path: root/phpBB
diff options
authorMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2005-01-23 23:02:10 +0000
committerMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2005-01-23 23:02:10 +0000
commit1613c37d91ab6bf7d6812b889c79f423bf52fda1 (patch)
tree019d07a37419078341c296f55af67b43750e9837 /phpBB
parent055aef50030304a2a3a50e5a91bdb29a8b76ac64 (diff)
- change registration page language on-the-fly
- added download function to functions_compress as well as tiny bugfixes - added local_name and author to iso.txt file git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@5074 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB')
7 files changed, 166 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/functions_compress.php b/phpBB/includes/functions_compress.php
index 9993b4bb5e..5c55fda67c 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/functions_compress.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/functions_compress.php
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
class compress
var $fp = 0;
function add_file($src, $src_rm_prefix = '', $src_add_prefix = '', $skip_files = '')
global $phpbb_root_path;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class compress
$path = (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') ? substr($path, 1) : $path;
$path = ($path && substr($path, -1) != '/') ? $path . '/' : $path;
- $this->data("$src_path$path", '', filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$path"), true);
+ $this->data("$src_path$path", '', filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src_path$path"), true);
foreach ($file_ary as $file)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class compress
- $this->data("$src_path$path$file", implode('', file("$phpbb_root_path$src$path$file")), filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src$path$file"), false);
+ $this->data("$src_path$path$file", implode('', file("$phpbb_root_path$src_path$path$file")), filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src_path$path$file"), false);
@@ -374,6 +374,24 @@ class compress_zip extends compress
pack('V', $this->datasec_len) . // offset to start of central dir
"\x00\x00"; // .zip file comment length
+ function download($filename)
+ {
+ global $phpbb_root_path;
+ $mimetype = 'application/zip';
+ header('Pragma: no-cache');
+ header("Content-Type: $mimetype; name=\"$filename.zip\"");
+ header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.zip");
+ $fp = fopen("{$phpbb_root_path}store/$filename.zip", 'rb');
+ while ($buffer = fread($fp, 1024))
+ {
+ echo $buffer;
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
// Tar/tar.gz compression routine
@@ -384,6 +402,7 @@ class compress_tar extends compress
var $isbz = false;
var $filename = '';
var $mode = '';
+ var $type = '';
function compress_tar($mode, $file, $type = '')
@@ -393,6 +412,7 @@ class compress_tar extends compress
$this->mode = &$mode;
$this->file = &$file;
+ $this->type = &$type;
@@ -529,6 +549,7 @@ class compress_tar extends compress
$header .= pack("x247");
// Checksum
+ $checksum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++)
$b = unpack("c1char", substr($header, $i, 1));
@@ -548,11 +569,46 @@ class compress_tar extends compress
- function open($mode, $file)
+ function open()
$fzopen = ($this->isbz && function_exists('bzopen')) ? 'bzopen' : (($this->isgz && extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'gzopen' : 'fopen');
return $this->fp = @$fzopen($this->file, $this->mode . 'b');
+ function download($filename)
+ {
+ global $phpbb_root_path;
+ switch ($this->type)
+ {
+ case 'tar':
+ $mimetype = 'application/x-tar';
+ break;
+ case 'tar.gz':
+ $mimetype = 'application/x-gzip';
+ break;
+ case 'tar.bz2':
+ $mimetype = 'application/x-bzip2';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream';
+ break;
+ }
+ header('Pragma: no-cache');
+ header("Content-Type: $mimetype; name=\"$filename.$this->type\"");
+ header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.$this->type");
+ $fp = fopen("{$phpbb_root_path}store/$filename.$this->type", 'rb');
+ while ($buffer = fread($fp, 1024))
+ {
+ echo $buffer;
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/session.php b/phpBB/includes/session.php
index f71d133378..1d0dd56337 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/session.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/session.php
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ class user extends session
$accept_lang = substr($accept_lang, 0, 2) . '_' . strtoupper(substr($accept_lang, 3, 2));
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang . "/common.$phpEx"))
- $this->lang_name = $accept_lang;
+ $this->lang_name = $config['default_lang'] = $accept_lang;
$this->lang_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang . '/';
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class user extends session
$accept_lang = substr($accept_lang, 0, 2);
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang . "/common.$phpEx"))
- $this->lang_name = $accept_lang;
+ $this->lang_name = $config['default_lang'] = $accept_lang;
$this->lang_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang . '/';
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_register.php b/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_register.php
