diff options
authorMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2005-12-21 18:18:12 +0000
committerMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2005-12-21 18:18:12 +0000
commitf4f2ab3a35ed74eefe713c9d3d9aada841201161 (patch)
parent1ba4064f20c20b8a57bdf66602a9d5172ea5df32 (diff)
- user avatar, user signature, user attachments
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@5365 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
10 files changed, 920 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/adm/index.php b/phpBB/adm/index.php
index a2499451c0..a5a3dad145 100644
--- a/phpBB/adm/index.php
+++ b/phpBB/adm/index.php
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ $user->theme['primary']['pagination_sep'] = '';
// Set custom template for admin area
$template->set_custom_template($phpbb_admin_path . 'style', 'admin');
+$template->assign_var('T_TEMPLATE_PATH', $phpbb_admin_path . 'style');
// Instantiate new module
$module = new p_master();
diff --git a/phpBB/adm/style/acp_logs.html b/phpBB/adm/style/acp_logs.html
index f92fdf3646..5d3e49a6a7 100644
--- a/phpBB/adm/style/acp_logs.html
+++ b/phpBB/adm/style/acp_logs.html
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="pagination">
<a href="javascript:jumpto();" title="{L_JUMP_TO_PAGE}">{S_ON_PAGE}</a> &bull; <span>{PAGINATION}</span>
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@
<!-- ENDIF -->
-<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF .log -->
<table cellspacing="1">
diff --git a/phpBB/adm/style/acp_users.html b/phpBB/adm/style/acp_users.html
index 4b980112d9..7238c45ba0 100644
--- a/phpBB/adm/style/acp_users.html
+++ b/phpBB/adm/style/acp_users.html
@@ -437,6 +437,224 @@
+ <form id="avatar_settings" method="post" action="{U_ACTION}"<!-- IF S_CAN_UPLOAD --> enctype="multipart/form-data"<!-- ENDIF -->>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>{L_ACP_USER_AVATAR}</legend>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label>{L_CURRENT_IMAGE}:</label><br /><span>{L_AVATAR_EXPLAIN}</span></dt>
+ <dd>{AVATAR_IMAGE}</dd>
+ <dd><input type="checkbox" name="delete" />&nbsp;<span>{L_DELETE_AVATAR}</span></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <!-- IF not S_IN_AVATAR_GALLERY -->
+ <!-- IF S_CAN_UPLOAD -->
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label for="uploadfile">{L_UPLOAD_AVATAR_FILE}:</label></dt>
+ <dd><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="{AVATAR_MAX_FILESIZE}" /><input type="file" id="uploadfile" name="uploadfile" /></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label for="uploadurl">{L_UPLOAD_AVATAR_URL}:</label><br /><span>{L_UPLOAD_AVATAR_URL_EXPLAIN}</span></dt>
+ <dd><input name="uploadurl" type="text" id="uploadurl" value="" /></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label for="remotelink">{L_LINK_REMOTE_AVATAR}:</label><br /><span>{L_LINK_REMOTE_AVATAR_EXPLAIN}</span></dt>
+ <dd><input name="remotelink" type="text" id="remotelink" value="" /></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label for="width">{L_LINK_REMOTE_SIZE}:</label><br /><span>{L_LINK_REMOTE_SIZE_EXPLAIN}</span></dt>
+ <dd><input name="width" type="text" id="width" size="3" value="{USER_AVATAR_WIDTH}" /> <span>px X </span> <input type="text" name="height" size="3" value="{USER_AVATAR_HEIGHT}" /> <span>px</span></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label>{L_AVATAR_GALLERY}:</label></dt>
+ <dd><input class="button2" type="submit" name="display_gallery" value="{L_DISPLAY_GALLERY}" /></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
+ <!-- ELSE -->
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>{L_AVATAR_GALLERY}</legend>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><label for="category">{L_AVATAR_CATEGORY}:</label></dt>
+ <dd><select name="category" id="category">{S_CAT_OPTIONS}</select>&nbsp;<input class="button2" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" name="display_gallery" /></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <table cellspacing="1">
+ <!-- BEGIN avatar_row -->
+ <tr>
+ <!-- BEGIN avatar_column -->
+ <td class="row1" style="text-align: center;"><img src="{avatar_row.avatar_column.AVATAR_IMAGE}" alt="{avatar_row.avatar_column.AVATAR_NAME}" title="{avatar_row.avatar_column.AVATAR_NAME}" /></td>
+ <!-- END avatar_column -->
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <!-- BEGIN avatar_option_column -->
+ <td class="row2" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" name="avatar_select" value="{avatar_row.avatar_option_column.S_OPTIONS_AVATAR}" /></td>
+ <!-- END avatar_option_column -->
+ </tr>
+ <!-- END avatar_row -->
+ </table>
+ </dl>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset class="quick" style="margin-top: -15px;">
+ <input class="button2" type="submit" name="cancel" value="{L_CANCEL}" />
+ </fieldset>
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset class="quick">
+ <input class="button1" type="submit" name="update" value="{L_SUBMIT}" />
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ <!--
+ var form_name = 'user_signature';
+ var text_name = 'signature';
+ // Define the bbCode tags
+ bbcode = new Array();
