path: root/phpBB
diff options
authorLudovic Arnaud <ludovic_arnaud@users.sourceforge.net>2003-02-23 08:19:54 +0000
committerLudovic Arnaud <ludovic_arnaud@users.sourceforge.net>2003-02-23 08:19:54 +0000
commitf7858cb9a56d3a057f2d9efbf33e121ca5cd6d7b (patch)
tree1bd4d761e8b5f21eedc5270be5ddf98a4871ec4f /phpBB
parentcd9b46578da101061d5502dfd69808d29b4fe0b0 (diff)
Various updates
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@3514 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB')
4 files changed, 268 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/mcp.php b/phpBB/mcp.php
index c765fe7cd2..02cd981758 100644
--- a/phpBB/mcp.php
+++ b/phpBB/mcp.php
@@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ $user->setup();
// End session management
+$s = explode(' ', microtime());
+$e = explode(' ', microtime());
+echo $e[0] + $e[1] - $s[0] - $s[1];
+echo $db->sql_report;
// temp temp temp
// temp temp temp
@@ -134,9 +144,9 @@ if ($to_topic_id)
if ($to_forum_id)
- if (!$auth->acl_gets('f_list', $to_forum_id))
+ if (!$auth->acl_gets('f_list', 'm_', 'a_', $to_forum_id))
- trigger_error($user->lang['Forum_not_exist'] . $return_mcp);
+ trigger_error($user->lang['FORUM_NOT_EXIST'] . $return_mcp);
if (!isset($forum_data[$to_forum_id]))
@@ -145,7 +155,7 @@ if ($to_forum_id)
if (!$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- trigger_error($user->lang['Forum_not_exist'] . $return_mcp);
+ trigger_error($user->lang['FORUM_NOT_EXIST'] . $return_mcp);
$forum_data[$to_forum_id] = $row;
@@ -161,6 +171,11 @@ if ($to_forum_id)
$is_auth = $auth->acl_gets('f_post', 'f_reply', 'm_', 'a_', $to_forum_id);
+ case 'split_all':
+ case 'split_beyond':
+ $is_auth = $auth->acl_gets('f_post', 'm_', 'a_', $to_forum_id);
+ break;
trigger_error('Died here with mode ' . $mode);
@@ -168,7 +183,7 @@ if ($to_forum_id)
// TODO: prevent moderators to move topics/posts to locked forums/topics?
if (!$is_auth || !$forum_data[$to_forum_id]['forum_postable'])
- trigger_error('User_cannot_post');
+ trigger_error($user->lang['User_cannot_post'] . $return_mcp);
@@ -376,7 +391,11 @@ if (count($forum_id_list) == 1 && !$forum_info['forum_postable'])
if (!$mode)
- if ($topic_id)
+ if ($post_id)
+ {
+ $mode = 'post_view';
+ }
+ elseif ($topic_id)
$mode = 'topic_view';
@@ -461,7 +480,7 @@ switch ($mode)
case 'delete_posts':
- // TODO: what happens if the user deletes the first post? Currently, the topic is resync'ed normally and topic time/topic author are updated with the new first post
+ // TODO: what happens if the user deletes the first post of the topic? Currently, the topic is resync'ed normally and topic time/topic author are updated by the new first post
if (!count($post_id_list))
@@ -567,14 +586,14 @@ switch ($mode)
mcp_header('mcp_topic.html', TRUE);
- 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_info['forum_name'],
- 'U_VIEW_FORUM' => "viewforum.$phpEx$SID&amp;f=$forum_id",
+ 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_info['topic_title'],
+ 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => "viewtopic.$phpEx$SID&amp;t=$topic_id",
'TO_TOPIC_ID' => ($to_topic_id) ? $to_topic_id : '',
'TO_TOPIC_EXPLAIN' => ($to_topic_id) ? sprintf($user->lang['Topic_number_is'], $to_topic_id, '<a href="viewtopic.' . $phpEx . $SID . '&amp;t=' . $to_topic_id . '" target="_new">' . htmlspecialchars($topic_data[$to_topic_id]['topic_title']) . '</a>') : '',
'S_FORM_ACTION' => $mcp_url,
- 'S_FORUM_SELECT' => '<select name="new_forum_id">' . make_forum_select() . '</select>',
+ 'S_FORUM_SELECT' => '<select name="to_forum_id">' . make_forum_select() . '</select>',
'S_ENABLE_SPLIT' => ($auth->acl_get('m_split', $forum_id) &&($mode == 'topic_view' || $mode == 'split')) ? TRUE : FALSE,
'S_ENABLE_MERGE' => ($auth->acl_get('m_merge', $forum_id) &&($mode == 'topic_view' || $mode == 'merge')) ? TRUE : FALSE,
'S_ENABLE_DELETE' => ($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id) &&($mode == 'topic_view' || $mode == 'massdelete')) ? TRUE : FALSE
@@ -612,7 +631,7 @@ switch ($mode)
$message = nl2br($message);
- $checked = ($mode == 'merge' && in_array(intval($row['post_id']), $selected_post_ids)) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
+ $checked = (in_array(intval($row['post_id']), $selected_post_ids)) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
$s_checkbox = ($is_first_post && $mode == 'split') ? '&nbsp;' : '<input type="checkbox" name="post_id_list[]" value="' . $row['post_id'] . '" ' . $checked . '/>';
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array(
@@ -631,6 +650,59 @@ switch ($mode)
+ case 'post_view':
+ mcp_header('mcp_post.html', TRUE);
