Në këtë ekran ju mund të zgjidhni në mes të disa sistemeve dhe mjeteve të administrimit. Klikoni mbi një lidhje më poshtë për të mësuar më shumë.

Kjo vegël[26] ju mundëson të modifikoni mënyrën në të cilën ju mund të njiheni si përdorues i makinës ose në rrjet.
Sipas paracaktimit, informacioni për vërtetimin tuaj ruhet në një skedar në kompjuterin tuaj. Ndryshoni atë vetëm nëse administratori i rrjetit ju fton të bëni një gjë të tillë dhe jepni informacion rreth kësaj.
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You can start this tool from the command line, by typing drakxservices as root.

This tool[27] is present in the Mageia Control Center under the System tab. It allows you to manage the fonts available on the computer. The main screen above shows:
the installed font names, styles and sizes.
a preview of the selected font.
disa butona shpjegohen këtu më vonë.
Get Windows Fonts:
Ky buton automatikisht shton fontet gjetur në ndarjen Windows. Ju duhet të keni të instaluar Microsoft Windows.
Kjo ju lejon të specifikoni aplikacionet aso pajisjet (printerë kryesisht) të aftë për të përdorur fonte.
This button is to remove installed fonts and possibly save some place. Be careful when removing fonts because it may have serious consequences on the documents that use them.
Allows you to add fonts from a third party (CD, internet, ...). The supported formats are ttf, pfa, pfb, pcf, pfm and gsf. Click on the Import button and then on Add, a file manager pops up where you can select the fonts to install, click on Install when done. They are installed in the folder /usr/share/fonts.
If the newly installed (or removed) fonts doesn't appear in the Drakfont main screen, close and re open it to see the modifications.

This tool[28] is found under the tab System in the Mageia Control Center labelled "Manage date and time". In some desktop environments it is also available by a right click / Adjust date and Time ... on the clock in the system tray.
It's a very simple tool.
On the upper left part, is the calendar. On the screenshot above, the date is September (on the upper left), 2012 (on the upper right), the 2nd (in blue) and it is a Sunday. Select the month (or year) by clicking on the little arrows on each side of September (or 2012). Select the day by clicking on its number.
On the bottom left is the Network Time Protocol synchronising, it is possible to have a clock always on time by synchronising it with a server. Check Enable Network Time Protocol and choose the closest server.
On the right part is the clock. It's useless to set the clock if NTP is enabled. Three boxes display hours, minutes and seconds (15, 28 and 22 on the screenshot). Use the little arrows to set the clock to the correct time. The format can't be changed here, see your desktop environment settings for that.
At least, on the bottom right, select your time zone by clicking on the
button and choosing in the list the nearest town.Shënim
Even if it isn't possible to choose a date or time format in this tool, they will be displayed on your desktop in accordance with the localisation settings.

This tool[29] can be found in the System section of the Mageia Control Center (MCC) labelled "Manage localization for your system". It opens with a window in which you can choose your language. The choice is adapted to languages selected during installation.
button give access to activate compatibility with old encoding (non UTF8).The second window shows a list of countries according to the selected language. The button
gives access to countries not listed.You have to restart your session after any modifications.
In the Other Countries screen you can also select an input method (from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the list). Input methods allow users to input multilingual characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc).
For Asian and African locales, IBus will be set as default input method so users should not need to configure it manually.
Other input methods (SCIM, GCIN, HIME, etc.) also provide similar functions and can, if not available from the drop-down menu, be installed in another part of the Mageia Control Center. See seksioni i quajtur “Software Management (Install and Remove Software)”.

This tool[30] is found in the Mageia Control Center System tab, labelled "View and search system logs".
First, enter the key string you want to look for in the Matching field and/or the key string you want to do not wish to see amongst the answers in the field but not matching. Then select the file(s) to search in the Choose file field. Optionally, it is possible to limit the search to only one day. Select it in the Calendar, using the little arrows on each side of the month and year, and check " ". At last, click on the button to see the results in the window called Content of the file. It is possible to save the results in the .txt format by clicking on the Save button.
houses the logs from the Mageia configuration tools such as the Mageia Control Center tools. These logs are updated each time a configuration is modified.automatically checks the system load and the services every hour and if necessary sends an e-mail to the configured address.
To configure this tool, click on the Mail Alert button and then, in the next screen, on the drop down button. Here, all the running services are displayed and you can choose which ones you want to look watch. (See screenshot above).
The following services can be watched :
Shërbimi Webmin
Server i letrave Postfix
Server FTP
Apache World Wide Web Server
Server SSH
Server Samba
Shërbime Xinetd
BIND Domain Name Resolve
In the next screen, select the Load value you consider unacceptable. The load represents the demand to a process, a high load slows the system down and a very high load may indicate that a process has gone out of control. The default value is 3. We recommend setting the load value to 3 times the number of processors.
In the last screen, enter the Email address of the person to be warned and the Email server to use (local or on the Internet).

This tool[31] gives you access to a console which is directly opened as root. We do not think that you need more information about that.

