path: root/phpBB/search.php
diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-10-15 23:04:16 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-10-15 23:04:16 +0000
commitc3988db7d89dcb077d764d1daca92b24d7a335f6 (patch)
treec6a9aab5d9286d81741dd07d05a7436bf07952c4 /phpBB/search.php
parent50322ad7f01656b9a0d087b2458cba6c14dca517 (diff)
And all because the lady loves Milk Tray, erm, sorry ... all because I missed a . from a string concaten...thingy
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@1213 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/search.php')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 805 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/search.php b/phpBB/search.php
index 89f71b9478..1b0f48454f 100644
--- a/phpBB/search.php
+++ b/phpBB/search.php
@@ -19,808 +19,6 @@
* (at your option) any later version.
-/* ====================================================================
- * Copyright (c) 2000 Steven Haryanto. All rights reserved.
- *
- * KwIndex
- * A PHP module to do full text indexing with MySQL database
- *
- * This module is released under the GNU General Public License. See:
- * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- *
- * Version
- * 0.04, Sat Dec 2 14:54:41 2000
- * based on DBIx::KwIndex 0.03
- *
- * For documentation, support and latest version, visit:
- * http://steven.haryan.to/php/KwIndex.html
- *
- * ====================================================================
- *
- */
-class KwIndex {
- #############
- function KwIndex($args) {
- # check for argument type
- if (!is_array(&$args))
- die("KwIndex: constructor: syntax: KwIndex(array \$args)");
- # check for unknown arguments
- $known_arguments = array_flip(array(
- "linkid", "db_name", "hostname", "username", "password",
- "index_name", "wordlist_cardinality", "doclist_cardinality",
- "stoplist_cardinality", "vectorlist_cardinality",
- "max_word_length", "use_persistent_connection"));
- while(list($k,$v) = each($args))
- if (!isset($known_arguments[$k]))
- die("KwIndex: constructor: unknown argument `$k'");
- # required for required arguments
- if (!isset($args["db_name"]))
- die("KwIndex: constructor: You must specify 'db_name'");
- if (!isset($args["linkid"]) &&
- (!isset($args["hostname"]) || !isset($args["username"]) ||
- !isset($args["password"])))
- die("KwIndex: constructor: You must either specify 'linkid' or ".
- "arguments to mysql_connect ('hostname', 'username', and ".
- "'password')");
- # supply default values for optional arguments
- if (!isset($args["index_name"]))
- $args["index_name"] = "kwindex";
- if (!isset($args["wordlist_cardinality"]))
- $args["wordlist_cardinality"] = 100000;
- if (!isset($args["stoplist_cardinality"]))
- $args["stoplist_cardinality"] = 10000;
- if (!isset($args["vectorlist_cardinality"]))
- $args["vectorlist_cardinality"] = 100000000;
- if (!isset($args["doclist_cardinality"]))
- $args["doclist_cardinality"] = 1000000;
- if (!isset($args["max_word_length"]))
- $args["max_word_length"] = 32;
- if (!isset($args["use_persistent_connection"]))
- $args["use_persistent_connection"] = 1;
- # set object attributes
- $this->db_name = $args["db_name"];
- $this->index_name = $args["index_name"];
- $this->wordlist_cardinality = $args["wordlist_cardinality"];
- $this->stoplist_cardinality = $args["stoplist_cardinality"];
- $this->vectorlist_cardinality = $args["vectorlist_cardinality"];
- $this->doclist_cardinality = $args["doclist_cardinality"];
- $this->max_word_length = $args["max_word_length"];
- if (!isset($args["linkid"])) {
- if ($args["use_persistent_connection"]) {
- $linkid = mysql_pconnect($args["hostname"], $args["username"],
- $args["password"]);
- } else {
- $linkid = mysql_connect($args["hostname"], $args["username"],
- $args["password"]);
- }
- if (!$linkid)
- die("KwIndex: constructor: Can't connect to database: ".
- mysql_error());
- } else {
- $linkid = $args["linkid"];
- }
- $this->linkid = $linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if (!mysql_select_db($this->db_name, $linkid))
- die("KwIndex: constructor: Can't select DB: ".
