path: root/phpBB/includes/template.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/includes/template.php')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/template.php b/phpBB/includes/template.php
index 2803277214..2b8b800b9f 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/template.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/template.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * template.inc
+ * template.php
* -------------------
* begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
* copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
* $Id$
- *
@@ -20,70 +19,65 @@
- * Template class. By Nathan Codding of the phpBB group.
- * The interface was originally inspired by PHPLib templates,
- * and the template file formats are quite similar.
- *
- */
+ Template class.
+ Nathan Codding - Original version design and implementation
+ Crimsonbane - Initial caching proposal and work
+ psoTFX - Completion of file caching, decompilation routines and implementation of
+ conditionals/keywords and associated changes
+ The interface was inspired by PHPLib templates, and the template file (formats are
+ quite similar)
+ The keyword/conditional implementation is currently based on sections of code from
+ the Smarty templating engine (c) 2001 ispi of Lincoln, Inc. which is released
+ (on its own and in whole) under the LGPL. Section 3 of the LGPL states that any code
+ derived from an LGPL application may be relicenced under the GPL, this applies
+ to this source
class Template {
var $classname = 'Template';
// variable that holds all the data we'll be substituting into
- // the compiled templates.
- // ...
- // This will end up being a multi-dimensional array like this:
- // $this->_tpldata[block.][iteration#][child.][iteration#][child2.][iteration#][variablename] == value
+ // the compiled templates. Takes form:
+ // --> $this->_tpldata[block.][iteration#][child.][iteration#][child2.][iteration#][variablename] == value
// if it's a root-level variable, it'll be like this:
- // $this->_tpldata[.][0][varname] == value
+ // --> $this->_tpldata[.][0][varname] == value
var $_tpldata = array();
- // Hash of filenames for each template handle.
- var $files = array();
- // Root template directory.
+ // Root dir and hash of filenames for each template handle.
var $root = '';
+ var $files = array();
- // this will hash handle names to the compiled code for that handle.
+ // this will hash handle names to the compiled/uncompiled code for that handle.
var $compiled_code = array();
- // This will hold the uncompiled code for that handle.
var $uncompiled_code = array();
+ // Various counters and storage arrays
+ var $block_names = array();
+ var $block_else_level = array();
+ var $include_counter = 1;
+ var $block_nesting_level = 0;
* Constructor. Simply sets the root dir.
- function Template($root = '.')
+ function Template($template = '')
- global $board_config, $db;
+ global $phpbb_root_path;
- $this->set_rootdir($root);
- $this->db = $db;
- }
- /**
- * Destroys this template object. Should be called when you're done with it, in order
- * to clear out the template data so you can load/parse a new template set.
- */
- function destroy()
- {
- $this->_tpldata = array();
- }
+ $this->root = $phpbb_root_path . 'templates/' . $template;
+ $this->cachedir = $phpbb_root_path . 'templates/cache/' . $template . '/';
- /**
- * Sets the template root directory for this Template object.
- */
- function set_rootdir($dir)
- {
- if (!is_dir($dir))
+ if ( !file_exists($this->cachedir) )
- return false;
+ mkdir($this->cachedir, 0644);
- $this->root = $dir;
- $this->cachedir = $dir . '/cache/';
return true;
@@ -102,6 +96,11 @@ class Template {
while ( list($handle, $filename) = @each($filename_array) )
+ if ( empty($filename) )
+ {
+ message_die(ERROR, "Template error - Empty filename specified for $handle");
+ }
$this->filename[$handle] = $filename;
$this->files[$handle] = $this->make_filename($filename);
@@ -109,48 +108,92 @@ class Template {
return true;
+ /**
+ * Generates a full path+filename for the given filename, which can either
+ * be an absolute name, or a name relative to the rootdir for this Template
+ * object.
+ */
+ function make_filename($filename)
+ {
+ // Check if it's an absolute or relative path.
+ return ( substr($filename, 0, 1) != '/' ) ? $this->root . '/' . $filename : $filename;
+ }
- * Load the file for the handle, compile the file,
- * and run the compiled code. This will print out
- * the results of executing the template.
+ * If not already done, load the file for the given handle and populate
+ * the uncompiled_code[] hash with its code. Do not compile.
