path: root/phpBB/includes/style
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authorOleg Pudeyev <oleg@bsdpower.com>2012-11-02 19:28:32 -0400
committerOleg Pudeyev <oleg@bsdpower.com>2012-11-02 19:28:32 -0400
commitc063e3a52cb561e44368cbd854973f51f4b4b304 (patch)
treefede01e679bf9084910a379310f4adad8a505e94 /phpBB/includes/style
parent767d09227bd848da21dc3e255b1dacd20cbad1f7 (diff)
[ticket/10933] Use inheritDoc, eliminate copy pasted docblocks.
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/includes/style')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/style/resource_locator.php b/phpBB/includes/style/resource_locator.php
index 334fac21db..8658fe4a36 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/style/resource_locator.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/style/resource_locator.php
@@ -94,10 +94,7 @@ class phpbb_style_resource_locator implements phpbb_template_locator
- * Sets the template filenames for handles. $filename_array
- * should be a hash of handle => filename pairs.
- *
- * @param array $filename_array Should be a hash of handle => filename pairs.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
public function set_filenames(array $filename_array)
@@ -121,14 +118,7 @@ class phpbb_style_resource_locator implements phpbb_template_locator
- * Determines the filename for a template handle.
- *
- * The filename comes from array used in a set_filenames call,
- * which should have been performed prior to invoking this function.
- * Return value is a file basename (without path).
- *
- * @param $handle string Template handle
- * @return string Filename corresponding to the template handle
+ * {@inheritDoc}
public function get_filename_for_handle($handle)
@@ -140,24 +130,7 @@ class phpbb_style_resource_locator implements phpbb_template_locator
- * Determines the source file path for a template handle without
- * regard for styles tree.
- *
- * This function returns the path in "primary" style directory
- * corresponding to the given template handle. That path may or
- * may not actually exist on the filesystem. Because this function
- * does not perform stat calls to determine whether the path it
- * returns actually exists, it is faster than get_source_file_for_handle.
- *
- * Use get_source_file_for_handle to obtain the actual path that is
- * guaranteed to exist (which might come from the parent style
- * directory if primary style has parent styles).
- *
- * This function will trigger an error if the handle was never
- * associated with a template file via set_filenames.
- *
- * @param $handle string Template handle
- * @return string Path to source file path in primary style directory
+ * {@inheritDoc}
public function get_virtual_source_file_for_handle($handle)
@@ -172,23 +145,7 @@ class phpbb_style_resource_locator implements phpbb_template_locator
- * Determines the source file path for a template handle, accounting
- * for styles tree and verifying that the path exists.
- *
- * This function returns the actual path that may be compiled for
- * the specified template handle. It will trigger an error if
- * the template handle was never associated with a template path
- * via set_filenames or if the template file does not exist on the
- * filesystem.
- *
- * Use get_virtual_source_file_for_handle to just resolve a template
- * handle to a path without any filesystem or styles tree checks.
- *
- * @param string $handle Template handle (i.e. "friendly" template name)
- * @param bool $find_all If true, each root path will be checked and function
- * will return array of files instead of string and will not
- * trigger a error if template does not exist
- * @return string Source file path
+ * {@inheritDoc}
public function get_source_file_for_handle($handle, $find_all = false)
@@ -239,23 +196,7 @@ class phpbb_style_resource_locator implements phpbb_template_locator
- * Locates source file path, accounting for styles tree and verifying that
- * the path exists.
- *
- * Unlike previous functions, this function works without template handle
- * and it can search for more than one file. If more than one file name is
- * specified, it will return location of file that it finds first.
- *
- * @param array $files List of files to locate.
- * @param bool $return_default Determines what to return if file does not
- * exist. If true, function will return location where file is
- * supposed to be. If false, function will return false.
- * @param bool $return_full_path If true, function will return full path
- * to file. If false, function will return file name. This
- * parameter can be used to check which one of set of files
- * is available.
- * @return string or boolean Source file path if file exists or $return_default is
- * true. False if file does not exist and $return_default is false
+ * {@inheritDoc}
public function get_first_file_location($files, $return_default = false, $return_full_path = true)