path: root/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/phpbb/install/controller')
6 files changed, 1005 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/archive_download.php b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/archive_download.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eabc0a9976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/archive_download.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+ * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * For full copyright and license information, please see
+ * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+namespace phpbb\install\controller;
+use phpbb\exception\http_exception;
+use phpbb\install\helper\config;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag;
+class archive_download
+ /**
+ * @var config
+ */
+ protected $installer_config;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param config $config
+ */
+ public function __construct(config $config)
+ {
+ $this->installer_config = $config;
+ $this->installer_config->load_config();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends response with the merge conflict archive
+ *
+ * Merge conflicts always have to be resolved manually,
+ * so we use a different archive for that.
+ *
+ * @return BinaryFileResponse
+ */
+ public function conflict_archive()
+ {
+ $filename = $this->installer_config->get('update_file_conflict_archive', '');
+ if (empty($filename))
+ {
+ throw new http_exception(404, 'URL_NOT_FOUND');
+ }
+ return $this->send_response($filename);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends response with the updated files' archive
+ *
+ * @return BinaryFileResponse
+ */
+ public function update_archive()
+ {
+ $filename = $this->installer_config->get('update_file_archive', '');
+ if (empty($filename))
+ {
+ throw new http_exception(404, 'URL_NOT_FOUND');
+ }
+ return $this->send_response($filename);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a download response
+ *
+ * @param string $filename Path to the file to download
+ *
+ * @return BinaryFileResponse Response object
+ */
+ private function send_response($filename)
+ {
+ $response = new BinaryFileResponse($filename);
+ $response->setContentDisposition(
+ basename($filename)
+ );
+ return $response;
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff7e691224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+ * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * For full copyright and license information, please see
+ * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+namespace phpbb\install\controller;
+use phpbb\install\helper\config;
+use phpbb\install\helper\navigation\navigation_provider;
+use phpbb\language\language;
+use phpbb\language\language_file_helper;
+use phpbb\path_helper;
+use phpbb\request\request;
+use phpbb\request\request_interface;
+use phpbb\routing\router;
+use phpbb\symfony_request;
+use phpbb\template\template;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie;
+ * A duplicate of \phpbb\controller\helper
+ *
+ * This class is necessary because of controller\helper's legacy function calls
+ * to page_header() page_footer() functions which has unavailable dependencies.
+ */
+class helper
+ /**
+ * @var config
+ */
+ protected $installer_config;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\language\language
+ */
+ protected $language;
+ /**
+ * @var bool|string
+ */
+ protected $language_cookie;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\language\language_file_helper
+ */
+ protected $lang_helper;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\install\helper\navigation\navigation_provider
+ */
+ protected $navigation_provider;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\template\template
+ */
+ protected $template;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\path_helper
+ */
+ protected $path_helper;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\request\request
+ */
+ protected $phpbb_request;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\symfony_request
+ */
+ protected $request;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\routing\router
+ */
+ protected $router;
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $phpbb_admin_path;
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $phpbb_root_path;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param config $config
+ * @param language $language
+ * @param language_file_helper $lang_helper
+ * @param navigation_provider $nav
+ * @param template $template
+ * @param path_helper $path_helper
+ * @param request $phpbb_request
+ * @param symfony_request $request
+ * @param router $router
+ * @param string $phpbb_root_path
+ */
+ public function __construct(config $config, language $language, language_file_helper $lang_helper, navigation_provider $nav, template $template, path_helper $path_helper, request $phpbb_request, symfony_request $request, router $router, $phpbb_root_path)
+ {
+ $this->installer_config = $config;
+ $this->language = $language;
+ $this->language_cookie = false;
+ $this->lang_helper = $lang_helper;
+ $this->navigation_provider = $nav;
+ $this->template = $template;
+ $this->path_helper = $path_helper;
+ $this->phpbb_request = $phpbb_request;
+ $this->request = $request;
+ $this->router = $router;
+ $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
+ $this->phpbb_admin_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'adm/';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Automate setting up the page and creating the response object.
