diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-07-31 18:37:25 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-07-31 18:37:25 +0000
commitdb8652122c2b0705eed8e4fde76baccbe497319a (patch)
parentb1a20d6123164a2401dd3f243ba85337ce2a915a (diff)
More compliance updates + select previous posts in viewtopic
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@770 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
8 files changed, 210 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/functions.php b/phpBB/includes/functions.php
index 4e41e1e9fb..ee87251a6d 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/functions.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/functions.php
@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ function get_userdata($username) {
function make_jumpbox()
- global $db;
- global $l_jumpto, $l_noforums, $l_nocategories;
+ global $lang, $db;
$sql = "SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_title, c.cat_order
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ function make_jumpbox()
$limit_forums = "";
$sql = "SELECT *
ORDER BY cat_id, forum_order";
if(!$q_forums = $db->sql_query($sql))
@@ -152,11 +151,11 @@ function make_jumpbox()
// $is_auth_ary = auth(AUTH_VIEW, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $userdata);
- $boxstring = '';
+ $boxstring = '<option value="-1">' . $lang['Select_forum'] . '</option>';
for($i = 0; $i < $total_categories; $i++)
$boxstring .= "<option value=\"-1\">&nbsp;</option>\n";
- $boxstring .= "<option value=\"-1\">".stripslashes($category_rows[$i]['cat_title'])."</option>\n";
+ $boxstring .= "<option value=\"-1\">" . stripslashes($category_rows[$i]['cat_title']) . "</option>\n";
$boxstring .= "<option value=\"-1\">----------------</option>\n";
@@ -165,8 +164,7 @@ function make_jumpbox()
if( $forum_rows[$y]['cat_id'] == $category_rows[$i]['cat_id'] )
- $name = stripslashes($forum_rows[$y]['forum_name']);
- $boxstring .= "<option value=\"".$forum_rows[$y]['forum_id']."\">$name</option>\n";
+ $boxstring .= "<option value=\"" . $forum_rows[$y]['forum_id'] . "\">" . stripslashes($forum_rows[$y]['forum_name']) . "</option>\n";
@@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ function make_forum_box($box_name, $default_forum = -1)
$limit_forums = "";
$sql = "SELECT forum_id, forum_name
ORDER BY cat_id, forum_order";
if(!$q_forums = $db->sql_query($sql))
@@ -395,7 +393,7 @@ function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add
for($i = $this_block_start; $i <= $this_block_end; $i++)
- $page_string .= ($i == $on_page) ? "<b>$i</b>" : "<a href=\"".append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . (($i - 1) * $per_page)) . "\">$i</a>";
+ $page_string .= ($i == $on_page) ? "<b>$i</b>" : "<a href=\"".append_sid($base_url . "&amp;start=" . (($i - 1) * $per_page)) . "\">$i</a>";
if($i < $this_block_end)
$page_string .= ", ";
@@ -407,7 +405,7 @@ function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add
$page_string_prepend = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $this_block_start; $i += 10)
- $page_string_prepend .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ($i * $per_page)) . "\">" . ( ($i == 0) ? ($i + 1) : $i) . " - " . ($i + 9) . "</a>, ";
+ $page_string_prepend .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&amp;start=" . ($i * $per_page)) . "\">" . ( ($i == 0) ? ($i + 1) : $i) . " - " . ($i + 9) . "</a>, ";
$page_string = $page_string_prepend . $page_string;
@@ -419,7 +417,7 @@ function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add
- $page_url = append_sid($base_url."&start=".( ( ($this_block_end + 1) * $per_page ) - $per_page ) );
+ $page_url = append_sid($base_url."&amp;start=".( ( ($this_block_end + 1) * $per_page ) - $per_page ) );
$page_string_append .= "<a href=\"$page_url\">$total_pages</a>";
@@ -427,7 +425,7 @@ function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add
for($i = $this_block_end + 1; $i < $total_pages; $i += 10)
- $page_string_append .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . (($i * $per_page) - $per_page)) . "\">" . ( ($i == 0) ? ($i + 1) : $i) . " - " . ((($i + 9) < $total_pages) ? ($i + 9) : $total_pages) . "</a>";
+ $page_string_append .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&amp;start=" . (($i * $per_page) - $per_page)) . "\">" . ( ($i == 0) ? ($i + 1) : $i) . " - " . ((($i + 9) < $total_pages) ? ($i + 9) : $total_pages) . "</a>";
if($i < $total_pages - 10)
$page_string_append .= ", ";
@@ -441,11 +439,11 @@ function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add
if($on_page > 1)
- $page_string = " <a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . (($on_page - 2) * $per_page)) . "\">" . $lang['Previous'] . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $page_string;
+ $page_string = " <a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&amp;start=" . (($on_page - 2) * $per_page)) . "\">" . $lang['Previous'] . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $page_string;
if($on_page < $total_pages)
- $page_string .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ($on_page * $per_page)) . "\">" . $lang['Next'] . "</a>";
+ $page_string .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" . append_sid($base_url . "&amp;start=" . ($on_page * $per_page)) . "\">" . $lang['Next'] . "</a>";
$page_string = $lang['Goto_page'] . ": " . $page_string;
diff --git a/phpBB/language/lang_english.php b/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
index 5e3c0ebda4..18e5e5a80e 100755
--- a/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ $lang['Author'] = "Author";
$lang['is'] = "is";
$lang['are'] = "are";
$lang['by'] = "by";
-$lang['All_Topics'] = "All Topics";
$lang['Time'] = "Time";
$lang['Hour'] = "Hour";
$lang['Hours'] = "Hours";
@@ -113,6 +112,10 @@ $lang['Error'] = "Error";
$lang['IP_Address'] = "IP Address";
+$lang['Jump_to'] = "Jump to";
+$lang['Select_forum'] = "Select a forum";
+$lang['Go'] = "Go";
// Global Header strings
@@ -181,7 +184,8 @@ $lang['View_forum'] = "View Forum";
$lang['Forum_not_exist'] = "The forum you selected does not exist, please go back and try again";
