path: root/phpBB/db
diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-11-20 22:30:48 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-11-20 22:30:48 +0000
commit303a5c9ed474a1c1d2d7d3f2118ec20a8669915a (patch)
tree89d5f25c5a5a0fcd1657dc44d73f7683b73c8dba /phpBB/db
parent215dff4ba8c01fc70c9e6c4589140734bbf7fd41 (diff)
Gone to the great hard disk in the sky ... either that or the schemas subdir
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@1394 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/db')
-rw-r--r--phpBB/db/ms_access_primer.zipbin107531 -> 0 bytes
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 3311 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/db/ms_access_primer.zip b/phpBB/db/ms_access_primer.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index db73c1377a..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/ms_access_primer.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/phpBB/db/mssql_basic.sql b/phpBB/db/mssql_basic.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b7db5c33f..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/mssql_basic.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- Basic DB data for phpBB2 devel (MSSQL)
- $Id$
- -- Config
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_disable','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('sitename','yourdomain.com');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('site_desc','A _little_ text to describe your forum');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_name','phpbb2mssql');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_path','/');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_domain','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_secure','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('session_length','900');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_html','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_html_tags','b,i,u,pre');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_bbcode','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_smilies','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_sig','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_namechange','0');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_avatar_remote','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_avatar_upload','1');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('topics_per_page','50');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_poll_options','10');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_sig_chars','255');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_inbox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_sentbox_privmsgs','25');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_savebox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email_sig','Thanks, The Management');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email','youraddress@yourdomain.com');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_host','');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('require_activation','0');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('avatar_max_height','80');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('avatar_gallery_path','images/avatars/gallery');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smilies_path','images/smiles');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_admin_style','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_dateformat','D M d, Y g:i a');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_timezone','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('prune_enable','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('gzip_compress','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('coppa_fax', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('coppa_mail', '');
- -- Categories
-SET IDENTITY_INSERT phpbb_categories ON;
-INSERT INTO phpbb_categories (cat_id, cat_title, cat_order) VALUES (1, 'Test category 1', 1);
-SET IDENTITY_INSERT phpbb_categories OFF;
- -- Forums
-INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (forum_id, cat_id, forum_name, forum_desc, forum_status, forum_order, forum_posts, forum_topics, forum_last_post_id, prune_next, prune_enable, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_pollcreate, auth_vote, auth_attachments) VALUES (1, 1, 'Test Forum 1', 'This is just a test forum, nothing special here.', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 1, '', '', '', '', 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3);
- -- Users
- Default Admin --> username: admin
- password: admin (change this or remove it once everything is working!)
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, user_active, username, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_level, user_posts, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_viewemail, user_attachsig, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allowsmile, user_allowavatar, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_regdate, user_rank, user_avatar, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_from, user_sig, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_occ, user_interests, user_actkey, user_newpasswd) VALUES (-1, '', 'Anonymous', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, user_active, username, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_level, user_posts, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_style, user_lang, user_viewemail, user_attachsig, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allowsmile, user_allowavatar, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_regdate, user_rank, user_avatar, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_from, user_sig, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_occ, user_interests, user_actkey, user_newpasswd) VALUES (2, 1, 'Admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', 1, 1, 0, 'd M Y h:i a', 1, '', 1, '', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 1, 0, 1, '', 'admin@yourdomain.com', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
- -- Ranks
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES (1, 'Site Admin', -1, -1, 1, '');
- -- Groups
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_type, group_name, group_description, group_moderator, group_single_user) VALUES (1, 1, 'Anonymous', 'Personal User', '', 1);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_type, group_name, group_description, group_moderator, group_single_user) VALUES (2, 1, 'Admin', 'Personal User', '', 1);
- -- User -> Group
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (1, -1, '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (2, 2, '');
- -- Demo Topic
-INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_id, forum_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, topic_replies, topic_status, topic_type, topic_vote, topic_last_post_id, topic_moved_id) VALUES (1, 1, 'Welcome to phpBB 2', 2, 972086460, '', '', '', '', '', 1, '');
- -- Demo Post
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip, post_username, enable_bbcode, enable_html, enable_smilies, enable_sig, bbcode_uid, post_edit_time, post_edit_count) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 2, 972086460, '7F000001', '', 1, '', 1, '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts_text (post_id, post_subject, post_text) VALUES (1, '', 'This is an example post in your phpBB 2 installation. You may delete this post, this topic and even this forum if you like since everything seems to be working!');
- -- Themes
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, template_name, style_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (1,'subSilver','subSilver','','','E5E5E5','000000','006699','5584AA','FF9933','EDF2F2','EFEFEF','DEE3E7','c2cdd6','','','','CBD3D9','BCBCBC','1B7CAD','','','','AEBDC4','006699','FFFFFF','row1','row2','','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier','','','','004c75','004c75','004c75','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (2,'PSO [ Wheat ] ','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','002266','004411','','','','','','','','','001100','E5CCA5','D4A294','','','','EBE4D9','DAD1C4','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (3,'PSO [ Ocean ]','PSO','','','DFF5FF','000000','011001','2100cc','','','','','','','','','000000','A7C1CB','7897A8','','','','83D7CC','A0CCE0','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (4,'PSO [ Blue ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','417FB9','4E6172','0000AA','','','','','','','','000000','90BAE2','5195D4','','','','cde3f2','daedFd','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (5,'PSO [ Cool Midnight ]','PSO', '','','444444','ECECEC','EDF2F2','DDEDED','FFFFFF','EDF2F2','','','','','','','000000','80707F','66555F','','','','60707D','667A80','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',NULL,NULL,NULL,'ECECEC','ECECEC','ECECEC','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (6,'PSO [ Pastel Purple ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','445588','337744','','','','','','','','','CCCCDD','CCCCDD','DDDDEE','','','','EFEFEF','FEFEFE','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',1,2,3,'','','0000EE','','','');
- -- Smilies
-SET IDENTITY_INSERT phpbb_smilies ON;
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '1', ':D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '2', ':-D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '3', ':grin:', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '4', ':)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '5', ':-)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '6', ':smile:', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '7', ':(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '8', ':-(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '9', ':sad:', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '10', ':o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '11', ':-o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '12', ':eek:', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '13', ':?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '14', ':-?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '15', ':???:', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '16', '8)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '17', '8-)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '18', ':cool:', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '19', ':lol:', 'icon_lol.gif', 'Laughing');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '20', ':x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '21', ':-x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '22', ':mad:', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '23', ':P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '24', ':-P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '25', ':razz:', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '26', ':oops:', 'icon_redface.gif', 'Embarassed');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '27', ':cry:', 'icon_cry.gif', 'Crying or Very sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '28', ':evil:', 'icon_evil.gif', 'Evil or Very Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '29', ':twisted:', 'icon_twisted.gif', 'Twisted Evil');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '30', ':roll:', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'Rolling Eyes');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '31', ':wink:', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '32', ';)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '33', ';-)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '34', ':!:', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'Exclamation');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '35', ':?:', 'icon_question.gif', 'Question');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '36', ':idea:', 'icon_idea.gif', 'Idea');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '37', ':arrow:', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'Arrow');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '38', ':|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '39', ':-|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '40', ':neutral:', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '41', ':mrgreen:', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'Mr. Green');
diff --git a/phpBB/db/mssql_schema.sql b/phpBB/db/mssql_schema.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cc34abcdb..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/mssql_schema.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,775 +0,0 @@
- mssql_schema.sql for phpBB2 (c) 2001, phpBB Group
- $Id$
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_user_group_phpbb_groups]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_user_group] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_user_group_phpbb_groups
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_posts_text_phpbb_posts]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_posts_text] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_posts_text_phpbb_posts
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_privmsgs_text_phpbb_privmsgs]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_privmsgs_text] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_privmsgs_text_phpbb_privmsgs
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_themes_name_phpbb_themes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_themes_name] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_themes_name_phpbb_themes
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_topics_watch_phpbb_topics]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_topics_watch] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_topics_watch_phpbb_topics
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_topics_watch_phpbb_users]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_topics_watch] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_topics_watch_phpbb_users
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[FK_phpbb_user_group_phpbb_users]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_user_group] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_phpbb_user_group_phpbb_users
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_auth_access]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_auth_access]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_banlist]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_banlist]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_categories]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_categories]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_config]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_config]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_disallow]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_disallow]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_forum_prune]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_forum_prune]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_forums]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_forums]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_groups]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_groups]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_posts]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_posts]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_posts_text]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_posts_text]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_privmsgs]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_privmsgs]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_privmsgs_text]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_privmsgs_text]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_ranks]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_ranks]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_session]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_session]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_smilies]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_smilies]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_themes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_themes]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_themes_name]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_themes_name]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_topics]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_topics]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_topics_watch]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_topics_watch]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_user_group]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_user_group]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_users]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_users]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_vote_desc]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_vote_desc]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_vote_results]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_vote_results]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_vote_voters]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_vote_voters]