Ky mjet[32] gjendet nën System tabelë në Qendrën e Kontrollit Mageia emërtuar "Menaxho përdoruesit në sistem"
The tool allows an administrator to manage the users and the groups, this means to add or delete a user or group and to modify user and group settings (ID, shell, ...)
When userdrake is opened, all the users existing on the system are listed in the
tab, and all the groups in the tab. Both tabs operate the same way.Ky buton hap një dritare të re me të gjitha fushat e treguara bosh:

The field Full Name is intended for the entry of a family name and first name, but it is possible to write anything or nothing as well!
Hyrja është e vetmja fushë e kërkuar.
Setting a Password is highly recommended. There is a little shield on the right, if it is red, the password is weak, too short or is too similar to the login name. You should use figures, lower and upper case characters, punctuation marks, etc. The shield will turn orange and then green as the password strength improves.
Konfirmo Fjalëkalimin fushë është atje për të siguruar që ju të fusni atë që ju keni qëllim për.
Login Shell is a drop down list that allows you to change the shell used by the user you are adding, the options are Bash, Dash and Sh.
Create a private group for the user, if checked will automatically create a group with the same name and the new user as the only member (this may be edited).
Opsionet e tjera duhen të jenë të qarta. Ky përdorues i ri është krijuar menjëherë pasi ju klikoni mbi
.2 Shto Grup
Ju duhet vetëm të shkruani emrin e ri të grupit, dhe nëse kërkohet, ID specifike grupi.
3 Redakto (një përdorues i zgjedhur)
: Allows you to modify all the data given for the user at creation (the ID can't be changed).
Info llogari:

The first option is for setting an expiration date for the account. Connection is impossible after this date. This is useful for temporary accounts.
The second option is to lock the account, connection is impossible as long as the account is locked.
Është gjithashtu e mundur për të ndryshuar ikonën.
Info Fjalëkalimi: Ju lejon të vendosni një datë skadimi për fjalëkalim, ky detyron përdoruesin të ndryshoj fjalëkalimin e tij në mënyrë periodike.

Grup: Këtu ju mund të zgjidhni grupet që përdoruesi është anëtar i.
Nëse jeni duke modifikuar një llogari përdoruesi të lidhur, modifikimet nuk do të jenë në fuqi deri në hyrje të tij/saj të ardhshëm.
4 Redakto (me një grup të zgjedhur)
Group Data: Allows you to modify the group name.
Përdoruesit e grupit: Këtu ju mund të zgjidhni përdoruesit të cilët janë anëtarë të grupit
5 Fshi
Select a user or a group and click on Delete to remove it. For a user, a window appears to ask if home directory and mailbox must also be deleted. If a private group has been created for the user, it will be deleted as well.
Është e mundur për të fshirë një grup që nuk është bosh.
6 Rifresko
The User database can be changed outside of Userdrake. Click on this icon to refresh the display.
7 Llogaria Vizitor
guest is a special account. It is intended to give somebody temporary access to the system with total security. Login is xguest, there is no password, and it is impossible to make modifications to the system from this account. The personal directories are deleted at the end of the session. This account is enabled by default, to disable it, click in the menu on .

This tool[33] is found under the System tab in the Mageia Control Center labeled Import Windows(TM) documents and settings
Mjeti i lejon një administratori të importoj dokumentet e përdoruesit dhe parametrat nga një Windows® 2000, Windows® XP ose Windows® Vista™ instalimit në të njëjtin kompjuter si instalimit Mageia.
Please note that all the changes will be applied by transfugdrake immediately after pressing
.Pas fillimit transfugdrake ju do të shihni faqen e parë magjistar me një shpjegim për mjet dhe opsionet e importit.
As soon as you read and understand the instructions, press the Windows® installation.
button. This should run a detection ofWhen the detection step is complete you will see a page which allows you to choose accounts in Windows® and Mageia for the import procedure. It is possible to choose other user account than yours own.

Please take into account that due to migrate-assistant (the backend of transfugdrake) limitations Windows® user account names with special symbols can be displayed incorrectly.
Migration may take some time depending on the size of the document folders.
Some Windows® applications (especially drivers) may create user accounts for different purposes. For example, NVidia drivers in Windows®are updated using UpdatusUser. Please do not use such accounts for the import purposes.
When you finished with the accounts selection press
button. The next page is used to select a method to import documents:
Transfugdrake is designed to import Windows® data from My Documents, My Music and My Pictures folders. It is possible to skip import by selecting the appropriate item in this window.
When you finished with the document import method choosing press
button. The next page is used to select a method to import bookmarks:
Transfugdrake can import Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox bookmarks into the bookmarks of Mageia Mozilla Firefox instance.
Choose the preferred import option and press the
button.The next page allows you to import desktop background:

Choose the preferred option and press the
button.The last page of wizard shows some congratulation message. Just press the

This tool[34] is available in MCC's System tab, in the Administration tools section.
When you start this tool in MCC for the first time, you will see a message about installing draksnapshot. Click on
to proceed. Draksnapshot and some other packages it needs will be installed.Click again on Snapshots, you will see the Settings screen. Tick Enable Backups and, if you want to backup the whole system, Backup the whole system.
If you only want to backup part of your directories, then choose Advanced. You will see a little pop-up screen. Use the and buttons next to the Backup list to include or exclude directories and files from the backup. Use the same buttons next to the Exclude list to remove subdirectories and/or files from the chosen directories, that should not be included in the backup. Click on when you are done.
Now give the path to Where to backup, or choose the button to select the correct path. Any mounted USB-key or external HD can be found in /run/media/your_user_name/.
Click on
to make the snapshot.[26] Ju mund të filloni këtë vegël nga command line, duke shtypur drakfauth si root.
[27] Ju mund të filloni këtë vegël nga command line, duke shtypur drakfont si root.
[28] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing drakclock as root.
[29] You can also start this tool from the command line, by typing localedrake as root.
[30] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing logdrake as root.
[31] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing drakconsole as root.
[32] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing userdrake as root.
[33] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing transfugdrake as root.
[34] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing draksnapshot-config as root.