- mysql_error($linkid));
- if (!$this->_index_exists()) $this->_create_index();
- # load stoplist as keys of array
- $this->stoplist = array();
- if (!($res = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM ${idx}_stoplist",
- $linkid)))
- die("KwIndex: constructor: Can't load stoplist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid));
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
- $this->stoplist[ strtolower($row[0]) ] = 1;
- }
- } // constructor
- ################
- function &document_sub($doc_ids) {
- die("KwIndex: document_sub: this method must be overriden");
- }
- function add_document($doc_ids) {
- if (!is_array(&$doc_ids))
- die("KwIndex: syntax: add_document(array \$doc_ids)");
- if (!sizeof(&$doc_ids)) return 1;
- $wordlist = array();
- # structure: ( 'word1' => [ [doc_id,freq], ... ], ... )
- $doclist = array();
- # format: ( doc_id => n, ... ); # n = number of words in document
- # retrieve documents
- ####################
- $docs = $this->document_sub(&$doc_ids);
- if(!is_array(&$docs))
- die("KwIndex: add_document: ".
- "'document_sub' does not return an array");
- if (sizeof(&$doc_ids) < sizeof(&$docs))
- die("KwIndex: add_document: ".
- "'document_sub' does not return enough documents");
- if (sizeof(&$doc_ids) > sizeof(&$docs))
- die("KwIndex: add_document: ".
- "'document_sub' returns too many documents");
- # split documents into words
- ############################
- while(list($id, $doc) = each($docs)) {
- if (!isset($doc) || !strlen($doc)) continue;
- $words = $this->_split_to_words($doc);
- $num_of_words = sizeof(&$words);
- # note: this means that numbers, etc are counted
- $doclist[$id] = $num_of_words;
- # filter non-qualifying words: 1-char length, numbers, words
- # that are too long
- $w2 = array();
- while(list($k, $v) = each($words)) {
- $len = strlen($v);
- $lower_v = strtolower($v);
- if ($len > 1 &&
- $len <= $this->max_word_length &&
- preg_match("/[a-z]/", $lower_v) &&
- !isset($this->stoplist[$lower_v])) ++$w2[ $lower_v ];
- }
- while(list($k, $v) = each($w2)) {
- $lower_k = strtolower($k);
- if (!isset($wordlist[$lower_k]))
- $wordlist[$lower_k] = array();
- array_push($wordlist[$lower_k], array($id, $v/$num_of_words));
- }
- }
-#_debug("wordlist: ", Dumper($wordlist));
- # submit to database
- ####################
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- # lock the tables in case some other process remove a certain word
- # between step 0 and 1 and 2 and 3
- if(!mysql_query("LOCK TABLES ${idx}_doclist WRITE, ".
- "${idx}_vectorlist WRITE, ".
- "${idx}_wordlist WRITE",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't lock tables when adding documents: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- # 0
- # add the docs first
-#_debug( "doclist = ", Dumper($doclist));
- while(list($k,$v) = each($doclist)) {
- if(!mysql_query("REPLACE INTO ${idx}_doclist (id,n) VALUES (".
- "'".(addslashes($k))."'".
- ",".
- "'".(addslashes($v))."'".
- ")",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't add doc id=`$_' to doclist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES", $linkid);
- return;
- }
- }
- # 1
- # and then add the words
- while(list($k,$v) = each($wordlist)) {
- if(!mysql_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO ${idx}_wordlist (word) ".
- "VALUES (".
- "'".(addslashes($k))."'".
- ")",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't add word `$k' to wordlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES", $linkid);
- return;
- }
- }
- # 2
- # get the resulting word ids
- $word_ids = array();
- $e_wordlist = array();
- reset($wordlist);
- while(list($k,$v) = each($wordlist))
- array_push($e_wordlist, "'".addslashes($k)."'");
- if (sizeof(&$wordlist)) {
- if(!($res = mysql_query("SELECT id,word FROM ${idx}_wordlist ".
- "WHERE word IN (".
- join(',', $e_wordlist).
- ")",
- $linkid))) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't get data from wordlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES', $linkid);
- return;
- }
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
-#echo "row = ", Dumper($row), "<br>\n";
- $word_ids[ $row[1] ] = $row[0];
- }
- }
- # 3
- # now add the vectors
-#_debug("word_ids = ", Dumper($word_ids));
- reset($wordlist);
- while (list($word, $hitlist) = each($wordlist)) {
- while(list($i, $hit) = each($hitlist)) {
-#echo "adding word=$word, hit = ($hit[0], $hit[1])<br>\n";
- if(!mysql_query("INSERT INTO ${idx}_vectorlist (wid,did,f)".
