diff options
authoruid29890 <uid29890@users.sourceforge.net>2001-07-05 00:47:03 +0000
committeruid29890 <uid29890@users.sourceforge.net>2001-07-05 00:47:03 +0000
commiteb5b9bfb0718eb4d960ff2555d6084263750d874 (patch)
parent14c6a0a4af67323b4243d507a69e054d35d6ea2a (diff)
Started on moderator control panel code. Main layout is started, no functionality yet
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@561 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
6 files changed, 238 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/db/oracle.php b/phpBB/db/oracle.php
index c26001efc7..42664ca45d 100644
--- a/phpBB/db/oracle.php
+++ b/phpBB/db/oracle.php
@@ -320,6 +320,40 @@ class sql_db
return false;
+ function sql_nextid($query_id = 0)
+ {
+ if(!$query_id)
+ {
+ $query_id = $this->query_result;
+ }
+ if($query_id && $this->last_query_text[$query_id] != "")
+ {
+ if( eregi("^(INSERT{1}|^INSERT INTO{1})[[:space:]][\"]?([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)[\"]?", $this->last_query_text[$query_id], $tablename))
+ {
+ $query = "SELECT ".$tablename[2]."_id_seq.currval FROM DUAL";
+ $stmt = OCIParse($this->db_connect_id, $query);
+ OCIExecute($stmt);
+ $temp_result = @OCIFetchInto($stmt, $temp_result, OCI_ASSOC);
+ if($temp_result)
+ {
+ return $temp_result['CURRVAL'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
function sql_nextid()
diff --git a/phpBB/language/lang_english.php b/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
index 1ada24f22b..ae5460a082 100755
--- a/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ Thank you for registering.
$lang['COPPA'] = "Your account has been created but has to be approved, please check your email for details.";
$lang['Welcome_COPPA'] = "Your account has been created, however in complance with the COPPA act you must print out this page and have you parent or guardian mail it to: <br>" . $lang['Mailing_address'] . "<br>Or fax it to: <br>" . $lang['Fax_info'] . "<br> Once this information has been received your account will be activated by the administrator and you will receive an email notification.";
// Memberslist
@@ -419,9 +418,18 @@ $lang['A_critical_error'] = "A Critical Error Occured";
$lang['Error_login'] = "Login Failed<br>You have specified an incorrect/inactive username or invalid password, please go back and try again";
+$lang['Not_Moderator'] = "You are not a moderator of this forum";
+$lang['Not_Authorised'] = "Not Authorised";
+// Moderator Control Panel
+$lang['ModCp_Explain'] = "Using the form below you can preform mass operations on this forum. You can lock, unlock, move, or delete any number of topics";
+$lang['Select'] = "Select";
+$lang['Delete'] = "Delete";
+$lang['Move'] = "Move";
+$lang['Lock'] = "Lock";
+$lang['Unlock'] = "Unlock";
// Old format ... _DON'T_add_any_ new entries here!!
diff --git a/phpBB/modcp.php b/phpBB/modcp.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13f606a233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/modcp.php
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ *
+ * -------------------
+ * begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
+ * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
+ * email : support@phpbb.com
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * Moderator Control Panel
+ *
+ * From this 'Control Panel' the moderator of a forum will be able to do
+ * mass topic operations (locking/unlocking/moving/deleteing), and it will
+ * provide an interface to do quick locking/unlocking/moving/deleting of
+ * topics via the moderator operations buttons on all of the viewtopic pages.
+ */
+$pagetype = "modcp";
+$page_title = "Modertator Control Panel";
+ $sql = "SELECT forum_id, forum_topics FROM ".TOPICS_TABLE." WHERE topic_id = ".$topic_id;
+ if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
+ {
+ message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Topic_post_not_exist'], "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
+ }
+ $topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result);
+ $forum_topics = $topic_row[0]['forum_topics'];
+ $forum_id = $topic_row[0]['forum_id'];
+ $sql = "SELECT forum_topics FROM ".FORUMS_TABLE." WHERE forum_id = ".$forum_id;
+ if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
+ {
+ message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Topic_post_not_exist'], "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
+ }
+ $topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result);
+ $forum_topics = $topic_row[0]['forum_topics'];
+$is_mod = 0;
+// Start session management
+$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, $forum_id, $session_length);
+// End session management
+// Start auth check
+$is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $forum_id, $userdata);
+if($is_auth['auth_mod'] || $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN)
+ $is_mod = TRUE;
+ $is_mod = FALSE;
+// End Auth Check
+ message_die(CRITICAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Not_Moderator'], $lang['Not_Authorised'], __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ case 'delete':
+ break;
+ case 'move':
+ break;
+ case 'lock':
+ break;
+ case 'unlock':
+ break;
+ default:
+ $template->set_filenames(array("body" => "modcp_body.tpl"));
+ $template->assign_vars(array("L_MOD_EXPLAIN" => $lang['ModCp_Explain'],
+ "L_SELECT" => $lang['Select'],
+ "L_DELETE" => $lang['Delete'],
+ "L_MOVE" => $lang['Move'],
+ "L_LOCK" => $lang['Lock'],
+ "L_UNLOCK" => $lang['Unlock'],
+ "S_MODCP_URL" => append_sid("modcp.$phpEx") ));
