path: root/phpBB/language/en
diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2002-10-08 20:11:59 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2002-10-08 20:11:59 +0000
commit1d0e4ee436cf7ca5790d83aac11ed9cf90a4ccda (patch)
tree73ca6e624983f82af9507b3e5fd94e581c8103f3 /phpBB/language/en
parent64aee6d171aaf3e74b7b3755e054cdcc89061a5d (diff)
Permission related updates ... is still not final but is getting there ... faster than British Rail too
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@2943 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/language/en')
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
index c9e5e34053..737f136435 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Restore_Error_no_file' => 'No file was uploaded',
'Permissions_explain' => 'Here you can alter which users and groups can access which forums. Permissions can be set for individual operations such as; reading, posting, voting, etc via the <i>Advanced</i> form. This page only applies to forum permissions. To assign moderators or define administrators please use the appropriate page (see left hand side menu).',
'Permissions_extra_explain' => 'Permissions are based on a; PERMIT, ALLOW, DENY, PREVENT system. By default users and groups are set to DENY access to all operations, to do anything users or groups have to be granted ALLOW access. When conflicts exist, e.g. a user having ALLOW permissions to a function belongs to a group that is set to DENY such a function the user setting takes precidence, i.e. in this case the user would be ALLOWed access to this function. Similarly a user denied access to a function will be denied even if they belong to a group that grants them access. If a user belongs to two groups one of which grants an ALLOW while another is set to DENY the user will be denied access.',
- 'Permissions_extra2_explain' => 'There may be times when you want to deny (or allow) access to a group no matter what their individual user settings are, this is what PERMIT and PREVENT are for. By setting a user (or more likely a group) to one of these will PERMIT (ALLOW) or PREVENT (DENY) access to a function no matter what their user settings are. You may find this useful for things such as \"banned\" groups, etc. doing away with any need to check for individual user permissions.',
+ 'Permissions_extra2_explain' => 'There may be times when you want to deny (or allow) access to a group no matter what their individual user settings are, this is what PERMIT and PREVENT are for. By setting a user (or more likely a group) to one of these will PERMIT (ALLOW) or PREVENT (DENY) access to a function no matter what their user settings are. You may find this useful for things such as "banned" groups, etc. doing away with any need to check for individual user permissions.',
'Moderators' => 'Moderators',
'Moderators_explain' => 'Here you can assign users and groups as forum moderators. You can give users or groups individual access to certain moderator functions as you set fit via the <i>Advanced</i> form. Moderators have additional power in a given forum and by default can post and reply even when a forum or topic is locked.',
'Super_Moderators' => 'Super Moderators',
@@ -196,50 +196,50 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Permit' => 'Permit',
'Deny' => 'Deny',
'Prevent' => 'Prevent',
- 'acl_admin_general' => 'General Settings',
- 'acl_admin_user' => 'Users',
- 'acl_admin_group' => 'Groups',
- 'acl_admin_forum' => 'Forums',
- 'acl_admin_post' => 'Posts',
- 'acl_admin_ban' => 'Banning',
- 'acl_admin_auth' => 'Permissions',
- 'acl_admin_email' => 'Email',
- 'acl_admin_styles' => 'Styles',
- 'acl_admin_backup' => 'Backups',
- 'acl_admin_clearlogs' => 'Clear Admin Log',
- 'acl_mod_edit' => 'Edit posts',
- 'acl_mod_delete' => 'Delete posts',
- 'acl_mod_move' => 'Move posts',
- 'acl_mod_lock' => 'Lock topics',
- 'acl_mod_split' => 'Split topics',
- 'acl_mod_merge' => 'Merge topics',
- 'acl_mod_approve' => 'Approve posts',
- 'acl_mod_unrate' => 'Un-rate topics',
- 'acl_mod_auth' => 'Set permissions',
- 'acl_forum_list' => 'See forum',
- 'acl_forum_read' => 'Read forum',
- 'acl_forum_post' => 'Post in forum',
- 'acl_forum_reply' => 'Reply to posts',
- 'acl_forum_edit' => 'Edit own posts',
- 'acl_forum_delete' => 'Delete own posts',
