path: root/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
diff options
authorMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2004-09-04 19:32:23 +0000
committerMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2004-09-04 19:32:23 +0000
commit57b188b7afa66b68ef75ee69bc06cd8f14b3fed1 (patch)
tree676d8f5348e2c790664127dd651774543bd9bf75 /phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
parent68d73caefcf084f5f523ee7a47b84112dedd4e21 (diff)
my turn to break the forum (and at least pm's are no longer working - will not last long). HARRRR
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@4978 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/includes/message_parser.php')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php b/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
index 0894d94614..1229055b9d 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
- need size limit checks on img/flash tags ... probably warrants some discussion
+if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
+ exit;
// case-insensitive strpos() - needed for some functions
if (!function_exists('stripos'))
@@ -32,183 +37,22 @@ if (!function_exists('stripos'))
-// Main message parser for posting, pm, etc. takes raw message
-// and parses it for attachments, html, bbcode and smilies
-class parse_message
+if (!class_exists('bbcode'))
- var $message = '';
- var $warn_msg = array();
- var $bbcodes = array();
- var $bbcode_uid = '';
- var $bbcode_bitfield = 0;
- var $attachment_data = array();
- var $filename_data = array();
- var $smilies = '';
- // Init - give message here or manually
- function parse_message($message = '')
- {
- // Init BBCode UID
- $this->bbcode_uid = substr(md5(time()), 0, BBCODE_UID_LEN);
- if ($message)
- {
- $this->message = $message;
- }
- }
- // Parse Message : public
- function parse($allow_html, $allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $allow_img_bbcode = true, $allow_flash_bbcode = true, $allow_quote_bbcode = true)
- {
- global $config, $db, $user;
- // Do some general 'cleanup' first before processing message,
- // e.g. remove excessive newlines(?), smilies(?)
- // Transform \r\n and \r into \n
- $match = array('#\r\n?#', '#sid=[a-z0-9]*?&amp;?#', "#([\n][\s]+){3,}#");
- $replace = array("\n", '', "\n\n");
- $this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, trim($this->message));
- // Message length check
- if (!strlen($this->message) || ($config['max_post_chars'] && strlen($this->message) > $config['max_post_chars']))
- {
- $this->warn_msg[] = (!strlen($this->message)) ? $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'] : $user->lang['TOO_MANY_CHARS'];
- return $this->warn_msg;
- }
- // Parse HTML
- if ($allow_html && $config['allow_html_tags'])
- {
- $this->html($config['allow_html_tags']);
- }
- // Parse BBCode
- if ($allow_bbcode && strpos($this->message, '[') !== false)
- {
- $this->bbcode_init();
- $disallow = array('img', 'flash', 'quote');
- foreach ($disallow as $bool)
- {
- if (!${'allow_' . $bool . '_bbcode'})
- {
- $this->bbcodes[$bool]['disabled'] = true;
- }
- }
- $this->bbcode();
- }
- // Parse Emoticons
- if ($allow_smilies)
- {
- $this->emoticons($config['max_post_smilies']);
- }
- // Parse URL's
- if ($allow_magic_url)
- {
- $this->magic_url((($config['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'), $config['server_name'], $config['server_port'], $config['script_path']);
- }
- return implode('<br />', $this->warn_msg);
- }
- // Parse HTML
- function html($allowed_tags)
- {
- // If $allow_html is true then "allowed_tags" are converted back from entity
- // form, others remain
- $allowed_tags = split(',', $allowed_tags);
- if (sizeof($allowed_tags))
- {
- $this->message = preg_replace('#&lt;(\/?)(' . str_replace('*', '.*?', implode('|', $allowed_tags)) . ')&gt;#is', '<$1$2>', $this->message);
- }
- }
- // Replace magic urls of form http://xxx.xxx., www.xxx. and xxx@xxx.xxx.
- // Cuts down displayed size of link if over 50 chars, turns absolute links
- // into relative versions when the server/script path matches the link
- function magic_url($server_protocol, $server_name, $server_port, $script_path)
- {
- $server_port = ($server_port <> 80 ) ? ':' . trim($server_port) . '/' : '/';
- $match = $replace = array();
- // Be sure to not let the matches cross over. ;)
- // relative urls for this board
- $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()(' . preg_quote($server_protocol . trim($server_name) . $server_port . preg_replace('/^\/?(.*?)(\/)?$/', '$1', trim($script_path)), '#') . ')/(.*?([^ \t\n\r<"\'\)]*)?)#i';
- $replace[] = '$1<!-- l --><a href="$2/$3" target="_blank">$3</a><!-- l -->';
- // matches a xxxx://aaaaa.bbb.cccc. ...
