path: root/skins/common/mwsuggest.js
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authorNicolas Lécureuil <>2017-04-19 00:16:28 +0200
committerNicolas Lécureuil <>2017-04-19 00:16:28 +0200
commit14ffe3143e36d79ef7054b293e51f3fb4b658224 (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /skins/common/mwsuggest.js
parentc2653bf8ea6048088ea2ed708f8b3602f41a01cd (diff)
Remove all to rebase on new mw
Diffstat (limited to 'skins/common/mwsuggest.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 995 deletions
diff --git a/skins/common/mwsuggest.js b/skins/common/mwsuggest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f638c4..0000000
--- a/skins/common/mwsuggest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
- * OpenSearch ajax suggestion engine for MediaWiki
- *
- * uses core MediaWiki open search support to fetch suggestions
- * and show them below search boxes and other inputs
- *
- * by Robert Stojnic (April 2008)
- */
-// search_box_id -> Results object
-var os_map = {};
-// cached data, url -> json_text
-var os_cache = {};
-// global variables for suggest_keypress
-var os_cur_keypressed = 0;
-var os_keypressed_count = 0;
-// type: Timer
-var os_timer = null;
-// tie mousedown/up events
-var os_mouse_pressed = false;
-var os_mouse_num = -1;
-// if true, the last change was made by mouse (and not keyboard)
-var os_mouse_moved = false;
-// delay between keypress and suggestion (in ms)
-var os_search_timeout = 250;
-// these pairs of inputs/forms will be autoloaded at startup
-var os_autoload_inputs = new Array('searchInput', 'searchInput2', 'powerSearchText', 'searchText');
-var os_autoload_forms = new Array('searchform', 'searchform2', 'powersearch', 'search' );
-// if we stopped the service
-var os_is_stopped = false;
-// max lines to show in suggest table
-var os_max_lines_per_suggest = 7;
-// number of steps to animate expansion/contraction of container width
-var os_animation_steps = 6;
-// num of pixels of smallest step
-var os_animation_min_step = 2;
-// delay between steps (in ms)
-var os_animation_delay = 30;
-// max width of container in percent of normal size (1 == 100%)
-var os_container_max_width = 2;
-// currently active animation timer
-var os_animation_timer = null;
- * <datalist> is a new HTML5 element that allows you to manually supply
- * suggestion lists and have them rendered according to the right platform
- * conventions. However, the only shipping browser as of early 2010 is Opera,
- * and that has a fatal problem: the suggestion lags behind what the user types
- * by one keypress. (Reported as DSK-276870 to Opera's secret bug tracker.)
- * The code here otherwise seems to work, though, so this can be flipped on
- * (maybe with a UA check) when some browser has a better implementation.
- */
-// var os_use_datalist = 'list' in document.createElement( 'input' );
-var os_use_datalist = false;
-/** Timeout timer class that will fetch the results */
-function os_Timer( id, r, query ) {
- = id;
- this.r = r;
- this.query = query;
-/** Property class for single search box */
-function os_Results( name, formname ) {
- this.searchform = formname; // id of the searchform
- this.searchbox = name; // id of the searchbox
- this.container = name + 'Suggest'; // div that holds results
- this.resultTable = name + 'Result'; // id base for the result table (+num = table row)
- this.resultText = name + 'ResultText'; // id base for the spans within result tables (+num)
- this.toggle = name + 'Toggle'; // div that has the toggle (enable/disable) link
- this.query = null; // last processed query
- this.results = null; // parsed titles
- this.resultCount = 0; // number of results
- this.original = null; // query that user entered
- this.selected = -1; // which result is selected
- this.containerCount = 0; // number of results visible in container
- this.containerRow = 0; // height of result field in the container
- this.containerTotal = 0; // total height of the container will all results
- this.visible = false; // if container is visible
- this.stayHidden = false; // don't try to show if lost focus
-/** Timer user to animate expansion/contraction of container width */
-function os_AnimationTimer( r, target ) {
- this.r = r;
- var current = document.getElementById(r.container).offsetWidth;
- = Math.round( ( target - current ) / os_animation_steps );
- if( < os_animation_min_step && >=0 ) {
- = os_animation_min_step; // minimal animation step
- }
- if( > -os_animation_min_step && < 0 ) {
- = -os_animation_min_step;
- }
- = target;
- * Initialization
- ******************/
-/** Initialization, call upon page onload */
-function os_MWSuggestInit() {
- for( i = 0; i < os_autoload_inputs.length; i++ ) {
- var id = os_autoload_inputs[i];
- var form = os_autoload_forms[i];
- element = document.getElementById( id );
- if( element != null ) {
- os_initHandlers( id, form, element );
- }
- }
-/** Init Result objects and event handlers */
-function os_initHandlers( name, formname, element ) {
- var r = new os_Results( name, formname );
- // event handler
- os_hookEvent( element, 'keyup', function( event ) { os_eventKeyup( event ); } );
- os_hookEvent( element, 'keydown', function( event ) { os_eventKeydown( event ); } );
- os_hookEvent( element, 'keypress', function( event ) { os_eventKeypress( event ); } );
- if ( !os_use_datalist ) {
- // These are needed for the div hack to hide it if the user blurs.