- "VALUES (".
- ("'".addslashes($word_ids[$word]))."',".
- ("'".addslashes($hit[0]))."',".
- ("'".addslashes($hit[1]))."')",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't add to vectorlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES', $linkid);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- # if all goes well, return TRUE
- mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES', $linkid);
- return 1;
- }
- function remove_document($doc_ids) {
- if (!is_array(&$doc_ids))
- die("KwIndex: syntax: remove_document(array \$doc_ids)");
- if (!sizeof(&$doc_ids)) return 1;
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if(!mysql_query("LOCK TABLES ${idx}_doclist WRITE, ".
- "${idx}_vectorlist WRITE",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't lock tables when removing documents: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- if(!mysql_query("DELETE FROM ${idx}_doclist WHERE id IN (".
- join(',', $doc_ids).")",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't delete from doclist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES', $linkid);
- return;
- }
- if(!mysql_query("DELETE FROM ${idx}_vectorlist WHERE did IN (".
- join(',', $doc_ids).")",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't delete from vectorlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES', $linkid);
- return;
- }
- # if all goes well, return TRUE
- mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES", $linkid);
- return 1;
- }
- function update_document($doc_ids) {
- if (!is_array(&$doc_ids))
- die("KwIndex: syntax: update_document(array \$doc_ids)");
- if (!sizeof(&$doc_ids)) return 1;
- return $this->remove_document(&$doc_ids) &&
- $this->add_document(&$doc_ids);
- }
- # find all words that are contained in at least $k % of all documents
- function &common_word($k = 80) {
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- # first select the number of documents
- $num = $this->document_count();
- if ($num == -1) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't retrieve the number of documents: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- # get the statistics from vectorlist
- if(!($res1 = mysql_query("SELECT wid,COUNT(*)/$num as k FROM
- ${idx}_vectorlist GROUP BY wid HAVING k>=".
- ($k/100),
- $linkid))) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't retrieve common words: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- $wids = array();
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res1)) array_push($wids, $row[0]);
- # convert it to word by consulting the wordlist table
- $words = array();
- if (sizeof(&$wids)) {
- if (!($res2 = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM ${idx}_wordlist ".
- "WHERE id IN (".join(',', $wids).
- ")",
- $linkid))) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't retrieve common words: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res2))
- array_push($words, $row[0]);
- }
- return $words;
- }
- # find all words that are not contained in all documents (vectorlist)
- # XXX not yet written
- function &orphan_word() {
- return array();
- }
- # remove words from index
- function remove_word($words) {
- if (!is_array(&$words))
- die("KwIndex: syntax: remove_word(array \$words)");
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if(!mysql_query("LOCK TABLES ${idx}_wordlist WRITE, ".
- "${idx}_vectorlist WRITE",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't lock tables when removing words: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- $e_words = array();
- while(list($k,$v) = each($words))
- array_push($e_words, "'".addslashes(strtolower($v))."'");
- # retrieve word ids
- if(!($res0 = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ${idx}_wordlist WHERE ".
- "word IN (".join(',', $e_words).")",
- $linkid))) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't delete from wordlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES', $linkid);
- return;
- }
- $word_ids = array();
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res0))
- array_push($word_ids, $row[0]);
- $word_ids = join(',', $word_ids); # we'll make it a string
- if (!strlen($word_ids)) return 1;
- # delete from wordlist
- if(!mysql_query("DELETE FROM ${idx}_wordlist WHERE id IN ".
- "($word_ids)",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't delete from wordlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES", $linkid);
- return;
- }
- if(!mysql_query("DELETE FROM ${idx}_vectorlist WHERE wid IN ".
- "($word_ids)", $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't delete from vectorlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES", $linkid);
- return;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # add stop words. note: you must manually delete previously indexed
- # words with delete_word()
- function add_stop_word($words) {
- if (!is_array(&$words))
- die("KwIndex: syntax: add_stop_word(array words)");
- if (!sizeof(&$words)) return 1;
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- while(list($k, $v) = each($words)) {
- $lv = strtolower($v);
- if(!mysql_query("REPLACE INTO ${idx}_stoplist (word) VALUES (".
- ("'".addslashes($lv)."'").