- function pparse($handle)
+ function loadfile($handle)
- $cache_file = $this->cachedir . $this->filename[$handle] . '.php';
+ // If the file for this handle is already loaded and compiled, do nothing.
+ if ( !empty($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
- if( @filemtime($cache_file) == @filemtime($this->files[$handle]) )
+ // If we don't have a file assigned to this handle, die.
+ if ( !isset($this->files[$handle]) )
- $_str = '';
- include($cache_file);
+ message_die("Template->loadfile(): No file specified for handle $handle");
+ }
- if ( $_str != '' )
- {
- echo $_str;
- }
+ if ( !($fp = @fopen($this->files[$handle], 'r')) )
+ {
+ message_die("Template->loadfile(): Error - file $filename does not exist or is empty");
- else
+ $str = '';
+ while ( !feof($fp) )
+ {
+ $str .= fread($fp, 4096);
+ }
+ @fclose($fp);
+ $this->uncompiled_code[$handle] = trim($str);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroys this template object. Should be called when you're done with it, in order
+ * to clear out the template data so you can load/parse a new template set.
+ */
+ function destroy()
+ {
+ $this->_tpldata = array();
+ }
+ function security()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load the file for the handle, compile the file,
+ * and run the compiled code. This will print out
+ * the results of executing the template.
+ */
+ function display($handle)
+ {
+ $_str = '';
+ if ( !($this->compile_load($_str, $handle, true)) )
if ( !$this->loadfile($handle) )
- die("Template->pparse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
+ message_die("Template->pparse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
// Actually compile the code now.
$this->compiled_code[$handle] = $this->compile($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]);
- $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'w+');
- fwrite ($fp, '<?php' . "\n" . $this->compiled_code[$handle] . "\n?" . '>');
- fclose($fp);
- touch($cache_file, filemtime($this->files[$handle]));
- @chmod($cache_file, 0777);
+ $this->compile_write($handle, $this->compiled_code[$handle]);
return true;
@@ -164,34 +207,20 @@ class Template {
function assign_var_from_handle($varname, $handle)
- $cache_file = $this->cachedir . $this->filename[$handle] . '.php';
+ $_str = '';
- if( @filemtime($cache_file) == @filemtime($this->files[$handle]) )
- {
- $_str = '';
- include($cache_file);
- }
- else
+ if ( !($this->compile_load($_str, $handle, false)) )
if ( !$this->loadfile($handle) )
- die("Template->pparse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
+ message_die("Template->pparse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
$code = $this->compile($this->uncompiled_code[$handle], true, '_str');
+ $this->compile_write($handle, $code);
- $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'w+');
- fwrite ($fp, '<?php' . "\n" . $code . "\n?" . '>');
- fclose($fp);
- touch($cache_file, filemtime($this->files[$handle]));
- @chmod($cache_file, 0777);
- // Compile It, With The "no Echo Statements" Option On.
- $_str = '';
// evaluate the variable assignment.
// assign the value of the generated variable to the given varname.
@@ -200,6 +229,54 @@ class Template {
return true;
+ function assign_from_include($filename)
+ {
+ $handle = 'include_' . $this->include_counter++;
+ $this->filename[$handle] = $filename;
+ $this->files[$handle] = $this->make_filename($filename);
+ $_str = '';
+ if ( !($this->compile_load($_str, $handle, false)) )
+ {
+ if ( !$this->loadfile($handle) )
+ {
+ message_die("Template->pparse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
+ }
+ $this->compiled_code[$handle] = $this->compile($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]);
+ $this->compile_write($handle, $this->compiled_code[$handle]);
+ eval($this->compiled_code[$handle]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Root-level variable assignment. Adds to current assignments, overriding
+ * any existing variable assignment with the same name.
+ */
+ function assign_vars($vararray)
+ {
+ reset($vararray);
+ while ( list($key, $val) = each($vararray) )
+ {
+ $this->_tpldata['.'][0][$key] = $val;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Root-level variable assignment. Adds to current assignments, overriding
+ * any existing variable assignment with the same name.
+ */
+ function assign_var($varname, $varval)
+ {
+ $this->_tpldata['.'][0][$varname] = $varval;
+ return true;
+ }
* Block-level variable assignment. Adds a new block iteration with the given
* variable assignments. Note that this should only be called once per block
@@ -207,18 +284,20 @@ class Template {
function assign_block_vars($blockname, $vararray)
- if (strstr($blockname, '.'))