$lang['Reached_on_error'] = "You have reached this page in error, please go back and try again";
-$lang['Display_topics'] = "Display Topics from previous";
+$lang['Display_topics'] = "Display topics from previous";
+$lang['All_Topics'] = "All Topics";
$lang['Annoucement'] = "<b>Annoucement:</b>";
$lang['Sticky'] = "<b>Sticky:</b>";
@@ -198,6 +202,10 @@ $lang['View_previous_topic'] = "View previous topic";
$lang['No_newer_topics'] = "There are no newer topics in this forum";
$lang['No_older_topics'] = "There are no older topics in this forum";
$lang['Topic_post_not_exist'] = "The topic or post you requested does not exist";
+$lang['Display_posts'] = "Display posts from previous";
+$lang['All_Posts'] = "All Posts";
+$lang['Newest_First'] = "Newest First";
+$lang['Oldest_First'] = "Oldest First";
$lang['Read_profile'] = "Read profile of"; // Followed by username of poster
$lang['Send_email'] = "Send email to "; // Followed by username of poster
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/PSO/index_body.tpl b/phpBB/templates/PSO/index_body.tpl
index ce82025995..2accb0013b 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/PSO/index_body.tpl
+++ b/phpBB/templates/PSO/index_body.tpl
@@ -49,17 +49,19 @@
+<br clear="all" />
<table width="98%" cellspacing="2" border="0" align="center">
<td align="left" valign="top"><table cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <td width="30" align="center"><img src="images/folder_new.gif" alt="{L_NEWPOSTS}" /></td>
+ <td width="20" align="center"><img src="images/folder_new.gif" alt="{L_NEWPOSTS}" /></td>
<td><span class="gensmall">{L_NEWPOSTS}</span></td>
- <td width="30" align="center"><img src="images/folder.gif" alt="{L_NONEWPOSTS}" /></td>
+ <td width="20" align="center"><img src="images/folder.gif" alt="{L_NONEWPOSTS}" /></td>
<td><span class="gensmall">{L_NONEWPOSTS}</span></td>
- <td width="30" align="center"><img src="images/folder_lock.gif" alt="{L_FORUM_LOCKED}" /></td>
+ <td width="20" align="center"><img src="images/folder_lock.gif" alt="{L_FORUM_LOCKED}" /></td>
<td><span class="gensmall">{L_FORUM_LOCKED}</span></td>
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/PSO/jumpbox.tpl b/phpBB/templates/PSO/jumpbox.tpl
index 8de4b5e85b..a4885dc371 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/PSO/jumpbox.tpl
+++ b/phpBB/templates/PSO/jumpbox.tpl
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <tr><form method="post" action="{S_JUMPBOX_ACTION}">
- <td nowrap><font face="{T_FONTFACE1}" size="{T_FONTSIZE2}">Jump To:&nbsp;<select name="{SELECT_NAME}"><option value="-1">Select A Forum</option>{JUMPBOX_LIST}</select>&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td>
- </form></tr>
-</table> \ No newline at end of file
+<form method="post" action="{S_JUMPBOX_ACTION}"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall">{L_JUMP_TO}:&nbsp;<select name="{SELECT_NAME}">{JUMPBOX_LIST}</select>&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></span></td>
+ </tr>
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewforum_body.tpl b/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewforum_body.tpl
index 75a4fb1ec6..3fd29d4ba1 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewforum_body.tpl
+++ b/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewforum_body.tpl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-<table width="98%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center">
- <tr><form method="post" action="{S_POST_DAYS_ACTION}">
- <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap><span class="gensmall"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITENAME}&nbsp;{L_INDEX}</a> -> {FORUM_NAME}</span></td>
- <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_TOPICS}:&nbsp;{S_SELECT_POST_DAYS}&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Go"></span></td>
- </form></tr>
+<form method="post" action="{S_POST_DAYS_ACTION}"><table width="98%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITENAME}&nbsp;{L_INDEX}</a> -> {FORUM_NAME}</span></td>
+ <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_TOPICS}:&nbsp;{S_SELECT_TOPIC_DAYS}&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></span></td>
+ </tr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="98%" align="center">
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
<td class="cat" colspan="6"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <td><span class="cattitle">{FORUM_NAME}</span><br><span class="gensmall">{L_MODERATOR}: {MODERATORS}</span></TD>
- <td align="right"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1"></a></td>
+ <td><span class="cattitle">{FORUM_NAME}</span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_MODERATOR}: {MODERATORS}</span></td>
+ <td align="right"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1" alt="{L_NEW_TOPIC}" /></a></td>
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<td class="cat" colspan="6"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <td width="5" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1"></a></td>
+ <td width="5" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1" alt="{L_NEW_TOPIC}" /></a></td>
<td align="left" valign="middle">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="gen">{L_PAGE} <b>{ON_PAGE}</b> {L_OF} <b>{TOTAL_PAGES}</b></span>&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right" valign="middle"><span class="gen">{PAGINATION}&nbsp;</span></td>
@@ -50,28 +50,25 @@
<table width="98%" cellspacing="2" border="0" align="center">
- <td align="left" valign="top"><table cellspacing="4" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="20"></td>
- <td><span class="gensmall"><b>{S_TIMEZONE}</b></span></td>
- </tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top"><table cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <td width="20"><img src="images/folder_new.gif"></td>
- <td><span class="gensmall">{L_NEWPOSTS}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="20"><img src="images/folder.gif"></td>
