diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2002-02-25 01:17:59 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2002-02-25 01:17:59 +0000
commit582cee4b075d76396a9aed701e2a1e5821da29f8 (patch)
parent19f7c091d9b6896bf134ac758b46814815216f20 (diff)
Fix COPPA problems
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@2209 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/profile.php b/phpBB/profile.php
index c656e29f96..8c87b62db6 100644
--- a/phpBB/profile.php
+++ b/phpBB/profile.php
@@ -101,35 +101,27 @@ function validate_email($email)
function validate_optional_fields(&$icq, &$aim, &$msnm, &$yim, &$website, &$location, &$occupation, &$interests, &$sig)
- // ICQ number has to be only numbers.
- if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $icq))
- {
- $icq = "";
- }
- // AIM address has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($aim) < 2)
+ $check_var_length = array('aim', 'msnm', 'yim', 'location', 'occupation', 'interests', 'sig');
+ for($i = 0; $i < count($check_var_length); $i++)
- $aim = "";
+ if ( strlen($$check_var_length[$i]) < 2 )
+ {
+ $$check_var_length[$i] = "";
+ }
- // MSNM address has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($msnm) < 2)
+ // ICQ number has to be only numbers.
+ if ( !preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $icq) )
- $msnm = "";
+ $icq = "";
- // YIM address has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($yim) < 2)
- {
- $yim = "";
- }
// website has to start with http://, followed by something with length at least 3 that
// contains at least one dot.
- if($website != "")
+ if ( $website != "" )
- if( !preg_match("#^http:\/\/#i", $website) )
+ if ( !preg_match("#^http:\/\/#i", $website) )
$website = "http://" . $website;
@@ -139,35 +131,11 @@ function validate_optional_fields(&$icq, &$aim, &$msnm, &$yim, &$website, &$loca
$website = "";
- // location has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($location) < 2)
- {
- $location = "";
- }
- // occupation has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($occupation) < 2)
- {
- $occupation = "";
- }
- // interests has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($interests) < 2)
- {
- $interests = "";
- }
- // sig has to have length >= 2.
- if (strlen($sig) < 2)
- {
- $sig = "";
- }
-function generate_password()
+function gen_rand_string($hash)
$chars = array(
"a","A","b","B","c","C","d","D","e","E","f","F","g","G","h","H","i","I","j","J", "k","K","l","L","m","M","n","N","o","O","p","P","q","Q","r","R","s","S","t","T", "u","U","v","V","w","W","x","X","y","Y","z","Z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8",
@@ -176,12 +144,13 @@ function generate_password()
$max_chars = count($chars) - 1;
+ $rand_str = "";
for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
- $new_passwd = ($i == 0) ? $chars[rand(0, $max_chars)] : $new_passwd . $chars[rand(0, $max_chars)];
+ $rand_str = ( $i == 0 ) ? $chars[rand(0, $max_chars)] : $rand_str . $chars[rand(0, $max_chars)];
- return($new_passwd);
+ return ( $hash ) ? md5($rand_str) : $rand_str;
// End page specific functions
@@ -194,9 +163,7 @@ function generate_password()
if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
$mode = ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) ) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['mode'] : $HTTP_POST_VARS['mode'];
- //
- // Begin page proper
- //
if ( $mode == "viewprofile" )
@@ -217,8 +184,7 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
- // Output page header and
- // profile_view template
+ // Output page header and profile_view template
"body" => "profile_view_body.tpl",
@@ -235,16 +201,12 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
"S_JUMPBOX_ACTION" => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx"))
$template->assign_var_from_handle("JUMPBOX", "jumpbox");
- //
- // End header
- //
// Calculate the number of days this user has been a member ($memberdays)
// Then calculate their posts per day
$regdate = $profiledata['user_regdate'];
$memberdays = max(1, round( ( time() - $regdate ) / 86400 ));
$posts_per_day = $profiledata['user_posts'] / $memberdays;
@@ -1026,14 +988,13 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
if( $email != $current_email && ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_SELF || $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN ) && $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN )
$user_active = 0;
- $user_actkey = generate_activation_key();
+ $user_actkey = gen_rand_string(true);
// The user is inactive, remove their session forcing them to login again before they can post.
WHERE session_user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'];
@@ -1115,9 +1076,9 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . USERS_TABLE . " (user_id, username, user_regdate, user_password, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_avatar, user_viewemail, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_viewonline, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_popup_pm, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_style, user_level, user_allow_pm, user_active, user_actkey)
VALUES ($new_user_id, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $username) . "', " . time() . ", '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $password) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $icq) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $website) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $occupation) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $location) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $interests) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $signature) . "', '$signature_bbcode_uid', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $avatar_filename) . "', $viewemail, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $aim) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $yim) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $msn) . "', $attachsig, $allowsmilies, $allowhtml, $allowbbcode, $allowviewonline, $notifyreply, $notifypm, $popuppm, $user_timezone, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_dateformat) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_lang) . "', $user_style, 0, 1, ";
- if( $board_config['require_activation'] ==USER_ACTIVATION_SELF || $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN || $coppa == 1)
+ if ( $board_config['require_activation'] ==USER_ACTIVATION_SELF || $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN || $coppa == 1)
- $user_actkey = generate_activation_key();
+ $user_actkey = gen_rand_string(true);
$sql .= "0, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_actkey) . "')";
@@ -1125,31 +1086,31 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
$sql .= "1, '')";
- if( $result = $db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION) )
+ if ( $result = $db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION) )
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user, group_moderator)
VALUES ($new_group_id, '', 'Personal User', 1, 0)";
- if($result = $db->sql_query($sql))
+ if ( $result = $db->sql_query($sql) )
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . USER_GROUP_TABLE . " (user_id, group_id, user_pending)
VALUES ($new_user_id, $new_group_id, 0)";
- if($result = $db->sql_query($sql, END_TRANSACTION))
+ if ( $result = $db->sql_query($sql, END_TRANSACTION) )
- if( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_SELF )
+ if ( $coppa )
+ {
+ $message = $lang['COPPA'];
+ $email_template = "coppa_welcome_inactive";
+ }
+ else if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_SELF )
$message = $lang['Account_inactive'];
$email_template = "user_welcome_inactive";
- else if( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN )
+ else if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN )
$message = $lang['Account_inactive_admin'];
$email_template = "admin_welcome_inactive";
- else if( $coppa )
- {
- $message = $lang['COPPA'];
- $email_template = "coppa_welcome_inactive";
- }
$message = $lang['Account_added'];
@@ -1703,8 +1664,8 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
$username = $row['username'];
- $user_actkey = generate_activation_key();
- $user_password = generate_password();
+ $user_actkey = gen_rand_string(true);
+ $user_password = gen_rand_string(false);
$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
SET user_newpasswd = '" .md5($user_password) . "', user_actkey = '$user_actkey'
@@ -2036,4 +1997,4 @@ if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) )
+?> \ No newline at end of file