+ if ( strstr($blockname, '.') )
// Nested block.
$blocks = explode('.', $blockname);
$blockcount = sizeof($blocks) - 1;
$str = '$this->_tpldata';
for ($i = 0; $i < $blockcount; $i++)
$str .= '[\'' . $blocks[$i] . '.\']';
eval('$lastiteration = sizeof(' . $str . ') - 1;');
$str .= '[' . $lastiteration . ']';
// Now we add the block that we're actually assigning to.
// We're adding a new iteration to this block with the given
// variable assignments.
@@ -239,236 +318,317 @@ class Template {
- * Root-level variable assignment. Adds to current assignments, overriding
- * any existing variable assignment with the same name.
+ * Compiles the given string of code, and returns
+ * the result in a string.
+ * If "do_not_echo" is true, the returned code will not be directly
+ * executable, but can be used as part of a variable assignment
+ * for use in assign_code_from_handle().
+ *
+ * Parts of this where inspired by Smarty
- function assign_vars($vararray)
+ function compile($code, $do_not_echo = false, $retvar = '')
- reset ($vararray);
- while (list($key, $val) = each($vararray))
+ // Pull out all block/statement level elements and seperate
+ // plain text
+ preg_match_all('#<!-- PHP -->(.*?)<!-- ENDPHP -->#s', $code, $matches);
+ $php_blocks = $matches[1];
+ $code = preg_replace('#<!-- PHP -->(.*?)<!-- ENDPHP -->#s', '<!-- PHP -->', $code);
+ preg_match_all('#<!-- (.*?) (.*?)?[ ]?-->#s', $code, $blocks);
+ $text_blocks = preg_split('#<!-- (.*?) (.*?)?[ ]?-->#s', $code);
+ for($i = 0; $i < count($text_blocks); $i++)
- $this->_tpldata['.'][0][$key] = $val;
+ $this->compile_var_tags($text_blocks[$i]);
- return true;
+ $compile_blocks = array();
+ for ($curr_tb = 0; $curr_tb < count($text_blocks); $curr_tb++)
+ {
+ switch ( $blocks[1][$curr_tb] )
+ {
+ case 'BEGIN':
+ $this->block_else_level[] = false;
+ $compile_blocks[] = '// BEGIN ' . $blocks[2][$curr_tb] . "\n" . $this->compile_tag_block($blocks[2][$curr_tb]);
+ break;
+ case 'BEGINELSE':
+ $this->block_else_level[sizeof($this->block_else_level) - 1] = true;
+ $compile_blocks[] = "// BEGINELSE\n}} else {\n";
+ break;
+ case 'END':
+ $compile_blocks[] = ( ( array_pop($this->block_else_level) ) ? "}\n" : "}}\n" ) . '// END ' . array_pop($this->block_names) . "\n";
+ break;
+ case 'IF':
+ $compile_blocks[] = '// IF ' . $blocks[2][$curr_tb] . "\n" . $this->compile_tag_if($blocks[2][$curr_tb], false);
+ break;
+ case 'ELSE':
+ $compile_blocks[] = "// ELSE\n} else {\n";
+ break;
+ case 'ELSEIF':
+ $compile_blocks[] = '// ELSEIF ' . $blocks[2][$curr_tb] . "\n" . $this->compile_tag_if($blocks[2][$curr_tb], true);
+ break;
+ case 'ENDIF':
+ $compile_blocks[] = "// ENDIF\n}\n";
+ break;
+ case 'INCLUDE':
+ $compile_blocks[] = '// INCLUDE ' . $blocks[2][$curr_tb] . "\n" . $this->compile_tag_include($blocks[2][$curr_tb]);
+ break;
+ case 'INCLUDEPHP':
+ $compile_blocks[] = '// INCLUDEPHP ' . $blocks[2][$curr_tb] . "\n" . $this->compile_tag_include_php($blocks[2][$curr_tb]);
+ break;
+ case 'PHP':
+ $temp = '';
+ list(, $temp) = each($php_blocks);
+ $compile_blocks[] = "// PHP START\n" . $temp . "\n// PHP END\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->compile_var_tags($blocks[0][$curr_tb]);
+ $trim_check = trim($blocks[0][$curr_tb]);
+ $compile_blocks[] = ( !$do_not_echo ) ? ( ( !empty($trim_check) ) ? 'echo \'' . $blocks[0][$curr_tb] . '\';' : '' ) : ( ( !empty($trim_check) ) ? $blocks[0][$curr_tb] : '' );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $template_php = '';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($text_blocks); $i++)
