diff options
authorNils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>2011-01-07 02:25:06 +0100
committerNils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>2011-01-07 02:25:06 +0100
commita1731d5e6ec5b7cb6687e6302eb7daaa515f3369 (patch)
parent03c52e79b909158a1461bc1c6a48b44fd4a2a97a (diff)
[task/phpdoc] Switching from phpDocumentor to phpdoctor.
You can get phpdoctor from https://github.com/peej/phpdoctor PHPBB3-9943
2 files changed, 150 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/build/build.xml b/build/build.xml
index 8d2afcb00c..8d4e333e17 100644
--- a/build/build.xml
+++ b/build/build.xml
@@ -65,8 +65,14 @@
<target name="docs">
+ <!-- only works if you setup phpdoctor:
+ git clone https://github.com/peej/phpdoctor.git
+ and then create an executable phpdoctor in your path containing
+ #!/bin/sh
+ php -f /path/to/phpdoctor/phpdoc.php $@
+ -->
<exec dir="build"
- command="phpdoc -c phpdoc-phpbb.ini"
+ command="phpdoctor phpdoc-phpbb.ini"
passthru="true" />
diff --git a/build/phpdoc-phpbb.ini b/build/phpdoc-phpbb.ini
index 86d33549c0..deaae4c19c 100644
--- a/build/phpdoc-phpbb.ini
+++ b/build/phpdoc-phpbb.ini
@@ -1,106 +1,145 @@
-;; phpDocumentor parse configuration file
-;; This file is designed to cut down on repetitive typing on the command-line or web interface
-;; You can copy this file to create a number of configuration files that can be used with the
-;; command-line switch -c, as in phpdoc -c default.ini or phpdoc -c myini.ini. The web
-;; interface will automatically generate a list of .ini files that can be used.
-;; default.ini is used to generate the online manual at http://www.phpdoc.org/docs
-;; ALL .ini files must be in the user subdirectory of phpDocumentor with an extension of .ini
-;; Copyright 2002, Greg Beaver <cellog@users.sourceforge.net>
-;; WARNING: do not change the name of any command-line parameters, phpDocumentor will ignore them
-[Parse Data]
-;; title of all the documentation
-;; legal values: any string
-title = phpBB3 Sourcecode Documentation
-;; parse files that start with a . like .bash_profile
-;; legal values: true, false
-hidden = false
-;; show elements marked @access private in documentation by setting this to on
-;; legal values: on, off
-parseprivate = on
-;; parse with javadoc-like description (first sentence is always the short description)
-;; legal values: on, off
-javadocdesc = off
-;; add any custom @tags separated by commas here
-;; legal values: any legal tagname separated by commas.
-;customtags = mytag1,mytag2
-;; This is only used by the XML:DocBook/peardoc2 converter
-defaultcategoryname = sourcecode
-;; what is the main package?
-;; legal values: alphanumeric string plus - and _
-defaultpackagename = phpBB3
-;; output any parsing information? set to on for cron jobs
-;; legal values: on
+; Default configuration file for PHPDoctor
+; This config file will cause PHPDoctor to generate API documentation of
+; itself.
+; PHPDoctor settings
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Names of files to parse. This can be a single filename, or a comma separated
+; list of filenames. Wildcards are allowed.
+files = "*.php"
+; Names of files or directories to ignore. This can be a single filename, or a
+; comma separated list of filenames. Wildcards are NOT allowed.
+;ignore = "CVS, .svn, .git, _compiled"
+ignore = templates_c/,*HTML/default/*,spec/,*config.php*,*CVS/,test_chora.php,testupdate/,cache/,store/,*proSilver/,develop/,includes/utf/data/,includes/captcha/fonts/,install/update/,install/update.new/,files/,*phpinfo.php*,*update_script.php*,*upgrade.php*,*convert.php*,install/converter/,language/de/,script/,*swatch.php*,*test.php*,*test2.php*,*install.php*,*functions_diff.php*,*acp_update.php*,acm_xcache.php
+; The directory to look for files in, if not used the PHPDoctor will look in
+; the current directory (the directory it is run from).
+source_path = "../phpBB/"
+; If you do not want PHPDoctor to look in each sub directory for files
+; uncomment this line.
+;subdirs = off
+; Set how loud PHPDoctor is as it runs. Quiet mode suppresses all output other
+; than warnings and errors. Verbose mode outputs additional messages during
+; execution.
;quiet = on
+verbose = on
+; Select the doclet to use for generating output.
+doclet = standard
+;doclet = debug
+; The directory to find the doclet in. Doclets control the HTML output of
+; phpDoctor and can be modified to suit your needs. They are expected to be
+; in a directory named after themselves at the location given.
+;doclet_path = ./doclets
+; Select the formatter to use for generating output.
+;formatter = htmlStandardFormatter
+; The directory to find the formatter in. Formatters convert textual markup
+; for use by the doclet.
+;formatter_path = ./formatters
+; The directory to find taglets in. Taglets allow you to make PHPDoctor handle
+; new tags and to alter the behavour of existing tags and their output.