- os_hookEvent( element, 'blur', function( event ) { os_eventBlur( event ); } );
- os_hookEvent( element, 'focus', function( event ) { os_eventFocus( event ); } );
- // We don't want browser auto-suggestions interfering with our div, but
- // autocomplete must be on for datalist to work (at least in Opera
- // 10.10).
- element.setAttribute( 'autocomplete', 'off' );
- }
- // stopping handler
- os_hookEvent( document.getElementById( formname ), 'submit', function( event ) { return os_eventOnsubmit( event ); } );
- os_map[name] = r;
- // toggle link
- if( document.getElementById( r.toggle ) == null ) {
- // TODO: disable this while we figure out a way for this to work in all browsers
- /* if( name == 'searchInput' ) {
- // special case: place above the main search box
- var t = os_createToggle( r, 'os-suggest-toggle' );
- var searchBody = document.getElementById( 'searchBody' );
- var first = searchBody.parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling.appendChild(t);
- } else {
- // default: place below search box to the right
- var t = os_createToggle( r, 'os-suggest-toggle-def' );
- var top = element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight;
- var left = element.offsetLeft + element.offsetWidth;
- = 'absolute';
- = top + 'px';
- = left + 'px';
- element.parentNode.appendChild( t );
- // only now width gets calculated, shift right
- left -= t.offsetWidth;
- = left + 'px';
- = 'visible';
- } */
- }
-function os_hookEvent( element, hookName, hookFunct ) {
- if ( element.addEventListener ) {
- element.addEventListener( hookName, hookFunct, false );
- } else if ( window.attachEvent ) {
- element.attachEvent( 'on' + hookName, hookFunct );
- }
- * Keyboard events
- ********************/
-/** Event handler that will fetch results on keyup */
-function os_eventKeyup( e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- // some browsers won't generate keypressed for arrow keys, catch it
- if( os_keypressed_count == 0 ) {
- os_processKey( r, os_cur_keypressed, targ );
- }
- var query = targ.value;
- os_fetchResults( r, query, os_search_timeout );
-/** catch arrows up/down and escape to hide the suggestions */
-function os_processKey( r, keypressed, targ ) {
- if ( keypressed == 40 && !r.visible && os_timer == null ) {
- // If the user hits the down arrow, fetch results immediately if none
- // are already displayed.
- r.query = '';
- os_fetchResults( r, targ.value, 0 );
- }
- // Otherwise, if we're not using datalist, we need to handle scrolling and
- // so on.