- $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()([\w]+?://.*?([^ \t\n\r<"\'\)]*)?)#ie';
- $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- m --><a href=\"\$2\" target=\"_blank\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr('\$2', 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- m -->'";
- // matches a "www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing
- $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()(www\.[\w\-]+\.[\w\-.\~]+(?:/[^ \t\n\r<"\'\)]*)?)#ie';
- $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- w --><a href=\"http://\$2\" target=\"_blank\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr(str_replace(' ', '%20', '\$2'), 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- w -->'";
- // matches an email@domain type address at the start of a line, or after a space.
- $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()([a-z0-9&\-_.]+?@[\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+)#ie';
- $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:\$2\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr('\$2', 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- e -->'";
- /* IMPORTANT NOTE (Developer inability to do advanced regular expressions) - Acyd Burn:
- Transforming &lt; (<) to <&amp;lt; in order to bypass the inability of preg_replace
- supporting multi-character sequences (POSIX - [..]). Since all message text is specialchared by
- default a match against < will always fail, since it is a &lt; sequence within the text.
- Replacing with <&amp;lt; and switching back thereafter produces no problems, because < will never show up with &amp;lt; in
- the same text (due to this specialcharing). The < is put in front of &amp;lt; to let the url break gracefully.
- I hope someone can lend me a hand here, telling me how to achive the wanted result without switching to ereg_replace.
- */
- $this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, str_replace('&lt;', '<&amp;lt;', $this->message));
- $this->message = str_replace('<&amp;lt;', '&lt;', $this->message);
- }
- // Parse Emoticons
- function emoticons($max_smilies = 0)
- {
- global $db, $user, $phpbb_root_path;
- // NOTE: obtain_* function? chaching the table contents?
- // For now setting the ttl to 10 minutes
- $sql = 'SELECT *
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 600);
- if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- {
- $match = $replace = array();
- do
- {
- // (assertion)
- $match[] = '#(?<=^|[\n ]|\.)' . preg_quote($row['code'], '#') . '#';
- $replace[] = '<!-- s' . $row['code'] . ' --><img src="{SMILE_PATH}/' . $row['smile_url'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $row['emoticon'] . '" title="' . $row['emoticon'] . '" /><!-- s' . $row['code'] . ' -->';
- }
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
- if ($max_smilies)
- {
- $num_matches = preg_match_all('#' . str_replace('#', '', implode('|', $match)) . '#', $this->message, $matches);
- unset($matches);
+ include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx);
- if ($num_matches !== false && $num_matches > $max_smilies)
- {
- $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_MANY_SMILIES'];
- return;
- }
- }
- $this->message = trim(preg_replace($match, $replace, $this->message));
- }
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
- }
+// BBCODE first pass class (functions for parsing messages for db storage)
+class bbcode_firstpass extends bbcode
+ var $message = '';
+ var $warn_msg = array();
// Parse BBCode
- function bbcode()
+ function parse_bbcode()
if (!$this->bbcodes)
@@ -288,6 +132,7 @@ class parse_message
$rowset[] = $row;
foreach ($rowset as $row)
$this->bbcodes[$row['bbcode_tag']] = array(
@@ -336,7 +181,7 @@ class parse_message
$code = substr($code, 0, -7);
- $code = preg_replace('#^[\r\n]*(.*?)[\n\r\s\t]*$#s', '$1', $code);
+// $code = preg_replace('#^[\r\n]*(.*?)[\n\r\s\t]*$#s', '$1', $code);
switch (strtolower($stx))
@@ -392,7 +237,7 @@ class parse_message
$str_from = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.');
$str_to = array('&lt;', '&gt;', '&#91;', '&#93;', '&#46;');
- $out .= '[code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . trim(str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $code)) . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
+ $out .= '[code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $code) . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
if (preg_match('#(.*?)\[code(?:=[a-z]+)?\](.+)#is', $in, $m))
@@ -576,7 +421,7 @@ class parse_message
array_push($close_tags, '/quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid);
- if ($m[1])
+ if (isset($m[1]) && $m[1])
$username = preg_replace('#\[(?!b|i|u|color|url|email|/b|/i|/u|/color|/url|/email)#iU', '&#91;$1', $m[1]);
$end_tags = array();
@@ -709,6 +554,271 @@ class parse_message
return '[url' . (($var1) ? '=' . stripslashes($var1) : '') . ']' . stripslashes($var2) . '[/url]';
+// Main message parser for posting, pm, etc. takes raw message
+// and parses it for attachments, html, bbcode and smilies
+class parse_message extends bbcode_firstpass
+ var $attachment_data = array();
+ var $filename_data = array();
+ // Helps ironing out user error
+ var $message_status = '';
+ var $allow_img_bbcode = true;
+ var $allow_flash_bbcode = true;
+ var $allow_quote_bbcode = true;
+ // Init - give message here or manually
+ function parse_message($message = '')
+ {
+ // Init BBCode UID
+ $this->bbcode_uid = substr(md5(time()), 0, BBCODE_UID_LEN);
+ if ($message)
+ {
+ $this->message = $message;
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse Message : public
+ function parse($allow_html, $allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $allow_img_bbcode = true, $allow_flash_bbcode = true, $allow_quote_bbcode = true, $update_this_message = true)
+ {
+ global $config, $db, $user;
+ $this->allow_img_bbcode = $allow_img_bbcode;
+ $this->allow_flash_bbcode = $allow_flash_bbcode;
+ $this->allow_quote_bbcode = $allow_quote_bbcode;
+ // If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed.