+ bbtags = new Array('[b]','[/b]','[i]','[/i]','[u]','[/u]','[quote]','[/quote]','[code]','[/code]','[list]','[/list]','[list=]','[/list]','[img]','[/img]','[url]','[/url]');
+ imageTag = false;
+ // Helpline messages
+ b_help = "{L_BBCODE_B_HELP}";
+ i_help = "{L_BBCODE_I_HELP}";
+ u_help = "{L_BBCODE_U_HELP}";
+ q_help = "{L_BBCODE_Q_HELP}";
+ c_help = "{L_BBCODE_C_HELP}";
+ l_help = "{L_BBCODE_L_HELP}";
+ o_help = "{L_BBCODE_O_HELP}";
+ p_help = "{L_BBCODE_P_HELP}";
+ w_help = "{L_BBCODE_W_HELP}";
+ a_help = "{L_BBCODE_A_HELP}";
+ s_help = "{L_BBCODE_S_HELP}";
+ f_help = "{L_BBCODE_F_HELP}";
+ e_help = "{L_BBCODE_E_HELP}";
+ //-->
+ </script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/editor.js"></script>
+ <form id="user_signature" method="post" action="{U_ACTION}">
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>{L_ADMIN_SIG_PREVIEW}</legend>
+ </fieldset>
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>{L_SIGNATURE}</legend>
+ <div id="format-buttons">
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="b" name="addbbcode0" value=" B " style="font-weight:bold; width: 30px" onclick="bbstyle(0)" onmouseover="helpline('b')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="i" name="addbbcode2" value=" i " style="font-style:italic; width: 30px" onclick="bbstyle(2)" onmouseover="helpline('i')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="u" name="addbbcode4" value=" u " style="text-decoration: underline; width: 30px" onclick="bbstyle(4)" onmouseover="helpline('u')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="q" name="addbbcode6" value="Quote" style="width: 50px" onclick="bbstyle(6)" onmouseover="helpline('q')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="c" name="addbbcode8" value="Code" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(8)" onmouseover="helpline('c')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="l" name="addbbcode10" value="List" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(10)" onmouseover="helpline('l')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="o" name="addbbcode12" value="List=" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(12)" onmouseover="helpline('o')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="p" name="addbbcode14" value="Img" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(14)" onmouseover="helpline('p')" />
+ <input class="button2" type="button" accesskey="w" name="addbbcode16" value="URL" style="text-decoration: underline; width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(16)" onmouseover="helpline('w')" />
+ {L_FONT_SIZE}: <select name="addbbcode20" onchange="bbfontstyle('[size=' + this.form.addbbcode20.options[this.form.addbbcode20.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/size]');this.form.addbbcode20.selectedIndex = 2;" onmouseover="helpline('f')">
+ <option value="7">{L_FONT_TINY}</option>
+ <option value="9">{L_FONT_SMALL}</option>
+ <option value="12" selected="selected">{L_FONT_NORMAL}</option>
+ <option value="18">{L_FONT_LARGE}</option>
+ <option value="24">{L_FONT_HUGE}</option>
+ </select>
+ <a href="javascript:bbstyle(-1)" onmouseover="helpline('a')">{L_CLOSE_TAGS}</a>
+ </div>
+ <p><input type="text" name="helpbox" value="{L_STYLES_TIP}" class="full" style="border: 0; background: none;" /></p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt style="width: 110px;"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
+ colorPalette('v', 17, 5);
+ //--></script>
+ </dt>
+ <dd style="text-align: left; margin-left: 110px;"><textarea name="signature" rows="10" cols="60" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);">{SIGNATURE}</textarea></dd>
+ <dd style="text-align: left; margin-left: 110px;">
+ <!-- IF S_HTML_ALLOWED --><input type="checkbox" name="disable_html"{S_HTML_CHECKED} />&nbsp; {L_DISABLE_HTML} &nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
+ <!-- IF S_BBCODE_ALLOWED --><input type="checkbox" name="disable_bbcode"{S_BBCODE_CHECKED} />&nbsp; {L_DISABLE_BBCODE} &nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
+ <!-- IF S_SMILIES_ALLOWED --><input type="checkbox" name="disable_smilies"{S_SMILIES_CHECKED} />&nbsp; {L_DISABLE_SMILIES} &nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
+ <input type="checkbox" name="disable_magic_url"{S_MAGIC_URL_CHECKED} />&nbsp; {L_DISABLE_MAGIC_URL} &nbsp;
+ <br /><br /><strong>{L_OPTIONS}: </strong>{HTML_STATUS} :: {BBCODE_STATUS} :: {IMG_STATUS} :: {FLASH_STATUS} :: {SMILIES_STATUS}
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset class="quick">
+ <input class="button1" type="submit" name="update" value="{L_SUBMIT}" />&nbsp;
+ <input class="button2" type="submit" name="preview" value="{L_PREVIEW}" />
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
+ <form id="user_attachments" method="post" action="{U_ACTION}">
+ <fieldset class="quick" style="float: left;">
+ {L_SORT_BY}: <select name="sk">{S_SORT_KEY}</select> <select name="sd">{S_SORT_DIR}</select>
+ <input class="button2" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" name="sort" />
+ </fieldset>
+ <div class="pagination" style="float: right;">
+ <!-- IF PAGINATION -->