-if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[phpbb_words]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
-drop table [phpbb_words]
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_auth_access] (
- [group_id] [int] NULL ,
- [forum_id] [int] NULL ,
- [auth_view] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_read] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_post] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_reply] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_edit] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_delete] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_sticky] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_announce] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_vote] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_pollcreate] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_attachments] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_mod] [smallint] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_banlist] (
- [ban_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [ban_userid] [int] NULL ,
- [ban_ip] [char] (8) NULL ,
- [ban_email] [varchar] (50) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_categories] (
- [cat_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [cat_title] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [cat_order] [int] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_config] (
- [config_name] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
- [config_value] [varchar] (255) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_disallow] (
- [disallow_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [disallow_username] [varchar] (100) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_forum_prune] (
- [prune_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [forum_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [prune_days] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [prune_freq] [int] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_forums] (
- [forum_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [cat_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [forum_name] [varchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [forum_desc] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
- [forum_status] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [forum_order] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [forum_posts] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [forum_topics] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [forum_last_post_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [prune_next] [int] NULL ,
- [prune_enable] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_view] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_read] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_post] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_reply] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_edit] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_delete] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_sticky] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_announce] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_vote] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_pollcreate] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [auth_attachments] [smallint] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_groups] (
- [group_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [group_type] [smallint] NULL ,
- [group_name] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [group_description] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
- [group_moderator] [int] NULL ,
- [group_single_user] [smallint] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_posts] (
- [post_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [topic_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [forum_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [poster_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [post_time] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [poster_ip] [char] (8) NULL ,
- [post_username] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [enable_bbcode] [smallint] NULL ,
- [enable_html] [smallint] NULL ,
- [enable_smilies] [smallint] NULL ,
- [enable_sig] [smallint] NULL ,
- [bbcode_uid] [char] (10) NULL ,
- [post_edit_time] [int] NULL ,
- [post_edit_count] [smallint] NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_posts_text] (
- [post_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [post_subject] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
- [post_text] [text] NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_privmsgs] (
- [privmsgs_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_type] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_subject] [varchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_from_userid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_to_userid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_date] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_ip] [char] (8) NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_enable_bbcode] [smallint] NULL ,
- [privmsgs_enable_html] [smallint] NULL ,
- [privmsgs_enable_smilies] [smallint] NULL ,
- [privmsgs_attach_sig] [smallint] NULL ,
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_privmsgs_text] (
- [privmsgs_text_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [privmsgs_bbcode_uid] [char] (10) NULL
- [privmsgs_text] [text] NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_ranks] (
- [rank_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [rank_title] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [rank_min] [int] NULL ,
- [rank_max] [int] NULL ,
- [rank_special] [smallint] NULL ,
- [rank_image] [varchar] (50) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_session] (
- [session_id] [char] (32) NOT NULL ,
- [session_user_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [session_start] [int] NULL ,
- [session_time] [int] NULL ,
- [session_last_visit] [int] NULL ,
- [session_ip] [char] (8) NOT NULL ,
- [session_page] [int] NULL ,
- [session_logged_in] [smallint] NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_smilies] (
- [smilies_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [code] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
- [smile_url] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [emoticon] [varchar] (50) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_themes] (
- [themes_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [style_name] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [head_stylesheet] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [body_background] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [body_bgcolor] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [body_text] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [body_link] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [body_vlink] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [body_alink] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [body_hlink] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [tr_color1] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [tr_color2] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [tr_color3] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [tr_class1] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_class2] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_class3] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_color1] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [th_color2] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [th_color3] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [th_class1] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_class2] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_class3] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_color1] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [td_color2] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [td_color3] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [td_class1] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_class2] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_class3] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontface1] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [fontface2] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [fontface3] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [fontsize1] [smallint] NULL ,
- [fontsize2] [smallint] NULL ,
- [fontsize3] [smallint] NULL ,
- [fontcolor1] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [fontcolor2] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [fontcolor3] [char] (6) NULL ,
- [span_class1] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [span_class2] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [span_class3] [varchar] (25) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_themes_name] (
- [themes_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [tr_color1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_color2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_color3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_class1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_class2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [tr_class3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_color1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_color2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_color3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_class1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_class2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [th_class3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_color1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_color2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_color3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_class1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_class2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [td_class3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontface1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontface2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontface3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontsize1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontsize2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontsize3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontcolor1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontcolor2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [fontcolor3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [span_class1_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [span_class2_name] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [span_class3_name] [varchar] (25) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_topics] (
- [topic_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [forum_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_title] [varchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [topic_poster] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_time] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_views] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_replies] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_status] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_type] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_vote] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [topic_last_post_id] [int] NULL ,
- [topic_moved_id] [int] NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_topics_watch] (
- [topic_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [notify_status] [smallint] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_user_group] (
- [group_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_pending] [smallint] NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_users] (
- [user_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_active] [smallint] NULL ,
- [username] [varchar] (40) NOT NULL ,
- [user_password] [char] (32) NULL ,
- [user_autologin_key] [char] (32) NULL ,
- [user_level] [smallint] NULL ,
- [user_posts] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_timezone] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_dateformat] [varchar] (15) NOT NULL ,
- [user_style] [int] NULL ,
- [user_lang] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [user_viewemail] [smallint] NULL ,
- [user_attachsig] [smallint] NULL ,
- [user_allowhtml] [smallint] NULL ,
- [user_allowbbcode] [smallint] NULL ,
- [user_allowsmile] [smallint] NULL ,
- [user_allowavatar] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [user_allow_pm] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [user_allow_viewonline] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [user_notify] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [user_notify_pm] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [user_regdate] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [user_rank] [int] NULL ,
- [user_avatar] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
- [user_avatar_type] [smallint] NOT NULL,
- [user_email] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
- [user_icq] [varchar] (15) NULL ,
- [user_website] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [user_from] [varchar] (200) NULL ,
- [user_sig] [text] NULL ,
- [user_sig_bbcode_uid] [char] (10) NULL,
- [user_aim] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [user_yim] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [user_msnm] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
- [user_occ] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
- [user_interests] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
- [user_actkey] [char] (32) NULL ,
- [user_newpasswd] [char] (32) NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_vote_desc] (
- [vote_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [topic_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [vote_text] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
- [vote_start] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [vote_length] [int] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_vote_results] (
- [vote_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [vote_option_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [vote_option_text] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
- [vote_result] [int] NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_vote_voters] (
- [vote_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [vote_user_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [vote_user_ip] [char] (8) NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE [phpbb_words] (
- [word_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [word] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
- [replacement] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL
- (
- [ban_id]
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_categories] WITH NOCHECK ADD
- (
- [cat_id]
- (
- [disallow_id]
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_forum_prune] WITH NOCHECK ADD
- (
- [prune_id]
- (
- [forum_id]
- (
- [group_id]
- (
- [post_id]
- (
- [privmsgs_id]
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_privmsgs_text] WITH NOCHECK ADD
- (
- [privmsgs_text_id]
- (
- [rank_id]
- (
- [smilies_id]
- (
- [themes_id]
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_themes_name] WITH NOCHECK ADD
- (
- [themes_id]
- (
- [topic_id]
- (
- [user_id]
- (
- [vote_id]
- (
- [word_id]
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_auth_access] WITH NOCHECK ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_view] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_view],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_read] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_read],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_post] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_post],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_reply] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_reply],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_edit] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_edit],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_delete] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_delete],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_sticky] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_sticky],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_announce] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_announce],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_vote] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_vote],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_pollcreate] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_pollcreate],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_attachments] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_attachments],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_auth_access_auth_mod] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_mod]