- ")", $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't add to stoplist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- $this->stoplist[ $lv ] = 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # remove stop words from index
- function remove_stop_word($words) {
- if (!is_array(&$words))
- die("KwIndex: syntax: remove_stop_word(array words)");
- if (!sizeof(&$words)) return 1;
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- $e_words = array();
- while(list($k,$v) = each($words))
- array_push($e_words, "'".addslashes(strtolower($v))."'");
- if(!mysql_query("DELETE FROM ${idx}_stoplist WHERE word IN (".
- join(',', $e_words).")",
- $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't delete from stoplist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- while(list($k,$v) = each($words))
- unset($this->stoplist[ strtolower($v) ]);
- return 1;
- }
- function is_stop_word($word) {
- return isset($this->stoplist[ strtolower($word) ]);
- }
- function &_search_or_match_count($is_count, &$args) {
- if (!isset($args["words"]))
- die("KwIndex: search: option 'words' must be defined");
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- # split the words if we are offered a single string/not array
- # (assume it's a phrase)
- $words = array();
- if (is_array(&$args["words"])) {
- $words = $args["words"];
- } else {
- $words = $this->_split_to_words($args["words"]);
- }
- # delete duplicate words, convert them all to lowercase
- $hashwords = array();
- while(list($k,$v) = each($words)) $hashwords[ strtolower($v) ] = 1;
- $words = array_keys(&$hashwords);
- if (!sizeof(&$words)) {
- if ($is_count) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return array();
- }
- }
- # first we retrieve the word ids
- $op = $args["re"] ? 'REGEXP':'LIKE';
- $bool = isset($args['boolean']) && $args['boolean'] &&
- strtoupper($args['boolean']) == 'AND' ? 'AND':'OR';
- $op_phrases = array();
- while(list($k,$v) = each($words))
- array_push($op_phrases, "word $op '".addslashes($v)."'");
- if (!($res0 = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ${idx}_wordlist WHERE ".
- join(' OR ', $op_phrases),
- $linkid))) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't retrieve word ids: ".mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- $word_ids = array();
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res0)) array_push($word_ids, $row[0]);
- if (!sizeof(&$word_ids) ||
- ($bool == 'AND' && sizeof(&$word_ids) < sizeof(&$words))) {
- if ($is_count) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return array();
- }
- }
- # and then we search the vectorlist
- $can_optimize=0;
- $stmt = '';
- if ($is_count) {
- if ($bool == 'AND' && !$args['re']) {
- $stmt = 'SELECT did,count(wid) as c '.
- "FROM ${idx}_vectorlist WHERE wid IN (".
- join(',',$word_ids).
- ") ".
- "GROUP BY did ".
- "HAVING c >= ".sizeof(&$word_ids);
- } else {
- $can_optimize=1;
- $stmt = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT did) ".
- "FROM ${idx}_vectorlist WHERE wid IN (".
- join(',',$word_ids).
- ")";
- }
- } else { // ! $is_count
- $stmt = "SELECT did, count(wid) as c, avg(f) as a, ".
- "count(wid)*count(wid)*count(wid)*avg(f) as ca ".
- "FROM ${idx}_vectorlist WHERE wid IN (".
- join(',',$word_ids).
- ") ".
- "GROUP BY did ".
- ($bool == 'AND' && !$args['re'] ?
- "HAVING c >= ".sizeof(&$word_ids):'').
- " ORDER BY ca DESC ".
- (isset($args['num']) ? "LIMIT " . (isset($args['start']) ?