+ <a href="javascript:jumpto();" title="{L_JUMP_TO_PAGE}">{S_ON_PAGE}</a> &bull; <span>{PAGINATION}</span>
+ <!-- ELSE -->
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
+ </div>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ <!-- IF .attach -->
+ <table cellspacing="1">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>{L_FILENAME}</th>
+ <th>{L_POST_TIME}</th>
+ <th>{L_FILESIZE}</th>
+ <th>{L_DOWNLOADS}</th>
+ <th>{L_DELETE}</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <!-- BEGIN attach -->
+ <!-- IF attach.S_ROW_COUNT is even --><tr class="row1"><!-- ELSE --><tr class="row2"><!-- ENDIF -->
+ <td><a href="{attach.U_DOWNLOAD}">{attach.REAL_FILENAME}</a><br /><span class="small"><!-- IF attach.S_IN_MESSAGE --><b>{L_PM}: </b><!-- ELSE --><b>{L_TOPIC}: </b><!-- ENDIF --><a href="{attach.U_VIEW_TOPIC}">{attach.TOPIC_TITLE}</a></span></td>
+ <td>{attach.POST_TIME}</td>
+ <td>{attach.SIZE}</td>
+ <td>{attach.DOWNLOAD_COUNT}</td>
+ <td><input type="checkbox" name="mark[]" value="{attach.ATTACH_ID}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <!-- END attach -->
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <!-- ELSE -->
+ <div class="errorbox">
+ <p>{L_NO_ENTRIES}</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ENDIF -->
+ <fieldset class="quick">
+ <b class="small"><a href="#" onclick="marklist('user_attachments', true);">{L_MARK_ALL}</a> :: <a href="#" onclick="marklist('user_attachments', false);">{L_UNMARK_ALL}</a></b><br />
+ <input class="button2" type="submit" name="delmarked" value="{L_DELETE_MARKED}" />
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html --> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/adm/style/admin.css b/phpBB/adm/style/admin.css
index 57703c4147..ea9c1e3f74 100644
--- a/phpBB/adm/style/admin.css
+++ b/phpBB/adm/style/admin.css
@@ -352,6 +352,25 @@ td {
line-height: 1px;
+table.type2 {
+ border: none;
+ background: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 0;
+table.type2 th {
+ background: none;
+ border-top: none;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #FFA34F;
+ padding: 2px 0;
+table.type2 td {
+ padding: 0;
/* General form styles
fieldset {
@@ -778,6 +797,17 @@ a.button2, a.button2:link, a.button2:visited, a.button2:active {
text-decoration: none;
+ Format Buttons for signature editor
+#format-buttons {
+ margin: 15px 0 2px 0;
+#format-buttons input, #format-buttons select {
+ vertical-align: middle;
/* Nice method for clearing floated blocks without having to insert any extra markup
From http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html */
.clearfix:after, #tabs:after, .row:after, #content:after, fieldset dl:after, #page-body:after {
diff --git a/phpBB/adm/style/editor.js b/phpBB/adm/style/editor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9a93bd7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/adm/style/editor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// bbCode control by subBlue design [ www.subBlue.com ]
+// Includes unixsafe colour palette selector by SHS`
+// Startup variables
+var imageTag = false;
+var theSelection = false;
+// Check for Browser & Platform for PC & IE specific bits
+// More details from: http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/sniffer/browser_type.html
+var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info
+var clientVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); // Get browser version
+var is_ie = ((clientPC.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (clientPC.indexOf("opera") == -1));
+var is_nav = ((clientPC.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
+ && (clientPC.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (clientPC.indexOf('opera')==-1)
+ && (clientPC.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('hotjava')==-1));
+var is_win = ((clientPC.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (clientPC.indexOf("16bit") != -1));
+var is_mac = (clientPC.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
+// Shows the help messages in the helpline window
+function helpline(help) {
+ document.forms[form_name].helpbox.value = eval(help + "_help");
+// Replacement for arrayname.length property
+function getarraysize(thearray) {
+ for (i = 0; i < thearray.length; i++) {
+ if ((thearray[i] == "undefined") || (thearray[i] == "") || (thearray[i] == null))
+ return i;
+ }
+ return thearray.length;
+// Replacement for arrayname.push(value) not implemented in IE until version 5.5
+// Appends element to the array
+function arraypush(thearray,value) {
+ thearray[ getarraysize(thearray) ] = value;
+// Replacement for arrayname.pop() not implemented in IE until version 5.5
+// Removes and returns the last element of an array
+function arraypop(thearray) {
+ thearraysize = getarraysize(thearray);
+ retval = thearray[thearraysize - 1];
+ delete thearray[thearraysize - 1];
+ return retval;
+function smiley(text) {
+ text = ' ' + text + ' ';
+ if (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].createTextRange && document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].caretPos) {
+ var caretPos = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].caretPos;
+ caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? caretPos.text + text + ' ' : caretPos.text + text;
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ } else {
+ var selStart = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart;
+ var selEnd = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd;
+ mozWrap(document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name], text, '')
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart = selStart + text.length;
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd = selEnd + text.length;
+ }
+function bbfontstyle(bbopen, bbclose) {
+ if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win) {
+ theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;
+ if (!theSelection) {
+ insert_text(bbopen + bbclose);
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ document.selection.createRange().text = bbopen + theSelection + bbclose;
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ insert_text(bbopen + bbclose);
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ storeCaret(document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name]);
+function insert_text(text) {
+ if (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].createTextRange && document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].caretPos) {
+ var caretPos = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].caretPos;
+ caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? caretPos.text + text + ' ' : caretPos.text + text;
+ } else {
+ var selStart = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart;
+ var selEnd = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd;
+ mozWrap(document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name], text, '')
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart = selStart + text.length;
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd = selEnd + text.length;
+ }
+function attach_inline() {
+ insert_text('[attachment=' + document.forms[form_name].elements['attachments'].value + ']' + document.forms[form_name].elements['attachments'].options[document.forms[form_name].elements['attachments'].selectedIndex].text + '[/attachment]');
+function bbstyle(bbnumber) {
+ donotinsert = false;
+ theSelection = false;
+ bblast = 0;
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ if (bbnumber == -1) { // Close all open tags & default button names
+ while (bbcode[0]) {
+ butnumber = arraypop(bbcode) - 1;
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].value += bbtags[butnumber + 1];
+ buttext = eval('document.forms[form_name].addbbcode' + butnumber + '.value');
+ if (buttext != "[*]")
+ {
+ eval('document.forms[form_name].addbbcode' + butnumber + '.value ="' + buttext.substr(0,(buttext.length - 1)) + '"');
+ }
+ }
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode10.value = "List";
+ bbtags[10] = "[list]";
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode12.value = "List=";
+ bbtags[12] = "[list=]";
+ imageTag = false; // All tags are closed including image tags :D
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win)
+ {
+ theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text; // Get text selection
+ if (theSelection) {
+ // Add tags around selection
+ document.selection.createRange().text = bbtags[bbnumber] + theSelection + bbtags[bbnumber+1];
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ theSelection = '';
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd && (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd - document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart > 0))
+ {
+ mozWrap(document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name], bbtags[bbnumber], bbtags[bbnumber+1]);
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ theSelection = '';
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find last occurance of an open tag the same as the one just clicked
+ for (i = 0; i < bbcode.length; i++) {
+ if (bbcode[i] == bbnumber+1) {
+ bblast = i;
+ donotinsert = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((bbnumber == 10) && (bbtags[10] != "[*]"))
+ {
+ if (donotinsert)
+ {
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode12.value = "List=";
+ tmp_help = o_help;
+ o_help = e_help;
+ e_help = tmp_help;
+ bbtags[12] = "[list=]";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode12.value = "[*]";
+ tmp_help = o_help;
+ o_help = e_help;
+ e_help = tmp_help;
+ bbtags[12] = "[*]";
+ }
+ }
+ if ((bbnumber == 12) && (bbtags[12] != "[*]"))
+ {
+ if (donotinsert)
+ {
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode10.value = "List";
+ tmp_help = l_help;
+ l_help = e_help;
+ e_help = tmp_help;
+ bbtags[10] = "[list]";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode10.value = "[*]";
+ tmp_help = l_help;
+ l_help = e_help;
+ e_help = tmp_help;
+ bbtags[10] = "[*]";
+ }
+ }
+ if (donotinsert) { // Close all open tags up to the one just clicked & default button names
+ while (bbcode[bblast]) {
+ butnumber = arraypop(bbcode) - 1;
+ if (bbtags[butnumber] != "[*]")
+ {
+ insert_text(bbtags[butnumber + 1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insert_text(bbtags[butnumber]);
+ }