index be29709ca7..91f0722317 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_register.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_register.php
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@ class ucp_register extends module
$coppa = (isset($_REQUEST['coppa'])) ? ((!empty($_REQUEST['coppa'])) ? 1 : 0) : false;
$agreed = (!empty($_POST['agreed'])) ? 1 : 0;
$submit = (isset($_POST['submit'])) ? true : false;
+ $change_lang = request_var('change_lang', '');
+ if ($change_lang)
+ {
+ $submit = false;
+ $lang = $change_lang;
+ $user->lang_name = $lang = $change_lang;
+ $user->lang_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $lang . '/';
+ $user->lang = array();
+ $user->add_lang(array('common', 'ucp'));
+ }
$cp = new custom_profile();
@@ -68,6 +79,27 @@ class ucp_register extends module
$this->display($user->lang['REGISTER'], 'ucp_agreement.html');
+ // If we change the language inline, we do not want to display errors, but pre-fill already filled out values
+ if ($change_lang)
+ {
+ $var_ary = array(
+ 'username' => (string) '',
+ 'password_confirm' => (string) '',
+ 'new_password' => (string) '',
+ 'cur_password' => (string) '',
+ 'email' => (string) '',
+ 'email_confirm' => (string) '',
+ 'confirm_code' => (string) '',
+ 'lang' => (string) $config['default_lang'],
+ 'tz' => (float) $config['board_timezone'],
+ );
+ foreach ($var_ary as $var => $default)
+ {
+ $$var = request_var($var, $default);
+ }
+ }
// Check and initialize some variables if needed
if ($submit)
@@ -272,7 +304,7 @@ class ucp_register extends module
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.'.$phpEx);
- $messenger = new messenger();
+ $messenger = new messenger(false);
$messenger->template($email_template, $lang);
@@ -335,8 +367,6 @@ class ucp_register extends module
- $messenger->queue->save();
if ($config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_NONE || !$config['email_enable'])
@@ -353,53 +383,57 @@ class ucp_register extends module
$s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="agreed" value="true" /><input type="hidden" name="coppa" value="' . $coppa . '" />';
+ $s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="change_lang" value="0" />';
$confirm_image = '';
// Visual Confirmation - Show images
if ($config['enable_confirm'])
- $sql = 'SELECT session_id
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
- if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ if (!$change_lang)
- $sql_in = array();
- do
+ $sql = 'SELECT session_id
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- $sql_in[] = "'" . $db->sql_escape($row['session_id']) . "'";
- }
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
+ $sql_in = array();
+ do
+ {
+ $sql_in[] = "'" . $db->sql_escape($row['session_id']) . "'";
+ }
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
- WHERE session_id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $sql_in) . ')';
- $db->sql_query($sql);
- }
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ WHERE session_id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $sql_in) . ')';
+ $db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
- $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(session_id) AS attempts
- WHERE session_id = '" . $db->sql_escape($user->session_id) . "'";
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(session_id) AS attempts
+ WHERE session_id = '" . $db->sql_escape($user->session_id) . "'";
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
- if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- {
- if ($config['max_reg_attempts'] && $row['attempts'] >= $config['max_reg_attempts'])
+ if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- trigger_error($user->lang['TOO_MANY_REGISTERS']);
+ if ($config['max_reg_attempts'] && $row['attempts'] >= $config['max_reg_attempts'])
+ {
+ trigger_error($user->lang['TOO_MANY_REGISTERS']);
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $code = gen_rand_string(6);
+ $confirm_id = md5(uniqid($user_ip));
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . CONFIRM_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
+ 'confirm_id' => (string) $confirm_id,
+ 'session_id' => (string) $user->session_id,
+ 'code' => (string) $code)
+ );
+ $db->sql_query($sql);
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
- $code = gen_rand_string(6);
- $confirm_id = md5(uniqid($user_ip));
- $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . CONFIRM_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
- 'confirm_id' => (string) $confirm_id,
- 'session_id' => (string) $user->session_id,
- 'code' => (string) $code)
- );
- $db->sql_query($sql);
$confirm_image = (@extension_loaded('zlib')) ? "<img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" />" : "<img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id&amp;c=1\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /><img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id&amp;c=2\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /><img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id&amp;c=3\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /><img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id&amp;c=4\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /><img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id&amp;c=5\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /><img src=\"ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=confirm&amp;id=$confirm_id&amp;c=6\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" />";