+ $template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_info['forum_name'],
+ 'U_VIEW_FORUM' => "viewforum.$phpEx$SID&amp;f=$forum_id",
+ 'S_FORM_ACTION' => $mcp_url
+ ));
+ $sql = "SELECT u.username, p.*, pt.*
+ FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt
+ WHERE p.post_id = $post_id
+ AND p.poster_id = u.user_id
+ AND p.post_id = pt.post_id";
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ if (!$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ trigger_error('Topic_post_not_exist');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $poster = (!empty($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : ((!$row['post_username']) ? $user->lang['Guest'] : $row['post_username']);
+ $message = $row['post_text'];
+ $post_subject = ($row['post_subject'] != '') ? $row['post_subject'] : $topic_data['topic_title'];
+ // If the board has HTML off but the post has HTML
+ // on then we process it, else leave it alone
+ if (!$config['allow_html'] && $row['enable_html'])
+ {
+ $message = preg_replace('#(<)([\/]?.*?)(>)#is', '&lt;\\2&gt;', $message);
+ }
+ if ($row['bbcode_uid'] != '')
+ {
+// $message = ($config['allow_bbcode']) ? bbencode_second_pass($message, $row['bbcode_uid']) : preg_replace('/\:[0-9a-z\:]+\]/si', ']', $message);
+ }
+ $message = nl2br($message);
+ $checked = ($mode == 'merge' && in_array(intval($row['post_id']), $selected_post_ids)) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
+ $s_checkbox = ($is_first_post && $mode == 'split') ? '&nbsp;' : '<input type="checkbox" name="post_id_list[]" value="' . $row['post_id'] . '" ' . $checked . '/>';
+ $template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'POSTER_NAME' => $poster,
+ 'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']),
+ 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_subject,
+ 'MESSAGE' => $message
+ ));
+ }
+ break;
case 'move':
if ($confirm)
@@ -638,7 +710,7 @@ switch ($mode)
if (!$to_forum_id)
- trigger_error($user->lang['Forum_not_exist'] . $return_move);
+ trigger_error($user->lang['FORUM_NOT_EXIST'] . $return_move);
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT forum_id, forum_postable FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $to_forum_id);
@@ -725,21 +797,49 @@ switch ($mode)
case 'split_all':
case 'split_beyond':
+ $return_split = '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['Click_return_mcp'], '<a href="' . $mcp_url . '&amp;mode=split&amp;post_id_list=' . short_id_list($post_id_list) . '">', '</a>');
if (empty($_POST['subject']))
- $post_id_str = short_id_list($post_id_list);
- $message = $user->lang['Empty_subject'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['Click_return_mcp'], '<a href="' . $mcp_url . '&amp;mode=split&amp;post_id_list=' . $post_id_str . '">', '</a>');
+ trigger_error($user->lang['Empty_subject'] . $return_split);
+ }
+ if (!$to_forum_id)
+ {
+ trigger_error($user->lang['SELECT_DESTINATION_FORUM'] . $return_split);
+ }
+ if ($mode == 'split_beyond')
+ {
+ // TODO: this method only works when posts are displayed in chronological order
+ $sql = 'SELECT post_id
+ WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
+ AND post_id >= $post_id";
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $post_id_list = array();
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $post_id_list[] = $row['post_id'];
+ }
+ }
- trigger_error($message);
+ if (empty($post_id_list))
+ {
+ trigger_error($user->lang['None_selected'] . $return_split);
- $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " (topic_title)
- VALUES ('" . $db->sql_escape($_POST['subject']) . "')";
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " (forum_id, topic_title, topic_approved)
+ VALUES ($to_forum_id, '" . $db->sql_escape($_POST['subject']) . "', 1)";
- move_posts($post_id_list, $new_topic_id);
- $return_url = '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['Click_return_topic'], '<a href="viewtopic.' . $phpEx . $SID . '&amp;t=' . $to_topic_id . '">', '</a>');
- trigger_error($user->lang['Posts_merged'] . $return_url . $return_mcp);
+ $to_topic_id = $db->sql_nextid();
+ move_posts($post_id_list, $to_topic_id);
+ $return_url = '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['Click_return_topic'], '<a href="viewtopic.' . $phpEx . $SID . '&amp;t=' . $topic_id . '">', '</a>');
+ $return_url .= '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['CLICK_GO_NEW_TOPIC'], '<a href="viewtopic.' . $phpEx . $SID . '&amp;t=' . $topic_id . '">', '</a>');
+ trigger_error($user->lang['TOPIC_SPLIT'] . $return_url . $return_mcp);
case 'ip':
@@ -1033,9 +1133,9 @@ function move_posts($post_ids, $topic_id, $auto_sync = TRUE)
$forum_ids = array();