+ buttext = eval('document.forms[form_name].addbbcode' + butnumber + '.value');
+ if (bbtags[butnumber] != "[*]")
+ {
+ eval('document.forms[form_name].addbbcode' + butnumber + '.value ="' + buttext.substr(0,(buttext.length - 1)) + '"');
+ }
+ imageTag = false;
+ }
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ return;
+ } else { // Open tags
+ if (imageTag && (bbnumber != 14)) { // Close image tag before adding another
+ insert_text(bbtags[15]);
+ lastValue = arraypop(bbcode) - 1; // Remove the close image tag from the list
+ document.forms[form_name].addbbcode14.value = "Img"; // Return button back to normal state
+ imageTag = false;
+ }
+ // Open tag
+ insert_text(bbtags[bbnumber]);
+ if ((bbnumber == 14) && (imageTag == false)) imageTag = 1; // Check to stop additional tags after an unclosed image tag
+ if (bbtags[bbnumber] != "[*]")
+ {
+ arraypush(bbcode,bbnumber+1);
+ eval('document.forms[form_name].addbbcode'+bbnumber+'.value += "*"');
+ }
+ document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ storeCaret(document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name]);
+// From http://www.massless.org/mozedit/
+function mozWrap(txtarea, open, close)
+ var selLength = txtarea.textLength;
+ var selStart = txtarea.selectionStart;
+ var selEnd = txtarea.selectionEnd;
+ if (selEnd == 1 || selEnd == 2)
+ selEnd = selLength;
+ var s1 = (txtarea.value).substring(0,selStart);
+ var s2 = (txtarea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd)
+ var s3 = (txtarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
+ txtarea.value = s1 + open + s2 + close + s3;
+ return;
+// Insert at Claret position. Code from
+// http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/1052/fid/130
+function storeCaret(textEl) {
+ if (textEl.createTextRange) { textEl.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); }
+function colorPalette(dir, width, height)
+ var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
+ var numberList = new Array(6);
+ numberList[0] = "00";
+ numberList[1] = "40";
+ numberList[2] = "80";
+ numberList[3] = "BF";
+ numberList[4] = "FF";
+ document.writeln('<table class="type2">');
+ for(r = 0; r < 5; r++)
+ {
+ if (dir == 'h')
+ {
+ document.writeln('<tr>');
+ }
+ for(g = 0; g < 5; g++)
+ {
+ if (dir == 'v')
+ {
+ document.writeln('<tr>');
+ }
+ for(b = 0; b < 5; b++)
+ {
+ color = String(numberList[r]) + String(numberList[g]) + String(numberList[b]);
+ document.write('<td bgcolor="#' + color + '">');
+ document.write('<a href="javascript:bbfontstyle(\'[color=#' + color + ']\', \'[/color]\');" onmouseover="helpline(\'s\');"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" alt="#' + color + '" title="#' + color + '" /></a>');
+ document.writeln('</td>');
+ }
+ if (dir == 'v')
+ {
+ document.writeln('</tr>');
+ }
+ }
+ if (dir == 'h')
+ {
+ document.writeln('</tr>');
+ }
+ }
+ document.writeln('</table>');
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/acp/acp_users.php b/phpBB/includes/acp/acp_users.php
index 071861ec61..57f685997f 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/acp/acp_users.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/acp/acp_users.php
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ class acp_users
- * $config['max_warnings'] does not exist yet
+ * @todo $config['max_warnings'] does not exist yet
// Validation data
$var_ary = array(
@@ -1200,6 +1200,362 @@ class acp_users
+ break;
+ case 'avatar':
+ $avatar_select = basename(request_var('avatar_select', ''));
+ $category = basename(request_var('category', ''));
+ $data = array();
+ if ($submit)
+ {
+ $delete = request_var('delete', '');
+ $var_ary = array(
+ 'uploadurl' => (string) '',
+ 'remotelink' => (string) '',
+ 'width' => (string) '',
+ 'height' => (string) '',
+ );
+ foreach ($var_ary as $var => $default)
+ {
+ $data[$var] = request_var($var, $default);
+ }
+ $var_ary = array(
+ 'uploadurl' => array('string', true, 5, 255),
+ 'remotelink' => array('string', true, 5, 255),
+ 'width' => array('string', true, 1, 3),
+ 'height' => array('string', true, 1, 3),
+ );
+ $error = validate_data($data, $var_ary);
+ if (!sizeof($error))
+ {
+ $data['user_id'] = $user_id;
+ if ((!empty($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']) || $data['uploadurl']) && $can_upload)
+ {
+ list($type, $filename, $width, $height) = avatar_upload($data, $error);
+ }
+ else if ($data['remotelink'] && $config['allow_avatar_remote'])
+ {
+ list($type, $filename, $width, $height) = avatar_remote($data, $error);
+ }
+ else if ($avatar_select && $config['allow_avatar_local'])
+ {
+ $filename = $avatar_select;
+ // check avatar gallery
+ if (!is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $category))
+ {
+ $type = $width = $height = 0;
+ $filename = '';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ list($width, $height) = getimagesize($phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $category . '/' . $filename);
+ $filename = $category . '/' . $filename;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($delete)
+ {
+ $filename = '';
+ $type = $width = $height = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sizeof($error))
+ {
+ // Do we actually have any data to update?