- 'acl_forum_poll' => 'Create polls',
- 'acl_forum_vote' => 'Vote in polls',
- 'acl_forum_announce' => 'Post announcements',
- 'acl_forum_sticky' => 'Post stickies',
- 'acl_forum_attach' => 'Attach files',
- 'acl_forum_download' => 'Download files',
- 'acl_forum_html' => 'Post HTML',
- 'acl_forum_bbcode' => 'Post BBCode',
- 'acl_forum_smilies' => 'Post smilies',
- 'acl_forum_img' => 'Post images',
- 'acl_forum_flash' => 'Post Flash',
- 'acl_forum_sigs' => 'Use signatures',
- 'acl_forum_search' => 'Search the forum',
- 'acl_forum_email' => 'Email topics',
- 'acl_forum_rate' => 'Rate topics',
- 'acl_forum_print' => 'Print topics',
- 'acl_forum_ignoreflood' => 'Ignore flood limit',
- 'acl_forum_ignorequeue' => 'Ignore mod queue',
+ 'acl_a_general' => 'General Settings',
+ 'acl_a_user' => 'Users',
+ 'acl_a_group' => 'Groups',
+ 'acl_a_forum' => 'Forums',
+ 'acl_a_post' => 'Posts',
+ 'acl_a_ban' => 'Banning',
+ 'acl_a_auth' => 'Permissions',
+ 'acl_a_email' => 'Email',
+ 'acl_a_styles' => 'Styles',
+ 'acl_a_backup' => 'Backups',
+ 'acl_a_clearlogs' => 'Clear Admin Log',
+ 'acl_m__edit' => 'Edit posts',
+ 'acl_m__delete' => 'Delete posts',
+ 'acl_m__move' => 'Move posts',
+ 'acl_m__lock' => 'Lock topics',
+ 'acl_m__split' => 'Split topics',
+ 'acl_m__merge' => 'Merge topics',
+ 'acl_m__approve' => 'Approve posts',
+ 'acl_m__unrate' => 'Un-rate topics',
+ 'acl_m__auth' => 'Set permissions',
+ 'acl_f_list' => 'See forum',
+ 'acl_f_read' => 'Read forum',
+ 'acl_f_post' => 'Post in forum',
+ 'acl_f_reply' => 'Reply to posts',
+ 'acl_f_edit' => 'Edit own posts',
+ 'acl_f_delete' => 'Delete own posts',
+ 'acl_f_poll' => 'Create polls',
+ 'acl_f_vote' => 'Vote in polls',
+ 'acl_f_announce' => 'Post announcements',
+ 'acl_f_sticky' => 'Post stickies',
+ 'acl_f_attach' => 'Attach files',
+ 'acl_f_download' => 'Download files',
+ 'acl_f_html' => 'Post HTML',
+ 'acl_f_bbcode' => 'Post BBCode',
+ 'acl_f_smilies' => 'Post smilies',
+ 'acl_f_img' => 'Post images',
+ 'acl_f_flash' => 'Post Flash',
+ 'acl_f_sigs' => 'Use signatures',
+ 'acl_f_search' => 'Search the forum',
+ 'acl_f_email' => 'Email topics',
+ 'acl_f_rate' => 'Rate topics',
+ 'acl_f_print' => 'Print topics',
+ 'acl_f_ignoreflood' => 'Ignore flood limit',
+ 'acl_f_ignorequeue' => 'Ignore mod queue',
'Auth_updated' => 'Permissions have been updated',
'Prune_users' => 'Prune Users',
'Prune_users_explain' => 'Here you can delete (or deactivate) users from you board. This can be done in a variety of ways; by post count, last activity, etc. Each of these criteria can be combined, i.e. you can prune users last active before 2002-01-01 with fewer than 10 posts. Alternatively you can enter a list of users directly into the text box, any criteria entered will be ignored. Take care with this facility! Once a user is deleted there is no way back.',
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
index 7f9378594e..6ad21d3c56 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
+$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ENCODING' => 'iso-8859-15',
'DIRECTION' => 'ltr',
'LEFT' => 'left',
@@ -711,24 +711,24 @@
'-3' => 'GMT - 3 Hours',
'-2' => 'GMT - 2 Hours',
'-1' => 'GMT - 1 Hours',
- 0 => 'GMT',
- 1 => 'GMT + 1 Hour',
- 2 => 'GMT + 2 Hours',
- 3 => 'GMT + 3 Hours',
+ '0' => 'GMT',
+ '1' => 'GMT + 1 Hour',
+ '2' => 'GMT + 2 Hours',
+ '3' => 'GMT + 3 Hours',
'3.5' => 'GMT + 3.5 Hours',
- 4 => 'GMT + 4 Hours',
+ '4' => 'GMT + 4 Hours',
'4.5' => 'GMT + 4.5 Hours',
- 5 => 'GMT + 5 Hours',
+ '5' => 'GMT + 5 Hours',
'5.5' => 'GMT + 5.5 Hours',
- 6 => 'GMT + 6 Hours',
+ '6' => 'GMT + 6 Hours',
'6.5' => 'GMT + 6.5 Hours',
- 7 => 'GMT + 7 Hours',
- 8 => 'GMT + 8 Hours',
- 9 => 'GMT + 9 Hours',
+ '7' => 'GMT + 7 Hours',
+ '8' => 'GMT + 8 Hours',
+ '9' => 'GMT + 9 Hours',
'9.5' => 'GMT + 9.5 Hours',
- 10 => 'GMT + 10 Hours',
- 11 => 'GMT + 11 Hours',
- 12 => 'GMT + 12 Hours',
+ '10' => 'GMT + 10 Hours',
+ '11' => 'GMT + 11 Hours',
+ '12' => 'GMT + 12 Hours',
'tz' => array(
'-12' => 'GMT - 12 Hours',
'-11' => 'GMT - 11 Hours',
@@ -800,8 +800,11 @@
'Sep' => 'Sep',
'Oct' => 'Oct',
'Nov' => 'Nov',
- 'Dec' => 'Dec'
+ 'Dec' => 'Dec',
+ 'AM' => 'AM',
+ 'PM' => 'PM'
'Information' => 'Information',
'Critical_Information' => 'Critical Information',
'General_Error' => 'General Error',