diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2002-08-01 16:41:04 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2002-08-01 16:41:04 +0000
commit43fc9da25eb8954ab37f7081a847c8a2ceac2be0 (patch)
parentb1c816b114a55d9b7df4fe3a9eb07a5745f8391c (diff)
Full of debug print outs but hum ho
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@2806 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/session.php b/phpBB/includes/session.php
index 46dc850fad..be2dd319ab 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/session.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/session.php
@@ -419,6 +419,9 @@ class auth {
case 'list':
$and_sql = "AND ( ao.auth_option LIKE 'list' OR ao.auth_type LIKE 'admin' )";
+ case 'read':
+ $and_sql = "AND ( ao.auth_option LIKE 'read' OR ao.auth_type LIKE 'admin' )";
+ break;
case 'forum':
$and_sql = "AND ( ( au.forum_id = $forum_id ) OR ( au.forum_id <> $forum_id AND ( ao.auth_option LIKE 'list' OR ao.auth_type LIKE 'mod' OR ao.auth_type LIKE 'admin' ) ) )";
@@ -481,14 +484,158 @@ class auth {
return false;
- function set_acl($ug_data, $forum_id, $auth_list = false, $dependencies = false)
+ function set_acl($forum_id, $user_id = false, $group_id = false, $auth = false, $dependencies = array())
global $db;
- $dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, array(
- 'admin' => 'mod',
- 'mod' => 'forum')
- );
+ if ( !$auth || ( $user_id && $group_id ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $dependencies = array_merge_recursive($dependencies, array(
+ 'mod' => array(
+ 'forum' => array(
+ 'list' => 1,
+ 'post' => 1,
+ 'reply' => 1,
+ 'edit' => 1,
+ 'delete' => 1,
+ 'vote' => 1,
+ 'edit' => 1,
+ 'search' => 1,
+ 'ignorequeue' => 1
+ )
+ ),
+ 'admin' => array(
+ 'forum' => array(
+ 'list' => 1,
+ 'read' => 1,
+ 'post' => 1,
+ 'reply' => 1,
+ 'edit' => 1,
+ 'delete' => 1,
+ 'poll' => 1,
+ 'vote' => 1,
+ 'announce' => 1,
+ 'sticky' => 1,
+ 'attach' => 1,
+ 'download' => 1,
+ 'html' => 1,
+ 'bbcode' => 1,
+ 'smilies' => 1,
+ 'img' => 1,
+ 'flash' => 1,
+ 'sigs' => 1,
+ 'search' => 1,
+ 'email' => 1,
+ 'rate' => 1,
+ 'print' => 1,
+ 'ignoreflood' => 1,
+ 'ignorequeue' => 1
+ ),
+ 'mod' => array(
+ 'edit' => 1,
+ 'delete' => 1,
+ 'move' => 1,
+ 'lock' => 1,
+ 'split' => 1,
+ 'merge' => 1,
+ 'approve' => 1,
+ 'unrate' => 1,
+ 'auth' => 1
+ )
+ )
+ ));
+ $forum_sql = ( $forum_id ) ? "AND a.forum_id IN ($forum_id, 0)" : '';
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ $sql = ( $user_id !== false ) ? "SELECT a.user_id, o.auth_type, o.auth_option, a.auth_allow_deny FROM " . ACL_USERS_TABLE . " a, " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " o WHERE a.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id $forum_sql AND a.user_id = $user_id" : "SELECT ug.user_id, o.auth_type, o.auth_option, a.auth_allow_deny FROM " . USER_GROUP_TABLE . " ug, " . ACL_USERS_TABLE . " a, " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " o WHERE a.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id $forum_sql AND a.user_id = ug.user_id AND ug.group_id = $group_id";
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $current_user_auth = array();
+ if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ $current_user_auth[$row['user_id']][$row['auth_type']][$row['auth_option']] = $row['auth_allow_deny'];
+ }
+ while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) );
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $sql = ( $group_id !== false ) ? "SELECT a.group_id, o.auth_type, o.auth_option, a.auth_allow_deny FROM " . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . " a, " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " o WHERE a.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id $forum_sql AND a.group_id = $group_id" : "SELECT ug.group_id, o.auth_type, o.auth_option, a.auth_allow_deny FROM " . USER_GROUP_TABLE . " ug, " . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . " a, " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " o WHERE a.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id $forum_sql AND a.group_id = ug.group_id AND ug.user_id = $user_id";
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $current_group_auth = array();
+ if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ $current_group_auth[$row['group_id']][$row['auth_type']][$row['auth_option']] = $row['auth_allow_deny'];
+ }
+ while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) );
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ foreach ( $auth as $auth_type => $auth_option_ary )
+ {
+ foreach ( $auth_option_ary as $auth_option => $allow )
+ {
+ if ( $user_id !== false )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($current_user_auth) )
+ {
+ foreach ( $current_user_auth as $user => $user_auth_ary )
+ {
+ $sql_ary[] = ( !isset($user_auth_ary[$auth_type][$auth_option]) ) ? "User => I => $auth_option => $allow" : ( ( $user_auth_ary[$auth_type][$auth_option] != $allow ) ? "User => U => $auth_option => $allow" : "User => NOWT => $auth_option " );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql_ary[] = "User => I => $auth_option => $allow";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $group_id !== false )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($current_group_auth) )
+ {
+ foreach ( $current_group_auth as $group => $group_auth_ary )
+ {
+ $sql_ary[] = ( !isset($group_auth_ary[$auth_type][$auth_option]) ) ? "Group => I => $auth_option => $allow" : ( ( $group_auth_ary[$auth_type][$auth_option] != $allow ) ? "Group => U => $auth_option => $allow" : "Group => NOWT => $auth_option " );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql_ary[] = "Group => I => $auth_option => $allow";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print_r($sql_ary);
+ //
+ // Need to update prefetch table ... the fun bit
+ //
+ foreach ( $auth as $auth_type => $auth_option_ary )
+ {
+ foreach ( $dependencies[$auth_type] as $dep_sub_type => $dep_sub_type_ary )
+ {
+ foreach ( $dep_sub_type_ary as $dep_sub_option => $dep_sub_allow )
+ {
+ $auth[$dep_sub_type][$dep_sub_option] = $dep_sub_allow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($current_group_auth);
+ unset($current_user_auth);