+ if (sizeof($data))
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'user_avatar' => $filename,
+ 'user_avatar_type' => $type,
+ 'user_avatar_width' => $width,
+ 'user_avatar_height' => $height,
+ );
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . '
+ WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id;
+ $db->sql_query($sql);
+ // Delete old avatar if present
+ if ($user_row['user_avatar'] && $filename != $user_row['user_avatar'] && $user_row['user_avatar_type'] != AVATAR_GALLERY)
+ {
+ avatar_delete($user_row['user_avatar']);
+ }
+ }
+ trigger_error($user->lang['USER_AVATAR_UPDATED'] . adm_back_link($u_action));
+ }
+ // Replace "error" strings with their real, localised form
+ $error = preg_replace('#^([A-Z_]+)$#e', "(!empty(\$user->lang['\\1'])) ? \$user->lang['\\1'] : '\\1'", $error);
+ }
+ $can_upload = (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_path']) && is_writeable($phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_path']) && $file_uploads) ? true : false;
+ // Generate users avatar
+ if ($user_row['user_avatar'])
+ {
+ switch ($user_row['user_avatar_type'])
+ {
+ $avatar_img = $phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_path'] . '/';
+ break;
+ $avatar_img = $phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/';
+ break;
+ }
+ $avatar_img .= $user_row['user_avatar'];
+ $avatar_img = '<img src="' . $avatar_img . '" width="' . $user_row['user_avatar_width'] . '" height="' . $user_row['user_avatar_height'] . '" alt="" />';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $avatar_img = '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/no_avatar.gif" alt="" />';
+ }
+ $display_gallery = (isset($_POST['display_gallery'])) ? true : false;
+ if ($config['allow_avatar_local'] && $display_gallery)
+ {
+ avatar_gallery($category, $avatar_select, 4);
+ }
+ $template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'S_AVATAR' => true,
+ 'S_CAN_UPLOAD' => $can_upload,
+ 'S_DISPLAY_GALLERY' => ($config['allow_avatar_local'] && !$display_gallery) ? true : false,
+ 'S_IN_GALLERY' => ($config['allow_avatar_local'] && $display_gallery) ? true : false,
+ 'AVATAR_IMAGE' => $avatar_img,
+ 'AVATAR_MAX_FILESIZE' => $config['avatar_filesize'],
+ 'USER_AVATAR_WIDTH' => $user_row['user_avatar_width'],
+ 'USER_AVATAR_HEIGHT' => $user_row['user_avatar_height'],
+ 'L_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => sprintf($user->lang['AVATAR_EXPLAIN'], $config['avatar_max_width'], $config['avatar_max_height'], round($config['avatar_filesize'] / 1024)))
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'sig':
+ include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx);
+ $enable_html = ($config['allow_sig_html']) ? request_var('enable_html', false) : false;
+ $enable_bbcode = ($config['allow_sig_bbcode']) ? request_var('enable_bbcode', $this->optionget($user_row, 'bbcode')) : false;
+ $enable_smilies = ($config['allow_sig_smilies']) ? request_var('enable_smilies', $this->optionget($user_row, 'smilies')) : false;
+ $enable_urls = request_var('enable_urls', true);
+ $signature = request_var('signature', $user_row['user_sig']);
+ $preview = (isset($_POST['preview'])) ? true : false;
+ if ($submit || $preview)
+ {
+ include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/message_parser.' . $phpEx);
+ $message_parser = new parse_message($signature);
+ // Allowing Quote BBCode
+ $message_parser->parse($enable_html, $enable_bbcode, $enable_urls, $enable_smilies, $config['allow_sig_img'], $config['allow_sig_flash'], true, true, 'sig');
+ if (sizeof($message_parser->warn_msg))
+ {
+ $error[] = implode('<br />', $message_parser->warn_msg);
+ }
+ if (!sizeof($error) && $submit)
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'user_sig' => (string) $message_parser->message,
+ 'user_sig_bbcode_uid' => (string) $message_parser->bbcode_uid,
+ 'user_sig_bbcode_bitfield' => (int) $message_parser->bbcode_bitfield
+ );
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . '
+ WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id;
+ $db->sql_query($sql);
+ trigger_error($user->lang['USER_SIG_UPDATED'] . adm_back_link($u_action));
+ }
+ // Replace "error" strings with their real, localised form
+ $error = preg_replace('#^([A-Z_]+)$#e', "(!empty(\$user->lang['\\1'])) ? \$user->lang['\\1'] : '\\1'", $error);
+ }
+ $signature_preview = '';
+ if ($preview)
+ {
+ // Now parse it for displaying
+ $signature_preview = $message_parser->format_display($enable_html, $enable_bbcode, $enable_urls, $enable_smilies, false);
+ unset($message_parser);
+ }
+ decode_message($signature, $user_row['user_sig_bbcode_uid']);
+ $template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'S_SIGNATURE' => true,
+ 'SIGNATURE' => $signature,
+ 'SIGNATURE_PREVIEW' => $signature_preview,
+ 'S_HTML_CHECKED' => (!$enable_html) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'S_BBCODE_CHECKED' => (!$enable_bbcode) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'S_SMILIES_CHECKED' => (!$enable_smilies) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'S_MAGIC_URL_CHECKED' => (!$enable_urls) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
