path: root/phpBB/assets
diff options
authorTristan Darricau <tristan.darricau@sensiolabs.com>2015-07-27 11:24:43 +0200
committerTristan Darricau <tristan.darricau@sensiolabs.com>2015-07-27 11:24:43 +0200
commita0258ae25ce31101241f0873b21e4582cd47a368 (patch)
treea828a84d8d57cf1b817e0f5adee83ea6cc288b5d /phpBB/assets
parent0e3b7e2de6e152960026a6533a1150e5fb1135aa (diff)
parent11dfe503aac699b88a333967a1d0e594998414ae (diff)
Merge pull request #3514 from CHItA/ticket/13740
[ticket/13740] Refactoring installer * CHItA/ticket/13740: (75 commits) [ticket/13740] Reduce number of references in nav provider [ticket/13740] Move handle_language_select calls to the controllers [ticket/13740] Fix infinite config.php check loop [ticket/13740] Move default data settings out of constructors [ticket/13740] Deduplicate container builder's checks [ticket/13740] Use JSON for installer config [ticket/13740] Fix comment [ticket/13740] Use language service in console application [ticket/13740] Fix CS in compatibilty_globals.php [ticket/13740] Fix message element creation in JS [ticket/13740] Replace more spaces with tabs [ticket/13740] Fix CS [ticket/13740] Filter basic directory change attempts in lang change [ticket/13740] Use tabs instead of spaces in JS file [ticket/13740] Add success message when install finished [ticket/13740] Fix $script_path in obtain_data [ticket/13740] Fix is_phpbb_installed() method [ticket/13740] Login admin when install finished [ticket/13740] Enhance server output buffer bypass [ticket/13740] Secure installer config against corrupted config data ...
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/assets')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/assets/javascript/installer.js b/phpBB/assets/javascript/installer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56bfd6aea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/assets/javascript/installer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+ * Installer's AJAX frontend handler
+ */
+(function($) { // Avoid conflicts with other libraries
+ 'use strict';
+ // Installer variables
+ var pollTimer = null;
+ var nextReadPosition = 0;
+ var progressBarTriggered = false;
+ var progressTimer = null;
+ var currentProgress = 0;
+ // Template related variables
+ var $contentWrapper = $('.install-body').find('.main');
+ // Intercept form submits
+ interceptFormSubmit($('#install_install'));
+ /**
+ * Creates an XHR object
+ *
+ * jQuery cannot be used as the response is streamed, and
+ * as of now, jQuery does not provide access to the response until
+ * the connection is not closed.
+ *
+ * @return XMLHttpRequest
+ */
+ function createXhrObject() {
+ return new XMLHttpRequest();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays error, warning and log messages
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * @param messages
+ */
+ function addMessage(type, messages) {
+ // Get message containers
+ var $errorContainer = $('#error-container');
+ var $warningContainer = $('#warning-container');
+ var $logContainer = $('#log-container');
+ var $title, $description, $msgElement, arraySize = messages.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
+ $msgElement = $('<div />');
+ $title = $('<strong />');
+ $title.text(messages[i].title);
+ $msgElement.append($title);
+ if (messages[i].hasOwnProperty('description')) {
+ $description = $('<p />');
+ $description.html(messages[i].description);
+ $msgElement.append($description);
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'error':
+ $msgElement.addClass('errorbox');
+ $errorContainer.append($msgElement);
+ break;
+ case 'warning':
+ $msgElement.addClass('warningbox');
+ $warningContainer.append($msgElement);
+ break;
+ case 'log':
+ $msgElement.addClass('log');
+ $logContainer.append($msgElement);
+ break;
+ case 'success':
+ $msgElement.addClass('successbox');
+ $errorContainer.prepend($msgElement);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays a form from the response
+ *
+ * @param formHtml
+ */
+ function addForm(formHtml) {
+ var $formContainer = $('#content-container');
+ $formContainer.html(formHtml);
+ var $form = $('#install_install');