+ {
+ $trim_check_text = trim($text_blocks[$i]);
+ $trim_check_block = trim($compile_blocks[$i]);
+ $template_php .= ( !$do_not_echo ) ? ( ( !empty($trim_check_text) ) ? 'echo \'' . $text_blocks[$i] . '\';' : '' ) . ( ( !empty($compile_blocks[$i]) ) ? $compile_blocks[$i] : '' ) : ( ( !empty($trim_check_text) ) ? $text_blocks[$i] . "\n" : '' ) . ( ( !empty($compile_blocks[$i]) ) ? $compile_blocks[$i] . "\n" : '' );
+ }
+ return ( !$do_not_echo ) ? $template_php : '$' . $retvar . '.= \'' . $template_php . '\'';
- /**
- * Root-level variable assignment. Adds to current assignments, overriding
- * any existing variable assignment with the same name.
- */
- function assign_var($varname, $varval)
+ function compile_var_tags(&$text_blocks)
- $this->_tpldata['.'][0][$varname] = $varval;
+ // change template varrefs into PHP varrefs
+ $varrefs = array();
- return true;
- }
+ $text_blocks = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $text_blocks);
+ $text_blocks = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $text_blocks);
+ // This one will handle varrefs WITH namespaces
+ preg_match_all('#\{(([a-z0-9\-_]+?\.)+?)([a-z0-9\-_]+?)\}#is', $text_blocks, $varrefs);
- /**
- * Generates a full path+filename for the given filename, which can either
- * be an absolute name, or a name relative to the rootdir for this Template
- * object.
- */
- function make_filename($filename)
- {
- // Check if it's an absolute or relative path.
- if (substr($filename, 0, 1) != '/')
+ for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($varrefs[1]); $j++)
- $filename = $this->root . '/' . $filename;
+ $namespace = $varrefs[1][$j];
+ $varname = $varrefs[3][$j];
+ $new = $this->generate_block_varref($namespace, $varname);
+ $text_blocks = str_replace($varrefs[0][$j], $new, $text_blocks);
- if (!file_exists($filename))
+ // This will handle the remaining root-level varrefs
+ $text_blocks = preg_replace('#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', '\' . ( ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'\1\']) ) ? $this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'\1\'] : \'\' ) . \'', $text_blocks);
+ return;
+ }
+ function compile_tag_block($tag_args)
+ {
+ $tag_template_php = '';
+ array_push($this->block_names, $tag_args);
+ if ( sizeof($this->block_names) < 2 )
- die("Template->make_filename(): Error - file $filename does not exist");
+ // Block is not nested.
+ $tag_template_php = '$_' . $tag_args . '_count = ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'' . $tag_args . '.\']) ) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata[\'' . $tag_args . '.\']) : 0;' . "\n";
+ $tag_template_php .= 'if ( $_' . $tag_args . '_count ) {' . "\n";
+ $tag_template_php .= 'for ($_' . $tag_args . '_i = 0; $_' . $tag_args . '_i < $_' . $tag_args . '_count; $_' . $tag_args . '_i++)';
+ else
+ {
+ // This block is nested.
- return $filename;
- }
+ // Generate a namespace string for this block.
+ $namespace = implode('.', $this->block_names);
+ // Get a reference to the data array for this block that depends on the
+ // current indices of all parent blocks.
+ $varref = $this->generate_block_data_ref($namespace, false);
- /**
- * If not already done, load the file for the given handle and populate
- * the uncompiled_code[] hash with its code. Do not compile.
- */
- function loadfile($handle)
+ // Create the for loop code to iterate over this block.