+ 'HTML_STATUS' => ($config['allow_sig_html']) ? $user->lang['HTML_IS_ON'] : $user->lang['HTML_IS_OFF'],
+ 'BBCODE_STATUS' => ($config['allow_sig_bbcode']) ? sprintf($user->lang['BBCODE_IS_ON'], '<a href="' . $phpbb_root_path . "faq.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=bbcode" . '" target="_phpbbcode">', '</a>') : sprintf($user->lang['BBCODE_IS_OFF'], '<a href="' . "{$phpbb_root_path}faq.$phpEx$SID&amp;mode=bbcode" . '" target="_phpbbcode">', '</a>'),
+ 'SMILIES_STATUS' => ($config['allow_sig_smilies']) ? $user->lang['SMILIES_ARE_ON'] : $user->lang['SMILIES_ARE_OFF'],
+ 'IMG_STATUS' => ($config['allow_sig_img']) ? $user->lang['IMAGES_ARE_ON'] : $user->lang['IMAGES_ARE_OFF'],
+ 'FLASH_STATUS' => ($config['allow_sig_flash']) ? $user->lang['FLASH_IS_ON'] : $user->lang['FLASH_IS_OFF'],
+ 'L_SIGNATURE_EXPLAIN' => sprintf($user->lang['SIGNATURE_EXPLAIN'], $config['max_sig_chars']),
+ 'S_HTML_ALLOWED' => $config['allow_sig_html'],
+ 'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => $config['allow_sig_bbcode'],
+ 'S_SMILIES_ALLOWED' => $config['allow_sig_smilies'],)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'attach':
+ $start = request_var('start', 0);
+ $deletemark = (isset($_POST['delmarked'])) ? true : false;
+ $marked = request_var('mark', array(0));
+ // Sort keys
+ $sort_key = request_var('sk', 'a');
+ $sort_dir = request_var('sd', 'd');
+ if ($deletemark && sizeof($marked))
+ {
+ if (confirm_box(true))
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT real_filename
+ WHERE attach_id IN (' . implode(', ', $marked) . ')';
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $log_attachments = array();
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $log_attachments[] = $row['real_filename'];
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ delete_attachments('attach', $marked);
+ $log = (sizeof($log_attachments) == 1) ? 'ATTACHMENT_DELETED' : 'ATTACHMENTS_DELETED';
+ $message = (sizeof($log_attachments) == 1) ? $user->lang['ATTACHMENT_DELETED'] : $user->lang['ATTACHMENTS_DELETED'];
+ add_log('admin', $log, implode(', ', $log_attachments));
+ trigger_error($message . adm_back_link($u_action));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ confirm_box(false, $user->lang['CONFIRM_OPERATION'], build_hidden_fields(array(
+ 'u' => $user_id,
+ 'i' => $id,
+ 'mode' => $mode,
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'deletemark' => true,
+ 'mark' => $marked))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $sk_text = array('a' => $user->lang['SORT_FILENAME'], 'c' => $user->lang['SORT_EXTENSION'], 'd' => $user->lang['SORT_SIZE'], 'e' => $user->lang['SORT_DOWNLOADS'], 'f' => $user->lang['SORT_POST_TIME'], 'g' => $user->lang['SORT_TOPIC_TITLE']);
+ $sk_sql = array('a' => 'a.real_filename', 'c' => 'a.extension', 'd' => 'a.filesize', 'e' => 'a.download_count', 'f' => 'a.filetime', 'g' => 't.topic_title');
+ $sd_text = array('a' => $user->lang['ASCENDING'], 'd' => $user->lang['DESCENDING']);
+ $s_sort_key = '';
+ foreach ($sk_text as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $selected = ($sort_key == $key) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
+ $s_sort_key .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>';
+ }
+ $s_sort_dir = '';
+ foreach ($sd_text as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $selected = ($sort_dir == $key) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
+ $s_sort_dir .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>';
+ }
+ $order_by = $sk_sql[$sort_key] . ' ' . (($sort_dir == 'a') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
+ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as num_attachments
+ WHERE poster_id = $user_id";
+ $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
+ $num_attachments = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('num_attachments', false, $result);
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $sql = 'SELECT a.*, t.topic_title, p.message_subject as message_title
+ LEFT JOIN ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t ON (a.topic_id = t.topic_id
+ AND a.in_message = 0)
+ LEFT JOIN ' . PRIVMSGS_TABLE . ' p ON (a.post_msg_id = p.msg_id
+ AND a.in_message = 1)
+ WHERE a.poster_id = ' . $user_id . "
+ ORDER BY $order_by";
+ $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['posts_per_page'], $start);
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ if ($row['in_message'])
+ {
+ $view_topic = "{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx$SID&amp;i=pm&amp;p={$row['post_msg_id']}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $view_topic = "{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx$SID&amp;t={$row['topic_id']}&amp;p={$row['post_msg_id']}#{$row['post_msg_id']}";
+ }
+ $template->assign_block_vars('attach', array(
+ 'REAL_FILENAME' => $row['real_filename'],
+ 'COMMENT' => nl2br($row['comment']),
+ 'EXTENSION' => $row['extension'],