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="confirm_id" value="' . $confirm_id . '" />';
@@ -443,7 +477,7 @@ class ucp_register extends module
'S_CONFIRM_CODE' => ($config['enable_confirm']) ? true : false,
'S_COPPA' => $coppa,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
- 'S_UCP_ACTION' => "ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=register")
+ 'S_UCP_ACTION' => "{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=register")
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/admin.php b/phpBB/language/en/admin.php
index cb16911993..a39b92fd67 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/admin.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/admin.php
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ $lang += array(
'ACP_CAT_USERGROUP' => 'Users &amp; Groups',
'ACP_USERS_MANAGE' => 'Edit user data',
'DB_CAT' => 'Database',
@@ -114,6 +113,10 @@ $lang += array(
'GROUP_MANAGE' => 'Manage groups',
'CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS' => 'Profile fields',
+ 'LANGUAGE_CAT' => 'Language',
+ 'LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'Language Packs',
'ADMINISTRATORS' => 'Administrators',
'USERNAMES_EXPLAIN' => 'Place each username on a seperate line',
'LOOK_UP_FORUM' => 'Select a Forum',
@@ -280,6 +283,10 @@ $lang += array(
'LOG_BOT_ADDED' => '<b>New bot added</b><br />&#187; %s',
'LOG_BOT_UPDATED' => '<b>Existing bot updated</b><br />&#187; %s',
'LOG_BOT_DELETE' => '<b>Deleted bot</b><br />&#187; %s',
+ 'LOG_DELETE_LANGUAGE_PACK' => '<b>Deleted language pack</b><br />&#187; %s',
+ 'LOG_LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED' => '<b>Installed language pack</b><br />&#187; %s',
+ 'LOG_UPDATE_LANG_DETAILS' => '<b>Updated language pack details</b><br />&#187; %s',
// Index page
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/iso.txt b/phpBB/language/en/iso.txt
index 043ea105ed..c2a03d9516 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/iso.txt
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/iso.txt
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-English [UK] \ No newline at end of file
+English [UK]
+English [UK]
+phpBB Group \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/posting.php b/phpBB/posting.php
index e8f43b6c81..aab0d3da78 100644
--- a/phpBB/posting.php
+++ b/phpBB/posting.php
@@ -1537,11 +1537,11 @@ function submit_post($mode, $subject, $username, $topic_type, &$poll, &$data, $u
if ($post_mode == 'post')
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
- 'topic_first_post_id' => $data['post_id'],
- 'topic_last_post_id' => $data['post_id'],
- 'topic_last_post_time' => $current_time,
- 'topic_last_poster_id' => (int) $user->data['user_id'],
- 'topic_last_poster_name' => ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && $username) ? stripslashes($username) : $user->data['username']
+ 'topic_first_post_id' => $data['post_id'],
+ 'topic_last_post_id' => $data['post_id'],
+ 'topic_last_post_time' => $current_time,
+ 'topic_last_poster_id' => (int) $user->data['user_id'],
+ 'topic_last_poster_name'=> ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && $username) ? stripslashes($username) : $user->data['username']
@@ -1557,11 +1557,11 @@ function submit_post($mode, $subject, $username, $topic_type, &$poll, &$data, $u
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
// globalise
- if ((int)$row['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type == POST_GLOBAL)
+ if ($row['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type == POST_GLOBAL)
// Decrement topic/post count
$make_global = true;
@@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ function submit_post($mode, $subject, $username, $topic_type, &$poll, &$data, $u
// unglobalise
- else if ((int)$row['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type != POST_GLOBAL)
+ else if ($row['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type != POST_GLOBAL)
// Increment topic/post count
$make_global = true;
diff --git a/phpBB/styles/subSilver/template/ucp_register.html b/phpBB/styles/subSilver/template/ucp_register.html
index 4023b81220..6f52f1bdc2 100644
--- a/phpBB/styles/subSilver/template/ucp_register.html
+++ b/phpBB/styles/subSilver/template/ucp_register.html
@@ -2,7 +2,17 @@
<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
-<form method="post" action="{S_UCP_ACTION}"><table width="80%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
+<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
+ function change_language(lang_iso)
+ {
+ document.forms['register'].change_lang.value = lang_iso;
+ document.forms['register'].submit.click();
+ }
+<form name="register" method="post" action="{S_UCP_ACTION}"><table width="80%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
<td class="nav"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{L_INDEX}</a></td>
@@ -47,7 +57,7 @@
<td class="row1"><b class="genmed">{L_LANGUAGE}: </b></td>
- <td class="row2"><select name="lang">{S_LANG_OPTIONS}</select></td>
+ <td class="row2"><select name="lang" onchange="javascript:change_language(this.value);">{S_LANG_OPTIONS}</select></td>
<td class="row1"><b class="genmed">{L_TIMEZONE}: </b></td>