+ <td width="20" align="center"><img src="images/folder_new.gif" alt="{L_NEWPOSTS}" /></td>
+ <td><span class="gensmall">{L_NEWPOSTS}</span></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="20" align="center"><img src="images/folder.gif" alt="{L_NONEWPOSTS}" /></td>
<td><span class="gensmall">{L_NONEWPOSTS}</span></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="20" align="center"><img src="images/folder_lock.gif" alt="{L_FORUM_LOCKED}" /></td>
+ <td><span class="gensmall">{L_TOPIC_IS_LOCKED}</span></td>
- <td width="20"><img src="images/folder_lock.gif"></td>
- <td><span class="gensmall">{L_TOPIC_IS_LOCKED}</span></td>
+ <td colspan="8"><br /><span class="gensmall"><b>{S_TIMEZONE}</b></span></td>
- <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap>{JUMPBOX}<br><span class="gensmall">{S_AUTH_LIST}</span></td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{JUMPBOX}<span class="gensmall">{S_AUTH_LIST}</span></td>
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewtopic_body.tpl b/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewtopic_body.tpl
index 8e3e7cd216..4b185a6f75 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewtopic_body.tpl
+++ b/phpBB/templates/PSO/viewtopic_body.tpl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<table width="98%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center">
<td align="left"><span class="gensmall"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITENAME}&nbsp;{L_INDEX}</a> -> <a href="{U_VIEW_FORUM}">{FORUM_NAME}</a> -> {TOPIC_TITLE}</span></td>
- <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap><span class="gen"> <a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a> :: <a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a> </span></td>
+ <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gen"> <a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a> :: <a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a> </span></td>
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<td class="cat" colspan="2"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><span class="cattitle"><b>{TOPIC_TITLE}</b></span></td>
- <td align="right" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_REPLY}" border="1"></a></td>
+ <td align="right" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1" alt="L_TOPIC_POST" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_REPLY}" border="1" alt="L_TOPIC_REPLY" /></a></td>
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<tr bgcolor="{postrow.ROW_COLOR}">
<td width="22%" align="left" valign="top"><a name="{postrow.U_POST_ID}"></a><table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <td valign="top"><span class="gen"><b>{postrow.POSTER_NAME}</b></span><br><span class="gensmall">{postrow.POSTER_RANK}<br>{postrow.RANK_IMAGE}{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}<br><br>{postrow.POSTER_JOINED}<br>{postrow.POSTER_POSTS}<br>{postrow.POSTER_FROM}</span><br><br></td>
+ <td valign="top"><span class="gen"><b>{postrow.POSTER_NAME}</b></span><br /><span class="gensmall">{postrow.POSTER_RANK}<br />{postrow.RANK_IMAGE}{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}<br /><br />{postrow.POSTER_JOINED}<br />{postrow.POSTER_POSTS}<br />{postrow.POSTER_FROM}</span><br /><br /></td>
<td valign="bottom"><span class="gensmall"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></span></td>
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
<td><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <td valign="middle"><img src="images/icon_minipost.gif" alt="Post image icon"><span class="gensmall">{L_POSTED}: {postrow.POST_DATE}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{L_POST_SUBJECT}: {postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</span></td>
- <td align="right" valign="middle" nowrap>&nbsp; {postrow.EDIT_IMG} {postrow.QUOTE_IMG}&nbsp;</td>
+ <td valign="middle"><img src="images/icon_minipost.gif" alt="Post image icon" /><span class="gensmall">{L_POSTED}: {postrow.POST_DATE}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{L_POST_SUBJECT}: {postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</span></td>
+ <td align="right" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp; {postrow.EDIT_IMG} {postrow.QUOTE_IMG}&nbsp;</td>
- <td colspan="2"><hr></td>
+ <td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<td><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <td colspan="2"><hr></td>
+ <td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
<td valign="middle">&nbsp;{postrow.PROFILE_IMG} {postrow.PM_IMG} {postrow.EMAIL_IMG} {postrow.WWW_IMG} {postrow.ICQ_STATUS_IMG} {postrow.ICQ_ADD_IMG} {postrow.AIM_IMG} {postrow.YIM_IMG} {postrow.MSN_IMG}&nbsp;</td>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<td class="cat" colspan="2"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
- <td width="140" align="left" valign="middle" nowrap><a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_REPLY}" border="1"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1"></a></td>
+ <td width="140" align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_REPLY}" border="1" alt="{L_TOPIC_REPLY}" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}"><img src="{IMG_POST}" border="1" alt="{L_TOPIC_POST}" /></a></td>
<td align="left" valign="middle">&nbsp;<span class="gen">{L_PAGE} <b>{ON_PAGE}</b> {L_OF} <b>{TOTAL_PAGES}</b></span>&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right" valign="middle"><span class="gen">{PAGINATION}</span></td>
@@ -72,9 +72,11 @@
+<br clear="all" />
<table width="98%" cellspacing="2" border="0" align="center">
- <td width="40%" valign="top"><span class="gensmall"><b>{S_TIMEZONE}</b></span><br><br>{S_TOPIC_ADMIN}</td>
- <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap>{JUMPBOX}<br><span class="gensmall">{S_AUTH_LIST}</span></td>
+ <td width="40%" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><form method="post" action="{S_POST_DAYS_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_POSTS}:&nbsp;{S_SELECT_POST_DAYS}&nbsp;{S_SELECT_POST_ORDER}&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></span></form><span class="gensmall"><b>{S_TIMEZONE}</b></span><br /><br />{S_TOPIC_ADMIN}</td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{JUMPBOX}<span class="gensmall">{S_AUTH_LIST}</span></td>