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_forum_posts] DEFAULT (0) FOR [forum_posts],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_forum_topics] DEFAULT (0) FOR [forum_topics],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_forum_last_post_id] DEFAULT (0) FOR [forum_last_post_id],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_prune_enable] DEFAULT (0) FOR [prune_enable],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_view] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_view],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_read] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_read],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_post] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_post],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_reply] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_reply],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_edit] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_edit],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_delete] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_delete],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_sticky] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_sticky],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_announce] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_announce],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_vote] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_vote],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_pollcreate] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_pollcreate],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_forums_auth_attachments] DEFAULT (0) FOR [auth_attachments]
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_topics_topic_views] DEFAULT (0) FOR [topic_views],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_topics_topic_replies] DEFAULT (0) FOR [topic_replies],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_topics_topic_status] DEFAULT (0) FOR [topic_status],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_topics_topic_type] DEFAULT (0) FOR [topic_type],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_topics_topic_vote] DEFAULT (0) FOR [topic_vote]
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_posts] DEFAULT (0) FOR [user_posts],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_viewemail] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_viewemail],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_attachsig] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_attachsig],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_allowhtml] DEFAULT (0) FOR [user_allowhtml],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_allowbbcode] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_allowbbcode],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_allowsmile] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_allowsmile],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_allowavatar] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_allowavatar],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_allow_pm] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_allow_pm],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_allow_viewonline] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_allow_viewonline],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_notify] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_notify],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_notify_pm] DEFAULT (1) FOR [user_notify_pm],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_phpbb_users_user_avatar_type] DEFAULT (0) FOR [user_avatar_type]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_auth_access] ON [phpbb_auth_access]([group_id], [forum_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_banlist] ON [phpbb_banlist]([ban_userid], [ban_ip]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_categories] ON [phpbb_categories]([cat_order]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_forum_prune] ON [phpbb_forum_prune]([forum_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_forums] ON [phpbb_forums]([cat_id], [forum_order], [forum_last_post_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_groups] ON [phpbb_groups]([group_single_user]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_posts] ON [phpbb_posts]([topic_id], [forum_id], [poster_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_posts_text] ON [phpbb_posts_text]([post_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_privmsgs] ON [phpbb_privmsgs]([privmsgs_from_userid], [privmsgs_to_userid]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_ranks] ON [phpbb_ranks]([rank_min], [rank_max], [rank_special]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_session] ON [phpbb_session]([session_id], [session_user_id], [session_ip], [session_logged_in]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_topics] ON [phpbb_topics]([forum_id], [topic_type], [topic_last_post_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_topics_watch] ON [phpbb_topics_watch]([topic_id], [user_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_user_group] ON [phpbb_user_group]([group_id], [user_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_users] ON [phpbb_users]([user_level]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_vote_desc] ON [phpbb_vote_desc]([topic_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_vote_results] ON [phpbb_vote_results]([vote_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_vote_results_1] ON [phpbb_vote_results]([vote_option_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_vote_voters] ON [phpbb_vote_voters]([vote_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
- CREATE INDEX [IX_phpbb_vote_voters_1] ON [phpbb_vote_voters]([vote_user_id]) ON [PRIMARY]
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_posts_text] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_posts_text_phpbb_posts] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [post_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_posts] (
- [post_id]
- )
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_privmsgs_text] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_privmsgs_text_phpbb_privmsgs] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [privmsgs_text_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_privmsgs] (
- [privmsgs_id]
- )
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_themes_name] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_themes_name_phpbb_themes] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [themes_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_themes] (
- [themes_id]
- )
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_topics_watch] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_topics_watch_phpbb_topics] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [topic_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_topics] (
- [topic_id]
- ),
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_topics_watch_phpbb_users] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [user_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_users] (
- [user_id]
- )
-ALTER TABLE [phpbb_user_group] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_user_group_phpbb_groups] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [group_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_groups] (
- [group_id]
- ),
- CONSTRAINT [FK_phpbb_user_group_phpbb_users] FOREIGN KEY
- (
- [user_id]
- ) REFERENCES [phpbb_users] (
- [user_id]
- )
diff --git a/phpBB/db/mysql_basic.sql b/phpBB/db/mysql_basic.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b229bcd8..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/mysql_basic.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# Basic DB data for phpBB2 devel
-# $Id$
-# -- Config
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('config_id','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_disable','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('sitename','yourdomain.com');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('site_desc','A _little_ text to describe your forum');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_name','phpbb2mysql');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_path','/');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_domain','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_secure','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('session_length','900');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_html','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_html_tags','b,i,u,pre');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_bbcode','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_smilies','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_sig','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_namechange','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_theme_create','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_avatar_local','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_avatar_remote','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_avatar_upload','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('override_user_style','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('posts_per_page','15');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('topics_per_page','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('hot_threshold','25');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_poll_options','10');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_sig_chars','255');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_inbox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_sentbox_privmsgs','25');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_savebox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email_sig','Thanks, The Management');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email','youraddress@yourdomain.com');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_delivery','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_host','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_username','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_password','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('require_activation','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('flood_interval','15');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email_form','0');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('avatar_path','images/avatars');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('avatar_gallery_path','images/avatars/gallery');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smilies_path','images/smiles');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_style','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_admin_style','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_dateformat','D M d, Y g:i a');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_timezone','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('prune_enable','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('privmsg_disable','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('gzip_compress','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('coppa_fax', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('coppa_mail', '');
-# -- Categories
-INSERT INTO phpbb_categories (cat_id, cat_title, cat_order) VALUES (1, 'Test category 1', 1);
-# -- Forums
-INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (forum_id, forum_name, forum_desc, cat_id, forum_order, forum_posts, forum_topics, forum_last_post_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_pollcreate, auth_vote, auth_attachments) VALUES (1, 'Test Forum 1', 'This is just a test forum.', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3);
-# -- Users
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_style, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active) VALUES ( '-1', 'Anonymous', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0');
-# username: admin password: admin (change this or remove it once everything is working!)
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_style, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active) VALUES ( '2', 'Admin', '1', '', '', '', 'admin@yourdomain.com', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1', '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '', '', '0', 'd M Y h:i a', '', '', '0', '1');
-# -- Ranks
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '1', 'Site Admin', '-1', '-1', '1', '');
-# -- Groups
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (1, 'Anonymous', 'Personal User', 1);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 'Personal User', 1);
-# -- User -> Group
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (1, -1, 0);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (2, 2, 0);
-# -- Demo Topic
-INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, topic_replies, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, topic_vote, topic_last_post_id) VALUES (1, 'Welcome to phpBB 2', 2, '972086460', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
-# -- Demo Post
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, post_username, poster_ip) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 2, '972086460', '', '7F000001');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts_text (post_id, post_subject, post_text) VALUES (1, '', 'This is an example post in your phpBB 2 installation. You may delete this post, this topic and even this forum if you like since everything seems to be working!');
-# -- Themes
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, template_name, style_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (1,'subSilver','subSilver','','','E5E5E5','000000','006699','5584AA','FF9933','EDF2F2','EFEFEF','DEE3E7','c2cdd6','','','','CBD3D9','BCBCBC','1B7CAD','','','','AEBDC4','006699','FFFFFF','row1','row2','','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier','','','','004c75','004c75','004c75','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (2,'PSO [ Wheat ] ','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','002266','004411','','','','','','','','','001100','E5CCA5','D4A294','','','','EBE4D9','DAD1C4','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (3,'PSO [ Ocean ]','PSO','','','DFF5FF','000000','011001','2100cc','','','','','','','','','000000','A7C1CB','7897A8','','','','83D7CC','A0CCE0','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (4,'PSO [ Blue ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','417FB9','4E6172','0000AA','','','','','','','','000000','90BAE2','5195D4','','','','cde3f2','daedFd','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (5,'PSO [ Cool Midnight ]','PSO', '','','444444','ECECEC','EDF2F2','DDEDED','FFFFFF','EDF2F2','','','','','','','000000','80707F','66555F','','','','60707D','667A80','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',NULL,NULL,NULL,'ECECEC','ECECEC','ECECEC','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (6,'PSO [ Pastel Purple ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','445588','337744','','','','','','','','','CCCCDD','CCCCDD','DDDDEE','','','','EFEFEF','FEFEFE','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',1,2,3,'','','0000EE','','','');
-# -- Smilies
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '1', ':D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '2', ':-D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '3', ':grin:', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '4', ':)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '5', ':-)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '6', ':smile:', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '7', ':(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '8', ':-(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '9', ':sad:', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '10', ':o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '11', ':-o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '12', ':eek:', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '13', ':?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '14', ':-?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '15', ':???:', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '16', '8)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '17', '8-)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '18', ':cool:', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '19', ':lol:', 'icon_lol.gif', 'Laughing');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '20', ':x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '21', ':-x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '22', ':mad:', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '23', ':P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '24', ':-P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '25', ':razz:', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '26', ':oops:', 'icon_redface.gif', 'Embarassed');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '27', ':cry:', 'icon_cry.gif', 'Crying or Very sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '28', ':evil:', 'icon_evil.gif', 'Evil or Very Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '29', ':twisted:', 'icon_twisted.gif', 'Twisted Evil');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '30', ':roll:', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'Rolling Eyes');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '31', ':wink:', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '32', ';)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '33', ';-)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '34', ':!:', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'Exclamation');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '35', ':?:', 'icon_question.gif', 'Question');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '36', ':idea:', 'icon_idea.gif', 'Idea');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '37', ':arrow:', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'Arrow');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '38', ':|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '39', ':-|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '40', ':neutral:', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '41', ':mrgreen:', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'Mr. Green');