+ $tag_template_php = '$_' . $tag_args . '_count = ( isset(' . $varref . ') ) ? sizeof(' . $varref . ') : 0;' . "\n";
+ $tag_template_php .= 'if ( $_' . $tag_args . '_count ) {' . "\n";
+ $tag_template_php .= 'for ($_' . $tag_args . '_i = 0; $_' . $tag_args . '_i < $_' . $tag_args . '_count; $_' . $tag_args . '_i++)';
+ }
+ $tag_template_php .= "\n{\n";
+ return $tag_template_php;
+ }
+ //
+ // Compile IF tags - much of this is from Smarty with
+ // some adaptions for our block level methods
+ //
+ function compile_tag_if($tag_args, $elseif)
- switch ( $board_config['template_cache'] )
+ /* Tokenize args for 'if' tag. */
+ preg_match_all('/(?:
+ "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*" |
+ \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\' |
+ [(),] |
+ [^\s(),]+)/x', $tag_args, $match);
+ $tokens = $match[0];
+ $is_arg_stack = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++)
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- default:
- // If the file for this handle is already loaded and compiled, do nothing.
- if ( !empty($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]) )
- {
- return true;
- }
+ $token = &$tokens[$i];
- // If we don't have a file assigned to this handle, die.
- if (!isset($this->files[$handle]))
- {
- die("Template->loadfile(): No file specified for handle $handle");
- }
+ switch ( $token )
+ {
+ case 'eq':
+ $token = '==';
+ break;
- $filename = $this->files[$handle];
+ case 'ne':
+ case 'neq':
+ $token = '!=';
+ break;
- $str = implode('', @file($filename));
- if (empty($str))
- {
- die("Template->loadfile(): File $filename for handle $handle is empty");
- }
+ case 'lt':
+ $token = '<';
+ break;
- $this->uncompiled_code[$handle] = $str;
- break;
- }
+ case 'le':
+ case 'lte':
+ $token = '<=';
+ break;
- return true;
- }
+ case 'gt':
+ $token = '>';
+ break;
+ case 'ge':
+ case 'gte':
+ $token = '>=';
+ break;
+ case 'and':
+ $token = '&&';
+ break;
- /**
- * Compiles the given string of code, and returns
- * the result in a string.
- * If "do_not_echo" is true, the returned code will not be directly
- * executable, but can be used as part of a variable assignment
- * for use in assign_code_from_handle().
- */
- function compile($code, $do_not_echo = false, $retvar = '')
- {
- // replace \ with \\ and then ' with \'.
- $code = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $code);
- $code = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $code);
+ case 'or':
+ $token = '||';
+ break;
- // change template varrefs into PHP varrefs
+ case 'not':
+ $token = '!';
+ break;
- // This one will handle varrefs WITH namespaces
- $varrefs = array();
- preg_match_all('#\{(([a-z0-9\-_]+?\.)+?)([a-z0-9\-_]+?)\}#is', $code, $varrefs);
- $varcount = sizeof($varrefs[1]);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $varcount; $i++)
- {
- $namespace = $varrefs[1][$i];
- $varname = $varrefs[3][$i];
- $new = $this->generate_block_varref($namespace, $varname);
+ case 'mod':
+ $token = '%';
+ break;
- $code = str_replace($varrefs[0][$i], $new, $code);
- }
+ case '(':
+ array_push($is_arg_stack, $i);
+ break;
- // This will handle the remaining root-level varrefs
- $code = preg_replace('#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', '\' . ( ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'\1\']) ) ? $this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'\1\'] : \'\' ) . \'', $code);
+ case 'is':
+ $is_arg_start = ( $tokens[$i-1] == ')' ) ? array_pop($is_arg_stack) : $i-1;
+ $is_arg = implode(' ', array_slice($tokens, $is_arg_start, $i - $is_arg_start));
- // Break it up into lines.
- $code_lines = explode("\n", $code);
+ $new_tokens = $this->_parse_is_expr($is_arg, array_slice($tokens, $i+1));
- $block_nesting_level = 0;
- $block_names = array();
- $block_names[0] = '.';
+ array_splice($tokens, $is_arg_start, count($tokens), $new_tokens);
- // Second: prepend echo ', append ' . "\n"; to each line.