diff --git a/phpBB/viewforum.php b/phpBB/viewforum.php
index 64e1d6f32f..82a0edf24b 100644
--- a/phpBB/viewforum.php
+++ b/phpBB/viewforum.php
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ if( $total_mods = $db->sql_numrows($result_mods) )
- $mod_url = "profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $mods_rowset[$i]['user_id'];
+ $mod_url = "profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $mods_rowset[$i]['user_id'];
$mod_name = $mods_rowset[$i]['username'];
@@ -166,23 +166,23 @@ else
-// Generate a 'Show posts in previous x days' select box. If the postdays var is POSTed
+// Generate a 'Show topics in previous x days' select box. If the topicsdays var is sent
// then get it's value, find the number of topics with dates newer than it (to properly
// handle pagination) and alter the main query
$previous_days = array(0, 1, 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, 364);
$previous_days_text = array($lang['All_Topics'], "1 " . $lang['Day'], "7 " . $lang['Days'], "2 " . $lang['Weeks'], "1 " . $lang['Month'], "3 ". $lang['Months'], "6 " . $lang['Months'], "1 " . $lang['Year']);
-if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays']))
+if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['topicdays']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['topicdays']))
- $post_days = (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays'];
- $min_post_time = time() - ($post_days * 86400);
+ $topic_days = (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['topicdays'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['topicdays'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['topicdays'];
+ $min_topic_time = time() - ($topic_days * 86400);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(t.topic_id) AS forum_topics
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p
WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
- AND ( p.post_time > $min_post_time
+ AND ( p.post_time >= $min_topic_time
OR t.topic_type = " . POST_ANNOUNCE . " )";
if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays']))
list($topics_count) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
- $limit_posts_time = "AND ( p.post_time > $min_post_time OR t.topic_type = " . POST_ANNOUNCE . " ) ";
+ $limit_topics_time = "AND ( p.post_time >= $min_post_time OR t.topic_type = " . POST_ANNOUNCE . " ) ";
- if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']))
+ if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['topicdays']))
$start = 0;
@@ -202,17 +202,17 @@ else
$topics_count = $forum_row['forum_topics'];
- $limit_posts_time = "";
- $post_days = 0;
+ $limit_topics_time = "";
+ $topic_days = 0;
-$select_post_days = "<select name=\"postdays\">";
+$select_topic_days = "<select name=\"topicdays\">";
for($i = 0; $i < count($previous_days); $i++)
- $selected = ($post_days == $previous_days[$i]) ? " selected" : "";
- $select_post_days .= "<option value=\"".$previous_days[$i]."\"$selected>".$previous_days_text[$i]."</option>";
+ $selected = ($topic_days == $previous_days[$i]) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
+ $select_topic_days .= "<option value=\"" . $previous_days[$i] . "\"$selected>" . $previous_days_text[$i] . "</option>";
-$select_post_days .= "</select>";
+$select_topic_days .= "</select>";
// Grab all the basic data (all topics except global announcements)
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ $sql = "SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as i
AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND p.poster_id = u2.user_id
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
- $limit_posts_time
+ $limit_topics_time
ORDER BY t.topic_type DESC, p.post_time DESC
LIMIT $start, ".$board_config['topics_per_page'];
@@ -238,15 +238,15 @@ $total_topics = $db->sql_numrows($t_result);
// Post URL generation for templating vars
-$post_new_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=newtopic&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
+$post_new_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=newtopic&amp;" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
"L_DISPLAY_TOPICS" => $lang['Display_topics'],
"U_POST_NEW_TOPIC" => $post_new_topic_url,
- "S_SELECT_POST_DAYS" => $select_post_days,
- "S_POST_DAYS_ACTION" => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=" . $forum_id . "&start=$start"))
+ "S_SELECT_TOPIC_DAYS" => $select_topic_days,
+ "S_POST_DAYS_ACTION" => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=" . $forum_id . "&amp;start=$start"))
@@ -276,6 +276,9 @@ $template->set_filenames(array(
$jumpbox = make_jumpbox();
+ "L_GO" => $lang['Go'],
+ "L_JUMP_TO" => $lang['Jump_to'],
+ "L_SELECT_FORUM" => $lang['Select_forum'],
"JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox,
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ if($total_topics)
if($replies > $board_config['posts_per_page'])
- $goto_page = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(<img src=\"" . $images['icon_minipost'] . "\">" . $lang['Goto_page'] . ": ";
+ $goto_page = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(<img src=\"" . $images['icon_minipost'] . "\" />" . $lang['Goto_page'] . ": ";
$times = 1;
for($j = 0; $j < $replies + 1; $j += $board_config['posts_per_page'])
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ if($total_topics)
if( $j + $board_config['posts_per_page'] >= $replies + 1 )
- $goto_page .= " ... <a href=\"".append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&start=$j") . "\">$times</a>";
+ $goto_page .= " ... <a href=\"".append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&amp;start=$j") . "\">$times</a>";
@@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ if($total_topics)
$goto_page .= ", ";
- $goto_page .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&start=$j") . "\">$times</a>";
