path: root/tests/functions/make_clickable_email_test.php
diff options
authorMaat <maat-pub@mageia.biz>2020-05-08 18:29:30 +0200
committerMaat <maat-pub@mageia.biz>2020-05-08 21:36:04 +0200
commit36bc1870f21fac04736a1049c1d5b8e127d729f4 (patch)
tree9d102331eeaf1ef3cd23e656320d7c08e65757ed /tests/functions/make_clickable_email_test.php
parent8875d385d0579b451dac4d9bda465172b4f69ee0 (diff)
parent149375253685b3a38996f63015a74b7a0f53aa14 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/prep-release-3.1.11'
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functions/make_clickable_email_test.php')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functions/make_clickable_email_test.php b/tests/functions/make_clickable_email_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c802d0487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functions/make_clickable_email_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
+* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
+* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
+* For full copyright and license information, please see
+* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions.php';
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_content.php';
+class phpbb_functions_make_clickable_email_test extends phpbb_test_case
+ protected function setUp()
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ global $config, $user, $request;
+ $user = new phpbb_mock_user();
+ $request = new phpbb_mock_request();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 'e' tag for email addresses html
+ **/
+ public function data_test_make_clickable_email_positive()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array(
+ 'nobody@phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:nobody@phpbb.com">nobody@phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'Nobody@sub.phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:Nobody@sub.phpbb.com">Nobody@sub.phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'alice.bob@foo.phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice.bob@foo.phpbb.com">alice.bob@foo.phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'alice-foo@bar.phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice-foo@bar.phpbb.com">alice-foo@bar.phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'alice_foo@bar.phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice_foo@bar.phpbb.com">alice_foo@bar.phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'alice+tag@foo.phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice+tag@foo.phpbb.com">alice+tag@foo.phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'alice&amp;tag@foo.phpbb.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice&amp;tag@foo.phpbb.com">alice&amp;tag@foo.phpbb.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'alice@phpbb.australia',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice@phpbb.australia">alice@phpbb.australia</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ // Test shortened text for email > 55 characters long
+ // Email text should be turned into: first 39 chars + ' ... ' + last 10 chars
+ array(
+ 'alice@phpbb.topZlevelZdomainZnamesZcanZbeZupZtoZsixtyZthreeZcharactersZlong',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice@phpbb.topZlevelZdomainZnamesZcanZbeZupZtoZsixtyZthreeZcharactersZlong">alice@phpbb.topZlevelZdomainZnamesZcanZ ... ctersZlong</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'l3tt3rsAndNumb3rs@domain.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:l3tt3rsAndNumb3rs@domain.com">l3tt3rsAndNumb3rs@domain.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'has-dash@domain.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:has-dash@domain.com">has-dash@domain.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'hasApostrophe.o\'leary@domain.org',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:hasApostrophe.o\'leary@domain.org">hasApostrophe.o\'leary@domain.org</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'uncommonTLD@domain.museum',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:uncommonTLD@domain.museum">uncommonTLD@domain.museum</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'uncommonTLD@domain.travel',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:uncommonTLD@domain.travel">uncommonTLD@domain.travel</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'uncommonTLD@domain.mobi',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:uncommonTLD@domain.mobi">uncommonTLD@domain.mobi</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'countryCodeTLD@domain.uk',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:countryCodeTLD@domain.uk">countryCodeTLD@domain.uk</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'countryCodeTLD@domain.rw',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:countryCodeTLD@domain.rw">countryCodeTLD@domain.rw</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'numbersInDomain@911.