+ if (!$update_this_message)
+ {
+ $tmp_message = $this->message;
+ $return_message = &$this->message;
+ }
+ if ($this->message_status == 'display')
+ {
+ $this->decode_message();
+ }
+ // Do some general 'cleanup' first before processing message,
+ // e.g. remove excessive newlines(?), smilies(?)
+ // Transform \r\n and \r into \n
+ $match = array('#\r\n?#', '#sid=[a-z0-9]*?&amp;?#', "#([\n][\s]+){3,}#");
+ $replace = array("\n", '', "\n\n");
+ $this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, trim($this->message));
+ // Message length check
+ if (!strlen($this->message) || ($config['max_post_chars'] && strlen($this->message) > $config['max_post_chars']))
+ {
+ $this->warn_msg[] = (!strlen($this->message)) ? $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'] : $user->lang['TOO_MANY_CHARS'];
+ return $this->warn_msg;
+ }
+ // Parse HTML
+ if ($allow_html && $config['allow_html_tags'])
+ {
+ $this->html($config['allow_html_tags']);
+ }
+ // Parse BBCode
+ if ($allow_bbcode && strpos($this->message, '[') !== false)
+ {
+ $this->bbcode_init();
+ $disallow = array('img', 'flash', 'quote');
+ foreach ($disallow as $bool)
+ {
+ if (!${'allow_' . $bool . '_bbcode'})
+ {
+ $this->bbcodes[$bool]['disabled'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->parse_bbcode();
+ }
+ // Parse Emoticons
+ if ($allow_smilies)
+ {
+ $this->emoticons($config['max_post_smilies']);
+ }
+ // Parse URL's
+ if ($allow_magic_url)
+ {
+ $this->magic_url((($config['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'), $config['server_name'], $config['server_port'], $config['script_path']);
+ }
+ if (!$update_this_message)
+ {
+ unset($this->message);
+ $this->message = $tmp_message;
+ return $return_message;
+ }
+ $this->message_status = 'parsed';
+ return;
+ //return implode('<br />', $this->warn_msg);
+ }
+ // Formatting text for display
+ function format_display($allow_html, $allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $update_this_message = true)
+ {
+ // If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed.
+ if (!$update_this_message)
+ {
+ $tmp_message = $this->message;
+ $return_message = &$this->message;
+ }
+ if ($this->message_status == 'plain')
+ {
+ // Force updating message - of course.
+ $this->parse($allow_html, $allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $this->allow_img_bbcode, $this->allow_flash_bbcode, $this->allow_quote_bbcode, true);
+ }
+ // Parse BBcode
+ if ($allow_bbcode)
+ {
+ $this->bbcode_cache_init();
+ // We are giving those parameters to be able to use the bbcode class on its own
+ $this->bbcode_second_pass($this->message, $this->bbcode_uid);
+ }
+ $this->message = smilie_text($this->message, !$allow_smilies);
+ // Replace naughty words such as farty pants
+ $this->message = str_replace("\n", '<br />', censor_text($this->message));
+ if (!$update_this_message)
+ {
+ unset($this->message);
+ $this->message = $tmp_message;
+ return $return_message;
+ }
+ $this->message_status = 'display';
+ return;
+ }
+ // Decode message to be placed back into form box
+ function decode_message($custom_bbcode_uid = '', $update_this_message = true)
+ {
+ // If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed.
+ if (!$update_this_message)
+ {
+ $tmp_message = $this->message;
+ $return_message = &$this->message;
+ }
+ ($custom_bbcode_uid) ? decode_message($this->message, $custom_bbcode_uid) : decode_message($this->message, $this->bbcode_uid);
+ if (!$update_this_message)
+ {
+ unset($this->message);
+ $this->message = $tmp_message;
+ return $return_message;
+ }
+ $this->message_status = 'plain';
+ }
+ // Parse HTML
+ function html($allowed_tags)
+ {
+ // If $allow_html is true then "allowed_tags" are converted back from entity
+ // form, others remain
+ $allowed_tags = split(',', $allowed_tags);
+ if (sizeof($allowed_tags))
+ {
+ $this->message = preg_replace('#&lt;(\/?)(' . str_replace('*', '.*?', implode('|', $allowed_tags)) . ')&gt;#is', '<$1$2>', $this->message);
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace magic urls of form http://xxx.xxx., www.xxx. and xxx@xxx.xxx.