+ $goto_page .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&amp;start=$j") . "\">$times</a>";
@@ -357,7 +360,7 @@ if($total_topics)
if($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED)
- $folder_image = "<img src=\"" . $images['folder_locked'] . "\" alt=\"Topic Locked\">";
+ $folder_image = "<img src=\"" . $images['folder_locked'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Topic_locked'] . "\" />";
@@ -380,26 +383,26 @@ if($total_topics)
if(empty($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['phpbb2_' . $forum_id . '_' . $topic_id]) && $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] > $userdata['session_last_visit'])
- $folder_image = "<img src=\"$folder_new\">";
+ $folder_image = "<img src=\"$folder_new\" alt=\"" . $lang['New_posts'] . "\" />";
if( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['phpbb2_' . $forum_id . '_' . $topic_id]) )
- $folder_image = ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['phpbb2_' . $forum_id . '_' . $topic_id] < $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] ) ? "<img src=\"$folder_new\">" : "<img src=\"$folder\">";
+ $folder_image = ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['phpbb2_' . $forum_id . '_' . $topic_id] < $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] ) ? "<img src=\"$folder_new\" alt=\"" . $lang['New_posts'] . "\" />" : "<img src=\"$folder\" alt=\"" . $lang['No_new_posts'] . "\" />";
- $folder_image = "<img src=\"$folder\">";
+ $folder_image = "<img src=\"$folder\" alt=\"" . $lang['No_new_posts'] . "\" />";
- $view_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&" . $replies);
+ $view_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id");
$topic_poster = stripslashes($topic_rowset[$i]['username']);
- $topic_poster_profile_url = append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id']);
+ $topic_poster_profile_url = append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id']);
$last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'], $board_config['default_timezone']);
@@ -413,8 +416,8 @@ if($total_topics)
$last_post = $last_post_time . "<br />by ";
- $last_post .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $topic_rowset[$i]['id2']) . "\">" . $last_post_user . "</a>&nbsp;";
- $last_post .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id']) . "#" . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_latest_reply'] . "\" width=\"20\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"View Latest Post\"></a>";
+ $last_post .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $topic_rowset[$i]['id2']) . "\">" . $last_post_user . "</a>&nbsp;";
+ $last_post .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id']) . "#" . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_latest_reply'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['View_latest_post'] . "\" /></a>";
$views = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_views'];
@@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ if($total_topics)
- "PAGINATION" => generate_pagination("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&postdays=$post_days", $topics_count, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start),
+ "PAGINATION" => generate_pagination("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&amp;topicdays=$topic_days", $topics_count, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start),
"ON_PAGE" => ( floor( $start / $board_config['topics_per_page'] ) + 1 ),
"TOTAL_PAGES" => ceil( $topics_count / $board_config['topics_per_page'] ),
diff --git a/phpBB/viewtopic.php b/phpBB/viewtopic.php
index eb8269466e..3ca7068f68 100644
--- a/phpBB/viewtopic.php
+++ b/phpBB/viewtopic.php
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $join_sql_table = (!isset($post_id)) ? "" : "" . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TA
$join_sql = (!isset($post_id)) ? "t.topic_id = $topic_id" : "p.post_id = $post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND p2.topic_id = p.topic_id AND p2.post_id <= $post_id";
$count_sql = (!isset($post_id)) ? "" : ", COUNT(p2.post_id) AS prev_posts";
-$order_sql = (!isset($post_id)) ? "" : "GROUP BY p.post_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_status, t.topic_replies, t.topic_time, f.forum_name, f.forum_id, f.auth_view, f.auth_read, f.auth_post, f.auth_reply, f.auth_edit, f.auth_delete, f.auth_sticky, f.auth_announce, f.auth_votecreate, f.auth_vote, f.auth_attachments ORDER BY p.post_id ASC";
+$order_sql = (!isset($post_id)) ? "" : "GROUP BY p.post_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_status, t.topic_replies, t.topic_time, f.forum_name, f.forum_status, f.forum_id, f.auth_view, f.auth_read, f.auth_post, f.auth_reply, f.auth_edit, f.auth_delete, f.auth_sticky, f.auth_announce, f.auth_votecreate, f.auth_vote, f.auth_attachments ORDER BY p.post_id ASC";
$sql = "SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_status, t.topic_replies, t.topic_time, f.forum_name, f.forum_status, f.forum_id, f.auth_view, f.auth_read, f.auth_post, f.auth_reply, f.auth_edit, f.auth_delete, f.auth_sticky, f.auth_announce, f.auth_votecreate, f.auth_vote, f.auth_attachments" . $count_sql . "
FROM $join_sql_table " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ $forum_id = $forum_row['forum_id'];
$topic_title = stripslashes($forum_row['topic_title']);
$topic_id = $forum_row['topic_id'];
$topic_time = $forum_row['topic_time'];
-$total_replies = $forum_row['topic_replies'] + 1;
@@ -193,14 +192,85 @@ if(!$is_auth['auth_view'] || !$is_auth['auth_read'])
+// Generate a 'Show posts in previous x days' select box. If the postdays var is POSTed
+// then get it's value, find the number of topics with dates newer than it (to properly
+// handle pagination) and alter the main query
+$previous_days = array(0, 1, 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, 364);
+$previous_days_text = array($lang['All_Posts'], "1 " . $lang['Day'], "7 " . $lang['Days'], "2 " . $lang['Weeks'], "1 " . $lang['Month'], "3 ". $lang['Months'], "6 " . $lang['Months'], "1 " . $lang['Year']);
+if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays']))