+ *
+ * @param string $template_file The template handle to render
+ * @param string $page_title The title of the page to output
+ * @param bool $selected_language True to enable language selector it, false otherwise
+ * @param int $status_code The status code to be sent to the page header
+ *
+ * @return Response object containing rendered page
+ */
+ public function render($template_file, $page_title = '', $selected_language = false, $status_code = 200)
+ {
+ $this->page_header($page_title, $selected_language);
+ $this->template->set_filenames(array(
+ 'body' => $template_file,
+ ));
+ $response = new Response($this->template->assign_display('body'), $status_code);
+ // Set language cookie
+ if ($this->language_cookie !== false)
+ {
+ $cookie = new Cookie('lang', $this->language_cookie, time() + 3600);
+ $response->headers->setCookie($cookie);
+ $this->language_cookie = false;
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns path from route name
+ *
+ * @param string $route_name
+ * @param array $parameters
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function route($route_name, $parameters = array())
+ {
+ $url = $this->router->generate($route_name, $parameters);
+ return $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles language selector form
+ */
+ public function handle_language_select()
+ {
+ $lang = null;
+ // Check if language form has been submited
+ $submit = $this->phpbb_request->variable('change_lang', '');
+ if (!empty($submit))
+ {
+ $lang = $this->phpbb_request->variable('language', '');
+ }
+ // Retrieve language from cookie
+ $lang_cookie = $this->phpbb_request->variable('lang', '', false, request_interface::COOKIE);
+ if (empty($lang) && !empty($lang_cookie))
+ {
+ $lang = $lang_cookie;
+ }
+ $lang = (!empty($lang) && strpos($lang, '/') === false) ? $lang : null;
+ $this->language_cookie = $lang;
+ $this->render_language_select($lang);
+ if ($lang !== null)
+ {
+ $this->language->set_user_language($lang, true);
+ $this->installer_config->set('user_language', $lang);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Process navigation data to reflect active/completed stages
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface|null $iohandler
+ */
+ public function handle_navigation($iohandler = null)
+ {
+ $nav_data = $this->installer_config->get_navigation_data();
+ // Set active navigation stage
+ if (isset($nav_data['active']) && is_array($nav_data['active']))
+ {
+ if ($iohandler !== null)
+ {
+ $iohandler->set_active_stage_menu($nav_data['active']);
+ }
+ $this->navigation_provider->set_nav_property($nav_data['active'], array(
+ 'selected' => true,
+ 'completed' => false,
+ ));
+ }
+ // Set finished navigation stages
+ if (isset($nav_data['finished']) && is_array($nav_data['finished']))
+ {
+ foreach ($nav_data['finished'] as $finished_stage)
+ {
+ if ($iohandler !== null)
+ {
+ $iohandler->set_finished_stage_menu($finished_stage);
+ }
+ $this->navigation_provider->set_nav_property($finished_stage, array(
+ 'selected' => false,
+ 'completed' => true,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set default template variables
+ *
+ * @param string $page_title Title of the page
+ * @param bool $selected_language True to enable language selector it, false otherwise
+ */
+ protected function page_header($page_title, $selected_language = false)
+ {
+ // Path to templates
+ $paths = array($this->phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/new/adm/', $this->phpbb_admin_path);
+ $paths = array_filter($paths, 'is_dir');
+ $path = array_shift($paths);
+ $path = substr($path, strlen($this->phpbb_root_path));
+ $this->template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'L_CHANGE' => $this->language->lang('CHANGE'),
+ 'L_COLON' => $this->language->lang('COLON'),
+ 'L_INSTALL_PANEL' => $this->language->lang('INSTALL_PANEL'),
+ 'L_SELECT_LANG' => $this->language->lang('SELECT_LANG'),
+ 'L_SKIP' => $this->language->lang('SKIP'),
+ 'PAGE_TITLE' => $this->language->lang($page_title),
+ 'T_IMAGE_PATH' => $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path() . $path . 'images',
+ 'T_JQUERY_LINK' => $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path() . $path . '../assets/javascript/jquery.min.js',
+ 'T_TEMPLATE_PATH' => $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path() . $path . 'style',
+ 'T_ASSETS_PATH' => $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path() . $path . '../assets',
+ 'S_CONTENT_DIRECTION' => $this->language->lang('DIRECTION'),
+ 'S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN' => ($this->language->lang('DIRECTION') === 'ltr') ? 'left' : 'right',
+ 'S_CONTENT_FLOW_END' => ($this->language->lang('DIRECTION') === 'ltr') ? 'right' : 'left',
+ 'S_LANG_SELECT' => $selected_language,
+ 'S_USER_LANG' => $this->language->lang('USER_LANG'),
+ ));
+ $this->render_navigation();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render navigation
+ */
+ protected function render_navigation()
+ {
+ // Get navigation items
+ $nav_array = $this->navigation_provider->get();