diff --git a/phpBB/db/mysql_schema.sql b/phpBB/db/mysql_schema.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c417f2451..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/mysql_schema.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-# phpBB2 - MySQL schema
-# $Id$
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_auth_access'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_auth_access;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_auth_access (
- group_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_view tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_read tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_post tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_reply tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_edit tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_delete tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_sticky tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_announce tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_vote tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_pollcreate tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_attachments tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_mod tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- KEY group_id (group_id),
- KEY forum_id (forum_id)
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_user_group'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_user_group;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_user_group (
- group_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_pending tinyint(1),
- KEY group_id (group_id),
- KEY user_id (user_id)
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_groups'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_groups;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_groups (
- group_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- group_type tinyint(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- group_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
- group_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- group_moderator int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- group_single_user tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (group_id),
- KEY group_single_user (group_single_user)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_banlist'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_banlist;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_banlist (
- ban_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- ban_userid int(11) NOT NULL,
- ban_ip char(8) NOT NULL,
- ban_email varchar(255),
- PRIMARY KEY (ban_id),
- KEY ban_ip_user_id (ban_ip, ban_userid)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_categories'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_categories;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_categories (
- cat_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- cat_title varchar(100),
- cat_order mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (cat_id),
- KEY cat_order (cat_order)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_config'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_config;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_config (
- config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (config_name)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_disallow'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_disallow;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_disallow (
- disallow_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- disallow_username varchar(25),
- PRIMARY KEY (disallow_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_forum_prune'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_forum_prune;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_forum_prune (
- prune_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
- prune_days tinyint(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
- prune_freq tinyint(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY(prune_id),
- KEY forum_id (forum_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_forums'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_forums;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_forums (
- forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- cat_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
- forum_name varchar(150),
- forum_desc text,
- forum_status tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_order mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- forum_posts mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_topics mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_last_post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- prune_next int(11),
- prune_enable tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- auth_view tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_read tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_post tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_reply tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_edit tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_delete tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_sticky tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_announce tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_vote tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_pollcreate tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_attachments tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (forum_id),
- KEY forums_order (forum_order),
- KEY cat_id (cat_id),
- KEY forum_last_post_id (forum_last_post_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_posts'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_posts;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts (
- post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- poster_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_time int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- poster_ip char(8) NOT NULL,
- post_username varchar(30),
- enable_bbcode tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- enable_html tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- enable_smilies tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- enable_sig tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- bbcode_uid char(10) NOT NULL,
- post_edit_time int(11),
- post_edit_count smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (post_id),
- KEY forum_id (forum_id),
- KEY topic_id (topic_id),
- KEY poster_id (poster_id),
- KEY post_time (post_time)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_posts_text'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_posts_text;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts_text (
- post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_subject varchar(255),
- post_text text,
- PRIMARY KEY (post_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_privmsgs'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_privmsgs;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs (
- privmsgs_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- privmsgs_type tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_from_userid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_to_userid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_date int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_ip char(8) NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_bbcode tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_html tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_smilies tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_attach_sig tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_id),
- KEY privmsgs_from_userid (privmsgs_from_userid),
- KEY privmsgs_to_userid (privmsgs_to_userid)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_privmsgs_text'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_privmsgs_text;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs_text (
- privmsgs_text_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_bbcode_uid char(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_text text,
- PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_text_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_ranks'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_ranks;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_ranks (
- rank_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- rank_title varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- rank_min mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rank_max mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rank_special tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
- rank_image varchar(255),
- PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table `phpbb_search_results`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_search_results;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_search_results (
- search_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
- session_id char(32) NOT NULL default '',
- search_array text NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (search_id),
- KEY session_id (session_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table `phpbb_search_wordlist`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_search_wordlist;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_search_wordlist (
- word_text varchar(50) binary NOT NULL default '',
- word_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- word_common tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (word_text),
- KEY word_id (word_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table `phpbb_search_wordmatch`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_search_wordmatch;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_search_wordmatch (
- post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
- word_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
- title_match tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
- KEY word_id (word_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_sessions'
-# Note that if you're running 3.23.x you may want to make
-# this table a type HEAP. This type of table is stored
-# within system memory and therefore for big busy boards
-# is likely to be noticeably faster than continually
-# writing to disk ...
-# I must admit I read about this type on vB's board.
-# Hey, I never said you cannot get basic ideas from
-# competing boards, just that I find it's best not to
-# look at any code ... !
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_sessions;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_sessions (
- session_id char(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- session_user_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_start int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_time int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_last_visit int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_ip char(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_page int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_logged_in tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (session_id),
- KEY session_user_id (session_user_id),
- KEY session_id_ip_user_id (session_id, session_ip, session_user_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_smilies'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_smilies;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_smilies (
- smilies_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- code varchar(50),
- smile_url varchar(100),
- emoticon varchar(75),
- PRIMARY KEY (smilies_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_themes'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_themes;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes (
- themes_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- template_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
- style_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
- head_stylesheet varchar(100) default NULL,
- body_background varchar(100) default NULL,
- body_bgcolor varchar(6) default NULL,
- body_text varchar(6) default NULL,
- body_link varchar(6) default NULL,
- body_vlink varchar(6) default NULL,
- body_alink varchar(6) default NULL,
- body_hlink varchar(6) default NULL,
- tr_color1 varchar(6) default NULL,
- tr_color2 varchar(6) default NULL,
- tr_color3 varchar(6) default NULL,
- tr_class1 varchar(25) default NULL,
- tr_class2 varchar(25) default NULL,
- tr_class3 varchar(25) default NULL,
- th_color1 varchar(6) default NULL,
- th_color2 varchar(6) default NULL,
- th_color3 varchar(6) default NULL,
- th_class1 varchar(25) default NULL,
- th_class2 varchar(25) default NULL,
- th_class3 varchar(25) default NULL,
- td_color1 varchar(6) default NULL,
- td_color2 varchar(6) default NULL,
- td_color3 varchar(6) default NULL,
- td_class1 varchar(25) default NULL,
- td_class2 varchar(25) default NULL,
- td_class3 varchar(25) default NULL,
- fontface1 varchar(50) default NULL,
- fontface2 varchar(50) default NULL,
- fontface3 varchar(50) default NULL,
- fontsize1 tinyint(4) default NULL,
- fontsize2 tinyint(4) default NULL,
- fontsize3 tinyint(4) default NULL,
- fontcolor1 varchar(6) default NULL,
- fontcolor2 varchar(6) default NULL,
- fontcolor3 varchar(6) default NULL,
- span_class1 varchar(25) default NULL,
- span_class2 varchar(25) default NULL,
- span_class3 varchar(25) default NULL,
- img_size_poll smallint(5) UNSIGNED,
- img_size_privmsg smallint(5) UNSIGNED,
- PRIMARY KEY (themes_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_themes_name'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_themes_name;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes_name (
- themes_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- tr_color1_name char(50),
- tr_color2_name char(50),
- tr_color3_name char(50),
- tr_class1_name char(50),
- tr_class2_name char(50),
- tr_class3_name char(50),
- th_color1_name char(50),
- th_color2_name char(50),
- th_color3_name char(50),
- th_class1_name char(50),
- th_class2_name char(50),
- th_class3_name char(50),
- td_color1_name char(50),
- td_color2_name char(50),
- td_color3_name char(50),
- td_class1_name char(50),
- td_class2_name char(50),
- td_class3_name char(50),
- fontface1_name char(50),
- fontface2_name char(50),
- fontface3_name char(50),
- fontsize1_name char(50),
- fontsize2_name char(50),
- fontsize3_name char(50),
- fontcolor1_name char(50),
- fontcolor2_name char(50),
- fontcolor3_name char(50),
- span_class1_name char(50),
- span_class2_name char(50),
- span_class3_name char(50),
- PRIMARY KEY (themes_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_topics'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_topics;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics (
- topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_title char(100) NOT NULL,
- topic_poster int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_time int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_views mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_replies mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_status tinyint(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_vote tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_type tinyint(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_last_post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_moved_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED,
- PRIMARY KEY (topic_id),
- KEY forum_id (forum_id),
- KEY topic_moved_id (topic_moved_id),
- KEY topic_status (topic_status)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_topics_watch'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_topics_watch;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics_watch (
- topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- user_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- notify_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
- KEY topic_id (topic_id),
- KEY user_id (user_id),
- KEY notify_status (notify_status)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_users'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_users;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_users (
- user_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- user_active tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
- username varchar(25) NOT NULL,
- user_password varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- user_autologin_key varchar(32),
- user_regdate int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_level tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0',