- (($args['start'] - 1).",".$args['num']) : $args['num'])
- :'');
- }
-_debug("search SQL: ", $stmt);
- if(!($res = mysql_query($stmt, $linkid))) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't search vectorlist: ".mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- if ($is_count) {
- if ($can_optimize) {
- $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
- return $row[0];
- } else {
- return mysql_num_rows($res);
- }
- } else { // ! $is_count
- $doc_ids = array();
- while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) array_push($doc_ids, $row[0]);
- return $doc_ids;
- }
- }
- function &search($args) {
- return $this->_search_or_match_count(0, &$args);
- }
- function &match_count($args) {
- return $this->_search_or_match_count(1, &$args);
- }
- function remove_index() {
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if(!mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${idx}_wordlist", $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't remove table ${idx}_wordlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- if(!mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${idx}_doclist", $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't remove table ${idx}_doclist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- if(!mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${idx}_vectorlist", $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't remove table ${idx}_vectorlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- if(!mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${idx}_stoplist", $linkid)) {
- $this->ERROR = "Can't remove table ${idx}_stoplist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid);
- return;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- function empty_index() {
- return $this->remove_index() && $this->_create_index();
- }
- # number of documents in the collection
- function document_count() {
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if (!($res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${idx}_doclist",
- $linkid))) return;
- $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
- return $row[0];
- }
- # number of unique words
- function word_count() {
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if (!($res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${idx}_wordlist",
- $linkid))) return;
- $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
- return $row[0];
- }
- #################
- function &_split_to_words($str) {
- preg_match_all("/\b(\w[\w']*\w+|\w+)\b/", $str, $matches);
- return $matches[1];
- }
- function _create_index() {
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- $stmt = '';
- # drop previous tables, if they exist
- if (!$this->remove_index()) return;
- # create doclist table
- $stmt = "CREATE TABLE ${idx}_doclist " .
- '(id ' . $this->_int_column_type($this->doclist_cardinality).
- ' n ' . $this->_int_column_type($this->wordlist_cardinality).
- ' NOT NULL'.
- ')';
- if (!mysql_query($stmt, $linkid))
- die("KwIndex: Can't create table ${idx}_doclist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid));
- # create wordlist table
- $stmt = "CREATE TABLE ${idx}_wordlist " .
- '(id ' . $this->_int_column_type($this->wordlist_cardinality) .
- " word VARCHAR($this->max_word_length)" .
- "UNIQUE (word) " .
- ')';
- if(!mysql_query($stmt, $linkid))
- die("KwIndex: Can't create table ${idx}_wordlist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid));
- # create stoplist table
- $stmt = "CREATE TABLE ${idx}_stoplist " .
- '(id ' . $this->_int_column_type($this->wordlist_cardinality).
- " word VARCHAR($this->max_word_length)" .
- "UNIQUE (word) " .
- ')';
- if (!mysql_query($stmt, $linkid))
- die("KwIndex: Can't create table ${idx}_stoplist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid));
- # create vectorlist table
- $stmt = "CREATE TABLE ${idx}_vectorlist " .
- '(wid '. $this->_int_column_type($this->wordlist_cardinality).
- ' NOT NULL, ' .
- 'did '. $this->_int_column_type($this->doclist_cardinality).
- ' NOT NULL, '.
- 'UNIQUE (wid,did), '.
- 'f FLOAT(10,4) NOT NULL'.
- ')';
- if (!mysql_query($stmt, $linkid)) {
- die("KwIndex: Can't create table ${idx}_stoplist: ".
- mysql_error($linkid));
- }
- $this->stoplist = array();
- return 1;
- }
- function _int_column_type($cardinality) {
- if ($cardinality >= 16*1024*1024) return 'INT UNSIGNED';
- if ($cardinality >= 64*1024) return 'MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED';
- if ($cardinality >= 256) return 'SMALLINT UNSIGNED';
- }
- function &_index_tables() {
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- $tables = array(
- "${idx}_doclist",
- "${idx}_wordlist",
- "${idx}_vectorlist",
- "${idx}_stoplist");
- return $tables;
- }
- function _index_exists() {
- $linkid = $this->linkid;
- $idx = $this->index_name;
- if (!($res = mysql_list_tables($this->db_name, $linkid)))
- die("Can't list table: ".mysql_error($linkid));
- $existing_tables = array();
- $i = 0;
- while ($i < mysql_num_rows($res)) {
- $existing_tables[ mysql_tablename($res, $i) ] = 1;
- $i++;
- }
- $index_tables = $this->_index_tables();
- while(list($k,$v) = each($index_tables)) {
- if (!isset($existing_tables[$v])) return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
-} // class
// Massive overhaul for phpBB2, originally based on search code
@@ -1294,9 +492,9 @@ if( $query_keywords != "" || $query_author != "" || $search_id )
if( $ignore_forum_sql != "" )
- $ignore_forum_sql = ", ";
+ $ignore_forum_sql .= ", ";
- $ignore_forum_sql = $key;
+ $ignore_forum_sql .= $key;
@@ -1466,7 +664,6 @@ if( $query_keywords != "" || $query_author != "" || $search_id )
if( count($searchset) )
// Output header