+ $nav_array = $this->sort_navigation_level($nav_array);
+ $active_main_menu = $this->get_active_main_menu($nav_array);
+ // Pass navigation to template
+ foreach ($nav_array as $key => $entry)
+ {
+ $this->template->assign_block_vars('t_block1', array(
+ 'L_TITLE' => $this->language->lang($entry['label']),
+ 'S_SELECTED' => ($active_main_menu === $key),
+ 'U_TITLE' => $this->route($entry['route']),
+ ));
+ if (is_array($entry[0]) && $active_main_menu === $key)
+ {
+ $entry[0] = $this->sort_navigation_level($entry[0]);
+ foreach ($entry[0] as $name => $sub_entry)
+ {
+ if (isset($sub_entry['stage']) && $sub_entry['stage'] === true)
+ {
+ $this->template->assign_block_vars('l_block2', array(
+ 'L_TITLE' => $this->language->lang($sub_entry['label']),
+ 'S_SELECTED' => (isset($sub_entry['selected']) && $sub_entry['selected'] === true),
+ 'S_COMPLETE' => (isset($sub_entry['completed']) && $sub_entry['completed'] === true),
+ 'STAGE_NAME' => $name,
+ ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->template->assign_block_vars('l_block1', array(
+ 'L_TITLE' => $this->language->lang($sub_entry['label']),
+ 'S_SELECTED' => (isset($sub_entry['route']) && $sub_entry['route'] === $this->request->get('_route')),
+ 'U_TITLE' => $this->route($sub_entry['route']),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render language select form
+ *
+ * @param string $selected_language
+ */
+ protected function render_language_select($selected_language = null)
+ {
+ $langs = $this->lang_helper->get_available_languages();
+ foreach ($langs as $lang)
+ {
+ $this->template->assign_block_vars('language_select_item', array(
+ 'VALUE' => $lang['iso'],
+ 'NAME' => $lang['local_name'],
+ 'SELECTED' => ($lang['iso'] === $selected_language),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of the active main menu item
+ *
+ * @param array $nav_array
+ *
+ * @return string|bool Returns the name of the active main menu element, if the element not found, returns false
+ */
+ protected function get_active_main_menu($nav_array)
+ {
+ $active_route = $this->request->get('_route');
+ foreach ($nav_array as $nav_name => $nav_options)
+ {
+ $current_menu = $nav_name;
+ if (isset($nav_options['route']) && $nav_options['route'] === $active_route)
+ {
+ return $nav_name;
+ }
+ if (is_array($nav_options[0]))
+ {
+ foreach ($nav_options[0] as $sub_menus)
+ {
+ if (isset($sub_menus['route']) && $sub_menus['route'] === $active_route)
+ {
+ return $current_menu;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sorts the top level of navigation array
+ *
+ * @param array $nav_array Navigation array
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function sort_navigation_level($nav_array)
+ {
+ $sorted = array();
+ foreach ($nav_array as $key => $nav)
+ {
+ $order = (isset($nav['order'])) ? $nav['order'] : 0;
+ $sorted[$order][$key] = $nav;
+ }
+ // Linearization of navigation array
+ $nav_array = array();
+ ksort($sorted);
+ foreach ($sorted as $nav)
+ {
+ $nav_array = array_merge($nav_array, $nav);
+ }
+ return $nav_array;
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/install.php b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/install.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92506872a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/install.php
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+ * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * For full copyright and license information, please see
+ * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+namespace phpbb\install\controller;
+use phpbb\exception\http_exception;
+use phpbb\install\helper\install_helper;
+use phpbb\install\helper\navigation\navigation_provider;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
+use phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\factory;
+use phpbb\template\template;
+use phpbb\request\request_interface;
+use phpbb\install\installer;
+use phpbb\language\language;
+ * Controller for installing phpBB
+ */
+class install
+ /**
+ * @var helper
+ */
+ protected $controller_helper;
+ /**
+ * @var factory
+ */
+ protected $iohandler_factory;
+ /**
+ * @var navigation_provider
+ */
+ protected $menu_provider;
+ /**
+ * @var language
+ */
+ protected $language;
+ /**
+ * @var template
+ */
+ protected $template;
+ /**
+ * @var request_interface
+ */
+ protected $request;
+ /**
+ * @var installer
+ */
+ protected $installer;
+ /**
+ * @var install_helper
+ */
+ protected $install_helper;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param helper $helper
+ * @param factory $factory
+ * @param navigation_provider $nav_provider
+ * @param language $language
+ * @param template $template
+ * @param request_interface $request
+ * @param installer $installer
+ * @param install_helper $install_helper
+ */
+ public function __construct(helper $helper, factory $factory, navigation_provider $nav_provider, language $language, template $template, request_interface $request, installer $installer, install_helper $install_helper)
+ {
+ $this->controller_helper = $helper;
+ $this->iohandler_factory = $factory;