- user_posts mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_timezone tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_style tinyint(4),
- user_lang varchar(255),
- user_dateformat varchar(14) DEFAULT 'd M Y H:i' NOT NULL,
- user_lastvisit int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_new_privmsg smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_unread_privmsg smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_last_privmsg int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_emailtime int(11),
- user_viewemail tinyint(1),
- user_attachsig tinyint(1),
- user_allowhtml tinyint(1),
- user_allowbbcode tinyint(1),
- user_allowsmile tinyint(1),
- user_allowavatar tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_allow_pm tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_allow_viewonline tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_notify tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_notify_pm tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_popup_pm tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_rank int(11) DEFAULT '0',
- user_avatar varchar(100),
- user_avatar_type tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_email varchar(255),
- user_icq varchar(15),
- user_website varchar(100),
- user_from varchar(100),
- user_sig text,
- user_sig_bbcode_uid char(10),
- user_aim varchar(255),
- user_yim varchar(255),
- user_msnm varchar(255),
- user_occ varchar(100),
- user_interests varchar(255),
- user_actkey varchar(32),
- user_newpasswd varchar(32),
- PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_vote_desc'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_vote_desc;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_desc (
- vote_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_text text NOT NULL,
- vote_start int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_length int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (vote_id),
- KEY topic_id (topic_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_vote_results'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_vote_results;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_results (
- vote_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_option_id tinyint(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_option_text varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- vote_result int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- KEY vote_option_id (vote_option_id),
- KEY vote_id (vote_id)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_vote_voters'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_vote_voters;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_voters (
- vote_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_user_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_user_ip char(8) NOT NULL,
- KEY vote_id (vote_id),
- KEY vote_user_id (vote_user_id),
- KEY vote_user_ip (vote_user_ip)
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Table structure for table 'phpbb_words'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_words;
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_words (
- word_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
- word char(100) NOT NULL,
- replacement char(100) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (word_id)
diff --git a/phpBB/db/oracle_basic.sql b/phpBB/db/oracle_basic.sql
deleted file mode 100755
index bc951a6297..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/oracle_basic.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-* Basic DB data for phpBB2 devel
-* $Id$
--- Config
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('board_disable','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('board_startdate','994190324');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('sitename','yourdomain.com');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('cookie_name','phpbb2oracle');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('cookie_path','/');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('cookie_domain','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('cookie_secure','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('session_length','900');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_html','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_html_tags','b,i,u,pre');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_bbcode','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_smilies','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_sig','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_namechange','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_theme_create','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_avatar_local','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_avatar_remote','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('allow_avatar_upload','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('override_user_style','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('posts_per_page','15');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('topics_per_page','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('hot_threshold','25');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('max_poll_options','10');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('max_sig_chars','255');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('max_inbox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('max_sentbox_privmsgs','25');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('max_savebox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('board_email_sig','Thanks, The Management');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('board_email','youraddress@yourdomain.com');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('smtp_delivery','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('smtp_host','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('require_activation','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('require_admin_activation','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('flood_interval','15');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('avatar_filesize','6144');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('avatar_max_width','80');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('avatar_max_height','80');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('avatar_path','images/avatars');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('smilies_path','images/smiles');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('default_style','8');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('default_admin_style','2');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('default_lang','english');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('default_dateformat','D M d, Y g:i a');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('board_timezone','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('prune_enable','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('gzip_compress','1');
--- Categories
-INSERT INTO phpbb_categories (cat_id, cat_title, cat_order) VALUES (1, 'Test category 1', 1);
--- Forums
-INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (forum_id, forum_name, forum_desc, cat_id, forum_order, forum_posts, forum_topics, forum_last_post_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_pollcreate, auth_vote, auth_attachments) VALUES (1, 'Test Forum 1', 'This is just a test forum, nothing special here.', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3);
--- Users
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_style, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active, user_template) VALUES
- ( '-1', 'Anonymous', '0', '972086460', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '0', '', '', '', '0', '0', '1', '1', '', '', '', '-8', 'D M d, Y g:i a', '', '', '0', '0');
--- username: admin password: admin (change this or remove it once everything is working!)
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_style, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active) VALUES ( '2', 'Admin', '1', '972086460', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', 'admin@yourdomain.com', '', '', '', '', '', 'A Signature', '1', '2', '', '', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '', 'english', '-8', 'd M Y h:i a', '', '', '0', '1');
--- Ranks
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '1', 'Site Admin', '-1', '-1', '1', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '2', 'Newbie', '0', '9', '0', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '5', 'Here Often', '10', '49', '0', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '6', 'Should Get Out More', '50', '199', '0', '');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '7', 'Has No Life', '200', '9999', '0', '');
--- Groups
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (1, 'Anonymous', 'Personal User', 1);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 'Personal User', 1);
--- User -> Group
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (1, -1, 0);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (2, 2, 0);
--- User Access (admin is set as ... an admin)
-INSERT INTO phpbb_auth_access (group_id, forum_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_pollcreate, auth_vote, auth_mod) VALUES (2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
--- Demo Topic
-INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, topic_replies, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, topic_last_post_id) VALUES (1, 'Demo Topic', 2, 972086460, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
--- Demo Post
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, post_username, poster_ip) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 2, 972086460, '', '7F000001');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts_text (post_id, post_subject, post_text) VALUES (1, 'This is the subject', 'This is a demo post in the demo topic, what do you think of it?');
--- Themes
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (1,'Original default','Default','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','CCCCCC','DDDDDD','','','','','','','',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (2,'PSO [ Grey ]','PSO', '','','FFFFFF','000000','002266','004411','','','','','','','','','000000','D2D2D2','BCBCBC','','','','EDEDED','DEDEDE','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (3,'PSO [ Wheat ] ','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','002266','004411','','','','','','','','','001100','E5CCA5','D4A294','','','','EBE4D9','DAD1C4','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (4,'PSO [ Ocean ]','PSO','','','DFF5FF','000000','011001','2100cc','','','','','','','','','000000','A7C1CB','7897A8','','','','83D7CC','A0CCE0','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (6,'PSO [ Blue ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','417FB9','4E6172','0000AA','','','','','','','','000000','90BAE2','5195D4','','','','cde3f2','daedFd','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (7,'PSO [ Cool Midnight ]','PSO', '','','444444','ECECEC','EDF2F2','DDEDED','FFFFFF','EDF2F2','','','','','','','000000','80707F','66555F','','','','60707D','667A80','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',NULL,NULL,NULL,'ECECEC','ECECEC','ECECEC','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (8,'PSO [ Pastel Purple ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','445588','337744','','','','','','','','','CCCCDD','CCCCDD','DDDDEE','','','','EFEFEF','FEFEFE','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',1,2,3,'','','0000EE','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, template_name, style_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (9,'subSilver','subSilver','','','E5E5E5','000000','006699','5584AA','FF9933','EDF2F2','EFEFEF','DEE3E7','c2cdd6','','','','CBD3D9','BCBCBC','1B7CAD','','','','AEBDC4','006699','FFFFFF','row1','row2','','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier','','','','004c75','004c75','004c75','','','');
--- Smilies
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '1', ':D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '2', ':-D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '3', ':grin:', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '4', ':)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '5', ':-)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '6', ':smile:', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '7', ':(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '8', ':-(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '9', ':sad:', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '10', ':o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '11', ':-o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '12', ':eek:', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '13', ':?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '14', ':-?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '15', ':???:', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '16', '8)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '17', '8-)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '18', ':cool:', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '19', ':lol:', 'icon_lol.gif', 'Laughing');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '20', ':x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '21', ':-x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '22', ':mad:', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '23', ':P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '24', ':-P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '25', ':razz:', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '26', ':oops:', 'icon_redface.gif', 'Embarassed');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '27', ':cry:', 'icon_cry.gif', 'Crying or Very sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '28', ':evil:', 'icon_evil.gif', 'Evil or Very Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '29', ':roll:', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'Rolling Eyes');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '30', ':wink:', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '31', ';)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '32', ';-)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '33', ':!:', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'Exclamation');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '34', ':?:', 'icon_question.gif', 'Question');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '35', ':idea:', 'icon_idea.gif', 'Idea');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '36', ':arrow:', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'Arrow');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '37', ':|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '38', ':-|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '39', ':neutral:', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '40', ':mrgreen:', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'Mr. Green');
--- Words
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '1', 'asshole', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '2', 'assram*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '3', 'asswipe', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '4', 'asstool*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '5', 'bastard', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '6', 'bitch', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '7', 'bollock*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '8', 'crap*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '9', '*crap', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '10', 'cunt*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '11', 'dickweed', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '12', 'dickwad', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '13', 'dickhead', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '14', '*fuck*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '15', 'fuk*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '16', 'masturbat*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '17', 'piss*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '18', 'prick', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '19', 'pussy', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '20', '*shit*', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '21', 'slut', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '22', 'tits', '*beep*');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES ( '23', '*wank*', '*beep*');
diff --git a/phpBB/db/oracle_schema.sql b/phpBB/db/oracle_schema.sql
deleted file mode 100755
index cbfc0e3139..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/oracle_schema.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
- phpBB2 Oracle 8i DB schema - (c) 2001 The phpBB Group
- $Id$
- This first section is optional, however its probably the best method
- of running phpBB on Oracle. If you already have a tablespace and user created
- for phpBB you can leave this section commented out!
- The first set of statements create a phpBB tablespace and a phpBB user,
- make sure you change the password of the phpBB user befor you run this script!!