- if ( os_use_datalist ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( keypressed == 40 ) { // Arrow Down
- if ( r.visible ) {
- os_changeHighlight( r, r.selected, r.selected + 1, true );
- }
- } else if ( keypressed == 38 ) { // Arrow Up
- if ( r.visible ) {
- os_changeHighlight( r, r.selected, r.selected - 1, true );
- }
- } else if( keypressed == 27 ) { // Escape
- document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).value = r.original;
- r.query = r.original;
- os_hideResults( r );
- } else if( r.query != document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).value ) {
- // os_hideResults( r ); // don't show old suggestions
- }
-/** When keys is held down use a timer to output regular events */
-function os_eventKeypress( e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- var keypressed = os_cur_keypressed;
- os_keypressed_count++;
- os_processKey( r, keypressed, targ );
-/** Catch the key code (Firefox bug) */
-function os_eventKeydown( e ) {
- if ( !e ) {
- e = window.event;
- }
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- os_mouse_moved = false;
- os_cur_keypressed = ( e.keyCode == undefined ) ? e.which : e.keyCode;
- os_keypressed_count = 0;
-/** When the form is submitted hide everything, cancel updates... */
-function os_eventOnsubmit( e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- os_is_stopped = true;
- // kill timed requests
- if( os_timer != null && != null ) {
- clearTimeout( );
- os_timer = null;
- }
- // Hide all suggestions
- for( i = 0; i < os_autoload_inputs.length; i++ ) {
- var r = os_map[os_autoload_inputs[i]];
- if( r != null ) {
- var b = document.getElementById( r.searchform );
- if( b != null && b == targ ) {
- // set query value so the handler won't try to fetch additional results
- r.query = document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).value;
- }
- os_hideResults( r );
- }
- }
- return true;
-/** Hide results from the user, either making the div visibility=hidden or
- * detaching the datalist from the input. */
-function os_hideResults( r ) {
- if ( os_use_datalist ) {
- document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).setAttribute( 'list', '' );
- } else {
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- if ( c != null ) {
- = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- r.visible = false;
- r.selected = -1;
-function os_decodeValue( value ) {
- if ( decodeURIComponent ) {
- return decodeURIComponent( value );
- }
- if( unescape ) {
- return unescape( value );
- }
- return null;
-function os_encodeQuery( value ) {
- if ( encodeURIComponent ) {
- return encodeURIComponent( value );
- }
- if( escape ) {
- return escape( value );
- }
- return null;
-/** Handles data from XMLHttpRequest, and updates the suggest results */
-function os_updateResults( r, query, text, cacheKey ) {
- os_cache[cacheKey] = text;
- r.query = query;
- r.original = query;
- if( text == '' ) {
- r.results = null;
- r.resultCount = 0;
- os_hideResults( r );
- } else {
- try {
- var p = eval( '(' + text + ')' ); // simple json parse, could do a safer one
- if( p.length < 2 || p[1].length == 0 ) {
- r.results = null;
- r.resultCount = 0;
- os_hideResults( r );
- return;
- }
- if ( os_use_datalist ) {
- os_setupDatalist( r, p[1] );
- } else {
- os_setupDiv( r, p[1] );
- }
- } catch( e ) {
- // bad response from server or such
- os_hideResults( r );
- os_cache[cacheKey] = null;
- }
- }
- * Create and populate a <datalist>.
- *
- * @param r os_Result object
- * @param results Array of the new results to replace existing ones
- */
-function os_setupDatalist( r, results ) {
- var s = document.getElementById( r.searchbox );
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- if ( c == null ) {
- c = document.createElement( 'datalist' );
- c.setAttribute( 'id', r.container );
- document.body.appendChild( c );
- } else {
- c.innerHTML = '';
- }
- s.setAttribute( 'list', r.container );
- r.results = new Array();
- r.resultCount = results.length;
- r.visible = true;
- for ( i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
- var title = os_decodeValue( results[i] );
- var opt = document.createElement( 'option' );
- opt.value = title;
- r.results[i] = title;
- c.appendChild( opt );
- }
-/** Fetch namespaces from checkboxes or hidden fields in the search form,
- if none defined use wgSearchNamespaces global */
-function os_getNamespaces( r ) {
- var namespaces = '';
- var elements = document.forms[r.searchform].elements;
- for( i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