$topic_ids = array($topic_id);
- $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT topic_id
- WHERE topic_id IN (' . implode(', ', $post_ids) . ')';
+ $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT topic_id, forum_id
+ WHERE post_id IN (' . implode(', ', $post_ids) . ')';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
@@ -1173,7 +1273,7 @@ Queries are kinda tricky.
function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALSE)
- global $db;
+ global $db, $dbms;
switch ($where_type)
@@ -1182,16 +1282,18 @@ function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALS
if (is_array($where_ids))
$where_ids = array_unique($where_ids);
- $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . $type{0} . ".$where_type IN (" . implode(', ', $where_ids) . ') AND';
+ $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . $type{0} . ".$where_type IN (" . implode(', ', $where_ids) . ')';
- $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . $type{0} . ".$where_type = " . intval($where_ids) . ' AND';
+ $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . $type{0} . ".$where_type = " . intval($where_ids) . '';
+ $where_sql_and = $where_sql . "\n\tAND ";
- $where_sql = ($type == 'forum') ? 'WHERE' : '';
+ $where_sql = $where_sql_and = 'WHERE';
switch ($type)
@@ -1203,7 +1305,7 @@ function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALS
$sql = 'SELECT f2.forum_id
FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f2
- $where_sql f.left_id BETWEEN f2.left_id AND f2.right_id";
+ $where_sql_and f.left_id BETWEEN f2.left_id AND f2.right_id";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
@@ -1213,89 +1315,110 @@ function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALS
if (count($forum_ids))
- resync('forum', 'forum_id', $forum_ids);
+ resync('forum', 'forum_id', $forum_ids, FALSE);
- switch ($dbms)
- {
- default:
- // We have to use a left join to be able to resync empty forums
- //
- // This query does NOT take subforums into account
- //
- $sql = 'SELECT f.*, COUNT(p.post_id) AS posts, MAX(p.post_id) AS last_post_id
- LEFT JOIN ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p ON p.forum_id = f.forum_id
- $where_sql p.post_approved = 1
- GROUP BY f.forum_id";
- // This _untested_ query would (hopefully)
- $sql = 'SELECT f.*, COUNT(p.post_id) AS posts, MAX(p.post_id) AS last_post_id
- FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f2
- LEFT JOIN ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p ON p.forum_id = f2.forum_id
- AND p.post_approved = 1
- $where_sql f2.left_id BETWEEN f.left_id AND f.right_id
- GROUP BY f.forum_id";
- }
+ // 1° Get the list of all forums and their children
+ $sql = 'SELECT f.*, f2.forum_id AS id
+ FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f2
+ $where_sql_and f2.left_id BETWEEN f.left_id AND f.right_id";
- $forum_data = $post_ids = array();
+ $forum_data = $forum_ids = $post_ids = $subforum_list = $post_count = $last_post_id = $post_info = $topic_count = array();
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- if (!$row['last_post_id'])
+ $forum_ids[$row['id']] = $row['id'];
+ if (!isset($subforum_list[$row['forum_id']]))
- $row['last_post_id'] = 0;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']] = $row;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['posts'] = 0;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['topics'] = 0;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_post_id'] = 0;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_post_time'] = 0;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_poster_id'] = 0;
+ $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_poster_name'] = '';
+ $subforum_list[$row['forum_id']] = array($row['id']);
- $post_ids[] = $row['last_post_id'];
+ $subforum_list[$row['forum_id']][] = $row['id'];
- $forum_data[$row['forum_id']] = $row;
- switch ($dbms)
+ // 2° Get topic counts for each forum
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, COUNT(topic_id) AS forum_topics
+ WHERE forum_id IN (' . implode(', ', $forum_ids) . ')
+ AND topic_approved = 1
+ GROUP BY forum_id';
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- default:
- $sql = 'SELECT f.forum_id, COUNT(t.topic_id) AS forum_topics
- LEFT JOIN ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t ON t.forum_id = f.forum_id
- AND t.topic_type <> " . ITEM_MOVED . '
- AND t.topic_approved = 1
- GROUP BY f.forum_id';
- $sql = 'SELECT f.forum_id, COUNT(t.topic_id) AS forum_topics
- FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f2
- LEFT JOIN ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t ON t.forum_id = f2.forum_id