- $line_count = sizeof($code_lines);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $line_count; $i++)
- {
- $code_lines[$i] = chop($code_lines[$i]);
- if (preg_match('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->#', $code_lines[$i], $m))
- {
- $n[0] = $m[0];
- $n[1] = $m[1];
+ $i = $is_arg_start;
- // Added: dougk_ff7-Keeps templates from bombing if begin is on the same line as end.. I think. :)
- if ( preg_match('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#', $code_lines[$i], $n) )
- {
- $block_nesting_level++;
- $block_names[$block_nesting_level] = $m[1];
- if ($block_nesting_level < 2)
+ default:
+ if ( preg_match('#^(([a-z0-9\-_]+?\.)+?)?([A-Z]+[A-Z0-9\-_]+?)$#s', $token, $varrefs) )
- // Block is not nested.
- $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $a[1] . '_count = ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'' . $n[1] . '.\']) ) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata[\'' . $n[1] . '.\']) : 0;';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $n[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $n[1] . '_i < $_' . $n[1] . '_count; $_' . $n[1] . '_i++)';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
- }
- else
- {
- // This block is nested.
- // Generate a namespace string for this block.
- $namespace = implode('.', $block_names);
- // strip leading period from root level..
- $namespace = substr($namespace, 2);
- // Get a reference to the data array for this block that depends on the
- // current indices of all parent blocks.
- $varref = $this->generate_block_data_ref($namespace, false);
- // Create the for loop code to iterate over this block.
- $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $a[1] . '_count = ( isset(' . $varref . ') ) ? sizeof(' . $varref . ') : 0;';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $n[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $n[1] . '_i < $_' . $n[1] . '_count; $_' . $n[1] . '_i++)';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
+ $token = ( !empty($varrefs[1]) ) ? $this->generate_block_data_ref(substr($varrefs[1], 0, strlen($varrefs[1]) - 1), true) . '[\'' . $varrefs[3] . '\']' : '$this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'' . $varrefs[3] . '\']';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ( ( $elseif ) ? '} elseif (' : 'if (' ) . ( implode(' ', $tokens) . ') { ' . "\n" );
+ }
+ function compile_tag_include($tag_args)
+ {
+ return "\$this->assign_from_include('$tag_args');\n";
+ }
+ function compile_tag_include_php($tag_args)
+ {
+ return "include('" . $this->root . '/' . $tag_args . "');\n";
+ }
- // We have the end of a block.
- unset($block_names[$block_nesting_level]);
- $block_nesting_level--;
- $code_lines[$i] .= '} // END ' . $n[1];
- $m[0] = $n[0];
- $m[1] = $n[1];
+ //
+ // This is from Smarty
+ //
+ function _parse_is_expr($is_arg, $tokens)
+ {
+ $expr_end = 0;
+ $negate_expr = false;
+ if ( ($first_token = array_shift($tokens)) == 'not' )
+ {
+ $negate_expr = true;
+ $expr_type = array_shift($tokens);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $expr_type = $first_token;
+ }
+ switch ( $expr_type )
+ {
+ case 'even':
+ if ( @$tokens[$expr_end] == 'by' )
+ {
+ $expr_end++;
+ $expr_arg = $tokens[$expr_end++];
+ $expr = "!(($is_arg / $expr_arg) % $expr_arg)";
- // We have the start of a block.
- $block_nesting_level++;
- $block_names[$block_nesting_level] = $m[1];
- if ($block_nesting_level < 2)
- {
- // Block is not nested.
- $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $m[1] . '_count = ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'' . $m[1] . '.\']) ) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata[\'' . $m[1] . '.\']) : 0;';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $m[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $m[1] . '_i < $_' . $m[1] . '_count; $_' . $m[1] . '_i++)';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
- }
- else
- {
- // This block is nested.
- // Generate a namespace string for this block.
- $namespace = implode('.', $block_names);
- // strip leading period from root level..
- $namespace = substr($namespace, 2);
- // Get a reference to the data array for this block that depends on the
- // current indices of all parent blocks.
- $varref = $this->generate_block_data_ref($namespace, false);
- // Create the for loop code to iterate over this block.
- $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $m[1] . '_count = ( isset(' . $varref . ') ) ? sizeof(' . $varref . ') : 0;';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $m[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $m[1] . '_i < $_' . $m[1] . '_count; $_' . $m[1] . '_i++)';
- $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
- }
+ $expr = "!($is_arg % 2)";
- }
- else if (preg_match('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#', $code_lines[$i], $m))
- {
- // We have the end of a block.