- DATAFILE 'E:/web/Oracle8i/ORADATA/phpbb01.dbf'
- SIZE 10M
- IDENTIFIED BY phpbb_password
-ALTER USER phpbb QUOTA unlimited ON phpbb;
-CONNECT phpbb/phpbb_password;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_banlist_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_categories_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_config_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_disallow_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_forums_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_posts_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_privmsgs_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_ranks_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_smilies_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_themes_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_topics_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_users_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_words_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_groups_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_forum_prune_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_vote_desc_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0;
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_auth_access
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_auth_access (
- group_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_view number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_read number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_post number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_reply number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_edit number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_delete number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_announce number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_sticky number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_pollcreate number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_attachments number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_vote number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_mod number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_auth_access_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id)
-CREATE INDEX group_phpbb_auth_access_index ON phpbb_auth_access (forum_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_groups
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_groups (
- group_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- group_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
- group_type number(2) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- group_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- group_moderator number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- group_single_user number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_banlist
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_banlist (
- ban_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- ban_userid number(4),
- ban_ip char(8),
- ban_email varchar(255),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_banlist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ban_id)
-CREATE INDEX ban_userid_phpbb_banlist_index ON phpbb_banlist (ban_userid);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_categories
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_categories (
- cat_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- cat_title varchar(100),
- cat_order number(4),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cat_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_config
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_config (
- config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- config_value varchar(255),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (config_name)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_disallow
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_disallow (
- disallow_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- disallow_username varchar(25),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_disallow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (disallow_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_forums
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_forums (
- forum_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- cat_id number(4),
- forum_name varchar(150),
- forum_desc varchar(2000),
- forum_status number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_order number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- forum_posts number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_topics number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_last_post_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- prune_enable number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- prune_next number(4),
- auth_view number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_read number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_post number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_reply number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_edit number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_delete number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_announce number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_sticky number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_pollcreate number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_vote number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_attachments number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_forums_pkey PRIMARY KEY (forum_id)
-CREATE INDEX cat_id_phpbb_forums_index ON phpbb_forums (cat_id);
-CREATE INDEX forums_order_phpbb_forums ON phpbb_forums (forum_order);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_forum_prune
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_forum_prune (
- prune_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- forum_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- prune_days number(4) NOT NULL,
- prune_freq number(4) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_forum_prune_pkey PRIMARY KEY (prune_id)
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_forum_prune ON phpbb_forum_prune (forum_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_posts
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts (
- post_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- topic_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- poster_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_time number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_username varchar(30),
- poster_ip char(8) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- enable_bbcode number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- enable_html number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- enable_smilies number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- enable_sig number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- bbcode_uid varchar(10) DEFAULT '',
- post_edit_time number(11),
- post_edit_count number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_posts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (post_id)
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (forum_id);
-CREATE INDEX post_time_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (post_time);
-CREATE INDEX poster_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (poster_id);
-CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (topic_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_posts_text
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts_text (
- post_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_subject varchar(255),
- post_text varchar(2000),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_posts_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (post_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_privmsgs
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs (
- privmsgs_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_type number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_from_userid number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_to_userid number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_date number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_ip char(8) NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_bbcode number(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_html number(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_smilies number(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_attach_sig number(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_privmsgs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_id)
-CREATE INDEX privmsgs_from_userid_index ON phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_from_userid);
-CREATE INDEX privmsgs_to_userid_index ON phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_to_userid);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_privmsgs_text
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs_text (
- privmsgs_text_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_bbcode_uid char(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_text varchar(2000),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_privmsgs_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_text_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_ranks
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_ranks (
- rank_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- rank_title varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rank_min number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rank_max number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rank_special number(4) DEFAULT '0',
- rank_image varchar(255),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_ranks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)
-CREATE INDEX rank_max_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_max);
-CREATE INDEX rank_min_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_min);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_session
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_sessions (
- session_id char(32) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_user_id number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_start number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_time number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_last_visit number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_ip char(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_page number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_logged_in number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_sessions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (session_id)
-CREATE INDEX session_id_ip_user_id ON phpbb_sessions (session_id, session_ip, session_user_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_smilies
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_smilies (
- smilies_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- code varchar(50),
- smile_url varchar(100),
- emoticon varchar(75),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_smilies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (smilies_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_themes
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes (
- themes_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- style_name varchar(30),
- template_name varchar(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- head_stylesheet varchar(100),
- body_background varchar(100),
- body_bgcolor char(6),
- body_text char(6),
- body_link char(6),
- body_vlink char(6),
- body_alink char(6),
- body_hlink char(6),
- tr_color1 char(6),
- tr_color2 char(6),
- tr_color3 char(6),
- tr_class1 varchar(25),
- tr_class2 varchar(25),
- tr_class3 varchar(25),
- th_color1 char(6),
- th_color2 char(6),
- th_color3 char(6),
- th_class1 varchar(25),
- th_class2 varchar(25),
- th_class3 varchar(25),
- td_color1 char(6),
- td_color2 char(6),
- td_color3 char(6),
- td_class1 varchar(25),
- td_class2 varchar(25),
- td_class3 varchar(25),
- fontface1 varchar(25),
- fontface2 varchar(25),
- fontface3 varchar(25),
- fontsize1 number(4),
- fontsize2 number(4),
- fontsize3 number(4),
- fontcolor1 char(6),
- fontcolor2 char(6),
- fontcolor3 char(6),
- span_class1 varchar(25),
- span_class2 varchar(25),
- span_class3 varchar(25),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_themes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (themes_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_themes_name
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes_name (
- themes_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- tr_color1_name varchar(50),
- tr_color2_name varchar(50),
- tr_color3_name varchar(50),
- tr_class1_name varchar(50),
- tr_class2_name varchar(50),
- tr_class3_name varchar(50),
- th_color1_name varchar(50),
- th_color2_name varchar(50),
- th_color3_name varchar(50),
- th_class1_name varchar(50),
- th_class2_name varchar(50),
- th_class3_name varchar(50),
- td_color1_name varchar(50),
- td_color2_name varchar(50),
- td_color3_name varchar(50),
- td_class1_name varchar(50),
- td_class2_name varchar(50),
- td_class3_name varchar(50),
- fontface1_name varchar(50),
- fontface2_name varchar(50),
- fontface3_name varchar(50),
- fontsize1_name varchar(50),
- fontsize2_name varchar(50),
- fontsize3_name varchar(50),
- fontcolor1_name varchar(50),
- fontcolor2_name varchar(50),
- fontcolor3_name varchar(50),
- span_class1_name varchar(50),
- span_class2_name varchar(50),
- span_class3_name varchar(50),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_themes_name_pkey PRIMARY KEY (themes_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_topics
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics (
- topic_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- topic_title varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- topic_poster number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_time number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_views number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_replies number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_status number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_vote number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_type number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_moved_id number(4),
- topic_last_post_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_topics_pkey PRIMARY KEY (topic_id)
-CREATE INDEX phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (forum_id, topic_id);
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (forum_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_topics_watch
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics_watch (
- topic_id number(4),
- user_id number(4),
- notify_status number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX phpbb_topics_watch_index ON phpbb_topics_watch (topic_id, user_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_user_group
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_user_group (
- group_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_pending number(4)
-CREATE INDEX group_id_phpbb_user_group ON phpbb_user_group (group_id);
-CREATE INDEX user_id_phpbb_user_group_index ON phpbb_user_group (user_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_users
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_users (
- user_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- user_active number(4),
- username varchar(25) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- user_regdate number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_password varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- user_autologin_key varchar(32),
- user_email varchar(255),
- user_icq varchar(15),
- user_website varchar(100),
- user_occ varchar(100),
- user_from varchar(100),
- user_interests varchar(255),
- user_sig varchar(2000),
- user_sig_bbcode_uid char(10),
- user_style number(4),
- user_aim varchar(255),
- user_yim varchar(255),
- user_msnm varchar(255),
- user_posts number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_viewemail number(4),
- user_attachsig number(4),
- user_allowhtml number(4),
- user_allowbbcode number(4),
- user_allowsmile number(4),
- user_allow_pm number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_allowavatar number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_allow_viewonline number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_rank number(4) DEFAULT '0',
- user_avatar varchar(100),
- user_level number(4) DEFAULT '1',
- user_lang varchar(255),
- user_timezone number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_dateformat varchar(14) DEFAULT 'd M Y H:m' NOT NULL,
- user_notify_pm number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_notify number(4),
- user_actkey varchar(32),
- user_newpasswd varchar(32),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_desc
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_desc (
- vote_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- topic_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_text varchar2(4000) NOT NULL,
- vote_start number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_length number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_vote_dsc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (vote_id)
-CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_vote_desc_index ON phpbb_vote_desc (topic_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_results
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_results (
- vote_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_option_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_option_text varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- vote_result number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX option_id_vote_results_index ON phpbb_vote_results (vote_option_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_voters
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_voters (
- vote_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_user_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_user_ip char(8) NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX vote_id_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_id);
-CREATE INDEX vote_user_id_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_user_id);
-CREATE INDEX vote_user_ip_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_user_ip);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_words
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_words (
- word_id number(4) NOT NULL,
- word varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- replacement varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_words_pkey PRIMARY KEY (word_id)
diff --git a/phpBB/db/oracle_triggers.sql b/phpBB/db/oracle_triggers.sql
deleted file mode 100755
index f22fa46f66..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/oracle_triggers.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
- phpBB2 Oracle 8i Triggers File - (c) 2001 The phpBB Group
- $Id$
- */
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_groups
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.group_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_banlist
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.ban_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_categories
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.cat_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_disallow
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.disallow_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_forums
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.forum_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_forum_prune
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.prune_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_posts
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.post_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_privmsgs
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.privmsgs_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_ranks
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.rank_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_smilies
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.smilies_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_themes
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.themes_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_topics
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.topic_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_users
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.user_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_vote_desc
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.vote_id
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Trigger structure for table phpbb_words
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-INTO :NEW.word_id
diff --git a/phpBB/db/postgres_basic.sql b/phpBB/db/postgres_basic.sql
deleted file mode 100755
index 1a6719fa63..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/postgres_basic.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-* Basic DB data for phpBB2 devel
-* $Id$
--- Config
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_disable','0');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('sitename','yourdomain.com');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('site_desc','A _little_ text to describe your forum');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_name','phpbb2postgres');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_path','/');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('cookie_domain','');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_html_tags','b,i,u,pre');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_smilies','1');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_sig','1');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_theme_create','0');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_avatar_upload','1');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_poll_options','10');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_sig_chars','255');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_inbox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_sentbox_privmsgs','25');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_savebox_privmsgs','50');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email_sig','Thanks, The Management');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email','youraddress@yourdomain.com');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_host','');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smtp_password','');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_email_form','0');
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-INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('avatar_gallery_path','images/avatars/gallery');
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--- Categories
-INSERT INTO phpbb_categories (cat_id, cat_title, cat_order) VALUES (1, 'Test category 1', 1);
--- Forums
-INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (forum_id, forum_name, forum_desc, cat_id, forum_order, forum_posts, forum_topics, forum_last_post_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_pollcreate, auth_vote, auth_attachments) VALUES (1, 'Test Forum 1', 'This is just a test forum, nothing special here.', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3);
--- Users
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, user_active, username, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_level, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_style, user_lang, user_viewemail, user_attachsig, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allowsmile, user_allowavatar, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_notify_pm, user_regdate, user_rank, user_avatar, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify) VALUES (-1,1,'Anonymous','','','','','','','','','','',1,1,'','',1,'','','','','','','','','','','',NULL,'','','',60,'','','');
--- username: admin password: admin (change this or remove it once everything is working!)
-INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_style, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 1, '', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', 'admin@yourdomain.com', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', 0, 'd M Y h:i a', '', '', 0, 1);
--- Ranks
-INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '1', 'Site Admin', '-1', '-1', '1', '');
--- Groups
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (1, 'Anonymous', 'Personal User', 1);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 'Personal User', 1);
--- User -> Group
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (1, -1, 0);
-INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES (2, 2, 0);
--- Demo Topic
-INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, topic_replies, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, topic_last_post_id) VALUES (1, 'Welcome to phpBB 2', 2, date_part('EPOCH', TIMESTAMP 'now'), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
--- Demo Post
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, post_username, poster_ip) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 2, date_part('EPOCH', TIMESTAMP 'now'), '', '7F000001');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_posts_text (post_id, post_subject, post_text) VALUES (1, '', 'This is an example post in your phpBB 2 installation. You may delete this post, this topic and even this forum if you like since everything seems to be working!');
--- Themes
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, template_name, style_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (1,'subSilver','subSilver','','','E5E5E5','000000','006699','5584AA','FF9933','EDF2F2','EFEFEF','DEE3E7','c2cdd6','','','','CBD3D9','BCBCBC','1B7CAD','','','','AEBDC4','006699','FFFFFF','row1','row2','','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier','','','','004c75','004c75','004c75','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (2,'PSO [ Wheat ] ','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','002266','004411','','','','','','','','','001100','E5CCA5','D4A294','','','','EBE4D9','DAD1C4','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (3,'PSO [ Ocean ]','PSO','','','DFF5FF','000000','011001','2100cc','','','','','','','','','000000','A7C1CB','7897A8','','','','83D7CC','A0CCE0','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (4,'PSO [ Blue ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','417FB9','4E6172','0000AA','','','','','','','','000000','90BAE2','5195D4','','','','cde3f2','daedFd','','row1','row2','','verdana,serif','arial,helvetica','courier',1,2,3,'000000','','','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (5,'PSO [ Cool Midnight ]','PSO', '','','444444','ECECEC','EDF2F2','DDEDED','FFFFFF','EDF2F2','','','','','','','000000','80707F','66555F','','','','60707D','667A80','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',NULL,NULL,NULL,'ECECEC','ECECEC','ECECEC','','','');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, style_name, template_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, tr_class1, tr_class2, tr_class3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, th_class1, th_class2, th_class3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, td_class1, td_class2, td_class3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, span_class1, span_class2, span_class3) VALUES (6,'PSO [ Pastel Purple ]','PSO','','','FFFFFF','000000','445588','337744','','','','','','','','','CCCCDD','CCCCDD','DDDDEE','','','','EFEFEF','FEFEFE','','row1','row2','','Verdana,serif','Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','courier',1,2,3,'','','0000EE','','','');
--- Smilies
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '1', ':D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '2', ':-D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '3', ':grin:', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '4', ':)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '5', ':-)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '6', ':smile:', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '7', ':(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '8', ':-(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '9', ':sad:', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '10', ':o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '11', ':-o', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '12', ':eek:', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Surprised');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '13', ':?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '14', ':-?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '15', ':???:', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '16', '8)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '17', '8-)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '18', ':cool:', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '19', ':lol:', 'icon_lol.gif', 'Laughing');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '20', ':x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '21', ':-x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '22', ':mad:', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '23', ':P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '24', ':-P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '25', ':razz:', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '26', ':oops:', 'icon_redface.gif', 'Embarassed');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '27', ':cry:', 'icon_cry.gif', 'Crying or Very sad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '28', ':evil:', 'icon_evil.gif', 'Evil or Very Mad');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '29', ':twisted:', 'icon_twisted.gif', 'Twisted Evil');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '30', ':roll:', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'Rolling Eyes');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '31', ':wink:', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '32', ';)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '33', ';-)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '34', ':!:', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'Exclamation');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '35', ':?:', 'icon_question.gif', 'Question');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '36', ':idea:', 'icon_idea.gif', 'Idea');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '37', ':arrow:', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'Arrow');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '38', ':|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '39', ':-|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '40', ':neutral:', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
-INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (smilies_id, code, smile_url, emoticon) VALUES ( '41', ':mrgreen:', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'Mr. Green');
diff --git a/phpBB/db/postgres_schema.sql b/phpBB/db/postgres_schema.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c50e26c4..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/db/postgres_schema.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
- phpBB2 PostgreSQL DB schema - phpBB group 2001
- $Id$
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_banlist_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_categories_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_config_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_disallow_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_forums_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_posts_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_privmsgs_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_ranks_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_search_wordlist_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_smilies_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_themes_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_topics_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_users_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_words_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_groups_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_forum_prune_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_vote_desc_id_seq start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1;
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_auth_access
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_auth_access (
- group_id int DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_view int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_read int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_post int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_reply int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_edit int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_delete int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_announce int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_sticky int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_pollcreate int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_attachments int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_vote int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_mod int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_auth_access_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id)
-CREATE INDEX group_id_phpbb_auth_access_index ON phpbb_auth_access (forum_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_groups
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_groups (
- group_id int DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_groups_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- group_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
- group_type int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- group_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- group_moderator int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- group_single_user int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_banlist
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_banlist (
- ban_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_banlist_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- ban_userid int4,
- ban_ip char(8),
- ban_email varchar(255),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_banlist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ban_id)
-CREATE INDEX ban_userid_phpbb_banlist_index ON phpbb_banlist (ban_userid);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_categories
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_categories (
- cat_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_categories_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- cat_title varchar(100),
- cat_order int4,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cat_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_config
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_config (
- config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (config_name)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_disallow
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_disallow (
- disallow_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_disallow_id_s'::text) NOT NULL,
- disallow_username varchar(25),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_disallow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (disallow_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_forums
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_forums (
- forum_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_forums_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- cat_id int4,
- forum_name varchar(150),
- forum_desc text,
- forum_status int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_order int4 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- forum_posts int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_topics int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_last_post_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- prune_enable int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- prune_next int,
- auth_view int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_read int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_post int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_reply int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_edit int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_delete int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_announce int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_sticky int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_pollcreate int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_vote int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- auth_attachments int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_forums_pkey PRIMARY KEY (forum_id)
-CREATE INDEX cat_id_phpbb_forums_index ON phpbb_forums (cat_id);
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_forums_index ON phpbb_forums (forum_id);
-CREATE INDEX forums_order_phpbb_forums_index ON phpbb_forums (forum_order);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_forum_prune
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_forum_prune (
- prune_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_forum_prune_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- forum_id int4 NOT NULL,
- prune_days int4 NOT NULL,
- prune_freq int4 NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_forum_prune_pkey PRIMARY KEY (prune_id)
-CREATE INDEX prune_id_phpbb_forum_prune_index ON phpbb_forum_prune (prune_id);
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_forum_prune_index ON phpbb_forum_prune (forum_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_posts
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts (
- post_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_posts_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- topic_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- forum_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- poster_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_time int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_username varchar(30),
- poster_ip char(8) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- enable_bbcode int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- enable_html int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- enable_smilies int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- enable_sig int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- bbcode_uid varchar(10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- post_edit_time int4,