+ $this->menu_provider = $nav_provider;
+ $this->language = $language;
+ $this->template = $template;
+ $this->request = $request;
+ $this->installer = $installer;
+ $this->install_helper = $install_helper;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Controller logic
+ *
+ * @return Response|StreamedResponse
+ *
+ * @throws http_exception When phpBB is already installed
+ */
+ public function handle()
+ {
+ if ($this->install_helper->is_phpbb_installed())
+ {
+ throw new http_exception(403, 'INSTALL_PHPBB_INSTALLED');
+ }
+ $this->template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'U_ACTION' => $this->controller_helper->route('phpbb_installer_install'),
+ ));
+ // Set up input-output handler
+ if ($this->request->is_ajax())
+ {
+ $this->iohandler_factory->set_environment('ajax');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->iohandler_factory->set_environment('nojs');
+ }
+ // Set the appropriate input-output handler
+ $this->installer->set_iohandler($this->iohandler_factory->get());
+ $this->controller_helper->handle_language_select();
+ if ($this->request->is_ajax())
+ {
+ $installer = $this->installer;
+ $response = new StreamedResponse();
+ $response->setCallback(function() use ($installer) {
+ $installer->run();
+ });
+ // Try to bypass any server output buffers
+ $response->headers->set('X-Accel-Buffering', 'no');
+ return $response;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Determine whether the installation was started or not
+ if (true)
+ {
+ // Set active stage
+ $this->menu_provider->set_nav_property(
+ array('install', 0, 'introduction'),
+ array(
+ 'selected' => true,
+ 'completed' => false,
+ )
+ );
+ // If not, let's render the welcome page
+ $this->template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'TITLE' => $this->language->lang('INSTALL_INTRO'),
+ 'CONTENT' => $this->language->lang('INSTALL_INTRO_BODY'),
+ ));
+ /** @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler */
+ $iohandler = $this->iohandler_factory->get();
+ $this->controller_helper->handle_navigation($iohandler);
+ return $this->controller_helper->render('installer_install.html', 'INSTALL', true);
+ }
+ // @todo: implement no js controller logic
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/installer_index.php b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/installer_index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2d9572284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/installer_index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+ * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * For full copyright and license information, please see
+ * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+namespace phpbb\install\controller;
+class installer_index
+ /**
+ * @var helper
+ */
+ protected $helper;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\language\language
+ */
+ protected $language;
+ /**
+ * @var \phpbb\template\template
+ */
+ protected $template;
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $phpbb_root_path;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param helper $helper
+ * @param \phpbb\language\language $language
+ * @param \phpbb\template\template $template
+ * @param string $phpbb_root_path
+ */
+ public function __construct(helper $helper, \phpbb\language\language $language, \phpbb\template\template $template, $phpbb_root_path)
+ {
+ $this->helper = $helper;
+ $this->language = $language;
+ $this->template = $template;
+ $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
+ }
+ public function handle($mode)
+ {
+ $this->helper->handle_language_select();
+ switch ($mode)
+ {
+ case "intro":
+ $title = $this->language->lang('INTRODUCTION_TITLE');
+ $body = $this->language->lang('INTRODUCTION_BODY');
+ break;
+ case "support":
+ $title = $this->language->lang('SUPPORT_TITLE');
+ $body = $this->language->lang('SUPPORT_BODY');
+ break;
+ case "license":
+ $title = $this->language->lang('LICENSE_TITLE');
+ $body = implode("<br/>\n", file($this->phpbb_root_path . 'docs/LICENSE.txt'));
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'TITLE' => $title,
+ 'BODY' => $body,
+ ));
+ return $this->helper->render('installer_main.html', $title, true);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/timeout_check.php b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/timeout_check.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c90e3caf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/timeout_check.php
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+ * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * For full copyright and license information, please see
+ * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+namespace phpbb\install\controller;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
+class timeout_check
+ /**
+ * @var helper
+ */
+ protected $helper;
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $phpbb_root_path;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param helper $helper
+ * @param string $phpbb_root_path
+ */