+ 'SIZE' => ($row['filesize'] >= 1048576) ? ($row['filesize'] >> 20) . ' ' . $user->lang['MB'] : (($row['filesize'] >= 1024) ? ($row['filesize'] >> 10) . ' ' . $user->lang['KB'] : $row['filesize'] . ' ' . $user->lang['BYTES']),
+ 'DOWNLOAD_COUNT' => $row['download_count'],
+ 'POST_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['filetime']),
+ 'TOPIC_TITLE' => ($row['in_message']) ? $row['message_title'] : $row['topic_title'],
+ 'ATTACH_ID' => $row['attach_id'],
+ 'POST_ID' => $row['post_msg_id'],
+ 'TOPIC_ID' => $row['topic_id'],
+ 'S_IN_MESSAGE' => $row['in_message'],
+ 'U_DOWNLOAD' => $phpbb_root_path . 'download.' . $phpEx . $SID . '&amp;id=' . $row['attach_id'],
+ 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $view_topic)
+ );
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'S_ATTACHMENTS' => true,
+ 'S_ON_PAGE' => on_page($num_attachments, $config['topics_per_page'], $start),
+ 'S_SORT_KEY' => $s_sort_key,
+ 'S_SORT_DIR' => $s_sort_dir,
+ 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination($u_action . "&amp;sk=$sort_key&amp;sd=$sort_dir", $num_attachments, $config['topics_per_page'], $start, true))
+ );
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php b/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
index 1f3d34e90f..1aad064c07 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/message_parser.php
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ class bbcode_firstpass extends bbcode
'code' => array('bbcode_id' => 8, 'regexp' => array('#\[code(?:=([a-z]+))?\](.+\[/code\])#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_code('\$1', '\$2')")),
'quote' => array('bbcode_id' => 0, 'regexp' => array('#\[quote(?:=&quot;(.*?)&quot;)?\](.+)\[/quote\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_quote('\$0')")),
'attachment'=> array('bbcode_id' => 12, 'regexp' => array('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[/attachment\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_attachment('\$1', '\$2')")),
- 'b' => array('bbcode_id' => 1, 'regexp' => array('#\[b\](.+)\[/b\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_strong('\$1')")),
- 'i' => array('bbcode_id' => 2, 'regexp' => array('#\[i\](.+)\[/i\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_italic('\$1')")),
+ 'b' => array('bbcode_id' => 1, 'regexp' => array('#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_strong('\$1')")),
+ 'i' => array('bbcode_id' => 2, 'regexp' => array('#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_italic('\$1')")),
'url' => array('bbcode_id' => 3, 'regexp' => array('#\[url(=(.*))?\](.*)\[/url\]#iUe' => "\$this->validate_url('\$2', '\$3')")),
'img' => array('bbcode_id' => 4, 'regexp' => array('#\[img\](https?://)([a-z0-9\-\.,\?!%\*_:;~\\&$@/=\+]+)\[/img\]#ie' => "\$this->bbcode_img('\$1\$2')")),
'size' => array('bbcode_id' => 5, 'regexp' => array('#\[size=([\-\+]?[1-2]?[0-9])\](.*?)\[/size\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_size('\$1', '\$2')")),
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_prefs.php b/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_prefs.php
index a1888179c1..aec1531d77 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_prefs.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_prefs.php
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ class ucp_prefs
$dateformat_options .= '>' . $user->lang['CUSTOM_DATEFORMAT'] . '</option>';
'ERROR' => (sizeof($error)) ? implode('<br />', $error) : '',
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_profile.php b/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_profile.php
index df1370e073..3a0dbdc0cc 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_profile.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_profile.php
@@ -512,7 +512,8 @@ class ucp_profile
// check avatar gallery
if (!is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $category))
- $type = $filename = $width = $height = '';
+ $filename = '';
+ $type = $width = $height = 0;
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php
index 1fd732ea10..82e1ae4466 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
+ 'ADMIN_SIG_PREVIEW' => 'Signature preview',
'BAN_SUCCESSFULL' => 'Ban entered successfully',
'CONFIRM_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'You only need to specify this if you are changing the users email address.',
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'USER_ADMIN_MOVE_POSTS' => 'Move all posts',
'USER_ADMIN_SIG_REMOVED' => 'Successfully removed signature from user account',
'USER_ATTACHMENTS_REMOVED' => 'Successfully removed all attachments made by this user',
+ 'USER_AVATAR_UPDATED' => 'Successfully updated user avatars details',
'USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS' => 'Custom profile fields',
'USER_DELETED' => 'User deleted successfully',
'USER_OVERVIEW_UPDATED' => 'User details updated',
@@ -85,6 +88,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'USER_PREFS_UPDATED' => 'User preferences updated',
'USER_PROFILE' => 'User Profile',
'USER_PROFILE_UPDATED' => 'User profile updated',
+ 'USER_SIG_UPDATED' => 'User signature successfully updated',
'USER_TOOLS' => 'Basic tools',
'WARNINGS' => 'Warnings',