- var name = elements[i].name;
- if( typeof name != 'undefined' && name.length > 2 && name[0] == 'n' &&
- name[1] == 's' && (
- ( elements[i].type == 'checkbox' && elements[i].checked ) ||
- ( elements[i].type == 'hidden' && elements[i].value == '1' )
- )
- ) {
- if( namespaces != '' ) {
- namespaces += '|';
- }
- namespaces += name.substring( 2 );
- }
- }
- if( namespaces == '' ) {
- namespaces = wgSearchNamespaces.join('|');
- }
- return namespaces;
-/** Update results if user hasn't already typed something else */
-function os_updateIfRelevant( r, query, text, cacheKey ) {
- var t = document.getElementById( r.searchbox );
- if( t != null && t.value == query ) { // check if response is still relevant
- os_updateResults( r, query, text, cacheKey );
- }
- r.query = query;
-/** Fetch results after some timeout */
-function os_delayedFetch() {
- if( os_timer == null ) {
- return;
- }
- var r = os_timer.r;
- var query = os_timer.query;
- os_timer = null;
- var path = wgMWSuggestTemplate.replace( "{namespaces}", os_getNamespaces( r ) )
- .replace( "{dbname}", wgDBname )
- .replace( "{searchTerms}", os_encodeQuery( query ) );
- // try to get from cache, if not fetch using ajax
- var cached = os_cache[path];
- if( cached != null && cached != undefined ) {
- os_updateIfRelevant( r, query, cached, path );
- } else {
- var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
- if( xmlhttp ) {
- try {
- 'GET', path, true );
- xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if ( xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && typeof os_updateIfRelevant == 'function' ) {
- os_updateIfRelevant( r, query, xmlhttp.responseText, path );
- }
- };
- xmlhttp.send( null );
- } catch ( e ) {
- if ( window.location.hostname == 'localhost' ) {
- alert( "Your browser blocks XMLHttpRequest to 'localhost', try using a real hostname for development/testing." );
- }
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
-/** Init timed update via os_delayedUpdate() */
-function os_fetchResults( r, query, timeout ) {
- if( query == '' ) {
- r.query = '';
- os_hideResults( r );
- return;
- } else if( query == r.query ) {
- return; // no change
- }
- os_is_stopped = false; // make sure we're running
- // cancel any pending fetches
- if( os_timer != null && != null ) {
- clearTimeout( );
- }
- // schedule delayed fetching of results
- if( timeout != 0 ) {
- os_timer = new os_Timer( setTimeout( "os_delayedFetch()", timeout ), r, query );
- } else {
- os_timer = new os_Timer( null, r, query );
- os_delayedFetch(); // do it now!
- }
-/** Find event target */
-function os_getTarget( e ) {
- if ( !e ) {
- e = window.event;
- }
- if ( ) {
- return;
- } else if ( e.srcElement ) {
- return e.srcElement;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
-/** Check if x is a valid integer */
-function os_isNumber( x ) {
- if( x == '' || isNaN( x ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- for( var i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) {
- var c = x.charAt( i );
- if( !( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/** Call this to enable suggestions on input (id=inputId), on a form (name=formName) */
-function os_enableSuggestionsOn( inputId, formName ) {
- os_initHandlers( inputId, formName, document.getElementById( inputId ) );
-/** Call this to disable suggestios on input box (id=inputId) */
-function os_disableSuggestionsOn( inputId ) {
- r = os_map[inputId];
- if( r != null ) {
- // cancel/hide results
- os_timer = null;
- os_hideResults( r );
- // turn autocomplete on !
- document.getElementById( inputId ).setAttribute( 'autocomplete', 'on' );
- // remove descriptor
- os_map[inputId] = null;
- }
- // Remove the element from the os_autoload_* arrays
- var index = os_autoload_inputs.indexOf( inputId );
- if ( index >= 0 ) {
- os_autoload_inputs[index] = os_autoload_forms[index] = '';
- }
- * Div-only functions (irrelevant for datalist)
- ************************************************/
-/** Event: loss of focus of input box */
-function os_eventBlur( e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- if( !os_mouse_pressed ) {
- os_hideResults( r );
- // force canvas to stay hidden
- r.stayHidden = true;
- // cancel any pending fetches
- if( os_timer != null && != null ) {
- clearTimeout( );
- }
- os_timer = null;
- }
-/** Event: focus (catch only when stopped) */
-function os_eventFocus( e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- r.stayHidden = false;
- * Create and populate a <div>, for non-<datalist>-supporting browsers.