+ interceptFormSubmit($form);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles navigation status updates
+ *
+ * @param navObj
+ */
+ function updateNavbarStatus(navObj) {
+ var navID, $stage, $stageListItem, $active;
+ $active = $('#activemenu');
+ if (navObj.hasOwnProperty('finished')) {
+ // This should be an Array
+ var navItems = navObj.finished;
+ for (var i = 0; i < navItems.length; i++) {
+ navID = 'installer-stage-' + navItems[i];
+ $stage = $('#' + navID);
+ $stageListItem = $stage.parent();
+ if ($active.length && $active.is($stageListItem)) {
+ $active.removeAttr('id');
+ }
+ $stage.addClass('completed');
+ }
+ }
+ if (navObj.hasOwnProperty('active')) {
+ navID = 'installer-stage-' + navObj.active;
+ $stage = $('#' + navID);
+ $stageListItem = $stage.parent();
+ if ($active.length && !$active.is($stageListItem)) {
+ $active.removeAttr('id');
+ }
+ $stageListItem.attr('id', 'activemenu');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders progress bar
+ *
+ * @param progressObject
+ */
+ function setProgress(progressObject) {
+ var $statusText, $progressBar, $progressText, $progressFiller;
+ if (progressObject.task_name.length) {
+ if (!progressBarTriggered) {
+ // Create progress bar
+ var $contentContainer = $('#content-container');
+ // Create progress bar elements
+ $progressBar = $('<div />');
+ $progressBar.attr('id', 'progress-bar');
+ $progressText = $('<p />');
+ $progressText.attr('id', 'progress-bar-text');
+ $progressFiller = $('<span />');
+ $progressFiller.attr('id', 'progress-bar-filler');
+ $statusText = $('<p />');
+ $statusText.attr('id', 'progress-status-text');
+ $progressBar.append($progressFiller);
+ $progressBar.append($progressText);
+ $contentContainer.append($statusText);
+ $contentContainer.append($progressBar);
+ progressBarTriggered = true;
+ } else {
+ $statusText = $('#progress-status-text');
+ }
+ // Update progress bar
+ $statusText.text(progressObject.task_name + '…');
+ incrementProgressBar(Math.round(progressObject.task_num / progressObject.task_count * 100));
+ }
+ }
+ // Set cookies
+ function setCookies(cookies) {
+ var cookie;
+ for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
+ // Set cookie name and value
+ cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookies[i].name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(cookies[i].value);
+ // Set path
+ cookie += '; path=/';
+ document.cookie = cookie;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse messages from the response object
+ *
+ * @param messageJSON
+ */
+ function parseMessage(messageJSON) {
+ $('#loading_indicator').css('display', 'none');
+ var responseObject = JSON.parse(messageJSON);
+ // Parse object
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
+ addMessage('error', responseObject.errors);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('warnings')) {
+ addMessage('warning', responseObject.warnings);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('logs')) {
+ addMessage('log', responseObject.logs);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('success')) {
+ addMessage('success', responseObject.success);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('form')) {
+ addForm(responseObject.form);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('progress')) {
+ setProgress(responseObject.progress);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('nav')) {
+ updateNavbarStatus(responseObject.nav);
+ }
+ if (responseObject.hasOwnProperty('cookies')) {
+ setCookies(responseObject.cookies);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Process updates in streamed response
+ *
+ * @param xhReq XHR object
+ */
+ function pollContent(xhReq) {
+ var messages = xhReq.responseText;
+ var msgSeparator = '}\n\n';
+ var unprocessed, messageEndIndex, endOfMessageIndex, message;
+ do {
+ unprocessed = messages.substring(nextReadPosition);
+ messageEndIndex = unprocessed.indexOf(msgSeparator);
+ if (messageEndIndex !== -1) {
+ endOfMessageIndex = messageEndIndex + msgSeparator.length;
+ message = unprocessed.substring(0, endOfMessageIndex);
+ parseMessage(message);