- AND t.topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED . "
- AND t.topic_approved = 1
- $where_sql f2.left_id BETWEEN f.left_id AND f.right_id
- GROUP BY f.forum_id";
+ $topic_count[$row['forum_id']] = intval($row['forum_topics']);
+ // 3° Get post counts for each forum
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, COUNT(post_id) AS forum_posts, MAX(post_id) AS last_post_id
+ WHERE forum_id IN (' . implode(', ', $forum_ids) . ')
+ AND post_approved = 1
+ GROUP BY forum_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['topics'] = intval($row['forum_topics']);
+ $post_count[$row['forum_id']] = intval($row['forum_posts']);
+ $last_post_id[$row['forum_id']] = intval($row['last_post_id']);
+ // 3° Do the math
+ foreach ($subforum_list as $forum_id => $subforums)
+ {
+ foreach ($subforums as $subforum_id)
+ {
+ if (isset($topic_count[$subforum_id]))
+ {
+ $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics'] += $topic_count[$subforum_id];
+ }
+ if (isset($post_count[$subforum_id]))
+ {
+ $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts'] += $post_count[$subforum_id];
+ $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_id'] = max($forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_id'], $last_post_id[$subforum_id]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 4° Retrieve last_post infos
+ foreach ($forum_data as $forum_id => $data)
+ {
+ if ($data['last_post_id'])
+ {
+ $post_ids[] = $data['last_post_id'];
+ }
+ }
if (count($post_ids))
- $sql = 'SELECT p.forum_id, p.post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_username, p.post_time, u.username
+ $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.poster_id, u.username, p.post_time
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE p.post_id IN (' . implode(', ', $post_ids) . ')
- AND p.post_approved = 1
- AND u.user_id = p.poster_id';
+ AND p.poster_id = u.user_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_post_time'] = $row['post_time'];
- $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_poster_id'] = $row['poster_id'];
- $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['last_poster_name'] = ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username'];
+ $post_info[$row['post_id']] = $row;
+ }
+ foreach ($forum_data as $forum_id => $data)
+ {
+ if ($data['last_post_id'])
+ {
+ $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_time'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['post_time'];
+ $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_id'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['poster_id'];
+ $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_name'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['username'];
+ }
@@ -1386,7 +1509,7 @@ function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALS
if (count($topic_ids))
- delete_topics($topic_ids);
+// delete_topics('topic_id', $topic_ids);
if (!count($post_ids))
@@ -1403,6 +1526,7 @@ function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALS
if ($row['post_id'] == $topic_data[$row['topic_id']]['first_post_id'])
$topic_data[$row['topic_id']]['time'] = $row['post_time'];
+ $topic_data[$row['topic_id']]['poster'] = $row['poster_id'];
$topic_data[$row['topic_id']]['first_poster_name'] = ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : '';
if ($row['post_id'] == $topic_data[$row['topic_id']]['last_post_id'])
@@ -1413,7 +1537,7 @@ function resync($type, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = FALS
- $fieldnames = array('time', 'replies', 'first_post_id', 'first_poster_name', 'last_post_id', 'last_post_time', 'last_poster_id', 'last_poster_name');
+ $fieldnames = array('time', 'replies', 'poster', 'first_post_id', 'first_poster_name', 'last_post_id', 'last_post_time', 'last_poster_id', 'last_poster_name');
foreach ($topic_data as $topic_id => $row)
@@ -1518,7 +1642,6 @@ function short_id_list($id_list)
return $id_str;
// End page specific functions
// ---------------------------
@@ -1530,21 +1653,24 @@ function very_temporary_lang_strings()
global $user;
$lang = array(
- 'Forum_not_postable' => 'This forum is not postable',
- 'SELECTED_TOPICS' => 'You selected the following topic(s)',
- 'Topic_not_exist' => 'The topic you selected does not exist',
- 'Posts_merged' => 'The selected posts have been merged',
- 'Select_for_merge' => '%sSelect%s',
- 'Select_topic' => 'Select topic',
- 'Topic_number_is' => 'Topic #%d is %s',
- 'POST_REMOVED' => 'The selected post has been successfully removed from the database.',
- 'POSTS_REMOVED' => 'The selected posts have been successfully removed from the database.',
- 'TOPIC_MOVED' => 'The selected topic has been successfully moved.',