- *
- * @param r os_Result object
- * @param results Array of the new results to replace existing ones
- */
-function os_setupDiv( r, results ) {
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- if ( c == null ) {
- c = os_createContainer( r );
- }
- c.innerHTML = os_createResultTable( r, results );
- // init container table sizes
- var t = document.getElementById( r.resultTable );
- r.containerTotal = t.offsetHeight;
- r.containerRow = t.offsetHeight / r.resultCount;
- os_fitContainer( r );
- os_trimResultText( r );
- os_showResults( r );
-/** Create the result table to be placed in the container div */
-function os_createResultTable( r, results ) {
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- var width = c.offsetWidth - os_operaWidthFix( c.offsetWidth );
- var html = '<table class="os-suggest-results" id="' + r.resultTable + '" style="width: ' + width + 'px;">';
- r.results = new Array();
- r.resultCount = results.length;
- for( i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
- var title = os_decodeValue( results[i] );
- r.results[i] = title;
- html += '<tr><td class="os-suggest-result" id="' + r.resultTable + i + '"><span id="' + r.resultText + i + '">' + title + '</span></td></tr>';
- }
- html += '</table>';
- return html;
-/** Show results div */
-function os_showResults( r ) {
- if( os_is_stopped ) {
- return;
- }
- if( r.stayHidden ) {
- return;
- }
- os_fitContainer( r );
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- r.selected = -1;
- if( c != null ) {
- c.scrollTop = 0;
- = 'visible';
- r.visible = true;
- }
-function os_operaWidthFix( x ) {
- // For browsers that don't understand overflow-x, estimate scrollbar width
- if( typeof != 'string' ) {
- return 30;
- }
- return 0;
-/** Brower-dependent functions to find window inner size, and scroll status */
-function f_clientWidth() {
- return f_filterResults(
- window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : 0,
- document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : 0,
- document.body ? document.body.clientWidth : 0
- );
-function f_clientHeight() {
- return f_filterResults(
- window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : 0,
- document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : 0,
- document.body ? document.body.clientHeight : 0
- );
-function f_scrollLeft() {
- return f_filterResults(
- window.pageXOffset ? window.pageXOffset : 0,
- document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0,
- document.body ? document.body.scrollLeft : 0
- );
-function f_scrollTop() {
- return f_filterResults(
- window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : 0,
- document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0,
- document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : 0
- );
-function f_filterResults( n_win, n_docel, n_body ) {
- var n_result = n_win ? n_win : 0;
- if ( n_docel && ( !n_result || ( n_result > n_docel ) ) ) {
- n_result = n_docel;
- }
- return n_body && ( !n_result || ( n_result > n_body ) ) ? n_body : n_result;
-/** Get the height available for the results container */
-function os_availableHeight( r ) {
- var absTop = document.getElementById( r.container );
- var px = absTop.lastIndexOf( 'px' );
- if( px > 0 ) {
- absTop = absTop.substring( 0, px );
- }
- return f_clientHeight() - ( absTop - f_scrollTop() );
-/** Get element absolute position {left,top} */
-function os_getElementPosition( elemID ) {
- var offsetTrail = document.getElementById( elemID );
- var offsetLeft = 0;
- var offsetTop = 0;
- while ( offsetTrail ) {
- offsetLeft += offsetTrail.offsetLeft;
- offsetTop += offsetTrail.offsetTop;
- offsetTrail = offsetTrail.offsetParent;
- }
- if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1 && typeof document.body.leftMargin != 'undefined' ) {
- offsetLeft += document.body.leftMargin;
- offsetTop += document.body.topMargin;
- }
- return { left:offsetLeft, top:offsetTop };
-/** Create the container div that will hold the suggested titles */
-function os_createContainer( r ) {
- var c = document.createElement( 'div' );
- var s = document.getElementById( r.searchbox );
- var pos = os_getElementPosition( r.searchbox );
- var left = pos.left;