- unset($block_names[$block_nesting_level]);
- $block_nesting_level--;
- $code_lines[$i] = '} // END ' . $m[1];
- }
- else
- {
- // We have an ordinary line of code.
- if (!$do_not_echo)
+ break;
+ case 'odd':
+ if ( @$tokens[$expr_end] == 'by' )
- $code_lines[$i] = 'echo \'' . $code_lines[$i] . '\' . "\\n";';
+ $expr_end++;
+ $expr_arg = $tokens[$expr_end++];
+ $expr = "(($is_arg / $expr_arg) % $expr_arg)";
- $code_lines[$i] = '$' . $retvar . '.= \'' . $code_lines[$i] . '\' . "\\n";';
+ $expr = "($is_arg % 2)";
- }
+ break;
+ case 'div':
+ if ( @$tokens[$expr_end] == 'by' )
+ {
+ $expr_end++;
+ $expr_arg = $tokens[$expr_end++];
+ $expr = "!($is_arg % $expr_arg)";
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- // Bring it back into a single string of lines of code.
- $code = implode("\n", $code_lines);
- return $code;
- }
+ if ( $negate_expr )
+ {
+ $expr = "!($expr)";
+ }
+ array_splice($tokens, 0, $expr_end, $expr);
+ return $tokens;
+ }
* Generates a reference to the given variable inside the given (possibly nested)
@@ -495,7 +655,6 @@ class Template {
* Generates a reference to the array of data values for the given
* (possibly nested) block namespace. This is a string of the form:
@@ -510,15 +669,18 @@ class Template {
$blocks = explode('.', $blockname);
$blockcount = sizeof($blocks) - 1;
$varref = '$this->_tpldata';
// Build up the string with everything but the last child.
for ($i = 0; $i < $blockcount; $i++)
$varref .= '[\'' . $blocks[$i] . '.\'][$_' . $blocks[$i] . '_i]';
// Add the block reference for the last child.
$varref .= '[\'' . $blocks[$blockcount] . '.\']';
// Add the iterator for the last child if requried.
- if ($include_last_iterator)
+ if ( $include_last_iterator )
$varref .= '[$_' . $blocks[$blockcount] . '_i]';
@@ -526,6 +688,158 @@ class Template {
return $varref;
+ //
+ // Compilation stuff
+ //
+ function compile_load(&$_str, &$handle, $do_echo)
+ {
+ global $phpEx;
+ $filename = $this->cachedir . $this->filename[$handle] . '.' . $phpEx;
+ //
+ // Recompile page if the original template is newer, otherwise load the compiled version
+ //
+ if ( file_exists($filename) && @filemtime($filename) >= @filemtime($this->files[$handle]) )
+ {
+ $_str = '';
+ include($filename);
+ if ( $do_echo && $_str != '' )
+ {
+ echo $_str;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function compile_write(&$handle, $data)
+ {
+ global $phpEx;
+ $filename = $this->cachedir . $this->filename[$handle] . '.' . $phpEx;
+ $data = '<?php' . "\nif ( \$this->security() ) {\n" . $data . "\n}\n?".">";
+ $fp = fopen($filename, 'w+');
+ fwrite ($fp, $data);
+ fclose($fp);
+ touch($filename, filemtime($this->files[$handle]));
+ @chmod($filename, 0644);
+ return;
+ }
+ function compile_cache_clear($mode, &$dir, &$template)
+ {
+ $template_list = array();
+ if ( $mode == 'all' )
+ {
+ $dp = opendir($dir . 'cache');
+ while ( $file = readdir($dp) ) array_push($template_list, $file);
+ closedir($dp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ array_push($template_list, $template);
+ }
+ foreach ( $template_list as $template )
+ {
+ $dp = opendir($dir . 'cache/' . $template);
+ while ( $file = readdir($dp) )
+ {
+ unlink($dir . 'cache/' . $template . '/' . $file);
+ }