+;taglet_path = ./taglets
+; If the code you are parsing does not use package tags or not all elements
+; have package tags, use this setting to place unbound elements into a
+; particular package.
+default_package = "phpBB"
+use_class_path_as_package = off
+ignore_package_tags = off
+; Specifies the name of a HTML file containing text for the overview
+; documentation to be placed on the overview page. The path is relative to
+; "source_path" unless an absolute path is given.
+overview = ../README.md
+; Package comments will be looked for in a file named package.html in the same
+; directory as the first source file parsed in that package or in the directory
+; given below. If package comments are placed in the directory given below then
+; they should be named "<packageName>.html".
+package_comment_dir = ./
+; Parse out global variables and/or global constants?
+;globals = off
+;constants = off
+; Generate documentation for all class members
+;private = on
+; Generate documentation for public and protected class members
+;protected = on
+; Generate documentation for only public class members
+;public = on
+; Use the PEAR compatible handling of the docblock first sentence
+;pear_compat = on
+; Standard doclet settings
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The directory to place generated documentation in. If the given path is
+; relative to it will be relative to "source_path".
+d = "../build/api/"
+; Specifies the title to be placed in the HTML <title> tag.
+windowtitle = "phpBB3"
+; Specifies the title to be placed near the top of the overview summary file.
+doctitle = "phpBB3 Sourcecode Documentation"
+; Specifies the header text to be placed at the top of each output file. The
+; header will be placed to the right of the upper navigation bar.
+header = "phpBB3"
+; Specifies the footer text to be placed at the bottom of each output file. The
+; footer will be placed to the right of the lower navigation bar.
+footer = "phpBB3"
+; Specifies the text to be placed at the bottom of each output file. The text
+; will be placed at the bottom of the page, below the lower navigation bar.
+;bottom = "This document was generated by <a href="http://peej.github.com/phpdoctor/">PHPDoctor: The PHP Documentation Creator</a>"
+; Create a class tree?
+;tree = off
+; Use GeSHi to include formatted source files in the documentation. PHPDoctor will look in the current doclet directory for a /geshi subdirectory. Unpack the GeSHi archive from http://qbnz.com/highlighter to get this directory - it will contain a php script and a subdirectory with formatting files.
+include_source = off
-;; parse a PEAR-style repository. Do not turn this on if your project does
-;; not have a parent directory named "pear"
-;; legal values: on/off
-;pear = on
-;; where should the documentation be written?
-;; legal values: a legal path
-target = api
-;; Which files should be parsed out as special documentation files, such as README,
-;; INSTALL and CHANGELOG? This overrides the default files found in
-;; phpDocumentor.ini (this file is not a user .ini file, but the global file)
-readmeinstallchangelog = README.html, INSTALL.html, CHANGELOG.html, COPYING
-;; limit output to the specified packages, even if others are parsed
-;; legal values: package names separated by commas
-;packageoutput = phpBB3,ACP,SEARCH,DBAL,ACM,MCP,UCP,LOGIN,lang_english
-;; comma-separated list of files to parse
-;; legal values: paths separated by commas
-;filename = /path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,fileincurrentdirectory
-;; comma-separated list of directories to parse
-;; legal values: directory paths separated by commas
-;directory = /path1,/path2,.,..,subdirectory
-;directory = /home/jeichorn/cvs/pear
-directory = ../phpBB/
-;; template base directory (the equivalent directory of <installdir>/phpDocumentor)
-;templatebase = /path/to/my/templates
-;; directory to find any example files in through @example and {@example} tags
-;examplesdir = c:\wamp\www\examples
-;; comma-separated list of files, directories or wildcards ? and * (any wildcard) to ignore
-;; legal values: any wildcard strings separated by commas
-;ignore = /path/to/ignore*,*list.php,myfile.php,subdirectory/
-ignore = templates_c/,*HTML/default/*,spec/,*config.php*,*CVS/,test_chora.php,testupdate/,cache/,store/,*proSilver/,develop/,includes/utf/data/,includes/captcha/fonts/,install/update/,install/update.new/,files/,*phpinfo.php*,*update_script.php*,*upgrade.php*,*convert.php*,install/converter/,language/de/,script/,*swatch.php*,*test.php*,*test2.php*,*install.php*,*functions_diff.php*,*acp_update.php*
-;; comma-separated list of Converters to use in outputformat:Convertername:templatedirectory format
-;; legal values: HTML:frames:default,HTML:frames:l0l33t,HTML:frames:phpdoc.de,HTML:frames:phphtmllib,
-;; HTML:frames:earthli,
-;; HTML:frames:DOM/default,HTML:frames:DOM/l0l33t,HTML:frames:DOM/phpdoc.de,
-;; HTML:frames:DOM/phphtmllib,HTML:frames:DOM/earthli
-;; HTML:Smarty:default,HTML:Smarty:PHP,HTML:Smarty:HandS
-;; PDF:default:default,CHM:default:default,XML:DocBook/peardoc2:default
-;; turn this option on if you want highlighted source code for every file
-;; legal values: on/off
-sourcecode = off