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:numbersInDomain@911.com">numbersInDomain@911.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'underscore_inLocal@domain.net',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:underscore_inLocal@domain.net">underscore_inLocal@domain.net</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'IPInsteadOfDomain@',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:IPInsteadOfDomain@">IPInsteadOfDomain@</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'IPAndPort@',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:IPAndPort@">IPAndPort@</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'subdomain@sub.domain.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:subdomain@sub.domain.com">subdomain@sub.domain.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'local@dash-inDomain.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:local@dash-inDomain.com">local@dash-inDomain.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'dot.inLocal@foo.com',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:dot.inLocal@foo.com">dot.inLocal@foo.com</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'a@singleLetterLocal.org',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:a@singleLetterLocal.org">a@singleLetterLocal.org</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'singleLetterDomain@x.org',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:singleLetterDomain@x.org">singleLetterDomain@x.org</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '&amp;*=?^+{}\'~@validCharsInLocal.net',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:&amp;*=?^+{}\'~@validCharsInLocal.net">&amp;*=?^+{}\'~@validCharsInLocal.net</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'foor@bar.newTLD',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:foor@bar.newTLD">foor@bar.newTLD</a><!-- e -->'
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function data_test_make_clickable_email_negative()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('foo.example.com'), // @ is missing
+ array('.foo.example.com'), // . as first character
+ array('Foo.@example.com'), // . is last in local part
+ array('foo..123@example.com'), // . doubled
+ array('a@b@c@example.com'), // @ doubled
+ // Emails with invalid characters
+ // (only 'valid' pieces having localparts prepended with one of the \n \t ( > chars should parsed if any)
+ array('()[]\;:,<>@example.com'), // invalid characters
+ array('abc(def@example.com', 'abc(<!-- e --><a href="mailto:def@example.com">def@example.com</a><!-- e -->'), // invalid character (
+ array('abc)def@example.com'), // invalid character )
+ array('abc[def@example.com'), // invalid character [
+ array('abc]def@example.com'), // invalid character ]
+ array('abc\def@example.com'), // invalid character \
+ array('abc;def@example.com'), // invalid character ;
+ array('abc:def@example.com'), // invalid character :
+ array('abc,def@example.com'), // invalid character ,
+ array('abc<def@example.com'), // invalid character <
+ array('abc>def@example.com', 'abc><!-- e --><a href="mailto:def@example.com">def@example.com</a><!-- e -->'), // invalid character >
+ // http://fightingforalostcause.net/misc/2006/compare-email-regex.php
+ array('missingDomain@.com'),
+ array('@missingLocal.org'),
+ array('missingatSign.net'),
+ array('missingDot@com'),
+ array('two@@signs.com'),
+ // Trailing colon is ignored
+ array('colonButNoPort@', '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:colonButNoPort@">colonButNoPort@</a><!-- e -->:'),
+ array(''),
+ // Trailing part after the 3rd dot is ignored
+ array('someone-else@', '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:someone-else@">someone-else@</a><!-- e -->.26'),
+ array('.localStartsWithDot@domain.com'),
+ array('localEndsWithDot.@domain.com'),
+ array('two..consecutiveDots@domain.com'),
+ array('domainStartsWithDash@-domain.com'),
+ array('domainEndsWithDash@domain-.com'),
+ array('numbersInTLD@domain.c0m'),
+ array('missingTLD@domain.'),
+ array('! "#$%(),/;<>[]`|@invalidCharsInLocal.org'),
+ array('invalidCharsInDomain@! "#$%(),/;<>_[]`|.org'),
+ array('local@SecondLevelDomainNamesAreInvalidIfTheyAreLongerThan64Charactersss.org'),
+ // The domain zone name part after the 63rd char is ignored
+ array(
+ 'alice@phpbb.topZlevelZdomainZnamesZcanZbeZupZtoZsixtyZthreeZcharactersZlongZ',
+ '<!-- e --><a href="mailto:alice@phpbb.topZlevelZdomainZnamesZcanZbeZupZtoZsixtyZthreeZcharactersZlong">alice@phpbb.topZlevelZdomainZnamesZcanZ ... ctersZlong</a><!-- e -->Z'
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider data_test_make_clickable_email_positive
+ */
+ public function test_email_matching_positive($email, $expected)
+ {
+ $this->assertSame($expected, make_clickable($email));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider data_test_make_clickable_email_negative
+ */
+ public function test_email_matching_negative($email, $expected = null)
+ {
+ $expected = ($expected) ?: $email;
+ $this->assertSame($expected, make_clickable($email));
+ }