un visā pasaulē, un tās pamatā ir datora kods. Mēs
-centīsimies izprast to un tā iedarbību uz mūsu ikdienas dzīvi.</li>
- <li>Mēs
-spēcināsim mūsu lietotājus, padarot pieejamas progresīvas tehnoloģijas.</li>
- <li>Mēs apzināmies, ka mēs esam cilvēki. Kļūmes un
-nepilnības notiek, un konteksti mainās. Mēs
-ņemsim to vērā mūsu programmatūrā un dzīvē, kā arī tieksmē pēc laimes. Mēs attīstīsimies.</li>
- <li>Mēs uzskatām, ka nav nekā skaistāka kā
-ikdienas dzīvē izmantojamās programmatūras izpratne. Tāpēc mēs atklāti izglītosim cilvēkus par Brīvo
-Programmatūru, mūsu Kopienu un mūsu Operētājsistēmu.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia ir Kvalitāte</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Mageia pamatā būs labas kvalitātes / stabilitātes prasības.</li>
- <li>Mageia būs atbilstoša atvērtā koda standartiem.</li>
- <li>Mageia vienmēr pieturēsies pie augstas
-drošības un konfidencialitātes standartiem / tehnoloģijām, lai
-aizsargātu mūsu lietotāju datus.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia ir Atvērtas Attiecības</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Mēs nodrošināsim distributīva nākotni caur kopienu.</li>
- <li>Mēs sadarbosimies ar citiem AK
-distributīvu un kodola izstrādātājiem, ieguldot kodu.</li>
- <li>Mēs strādāsim, sadarbojoties ar citiem atvērtā koda projektiem.</li>
- <li>Mēs
-priecāsimies par jebkuru komerciālu uzņēmumu kā daļu no mūsu kopienas.</li>
- <li>Mageia vienmēr
-balstīsies uz Atvērtā Koda programmatūru. Tomēr tā arī būs atvērta slēgtā koda
-līdzdalībai, lai nodrošinātu alternatīvas atbilstoši mūsu lietotāju
-dažādajām vajadzībām un vēlmēm.</li>
- <li>Mageia vienmēr būs
-kolektīvs, starptautisks un organizēts pasākums, mūsu daudzveidīgās
-sabiedrības pārstāvis.</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html dir="ltr" lang="pt">
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Valores Mageia</title>
- <meta name="description" content="A Mageia é uma distribuição Linux baseada na comunidade.">
- <meta name="keywords" content="mageia, valores">
- <meta name="author" content="Mageia">
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/g/style/all.css">
- <?php include '../../../analytics.php'; ?>
- <?php include '../../../langs.php'; ?>
- <div id="doc" class="yui-t7">
- <div id="hd" role="banner"><h1><a id="logo" href="/"><span>Mageia</span></a> <span class="lsep">|</span> <span class="subh">Values</span></h1></div>
- <div id="bd" role="main">
- <div class="yui-g">
- <div class="para values">
- <h2>A Mageia é um Programa Social</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Iremos, como uma comunidade, Valorizar os Nossos Utilizadores. Iremos estar sempre em contacto com a nossa base de utilizadores, pois são tanto parte da comunidade como são os criadores e os organizadores.f.</li>
- <li>Entendemos que os nossos bens mais valiosos são as pessoas e a Comunidade.</li>
- <li>Seremos sempre uma distribuição de comunidade, valorizando todas as contribuições da comunidade.</li>
- <li>Seremos uma distribuição inclusiva, certificando-nos que todos na comunidade podem ter a sua voz ouvida.</li>
- <li>Estimamos a amizade, a alta estima e promovemos a interacção social entre as pessoas.</li>
- <li>Valorizamos a integridade, a comunidade, a confiança e respeitaremos sempre os mais altos padrões étnicos.</li>
- <li>Iremos, acima de tudo, divertir-nos :-) .</li>
- <li>Iremos fazer o possível para manter a boa vontade da nossa comunidade e da comunidade de Código Livre (Open Source)..</li>
- <li>Iremos ajudar e suportar-nos uns aos outros. Quando algo não está bem, iremos tomar as medidas necessárias para encontrar uma solução melhor e usá-la.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>A Mageia é Tecnologia Poderosa</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Nós, como um sistema operativo e como 'Software' Livre, inovaremos constantemente para continuar a ser uma escolha de primeira na tecnologia de computação.</li>
- <li>Iremos manter-nos actualizados com as últimas novidades do mundo de Código Livre, fazendo escolhas sábias para balançar entre a modernização e a segurança nos nossos lançamentos.</li>
- <li>Iremos manter a vibração dentro da nossa Comunidade, sempre com o objectivo de liderar o caminho do desenvolvimento colaborativo.</li>
- <li>Iremos encorajar os nossos utilizadores para o melhor que possam ser nos seus computadores.</li>