- var top = + s.offsetHeight;
- c.className = 'os-suggest';
- c.setAttribute( 'id', r.container );
- document.body.appendChild( c );
- // dynamically generated style params
- // IE workaround, cannot explicitely set "style" attribute
- c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- = top + 'px';
- = left + 'px';
- = s.offsetWidth + 'px';
- // mouse event handlers
- c.onmouseover = function( event ) { os_eventMouseover( r.searchbox, event ); };
- c.onmousemove = function( event ) { os_eventMousemove( r.searchbox, event ); };
- c.onmousedown = function( event ) { return os_eventMousedown( r.searchbox, event ); };
- c.onmouseup = function( event ) { os_eventMouseup( r.searchbox, event ); };
- return c;
-/** change container height to fit to screen */
-function os_fitContainer( r ) {
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- var h = os_availableHeight( r ) - 20;
- var inc = r.containerRow;
- h = parseInt( h / inc ) * inc;
- if( h < ( 2 * inc ) && r.resultCount > 1 ) { // min: two results
- h = 2 * inc;
- }
- if( ( h / inc ) > os_max_lines_per_suggest ) {
- h = inc * os_max_lines_per_suggest;
- }
- if( h < r.containerTotal ) {
- = h + 'px';
- r.containerCount = parseInt( Math.round( h / inc ) );
- } else {
- = r.containerTotal + 'px';
- r.containerCount = r.resultCount;
- }
-/** If some entries are longer than the box, replace text with "..." */
-function os_trimResultText( r ) {
- // find max width, first see if we could expand the container to fit it
- var maxW = 0;
- for( var i = 0; i < r.resultCount; i++ ) {
- var e = document.getElementById( r.resultText + i );
- if( e.offsetWidth > maxW ) {
- maxW = e.offsetWidth;
- }
- }
- var w = document.getElementById( r.container ).offsetWidth;
- var fix = 0;
- if( r.containerCount < r.resultCount ) {
- fix = 20; // give 20px for scrollbar
- } else {
- fix = os_operaWidthFix( w );
- }
- if( fix < 4 ) {
- fix = 4; // basic padding
- }
- maxW += fix;
- // resize container to fit more data if permitted
- var normW = document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).offsetWidth;
- var prop = maxW / normW;
- if( prop > os_container_max_width ) {
- prop = os_container_max_width;
- } else if( prop < 1 ) {
- prop = 1;
- }
- var newW = Math.round( normW * prop );
- if( w != newW ) {
- w = newW;
- if( os_animation_timer != null ) {
- clearInterval( );
- }
- os_animation_timer = new os_AnimationTimer( r, w );
- = setInterval( "os_animateChangeWidth()", os_animation_delay );
- w -= fix; // this much is reserved
- }
- // trim results
- if( w < 10 ) {
- return;
- }
- for( var i = 0; i < r.resultCount; i++ ) {
- var e = document.getElementById( r.resultText + i );
- var replace = 1;
- var lastW = e.offsetWidth + 1;
- var iteration = 0;
- var changedText = false;
- while( e.offsetWidth > w && ( e.offsetWidth < lastW || iteration < 2 ) ) {
- changedText = true;
- lastW = e.offsetWidth;
- var l = e.innerHTML;
- e.innerHTML = l.substring( 0, l.length - replace ) + '...';
- iteration++;
- replace = 4; // how many chars to replace
- }
- if( changedText ) {
- // show hint for trimmed titles
- document.getElementById( r.resultTable + i ).setAttribute( 'title', r.results[i] );
- }
- }
-/** Invoked on timer to animate change in container width */
-function os_animateChangeWidth() {
- var r = os_animation_timer.r;
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- var w = c.offsetWidth;
- var normW = document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).offsetWidth;
- var normL = os_getElementPosition( r.searchbox ).left;
- var inc =;
- var target =;
- var nw = w + inc;
- if( ( inc > 0 && nw >= target ) || ( inc <= 0 && nw <= target ) ) {
- // finished !
- = target + 'px';
- clearInterval( );
- os_animation_timer = null;
- } else {
- // in-progress
- = nw + 'px';
- if( document.documentElement.dir == 'rtl' ) {
- = ( normL + normW + ( target - nw ) - - 1 ) + 'px';
- }
- }
-/** Change the highlighted row (i.e. suggestion), from position cur to next */
-function os_changeHighlight( r, cur, next, updateSearchBox ) {
- if ( next >= r.resultCount ) {
- next = r.resultCount - 1;
- }
- if ( next < -1 ) {
- next = -1;
- }
- r.selected = next;
- if ( cur == next ) {
- return; // nothing to do.