+ $post_days = (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays'];
+ $min_post_time = time() - ($post_days * 86400);
+ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts
+ WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
+ AND post_time >= $min_post_time";
+ if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
+ {
+ message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't obtain limited topics count information", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
+ }
+ list($total_replies) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $limit_posts_time = "AND p.post_time >= $min_post_time ";
+ if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']))
+ {
+ $start = 0;
+ }
+ $total_replies = $forum_row['topic_replies'] + 1;
+ $limit_posts_time = "";
+ $post_days = 0;
+$select_post_days = "<select name=\"postdays\">";
+for($i = 0; $i < count($previous_days); $i++)
+ $selected = ($post_days == $previous_days[$i]) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
+ $select_post_days .= "<option value=\"" . $previous_days[$i] . "\"$selected>" . $previous_days_text[$i] . "</option>";
+$select_post_days .= "</select>";
+// Decide how to order the post display
+if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postorder']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['postorder']))
+ $post_order = (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postorder'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['postorder'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['postorder'];
+ $post_time_order = ($post_order == "asc") ? "ASC" : "DESC";
+ $post_time_order = "ASC";
+$select_post_order = "<select name=\"postorder\">";
+if($post_time_order == "ASC")
+ $select_post_order .= "<option value=\"asc\" selected=\"selected\">" . $lang['Oldest_First'] . "</option><option value=\"desc\">" . $lang['Newest_First'] . "</option>";
+ $select_post_order .= "<option value=\"asc\">" . $lang['Oldest_First'] . "</option><option value=\"desc\" selected=\"selected\">" . $lang['Newest_First'] . "</option>";
+$select_post_order .= "</select>";
// Go ahead and pull all data for this topic
$sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, u.user_posts, u.user_from, u.user_website, u.user_icq, u.user_aim, u.user_yim, u.user_regdate, u.user_msnm, u.user_viewemail, u.user_rank, u.user_sig, u.user_avatar, p.post_time, p.post_id, p.post_username, p.bbcode_uid, p.post_edit_time, p.post_edit_count, pt.post_text, pt.post_subject
FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt
WHERE p.topic_id = $topic_id
AND p.poster_id = u.user_id
- AND p.post_id = pt.post_id
- ORDER BY p.post_time ASC
+ AND p.post_id = pt.post_id
+ $limit_posts_time
+ ORDER BY p.post_time $post_time_order
LIMIT $start, ".$board_config['posts_per_page'];
if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
@@ -236,6 +306,9 @@ $template->set_filenames(array(
$jumpbox = make_jumpbox();
+ "L_GO" => $lang['Go'],
+ "L_JUMP_TO" => $lang['Jump_to'],
+ "L_SELECT_FORUM" => $lang['Select_forum'],
"JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox,
@@ -246,8 +319,13 @@ $template->assign_vars(array(
"FORUM_NAME" => $forum_name,
"TOPIC_ID" => $topic_id,
"TOPIC_TITLE" => $topic_title,
- "USERS_BROWSING" => $users_browsing)
+ "L_DISPLAY_POSTS" => $lang['Display_posts'],
+ "S_SELECT_POST_DAYS" => $select_post_days,
+ "S_SELECT_POST_ORDER" => $select_post_order,
+ "S_POST_DAYS_ACTION" => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&amp;start=$start"))
// End header
@@ -257,13 +335,13 @@ $template->assign_vars(array(
// Post, reply and other URL generation for
// templating vars
-$new_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=newtopic&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
-$reply_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=reply&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id");
+$new_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=newtopic&amp;" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
+$reply_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=reply&amp;" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id");
$view_forum_url = append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
-$view_prev_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&view=previous");
-$view_next_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&view=next");
+$view_prev_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;view=previous");
+$view_next_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;view=next");
$reply_img = ($forum_row['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED || $forum_row['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED) ? $images['reply_locked'] : $images['reply_new'];
$post_img = ($forum_row['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED) ? $images['post_locked'] : $images['post_new'];
@@ -318,7 +396,7 @@ for($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
if($postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] != "" && $poster_id != ANONYMOUS)
- $poster_avatar = (strstr("http", $postrow[$i]['user_avatar']) && $board_config['allow_avatar_remote']) ? "<br /><img src=\"" . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . "\"><br />" : "<br /><img src=\"" . $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/" . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . "\"><br />";
+ $poster_avatar = (strstr("http", $postrow[$i]['user_avatar']) && $board_config['allow_avatar_remote']) ? "<br /><img src=\"" . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . "\"><br />" : "<br /><img src=\"" . $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/" . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . "\" alt=\"\" /><br />";
@@ -367,19 +445,19 @@ for($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
if($poster_id != ANONYMOUS)
- $profile_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_profile'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Read_profile'] . " $poster\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $profile_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_profile'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Read_profile'] . " $poster\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