- <li>Iremos fazer o possível para facilitir o uso, mas também oferecendo um conjunto holístico de inovações para utilizadores iniciantes e avançados também.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>A Mageia é Conhecimento</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Os programas são uma parte integral das nossas vidas diárias, em quase todas as interacções em casa e no mundo, e no seu coração é o Código computacional. Iremos esforçar-nos para o compreender, e ver como funciona no nosso dia-a-dia.</li>
- <li>Iremos fortalecer a nossa base de utilizadores ao desmistificar as tecnologias avançadas.</li>
- <li>Reconhecemos que somos humanos. As falhas e as inadequações acontecem e os contextos mudam. Iremos ter isso em conta nos nossos programas e nas nossas vidas, assim como também na procura da felicidade. Iremos evoluir.</li>
- <li>Acreditamos que não existe nada tão bonito como compreender o programa do nosso uso diário. Como tal, iremos educar as pessoas acerca dos Programas Livres, a nossa comunidade, e o nosso Sistema Operativo.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>A Mageia é Qualidade</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>A Mageia será baseada nos requerimentos de boa qualidade/estabilidade.</li>
- <li>A Mageia será compatível com os padrões de código livre.</li>
- <li>A Mageia irá sempre respeitar as normas/tecnologias de alta segurança e privacidade para proteger os dados dos nossos utilizadores.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>A Mageia é uma Relação Aberta</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Iremos segurar o futuro da distribuição através da nossa comunidade.</li>
- <li>Iremos cooperar com outras distribuições OSS e desenvolvedores do núcleo e Kernel com distribuição de código.</li>
- <li>Iremos trabalhar em colaboração com outros projectos de código livre.</li>
- <li>Iremos dar as boas-vindas a qualquer Empresa Comercial como parte da nossa comunidade.</li>
- <li>A Mageia irá sempre ser baseada nos programas de código livre. No entanto, será também aberta a contribuições não-OSS, para fornecer alternativas para as diversas necessidades e expectativas dos nossos utilizadores.</li>
- <li>A Mageia será sempre um esforço colectivo, internacional e organizado, representativo da nossa comunidade pluralista.</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
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- <div id="hd" role="banner"><h1><a id="logo" href="/"><span>Mageia</span></a> <span class="lsep">|</span> <span class="subh">價值觀</span></h1></div>
- <div id="bd" role="main">
- <div class="yui-g">
- <div class="para values">
- <h2>Mageia 重視社群</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>我們做為一個社群,絕對珍惜我們的使用者。我們會始終與使用者保持聯繫,因為他們是形成與組成這個社群的最重要份子。</li>
- <li>我們瞭解,我們最有價值的資產,就是這個社群本身,與參與這個社群的人們。</li>
- <li>我們永遠會是社群開發的套件,因此我們珍惜社群的貢獻。</li>
- <li>我們會是個包羅萬象的套件,並確保社群中每個人的聲音都會被聽到。</li>
- <li>我們高度尊重與珍惜友誼,並希望促進社群朋友間的互動。</li>
- <li>我們珍惜整合、社群與信任,並且永遠遵循最高道德標準。</li>
- <li>最重要的是,我們享受這一切:-)。</li>
- <li>我們會努力爭取包括我們自己社群內,以及整個開放源碼社群的善意與認同。</li>
- <li>我們會彼此協助與支援。當出現問題時,我們會找出適當的步驟與更好的解決方法。</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia 重視強有力的科技</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>我們做為自由軟體以及作業系統,會不斷地創新,以持續成為優質的電腦科技選擇。</li>
- <li>我們會隨時掌握開放源碼的最新趨勢,並在創新與可靠性之間明智地找出平衡點,做為我們發行版的依據。</li>
- <li>我們會維持社群的活力,並永遠致力於帶領合作開發。</li>
- <li>我們會讓我們的使用者在他們的電腦上盡情發揮所有的可能。</li>
- <li>我們會力求易用性,但也同時帶給初學及進階使用者全面的創新。</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia 重視知識</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>不管是家庭中的互動或是世界性的交流,軟體已經整合到我們的生活當中。而它的核心即是電腦程式碼。我們會全力去瞭解它,以及它在我們日常生活裡是如何運作的。</li>
- <li>我們會深入淺出地解釋進階技術來讓我們的使用群更強大。</li>
- <li>我們知道我們是凡人。失敗和不足之處在所難免,且時空背景會變。我們對我們的軟體和生活,還有追求幸福快樂時會將其考慮在內。我們會逐漸成長。</li>
- <li>我們相信沒有什麼能比瞭解您日常生活中所用的軟體還要美好。因此,我們會公開教導人們理解自由軟體、我們的社群,以及我們的作業系統。</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia 重視品質</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>Mageia 會力求高品質與高穩定度。</li>
- <li>Mageia 會符合開放源碼的標準。</li>
- <li>Mageia 會永遠遵循標準,運用技術以保證使用者資料的安全性與私密性。</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Mageia 重視開放性</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>我們將確保套件的未來由社群所決定。</li>
- <li>我們會與其他開源套件、關鍵以及核心開發者合作,並做出程式碼的貢獻。</li>
- <li>我們將會與其他開源計畫一起合作。</li>
- <li>我們歡迎任何營利企業成為我們社群的一份子。</li>
- <li>Mageia將永遠建立在開源軟體上面。但是,它也接受其他非開源軟體的貢獻,從而依照使用者不同的需求和期待提供替代方案。</li>
- <li>Mageia將永遠是一個整合性,全球化而且有組織的努力者,我們多元化社群的象徵。</li>
- </ul>
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