+ // Cuts down displayed size of link if over 50 chars, turns absolute links
+ // into relative versions when the server/script path matches the link
+ function magic_url($server_protocol, $server_name, $server_port, $script_path)
+ {
+ $server_port = ($server_port <> 80 ) ? ':' . trim($server_port) . '/' : '/';
+ $match = $replace = array();
+ // Be sure to not let the matches cross over. ;)
+ // relative urls for this board
+ $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()(' . preg_quote($server_protocol . trim($server_name) . $server_port . preg_replace('/^\/?(.*?)(\/)?$/', '$1', trim($script_path)), '#') . ')/(.*?([^ \t\n\r<"\'\)]*)?)#i';
+ $replace[] = '$1<!-- l --><a href="$2/$3" target="_blank">$3</a><!-- l -->';
+ // matches a xxxx://aaaaa.bbb.cccc. ...
+ $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()([\w]+?://.*?([^ \t\n\r<"\'\)]*)?)#ie';
+ $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- m --><a href=\"\$2\" target=\"_blank\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr('\$2', 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- m -->'";
+ // matches a "www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing
+ $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()(www\.[\w\-]+\.[\w\-.\~]+(?:/[^ \t\n\r<"\'\)]*)?)#ie';
+ $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- w --><a href=\"http://\$2\" target=\"_blank\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr(str_replace(' ', '%20', '\$2'), 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- w -->'";
+ // matches an email@domain type address at the start of a line, or after a space.
+ $match[] = '#(^|[\n ]|\()([a-z0-9&\-_.]+?@[\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+)#ie';
+ $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:\$2\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr('\$2', 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- e -->'";
+ /* IMPORTANT NOTE (Developer inability to do advanced regular expressions) - Acyd Burn:
+ Transforming &lt; (<) to <&amp;lt; in order to bypass the inability of preg_replace
+ supporting multi-character sequences (POSIX - [..]). Since all message text is specialchared by
+ default a match against < will always fail, since it is a &lt; sequence within the text.
+ Replacing with <&amp;lt; and switching back thereafter produces no problems, because < will never show up with &amp;lt; in
+ the same text (due to this specialcharing). The < is put in front of &amp;lt; to let the url break gracefully.
+ I hope someone can lend me a hand here, telling me how to achive the wanted result without switching to ereg_replace.
+ */
+ $this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, str_replace('&lt;', '<&amp;lt;', $this->message));
+ $this->message = str_replace('<&amp;lt;', '&lt;', $this->message);
+ }
+ // Parse Emoticons
+ function emoticons($max_smilies = 0)
+ {
+ global $db, $user, $phpbb_root_path;
+ // NOTE: obtain_* function? chaching the table contents?
+ // For now setting the ttl to 10 minutes
+ $sql = 'SELECT *
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 600);
+ if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $match = $replace = array();
+ do
+ {
+ // (assertion)
+ $match[] = '#(?<=^|[\n ]|\.)' . preg_quote($row['code'], '#') . '#';
+ $replace[] = '<!-- s' . $row['code'] . ' --><img src="{SMILE_PATH}/' . $row['smile_url'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $row['emoticon'] . '" title="' . $row['emoticon'] . '" /><!-- s' . $row['code'] . ' -->';
+ }
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
+ if ($max_smilies)
+ {
+ $num_matches = preg_match_all('#' . str_replace('#', '', implode('|', $match)) . '#', $this->message, $matches);
+ unset($matches);
+ if ($num_matches !== false && $num_matches > $max_smilies)
+ {
+ $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_MANY_SMILIES'];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->message = trim(preg_replace($match, $replace, $this->message));
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
// Parse Attachments
function parse_attachments($mode, $post_id, $submit, $preview, $refresh, $is_message = false)
@@ -889,6 +999,9 @@ class parse_message
global $auth, $forum_id, $user, $config;
+ // Need a second look at
+ return;
+ /*
// Process poll options
if ($poll_data['poll_option_text'] && (($auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id) && !$poll_data['poll_last_vote']) || $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id)))
@@ -902,6 +1015,7 @@ class parse_message
$poll_data['poll_option_text'] = $this->message;
$this->message = $message;
+ unset($message);
$poll['poll_options'] = explode("\n", trim($poll_data['poll_option_text']));
$poll['poll_options_size'] = sizeof($poll['poll_options']);
@@ -934,6 +1048,7 @@ class parse_message
$poll['poll_start'] = $poll_data['poll_start'];
$poll['poll_max_options'] = ($poll_data['poll_max_options'] < 1) ? 1 : (($poll_data['poll_max_options'] > $config['max_poll_options']) ? $config['max_poll_options'] : $poll_data['poll_max_options']);
+ */