- 'TOPICS_MOVED' => 'The selected topics have been successfully moved.',
- 'CONFIRM_DELETE_POSTS' => 'Are you sure you want to delete these posts?',
- 'TOPIC_RESYNCHRONISED' => 'The selected topic has been resynchronised',
- 'TOPICS_RESYNCHRONISED' => 'The selected topics have been resynchronised',
- 'RESYNC' => 'Resync'
+ 'Forum_not_postable' => 'This forum is not postable',
+ 'SELECTED_TOPICS' => 'You selected the following topic(s)',
+ 'Topic_not_exist' => 'The topic you selected does not exist',
+ 'Posts_merged' => 'The selected posts have been merged',
+ 'Select_for_merge' => '%sSelect%s',
+ 'Select_topic' => 'Select topic',
+ 'Topic_number_is' => 'Topic #%d is %s',
+ 'POST_REMOVED' => 'The selected post has been successfully removed from the database.',
+ 'POSTS_REMOVED' => 'The selected posts have been successfully removed from the database.',
+ 'TOPIC_MOVED' => 'The selected topic has been successfully moved.',
+ 'TOPICS_MOVED' => 'The selected topics have been successfully moved.',
+ 'CONFIRM_DELETE_POSTS' => 'Are you sure you want to delete these posts?',
+ 'TOPIC_RESYNCHRONISED' => 'The selected topic has been resynchronised',
+ 'TOPICS_RESYNCHRONISED' => 'The selected topics have been resynchronised',
+ 'RESYNC' => 'Resync',
+ 'SELECT_DESTINATION_FORUM' => 'Please select a forum for destination',
+ 'TOPIC_SPLIT' => 'The selected topic has been split successfully',
+ 'CLICK_GO_NEW_TOPIC' => 'Click %sHere%s to go to the new topic'
$user->lang = array_merge($user->lang, $lang);
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_header.html b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_header.html
index 930a261342..915c9b86c4 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_header.html
+++ b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_header.html
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
<td class="titles" colspan="2" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href="{U_VIEW_FORUM}">{FORUM_NAME}</a></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->
+ <!-- IF TOPIC_TITLE -->
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="bottom"><a class="maintitle" href="{U_VIEW_TOPIC}">{TOPIC_TITLE}</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
<td valign="bottom" class="gensmall">{MODERATORS}</td>
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_post.html b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_post.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5fc97e6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_post.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- INCLUDE mcp_header.html -->
+<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="forumline">
+<form method="post" action="{S_FORM_ACTION}">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" height="1" class="row3"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="."></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top" class="row1"><span class="name"><a name="{U_POST_ID}"></a>{POSTER_NAME}</span></td>
+ <td width="100%" valign="top" class="row1">
+ <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="middle"><img src="imagesets/subSilver/icon_minipost.gif" alt="{L_POST}"><span class="postdetails">{L_POSTED}:
+ {POST_DATE}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{L_POST_SUBJECT}: {POST_SUBJECT}</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ <hr size="1" />
+ <span class="postbody">{MESSAGE}</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" height="1" class="row2">&nbsp;</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" height="1" class="row3"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="."></td>
+ </tr>
+<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="gensmall">{S_TIMEZONE}</span></td>
+ </tr>
+<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html --> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_topic.html b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_topic.html
index 1edae00f11..963e950dab 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_topic.html
+++ b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/mcp_topic.html
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@
<!-- ENDIF -->
<td align="center">
- &nbsp;<input class="liteoption" type="submit" name="split_type_all" value="{L_SPLIT_POSTS}" />&nbsp;
+ &nbsp;<input class="liteoption" type="submit" name="split_all" value="{L_SPLIT_POSTS}" />&nbsp;
<td align="center">
- &nbsp;<input class="liteoption" type="submit" name="split_type_beyond" value="{L_SPLIT_AFTER}" />&nbsp;
+ &nbsp;<input class="liteoption" type="submit" name="split_beyond" value="{L_SPLIT_AFTER}" />&nbsp;
<!-- ENDIF -->