path: root/phpBB/phpbb/template/twig/lexer.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/phpbb/template/twig/lexer.php')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/template/twig/lexer.php b/phpBB/phpbb/template/twig/lexer.php
index 46412ad048..7ab569313c 100644
--- a/phpBB/phpbb/template/twig/lexer.php
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/template/twig/lexer.php
@@ -126,10 +126,14 @@ class phpbb_template_twig_lexer extends Twig_Lexer
$callback = function($matches)
- // Remove any quotes that may have been used in different implementations
- // E.g. DEFINE $TEST = 'blah' vs INCLUDE foo
- // Replace {} with start/end to parse variables (' ~ TEST ~ '.html)
- $matches[2] = str_replace(array('"', "'", '{', '}'), array('', '', "' ~ ", " ~ '"), $matches[2]);
+ // Remove matching quotes at the beginning/end if a statement;
+ // E.g. 'asdf'"' -> asdf'"
+ // E.g. "asdf'"" -> asdf'"
+ // E.g. 'asdf'" -> 'asdf'"
+ $matches[2] = preg_replace('#^([\'"])?(.*?)\1$#', '$2', $matches[2]);
+ // Replace template variables with start/end to parse variables (' ~ TEST ~ '.html)
+ $matches[2] = preg_replace('#{([a-zA-Z0-9_\.$]+)}#', "'~ \$1 ~'", $matches[2]);
// Surround the matches in single quotes ('' ~ TEST ~ '.html')
return "<!-- {$matches[1]} '{$matches[2]}' -->";
@@ -187,20 +191,18 @@ class phpbb_template_twig_lexer extends Twig_Lexer
// Recursive...fix any child nodes
$body = $parent_class->fix_begin_tokens($body, $parent_nodes);
- // Rename loopname vars (to prevent collisions, loop children are named (loop name)_loop_element)
- $body = str_replace($name . '.', $name . '_loop_element.', $body);
// Need the parent variable name
- $parent = (!empty($parent_nodes)) ? end($parent_nodes) . '_loop_element.' : '';
+ $parent = (!empty($parent_nodes)) ? end($parent_nodes) . '.' : '';
if ($subset !== '')
$subset = '|subset(' . $subset . ')';
- // Turn into a Twig for loop, using (loop name)_loop_element for each child
- return "{% for {$name}_loop_element in {$parent}{$name}{$subset} %}{$body}{% endfor %}";
+ $parent = ($parent) ?: 'loops.';
+ // Turn into a Twig for loop
+ return "{% for {$name} in {$parent}{$name}{$subset} %}{$body}{% endfor %}";
// Replace <!-- BEGINELSE --> correctly, only needs to be done once
@@ -217,21 +219,28 @@ class phpbb_template_twig_lexer extends Twig_Lexer
protected function fix_if_tokens($code)
+ // Replace ELSE IF with ELSEIF
+ $code = preg_replace('#<!-- ELSE IF (.+?) -->#', '<!-- ELSEIF $1 -->', $code);
+ // Replace our "div by" with Twig's divisibleby (Twig does not like test names with spaces)
+ $code = preg_replace('# div by ([0-9]+)#', ' divisibleby($1)', $code);
$callback = function($matches)
+ $inner = $matches[2];
// Replace $TEST with definition.TEST
- $matches[1] = preg_replace('#\s\$([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)#', ' definition.$1', $matches[1]);
+ $inner = preg_replace('#\s\$([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)#', ' definition.$1', $inner);
- // Replace .test with test|length
- $matches[1] = preg_replace('#\s\.([a-zA-Z_0-9\.]+)#', ' $1|length', $matches[1]);
+ // Replace .foo with loops.foo|length
+ $inner = preg_replace('#\s\.([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)([^a-zA-Z_0-9\.])#', ' loops.$1|length$2', $inner);
- return '<!-- IF' . $matches[1] . '-->';
- };
+ // Replace .foo.bar with foo.bar|length
+ $inner = preg_replace('#\s\.([a-zA-Z_0-9\.]+)([^a-zA-Z_0-9\.])#', ' $1|length$2', $inner);
- // Replace our "div by" with Twig's divisibleby (Twig does not like test names with spaces)
- $code = preg_replace('# div by ([0-9]+)#', ' divisibleby($1)', $code);
+ return "<!-- {$matches[1]}IF{$inner}-->";
+ };
- return preg_replace_callback('#<!-- IF((.*)[\s][\$|\.|!]([^\s]+)(.*))-->#', $callback, $code);
+ return preg_replace_callback('#<!-- (ELSE)?IF((.*)[\s][\$|\.|!]([^\s]+)(.*))-->#', $callback, $code);