- $pm_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("privmsg.$phpEx?mode=post&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id") . "\"><img src=\"". $images['icon_pm'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Private_messaging'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $pm_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("privmsg.$phpEx?mode=post&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id") . "\"><img src=\"". $images['icon_pm'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Private_messaging'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
- $email_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_viewemail'] == 1) ? "<a href=\"mailto:" . $postrow[$i]['user_email'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_email'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Send_email'] . " $poster\" border=\"0\"></a>" : "";
+ $email_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_viewemail'] == 1) ? "<a href=\"mailto:" . $postrow[$i]['user_email'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_email'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Send_email'] . " $poster\" border=\"0\" /></a>" : "";
- $www_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_website']) ? "<a href=\"" . $postrow[$i]['user_website'] . "\" target=\"_userwww\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_www'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Visit_website'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>" : "";
+ $www_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_website']) ? "<a href=\"" . $postrow[$i]['user_website'] . "\" target=\"_userwww\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_www'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Visit_website'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>" : "";
- $icq_status_img = "<a href=\"http://wwp.icq.com/" . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . "#pager\"><img src=\"http://online.mirabilis.com/scripts/online.dll?icq=" . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . "&img=5\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $icq_status_img = "<a href=\"http://wwp.icq.com/" . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . "#pager\"><img src=\"http://online.mirabilis.com/scripts/online.dll?icq=" . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . "&amp;img=5\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
- $icq_add_img = "<a href=\"http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/search.dll?to=" . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_icq'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['ICQ'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $icq_add_img = "<a href=\"http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/search.dll?to=" . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_icq'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['ICQ'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
@@ -387,11 +465,11 @@ for($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
$icq_add_img = "";
- $aim_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_aim']) ? "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $postrow[$i]['user_aim'] . "&message=Hello+Are+you+there?\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_aim'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['AIM'] . "\"></a>" : "";
+ $aim_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_aim']) ? "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $postrow[$i]['user_aim'] . "&amp;message=Hello+Are+you+there?\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_aim'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['AIM'] . "\" /></a>" : "";
- $msn_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_msnm']) ? "<a href=\"profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_msnm'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['MSNM'] . "\"></a>" : "";
+ $msn_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_msnm']) ? "<a href=\"profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&amp;" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_msnm'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['MSNM'] . "\" /></a>" : "";
- $yim_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_yim']) ? "<a href=\"http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=" . $postrow[$i]['user_yim'] . "&.src=pg\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_yim'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['YIM'] . "\"></a>" : "";
+ $yim_img = ($postrow[$i]['user_yim']) ? "<a href=\"http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=" . $postrow[$i]['user_yim'] . "&amp;.src=pg\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_yim'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lang['YIM'] . "\" /></a>" : "";
@@ -406,17 +484,17 @@ for($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
$yim_img = "";
- $search_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("search.$phpEx?a=" . urlencode($poster) . "&f=all&b=0&d=DESC&c=100&dosearch=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_search'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $search_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("search.$phpEx?a=" . urlencode($poster) . "&amp;f=all&amp;b=0&amp;d=DESC&amp;c=100&amp;dosearch=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_search'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
- $edit_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=editpost&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id'] . "&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_edit'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Edit_delete_post'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $edit_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=editpost&amp;" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id'] . "&amp;" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_edit'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Edit_delete_post'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