+ public function __construct(helper $helper, $phpbb_root_path)
+ {
+ $this->helper = $helper;
+ $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Controller for querying installer status
+ */
+ public function status()
+ {
+ $lock_file = $this->phpbb_root_path . 'store/io_lock.lock';
+ $response = new JsonResponse();
+ if (!file_exists($lock_file))
+ {
+ $response->setData(array(
+ 'status' => 'fail',
+ ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $fp = @fopen($lock_file, 'r');
+ if ($fp && flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB))
+ {
+ $status = (filesize($lock_file) >= 2 && fread($fp, 2) === 'ok') ? 'continue' : 'fail';
+ $response->setData(array(
+ 'status' => $status,
+ ));
+ flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $response->setData(array(
+ 'status' => 'running',
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/update.php b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/update.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b88827940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/install/controller/update.php
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+ * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * For full copyright and license information, please see
+ * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+namespace phpbb\install\controller;
+use phpbb\exception\http_exception;
+use phpbb\install\helper\install_helper;
+use phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\factory;
+use phpbb\install\helper\navigation\navigation_provider;
+use phpbb\install\installer;
+use phpbb\language\language;
+use phpbb\request\request_interface;
+use phpbb\template\template;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;
+ * Updater controller
+ */
+class update
+ /**
+ * @var helper
+ */
+ protected $controller_helper;
+ /**
+ * @var installer
+ */
+ protected $installer;
+ /**
+ * @var install_helper
+ */
+ protected $install_helper;
+ /**
+ * @var factory
+ */
+ protected $iohandler_factory;
+ /**
+ * @var language
+ */
+ protected $language;
+ /**
+ * @var navigation_provider
+ */
+ protected $menu_provider;
+ /**
+ * @var request_interface
+ */
+ protected $request;
+ /**
+ * @var template
+ */
+ protected $template;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param helper $controller_helper
+ * @param installer $installer
+ * @param install_helper $install_helper
+ * @param factory $iohandler
+ * @param language $language
+ * @param navigation_provider $menu_provider
+ * @param request_interface $request
+ * @param template $template
+ */
+ public function __construct(helper $controller_helper, installer $installer, install_helper $install_helper, factory $iohandler, language $language, navigation_provider $menu_provider, request_interface $request, template $template)
+ {
+ $this->controller_helper = $controller_helper;
+ $this->installer = $installer;
+ $this->install_helper = $install_helper;
+ $this->iohandler_factory = $iohandler;
+ $this->language = $language;
+ $this->menu_provider = $menu_provider;
+ $this->request = $request;
+ $this->template = $template;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Controller entry point
+ *
+ * @return Response|StreamedResponse
+ *
+ * @throws http_exception When phpBB is not installed
+ */
+ public function handle()
+ {
+ if (!$this->install_helper->is_phpbb_installed())
+ {
+ throw new http_exception(403, 'INSTALL_PHPBB_NOT_INSTALLED');
+ }
+ $this->template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'U_ACTION' => $this->controller_helper->route('phpbb_installer_update'),
+ ));
+ // Set up input-output handler
+ if ($this->request->is_ajax())
+ {
+ $this->iohandler_factory->set_environment('ajax');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->iohandler_factory->set_environment('nojs');
+ }
+ // Set the appropriate input-output handler
+ $this->installer->set_iohandler($this->iohandler_factory->get());
+ $this->controller_helper->handle_language_select();
+ // Render the intro page
+ if ($this->request->is_ajax())
+ {
+ $installer = $this->installer;
+ $response = new StreamedResponse();
+ $response->setCallback(function() use ($installer) {
+ $installer->run();
+ });
+ // Try to bypass any server output buffers
+ $response->headers->set('X-Accel-Buffering', 'no');
+ $response->headers->set('Content-type', 'application/json');
+ return $response;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set active stage
+ $this->menu_provider->set_nav_property(
+ array('update', 0, 'introduction'),
+ array(
+ 'selected' => true,
+ 'completed' => false,
+ )
+ );
+ $this->template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'TITLE' => $this->language->lang('UPDATE_INSTALLATION'),
+ 'CONTENT' => $this->language->lang('UPDATE_INSTALLATION_EXPLAIN'),
+ ));
+ /** @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler */
+ $iohandler = $this->iohandler_factory->get();
+ $this->controller_helper->handle_navigation($iohandler);
+ return $this->controller_helper->render('installer_update.html', 'UPDATE_INSTALLATION', true);
+ }
+ }