diff options
authorChris Smith <toonarmy@phpbb.com>2010-07-12 02:04:29 +0100
committerChris Smith <toonarmy@phpbb.com>2010-08-10 14:48:46 +0100
commitdb13dc2d433ad635b8de3454292362d681a92fb4 (patch)
parent66e58234ecf05a4c9cbc401490c602694c920ed4 (diff)
[task/git-tools] Vastly expanded commit-msg hook.
This updated hook supports validates each line of the commit message confirms to the phpBB standards [1], there are two git config options which adjust the behaviour of the hook. They are: * phpbb.hooks.commit-msg.fatal: Set to false for the hook to allow commits with malformed structure, useful if you'll be squashing or editing the commits later. True is the default value. * phpbb.hooks.commit-msg.debug: Any integer value greater than 0 will increase the debugging verbosity of the hook, the default value is 0. [1] http://wiki.phpbb.com/display/DEV/Git PHPBB3-9768
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/git-tools/hooks/commit-msg b/git-tools/hooks/commit-msg
index be1923ab6b..894e67aa09 100755
--- a/git-tools/hooks/commit-msg
+++ b/git-tools/hooks/commit-msg
@@ -12,15 +12,234 @@
# ln -s ../../git-tools/hooks/commit-msg \\
# .git/hooks/commit-msg
+if [ "$(git config --bool $config_ns.fatal)" = "false" ]
+ fatal=0;
+ fatal=1;
+debug_level=$(git config --int $config_ns.debug || echo 0);
+# Error codes
+ local level;
+ level=$1;
+ shift;
+ if [ $debug_level -ge $level ]
+ then
+ echo $@;
+ fi
+ if [ $1 -gt 0 ] && [ $1 -ne $ERR_UNKNOWN ] && [ $fatal -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ exit 0;
+ else
+ exit $1;
+ fi
if [ "$(wc --max-line-length "$1" | cut -f1 -d" ")" -gt 80 ]
- echo "The following lines are greater than 80 characters long:\n";
+ echo "The following lines are greater than 80 characters long:\n" >&2;
- grep -nE '.{81,}' "$1";
+ grep -nE '.{81,}' "$1" >&2;
- status=1;
+ quit $ERR_LENGTH;
-exit $status;
+lines=$(wc --lines "$1" | cut -f1 -d" ");
+while [ $i -le $lines ]
+ # Grab the line we are studying
+ line=$(head -n$i "$1" | tail -n1);
+ debug 1 "==> [$i] $line (description: $in_description, empty: $in_empty)";
+ if [ -z "$expecting" ]
+ then
+ quit $err;
+ fi
+ debug 2 "Expecting: $expecting";
+ # Loop over each of the expected line formats
+ for expect in $expecting
+ do
+ # Reset the error code each iteration
+ # Test for validity of each line format
+ # This is done first so $? contains the result
+ case $expect in
+ "header")
+ err=$ERR_HEADER;
+ echo "$line" | grep -Eq "^\[(ticket/[0-9]+|feature/$branch_regex|task/$branch_regex)\] [A-Z].+$"
+ ;;
+ "empty")
+ err=$ERR_EMPTY;
+ echo "$line" | grep -Eq "^$"
+ ;;
+ "description")
+ # Free flow text, the line length was constrained by the initial check
+ echo "$line" | grep -Eq "^.+$";
+ ;;
+ "footer")
+ err=$ERR_FOOTER;
+ # Each ticket is on its own line
+ echo "$line" | grep -Eq "^PHPBB3-[0-9]+$";
+ ;;
+ "eof")
+ err=$ERR_EOF;
+ # Should not end up here
+ false
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognised token $expect" >&2;
+ quit $err;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Preserve the result of the line check
+ result=$?;
+ debug 2 "$expect - '$line' - $result";
+ if [ $result -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ # Break out the loop on success
+ # otherwise roll on round and keep looking for a match
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $result -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ # Have we switched out of description mode?
+ if [ $in_description -eq 1 ] && [ "$expect" != "description" ] && [ "$expect" != "empty" ]
+ then
+ # Yes, okay we need to backtrace one line and reanalyse
+ in_description=0;
+ i=$(( $i - $in_empty ));
+ # Reset the empty counter
+ in_empty=0;
+ continue;
+ fi
+ # Successful match, but on which line format
+ case $expect in
+ "header")
+ expecting="empty eof";
+ echo "$line" | grep -Eq "^\[ticket/[0-9]+\]$" && (
+ ticket=$(echo "$line" | sed 's,\[ticket/\([0-9]*\)\].*,\1,');
+ )
+ ;;
+ "empty")
+ # Description might have empty lines as spacing
+ expecting="footer description";
+ in_empty=$(($in_empty + 1));
+ if [ $in_description -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ expecting="$expecting empty";
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "description")
+ expecting="description empty eof";
+ in_description=1;
+ ;;
+ "footer")
+ expecting="footer eof";
+ if [ "$tickets" = "" ]
+ then
+ tickets="$line";
+ else
+ tickets="$tickets $line";
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognised token $expect" >&2;
+ quit 254;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$expect" != "empty" ]
+ then
+ in_empty=0;
+ fi
+ debug 3 "Now expecting: $expecting";
+ else
+ # None of the expected line formats matched
+ # Guess we'll call it a day here then
+ echo "Syntax error on line $i:" >&2;
+ echo ">> $line" >&2;
+ echo -n "Expecting: " >&2;
+ echo "$expecting" | sed 's/ /, /g' >&2;
+ exit $err;
+ fi
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ));
+# If EOF is expected exit cleanly
+echo "$expecting" | grep -q "eof" || (
+ # Unexpected EOF, error
+ echo "Unexpected EOF encountered" >&2;
+ quit $ERR_EOF;
+) && (
+ # Do post scan checks
+ if [ ! -z "$tickets" ]
+ then
+ # Check for duplicate tickets
+ dupes=$(echo "$tickets" | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq -d);
+ if [ ! -z "$dupes" ]
+ then
+ echo "The following tickets are repeated:" >&2;
+ echo "$dupes" | sed 's/ /\n/g;s/^/* /g' >&2;
+ quit $ERR_FOOTER;
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check the branch ticket is mentioned, doesn't make sense otherwise
+ if [ $ticket -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "$tickets" | grep -Eq "\bPHPBB3-$ticket\b" || (
+ echo "Ticket ID [$ticket] of branch missing from list of tickets:" >&2;
+ echo "$tickets" | sed 's/ /\n/g;s/^/* /g' >&2;
+ quit $ERR_FOOTER;
+ ) || exit $?;
+ fi
+ # Got here okay exit to reality
+ exit 0;
+exit $?;