- }
- if( cur >= 0 ) {
- var curRow = document.getElementById( r.resultTable + cur );
- if( curRow != null ) {
- curRow.className = 'os-suggest-result';
- }
- }
- var newText;
- if( next >= 0 ) {
- var nextRow = document.getElementById( r.resultTable + next );
- if( nextRow != null ) {
- nextRow.className = os_HighlightClass();
- }
- newText = r.results[next];
- } else {
- newText = r.original;
- }
- // adjust the scrollbar if any
- if( r.containerCount < r.resultCount ) {
- var c = document.getElementById( r.container );
- var vStart = c.scrollTop / r.containerRow;
- var vEnd = vStart + r.containerCount;
- if( next < vStart ) {
- c.scrollTop = next * r.containerRow;
- } else if( next >= vEnd ) {
- c.scrollTop = ( next - r.containerCount + 1 ) * r.containerRow;
- }
- }
- // update the contents of the search box
- if( updateSearchBox ) {
- os_updateSearchQuery( r, newText );
- }
-function os_HighlightClass() {
- var match = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/);
- if ( match ) {
- var webKitVersion = parseInt( match[1] );
- if ( webKitVersion < 523 ) {
- // CSS system highlight colors broken on old Safari
- //
- // Safari 3.0.4, 3.1 known ok
- return 'os-suggest-result-hl-webkit';
- }
- }
- return 'os-suggest-result-hl';
-function os_updateSearchQuery( r, newText ) {
- document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).value = newText;
- r.query = newText;
- * Mouse events
- ********************/
-/** Mouse over the container */
-function os_eventMouseover( srcId, e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[srcId];
- if( r == null || !os_mouse_moved ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- var num = os_getNumberSuffix( );
- if( num >= 0 ) {
- os_changeHighlight( r, r.selected, num, false );
- }
-/* Get row where the event occured (from its id) */
-function os_getNumberSuffix( id ) {
- var num = id.substring( id.length - 2 );
- if( !( num.charAt( 0 ) >= '0' && num.charAt( 0 ) <= '9' ) ) {
- num = num.substring( 1 );
- }
- if( os_isNumber( num ) ) {
- return parseInt( num );
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
-/** Save mouse move as last action */
-function os_eventMousemove( srcId, e ) {
- os_mouse_moved = true;
-/** Mouse button held down, register possible click */
-function os_eventMousedown( srcId, e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[srcId];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- var num = os_getNumberSuffix( );
- os_mouse_pressed = true;
- if( num >= 0 ) {
- os_mouse_num = num;
- // os_updateSearchQuery( r, r.results[num] );
- }
- // keep the focus on the search field
- document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).focus();
- return false; // prevents selection
-/** Mouse button released, check for click on some row */
-function os_eventMouseup( srcId, e ) {
- var targ = os_getTarget( e );
- var r = os_map[srcId];
- if( r == null ) {
- return; // not our event
- }
- var num = os_getNumberSuffix( );
- if( num >= 0 && os_mouse_num == num ) {
- os_updateSearchQuery( r, r.results[num] );
- os_hideResults( r );
- document.getElementById( r.searchform ).submit();
- }
- os_mouse_pressed = false;
- // keep the focus on the search field
- document.getElementById( r.searchbox ).focus();
-/** Toggle stuff seems to be dead code? */
-/** Return the span element that contains the toggle link */
-function os_createToggle( r, className ) {
- var t = document.createElement( 'span' );
- t.className = className;
- t.setAttribute( 'id', r.toggle );
- var link = document.createElement( 'a' );
- link.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:void(0);' );
- link.onclick = function() { os_toggle( r.searchbox, r.searchform ); };
- var msg = document.createTextNode( wgMWSuggestMessages[0] );
- link.appendChild( msg );
- t.appendChild( link );
- return t;
-/** Call when user clicks on some of the toggle links */
-function os_toggle( inputId, formName ) {
- r = os_map[inputId];
- var msg = '';
- if( r == null ) {
- os_enableSuggestionsOn( inputId, formName );
- r = os_map[inputId];
- msg = wgMWSuggestMessages[0];
- } else{
- os_disableSuggestionsOn( inputId, formName );
- msg = wgMWSuggestMessages[1];
- }
- // change message
- var link = document.getElementById( r.toggle ).firstChild;
- link.replaceChild( document.createTextNode( msg ), link.firstChild );
-hookEvent( 'load', os_MWSuggestInit );