- post_edit_count int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_posts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (post_id)
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (forum_id);
-CREATE INDEX post_time_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (post_time);
-CREATE INDEX poster_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (poster_id);
-CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (topic_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_posts_text
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts_text (
- post_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- post_subject varchar(255),
- post_text text,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_posts_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (post_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_privmsgs
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs (
- privmsgs_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_privmsgs_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_type int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_from_userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_to_userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_date int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_ip char(8) NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_bbcode int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_html int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_enable_smilies int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_attach_sig int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_privmsgs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_id)
-CREATE INDEX privmsgs_from_userid_index ON phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_from_userid);
-CREATE INDEX privmsgs_to_userid_index ON phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_to_userid);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_privmsgs_text
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs_text (
- privmsgs_text_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_bbcode_uid char(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- privmsgs_text text,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_privmsgs_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_text_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_ranks
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_ranks (
- rank_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_ranks_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- rank_title varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rank_min int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rank_max int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rank_special int2 DEFAULT '0',
- rank_image varchar(255),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_ranks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)
-CREATE INDEX rank_id_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_id);
-CREATE INDEX rank_max_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_max);
-CREATE INDEX rank_min_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_min);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_search_results
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_search_results (
- search_id int4 NOT NULL default '0',
- session_id char(32) NOT NULL default '',
- search_array text NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_search_results_pkey PRIMARY KEY (search_id)
-CREATE INDEX session_id_phpbb_search_results ON phpbb_search_results (session_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_search_wordlist
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_search_wordlist (
- word_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_search_wordlist_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- word_text varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
- word_weight int2 NOT NULL default '0',
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_search_results_pkey PRIMARY KEY (word_id),
-CREATE INDEX word_text_phpbb_search_wordlist ON phpbb_search_wordlist (word_text);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_search_wordmatch
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_search_wordmatch (
- post_id int4 NOT NULL default '0',
- word_id int4 NOT NULL default '0',
- word_count int2 NOT NULL default '0',
- title_match int2 NOT NULL default '0'
-CREATE INDEX word_id_phpbb_search_wordmatch ON phpbb_search_wordmatch (word_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_sessions
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_sessions (
- session_id char(32) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_user_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_start int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_time int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_last_visit int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_ip char(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_page int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- session_logged_in int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_session_pkey PRIMARY KEY (session_id)
-CREATE INDEX session_user_id ON phpbb_sessions (session_user_id);
-CREATE INDEX session_id_ip_user_id ON phpbb_sessions (session_id, session_ip, session_user_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_smilies
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_smilies (
- smilies_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_smilies_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- code varchar(50),
- smile_url varchar(100),
- emoticon varchar(75),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_smilies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (smilies_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_themes
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes (
- themes_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_themes_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- style_name varchar(30),
- template_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
- head_stylesheet varchar(100),
- body_background varchar(100),
- body_bgcolor char(6),
- body_text char(6),
- body_link char(6),
- body_vlink char(6),
- body_alink char(6),
- body_hlink char(6),
- tr_color1 char(6),
- tr_color2 char(6),
- tr_color3 char(6),
- tr_class1 varchar(25),
- tr_class2 varchar(25),
- tr_class3 varchar(25),
- th_color1 char(6),
- th_color2 char(6),
- th_color3 char(6),
- th_class1 varchar(25),
- th_class2 varchar(25),
- th_class3 varchar(25),
- td_color1 char(6),
- td_color2 char(6),
- td_color3 char(6),
- td_class1 varchar(25),
- td_class2 varchar(25),
- td_class3 varchar(25),
- fontface1 varchar(25),
- fontface2 varchar(25),
- fontface3 varchar(25),
- fontsize1 int2,
- fontsize2 int2,
- fontsize3 int2,
- fontcolor1 char(6),
- fontcolor2 char(6),
- fontcolor3 char(6),
- span_class1 varchar(25),
- span_class2 varchar(25),
- span_class3 varchar(25),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_themes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (themes_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_themes_name
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes_name (
- themes_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- tr_color1_name char(50),
- tr_color2_name char(50),
- tr_color3_name char(50),
- tr_class1_name varchar(50),
- tr_class2_name varchar(50),
- tr_class3_name varchar(50),
- th_color1_name char(50),
- th_color2_name char(50),
- th_color3_name char(50),
- th_class1_name varchar(50),
- th_class2_name varchar(50),
- th_class3_name varchar(50),
- td_color1_name char(50),
- td_color2_name char(50),
- td_color3_name char(50),
- td_class1_name varchar(50),
- td_class2_name varchar(50),
- td_class3_name varchar(50),
- fontface1_name varchar(50),
- fontface2_name varchar(50),
- fontface3_name varchar(50),
- fontsize1_name varchar(50),
- fontsize2_name varchar(50),
- fontsize3_name varchar(50),
- fontcolor1_name char(50),
- fontcolor2_name char(50),
- fontcolor3_name char(50),
- span_class1_name varchar(50),
- span_class2_name varchar(50),
- span_class3_name varchar(50),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_themes_name_pkey PRIMARY KEY (themes_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_topics
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics (
- topic_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_topics_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- forum_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_title varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- topic_poster int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_time int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_views int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_replies int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_status int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_vote int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_type int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- topic_moved_id int4,
- topic_last_post_id int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_topics_pkey PRIMARY KEY (topic_id)
-CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (forum_id);
-CREATE INDEX topic_moved_id_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (topic_moved_id);
-CREATE INDEX topic_last_post_id_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (topic_last_post_id);
-CREATE INDEX topic_type_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (topic_type);
-CREATE INDEX topic_poster_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (topic_poster);
-CREATE INDEX topic_time_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (topic_time);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_topics_watch
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics_watch (
- topic_id int4,
- user_id int4,
- notify_status int2 NOT NULL default '0'
-CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_topics_watch_index ON phpbb_topics_watch (topic_id);
-CREATE INDEX user_id_phpbb_topics_watch_index ON phpbb_topics_watch (user_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_user_group
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_user_group (
- group_id int DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_id int DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_pending int2
-CREATE INDEX group_id_phpbb_user_group_index ON phpbb_user_group (group_id);
-CREATE INDEX user_id_phpbb_user_group_index ON phpbb_user_group (user_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_users
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_users (
- user_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_users_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- user_active int2,
- username varchar(25) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- user_regdate int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_password varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- user_autologin_key varchar(32),
- user_email varchar(255),
- user_icq varchar(15),
- user_website varchar(100),
- user_occ varchar(100),
- user_from varchar(100),
- user_interests varchar(255),
- user_sig text,
- user_sig_bbcode_uid char(10),
- user_style int4,
- user_aim varchar(255),
- user_yim varchar(255),
- user_msnm varchar(255),
- user_posts int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_emailtime int4,
- user_viewemail int2,
- user_attachsig int2,
- user_allowhtml int2,
- user_allowbbcode int2,
- user_allowsmile int2,
- user_allow_pm int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_allowavatar int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_allow_viewonline int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_rank int4 DEFAULT '0',
- user_avatar varchar(100),
- user_avatar_type int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_level int4 DEFAULT '1',
- user_lang varchar(255),
- user_timezone int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- user_dateformat varchar(14) DEFAULT 'd M Y H:m' NOT NULL,
- user_notify_pm int2 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
- user_notify int2,
- user_actkey varchar(32),
- user_newpasswd varchar(32),
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_desc
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_desc (
- vote_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_vote_desc_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL ,
- topic_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_text text NOT NULL,
- vote_start int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- vote_length int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_vote_dsc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (vote_id)
-CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_vote_desc_index ON phpbb_vote_desc (topic_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_results
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_results (
- vote_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_option_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_option_text varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- vote_result int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
-CREATE INDEX option_id_phpbb_vote_results_index ON phpbb_vote_results (vote_option_id);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_voters
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_voters (
- vote_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_user_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- vote_user_ip char(8) NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX vote_id_phpbb_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_id);
-CREATE INDEX vote_user_id_phpbb_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_user_id);
-CREATE INDEX vote_user_ip_phpbb_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_user_ip);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------
- Table structure for table phpbb_words
--------------------------------------------------------- */
-CREATE TABLE phpbb_words (
- word_id int4 DEFAULT nextval('phpbb_words_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
- word varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- replacement varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT phpbb_words_pkey PRIMARY KEY (word_id)