- $quote_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=quote&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id']) . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_quote'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Reply_with_quote'] ."\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $quote_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=quote&amp;" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id']) . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_quote'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Reply_with_quote'] ."\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
if( $is_auth['auth_mod'] )
- $ip_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?mode=viewip&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $post_id) . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_ip'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['View_IP'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $ip_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?mode=viewip&amp;" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $post_id) . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_ip'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['View_IP'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
- $delpost_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("topicadmin.$phpEx?mode=delpost&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id']) . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_delpost'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Delete_post'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
+ $delpost_img = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("topicadmin.$phpEx?mode=delpost&amp;" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id']) . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['icon_delpost'] . "\" alt=\"" . $lang['Delete_post'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
$post_subject = ($postrow[$i]['post_subject'] != "") ? stripslashes($postrow[$i]['post_subject']) : $topic_title;
@@ -474,13 +552,15 @@ for($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
// Again this will be handled by the templating
// code at some point
- $color = (!($i % 2)) ? "#" . $theme['td_color1'] : "#" . $theme['td_color2'];
+ $row_color = ( !($i % 2) ) ? "#" . $theme['td_color1'] : "#" . $theme['td_color2'];
+ $row_class = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2'];
$template->assign_block_vars("postrow", array(
+ "ROW_COLOR" => $row_color,
+ "ROW_CLASS" => $row_class,
"POSTER_NAME" => $poster,
"POSTER_RANK" => $poster_rank,
"RANK_IMAGE" => $rank_image,
- "ROW_COLOR" => $color,
"POSTER_JOINED" => $poster_joined,
"POSTER_POSTS" => $poster_posts,
"POSTER_FROM" => $poster_from,
@@ -521,23 +601,23 @@ if( $is_auth['auth_mod'] )
$s_auth_can .= $lang['You'] . " " . $lang['can'] . " <a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id") . "\">" . $lang['moderate_forum'] . "</a><br />";
- $topic_mod = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=delete&quick_op=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_delete'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Delete_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod = "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;mode=delete&amp;quick_op=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_delete'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Delete_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>&nbsp;";
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=move&quick_op=1"). "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_move'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Move_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;mode=move&amp;quick_op=1"). "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_move'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Move_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>&nbsp;";
if($forum_row['topic_status'] == TOPIC_UNLOCKED)
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=lock&quick_op=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_lock'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Lock_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;mode=lock&amp;quick_op=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_lock'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Lock_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>&nbsp;";
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=unlock&quick_op=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_unlock'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Unlock_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;mode=unlock&amp;quick_op=1") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_unlock'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Unlock_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>&nbsp;";
- $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=split") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_split'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Split_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;";
+ $topic_mod .= "<a href=\"" . append_sid("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&amp;mode=split") . "\"><img src=\"" . $images['topic_mod_split'] . "\" alt = \"" . $lang['Split_topic'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>&nbsp;";
- "PAGINATION" => generate_pagination("viewtopic.$phpEx?".POST_TOPIC_URL."=$topic_id", $total_replies, $board_config['posts_per_page'], $start),
+ "PAGINATION" => generate_pagination("viewtopic.$phpEx?".POST_TOPIC_URL."=$topic_id&amp;postdays=$post_days&amp;postorder=$post_order", $total_replies, $board_config['posts_per_page'], $start),
"ON_PAGE" => ( floor( $start / $board_config['posts_per_page'] ) + 1 ),
"TOTAL_PAGES" => ceil( $total_replies / $board_config['posts_per_page'] ),