+ nextReadPosition += endOfMessageIndex;
+ }
+ } while (messageEndIndex !== -1);
+ if (xhReq.readyState === 4) {
+ $('#loading_indicator').css('display', 'none');
+ resetPolling();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Animates the progress bar
+ *
+ * @param $progressText
+ * @param $progressFiller
+ * @param progressLimit
+ */
+ function incrementFiller($progressText, $progressFiller, progressLimit) {
+ if (currentProgress >= progressLimit || currentProgress >= 100) {
+ clearInterval(progressTimer);
+ return;
+ }
+ currentProgress++;
+ $progressText.text(currentProgress + '%');
+ $progressFiller.css('width', currentProgress + '%');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrapper function for progress bar rendering and animating
+ *
+ * @param progressLimit
+ */
+ function incrementProgressBar(progressLimit) {
+ var $progressFiller = $('#progress-bar-filler');
+ var $progressText = $('#progress-bar-text');
+ var progressStart = $progressFiller.width() / $progressFiller.offsetParent().width() * 100;
+ currentProgress = Math.floor(progressStart);
+ clearInterval(progressTimer);
+ progressTimer = setInterval(function() {
+ incrementFiller($progressText, $progressFiller, progressLimit);
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resets the polling timer
+ */
+ function resetPolling() {
+ clearInterval(pollTimer);
+ nextReadPosition = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up timer for processing the streamed HTTP response
+ *
+ * @param xhReq
+ */
+ function startPolling(xhReq) {
+ resetPolling();
+ pollTimer = setInterval(function () {
+ pollContent(xhReq);
+ }, 250);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders the AJAX UI layout
+ */
+ function setupAjaxLayout() {
+ // Clear content
+ $contentWrapper.html('');
+ var $header = $('<div />');
+ $header.attr('id', 'header-container');
+ $contentWrapper.append($header);
+ var $description = $('<div />');
+ $description.attr('id', 'description-container');
+ $contentWrapper.append($description);
+ var $errorContainer = $('<div />');
+ $errorContainer.attr('id', 'error-container');
+ $contentWrapper.append($errorContainer);
+ var $warningContainer = $('<div />');
+ $warningContainer.attr('id', 'warning-container');
+ $contentWrapper.append($warningContainer);
+ var $installerContentWrapper = $('<div />');
+ $installerContentWrapper.attr('id', 'content-container');
+ $contentWrapper.append($installerContentWrapper);
+ var $logContainer = $('<div />');
+ $logContainer.attr('id', 'log-container');
+ $contentWrapper.append($logContainer);
+ var $spinner = $('<div />');
+ $spinner.attr('id', 'loading_indicator');
+ $spinner.html('&nbsp;');
+ $contentWrapper.append($spinner);
+ }
+ // Submits a form
+ function submitForm($form, $submitBtn) {
+ $form.css('display', 'none');
+ var xhReq = createXhrObject();
+ xhReq.open('POST', $form.attr('action'), true);
+ xhReq.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
+ xhReq.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+ xhReq.send(getFormFields($form, $submitBtn));
+ // Disable language selector
+ $('#language_selector :input, label').css('display', 'none');
+ // Clear content
+ setupAjaxLayout();
+ $('#loading_indicator').css('display', 'block');
+ startPolling(xhReq);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add submit button to the POST information
+ *
+ * @param $form
+ * @param $submitBtn
+ *
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+ function getFormFields($form, $submitBtn) {
+ var formData = $form.serialize();
+ formData += ((formData.length) ? '&' : '') + encodeURIComponent($submitBtn.attr('name')) + '=';
+ formData += encodeURIComponent($submitBtn.attr('value'));
+ return formData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Intercept form submit events and determine the submit button used
+ *
+ * @param $form
+ */
+ function interceptFormSubmit($form) {
+ if (!$form.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $form.find(':submit').bind('click', function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submitForm($form, $(this));
+ });
+ }
+})(jQuery); // Avoid conflicts with other libraries