+ if(!$start)
+ {
+ $start = 0;
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT t.topic_title, t.topic_id, t.topic_replies, u.username, u.user_id, p.post_time
+ FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p
+ WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
+ AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
+ AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
+ AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
+ ORDER BY t.topic_type DESC, p.post_time DESC
+ LIMIT $start, ".$board_config['topics_per_page'];
+ if(!$t_result = $db->sql_query($sql))
+ {
+ message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't obtain topic information", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
+ }
+ $total_topics = $db->sql_numrows($t_result);
+ $topics = $db->sql_fetchrowset($t_result);
+ for($x = 0; $x < $total_topics; $x++)
+ {
+ $topic_id = $topics[$x]['topic_id'];
+ $topic_title = stripslashes($topics[$x]['topic_title']);
+ $s_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?".POST_TOPIC_URL."=$topic_id");
+ $topic_replies = $topics[$x]['topic_replies'];
+ $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $topics[$x]['post_time'], $board_config['default_timezone']);
+ $template->assign_block_vars("topicrow", array(
+ "S_TOPIC_URL" => $s_topic_url,
+ "TOPIC_TITLE" => $topic_title,
+ "REPLIES" => $topic_replies,
+ "LAST_POST" => $last_post_time,
+ "TOPIC_ID" => $topic_id));
+ }
+ $pagination = generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?".POST_FORUM_URL."=$forum_id", $forum_topics, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start);
+ $template->assign_vars(array("PAGINATION" => $pagination,
+ "FORUM_ID" => $forum_id,
+ "ON_PAGE" => (floor($start/$board_config['topics_per_page'])+1),
+ "TOTAL_PAGES" => ceil($forum_topics/$board_config['topics_per_page']),
+ "L_OF" => $lang['of'],
+ "L_PAGE" => $lang['Page'],
+ "L_GOTO_PAGE" => $lang['Goto_page']));
+ $template->pparse("body");
+ break;
diff --git a/phpBB/topicadmin.php b/phpBB/topicadmin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b4278d1182..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/topicadmin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- *
- * -------------------
- * begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
- * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
- * email : support@phpbb.com
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
diff --git a/phpBB/viewforum.php b/phpBB/viewforum.php
index e1efd7b52c..08853925ff 100644
--- a/phpBB/viewforum.php
+++ b/phpBB/viewforum.php
@@ -410,7 +410,11 @@ if($total_topics)
$s_auth_can .= "You " . (($is_auth['auth_reply']) ? "<b>can</b>" : "<b>cannot</b>") . " reply to posts in this forum<br>";
$s_auth_can .= "You " . (($is_auth['auth_edit']) ? "<b>can</b>" : "<b>cannot</b>") . " edit your posts in this forum<br>";
$s_auth_can .= "You " . (($is_auth['auth_delete']) ? "<b>can</b>" : "<b>cannot</b>") . " delete your posts in this forum<br>";
+ if($is_auth['auth_mod'] || $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN)
+ {
+ $s_auth_can .= "You <b>can</b> <a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id") . "\">moderate this forum</a><br>";
+ }
"PAGINATION" => generate_pagination("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&postdays=$post_days", $topics_count, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start),
"ON_PAGE" => ( floor( $start / $board_config['topics_per_page'] ) + 1 ),
diff --git a/phpBB/viewtopic.php b/phpBB/viewtopic.php
index cccd881a9d..5ccc14fa8e 100644
--- a/phpBB/viewtopic.php
+++ b/phpBB/viewtopic.php
@@ -537,20 +537,21 @@ $s_auth_can .= "You " . (($is_auth['auth_reply']) ? "<b>can</b>" : "<b>cannot</b
$s_auth_can .= "You " . (($is_auth['auth_edit']) ? "<b>can</b>" : "<b>cannot</b>") . " edit your posts in this forum<br>";
$s_auth_can .= "You " . (($is_auth['auth_delete']) ? "<b>can</b>" : "<b>cannot</b>") . " delete your posts in this forum<br>";
+if($is_auth['auth_mod'] || $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN)
- $topic_mod = "<a href=\"topicadmin.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=delete\"><img src=\"images/topic_delete.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=delete") . "\"><img src=\"images/topic_delete.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"topicadmin.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=move\"><img src=\"images/topic_move.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=move"). "\"><img src=\"images/topic_move.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if($forum_row[0]['topic_status'] == UNLOCKED)
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"topicadmin.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=lock\"><img src=\"images/topic_lock.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modecp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=lock") . "\"><img src=\"images/topic_lock.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"topicadmin.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=unlock\"><img src=\"images/topic_unlock.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=unlock") . "\"><img src=\"images/topic_unlock.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ $s_auth_can .= "You <b>can</b> <a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id") . "\">moderate this forum</a><br>";
$pagination = generate_pagination("viewtopic.$phpEx?".POST_TOPIC_URL."=$topic_id", $total_replies, $board_config['posts_per_page'], $start);