+ closedir($dp);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ function compile_cache_show(&$template)
+ {
+ global $phpbb_root_path;
+ $template_cache = array();
+ $dp = opendir($phpbb_root_path . 'templates/cache/' . $template . '/');
+ while ( $file = readdir($dp) )
+ {
+ if ( strstr($file, '.html') && is_file($phpbb_root_path . 'templates/cache/' . $template . '/' . $file) )
+ {
+ array_push($template_cache, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dp);
+ return;
+ }
+ function decompile(&$_str, $savefile = false)
+ {
+ $match_tags = array(
+ "#(<\?php\nif \( .?this\->security\(\) \) \{\n)|(\n\}\n\?".">)#",
+ "#echo '(.*?)';#s",
+ "#\/\/ (INCLUDEPHP .*?)\n.?this\->assign_from_include_php\('.*?'\);\n#s",
+ "#\/\/ (INCLUDE .*?)\n.?this\->assign_from_include\('.*?'\);\n#s",
+ "#\/\/ (IF .*?)\nif \(.*?\) \{[ ]?\n#",
+ "#\/\/ (ELSEIF .*?)\n\} elseif \(.*?\) \{[ ]?\n#",
+ "#\/\/ (ELSE)\n\} else \{\n#",
+ "#\/\/ (ENDIF)\n}\n#",
+ "#\/\/ (BEGIN .*?)\n.?_.*? = \(.*?\) : 0;\nif \(.*?\) \{\nfor \(.*?\)\n\{\n#",
+ "#\}\}?\n\/\/ (END .*?)\n#",
+ "#\/\/ (BEGINELSE)\n\}\} else \{\n#",
+ "#' \. \( \( isset\(.?this\->_tpldata\['\.'\]\[0\]\['([A-Z0-9_]+?)'\]\) \) \? .?this\->_tpldata\['\.'\]\[0\]\['([A-Z0-9_]+?)'\] : '' \) \. '#s",
+ "#' \. \( \( isset\(.?this\->_tpldata\['([a-z0-9_]+?\.)'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['([A-Z0-9_]+)'\]\) \) \? .?this\->_tpldata\['[a-z0-9_]+?\.'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['[A-Z0-9_]+'\] : '' \) \. '#s",
+ "#' \. \( \( isset\(.?this\->_tpldata\['([a-z0-9_]+?\.)'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['([a-z0-9_]+?\.)'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['([A-Z0-9_]+)'\]\) \) \? .?this\->_tpldata\['[a-z0-9_]+?\.'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['[a-z0-9_]+?\.'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['[A-Z0-9_]+'\] : '' \) \. '#s",
+ "#' \. \( \( isset\(.?this\->_tpldata\['([a-z0-9_]+?\.)'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['([a-z0-9_]+?\.)'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['([a-z0-9_]+?\.)'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['([A-Z0-9_]+)'\]\) \) \? .?this\->_tpldata\['[a-z0-9_]+?\.'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['[a-z0-9_]+?\.'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['[a-z0-9_]+?\.'\]\[.?_[a-z0-9_]+?\]\['[A-Z0-9_]+'\] : '' \) \. '#s"
+ );
+ $replace_tags = array(
+ '',
+ "\\1",
+ "\\1",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "<!-- \\1 -->",
+ "{\\1}",
+ "{\\1\\2}",
+ "{\\1\\2\\3}",
+ "{\\1\\2\\3\\4}"
+ );
+ preg_match_all('#\/\/ PHP START\n(.*?)\n\/\/ PHP END\n#s', $_str, $matches);
+ $php_blocks = $matches[1];
+ $_str = preg_replace('#\/\/ PHP START\n(.*?)\/\/ PHP END\n#s', '<!-- PHP -->', $_str);
+ $_str = preg_replace($match_tags, $replace_tags, $_str);
+ $text_blocks = preg_split('#<!-- PHP -->#s', $_str);
+ $_str = '';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($text_blocks); $i++)
+ {
+ $_str .= $text_blocks[$i] . ( ( !empty($php_blocks[$i]) ) ? '<!-- PHP -->' . $php_blocks[$i] . '<!-- ENDPHP -->' : '' );
+ }
+ $tmpfile = '';
+ if ( $savefile )
+ {
+ $tmpfile = tmpfile();
+ fwrite($tmpfile, $_str);
+ }
+ return $tmpfile;
+ }
?> \ No newline at end of file