path: root/js/field.js
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Bug 641519: userAutocomplete is not compatible with Bugzilla configured to us...Randy Reddekopp2011-04-191-3/+3
* Bug 619637: (CVE-2010-4569) [SECURITY] XSS in user autocomplete due to lack o...Reed Loden2011-01-241-1/+8
* Bug 626292: "Make description private" checkbox should set bz_private class o...David Lawrence2011-01-211-3/+3
* Bug 626658 - Add (take) link to bug edit page to allow quick assigning to the...David Lawrence2011-01-201-4/+9
* Bug 585802: Change the cc/user autocomplete (and backend) usermatching to ign...Christian Legnitto2010-10-281-1/+1
* Bug 581933: Make YUI user autocomplete work with non-ASCII charactersMax Kanat-Alexander2010-10-271-2/+2
* Bug 479400: Add the ability to show or hide particular custom fieldsTiago Mello2010-08-271-5/+13
* Bug 583884: User autocomplete fills in empty values instead of the autocomple...Frédéric Buclin2010-08-131-2/+6
* Bug 584069: IE6 throws many JS errorsGuy Pyrzak2010-08-031-1/+1
* Bug 578572: Make the user autocomplete and keyword autocomplete behaveMax Kanat-Alexander2010-08-011-4/+4
* Bug 560003: Hide the "Add Bug URLs" box behind an (add) link.Max Kanat-Alexander2010-07-201-0/+6
* Bug 490767: Make validation happen with JS, when filing a bugMax Kanat-Alexander2010-07-121-0/+66
* Bug 514618: Allow restricting the visibility and values of fields byKent Rogers2010-07-051-0/+14
* Bug 455810 - Add autocomplete support to the keywords fieldReed Loden2010-07-051-2/+32
* Bug 548933: The "Mark as Duplicate" link was changing bugs to RESOLVED FIXEDMax Kanat-Alexander2010-02-281-1/+2
* Bug 490923: Autocomplete assignee, qa contact, and cc on the client sideGuy Pyrzak2010-02-211-0/+71
* Bug 546719: When reopening a Resolved Duplicated bug in IE, JS error stops th...Guy Pyrzak2010-02-181-2/+5
* Bug 545277: Closed bugs were always marked as FIXED in the resolutionMax Kanat-Alexander2010-02-091-1/+2
* Bug 520993: If the "FIXED" resolution was a visibility or value controller, t...Max Kanat-Alexander2010-02-081-8/+23
* Bug 463598: Improve the performance of the JavaScript that adjusts field valu...mkanat%bugzilla.org2009-06-211-43/+74
* Bug 480061: Lots of JS was toggling the "display" attribute instead of removi...mkanat%bugzilla.org2009-02-251-18/+25
* Bug 455476: clicking "mark as duplicate" should focus the dup_id field - Patc...lpsolit%gmail.com2009-01-011-3/+17
* Bug 460909 - Mass edit bug form does not allow adding private commentsdkl%redhat.com2008-12-171-0/+8
* Bug 308253: Ability to add select (enum) fields to a bug whose list of values...mkanat%bugzilla.org2008-11-071-0/+121
* Bug 291433: Ability to have custom fields whose visibility depends on the val...mkanat%bugzilla.org2008-10-251-0/+36
* Bug 452926 - In <field.js>, "Warning: assignment to undeclared variable bz_...guy.pyrzak%gmail.com2008-09-051-1/+1
* Bug 448696: "(edit)" links should focus the text box and select all text in themguy.pyrzak%gmail.com2008-09-051-0/+6
* Bug 433987 - show_bug.cgi javascript error on changing statusguy.pyrzak%gmail.com2008-05-201-2/+2
* Bug 414236 Ð show_bug.cgi: Remove the knob in favor of normal <select> boxesguy.pyrzak%gmail.com2008-04-101-0/+50
* Fix the indentation in the previous checkin for bug 418895, patch by pyrzak, ...lpsolit%gmail.com2008-03-051-66/+23
* Bug 418895: Assignee and QA contact fields always become revealed (editable),guy.pyrzak%gmail.com2008-03-011-18/+78
* Bug 414284: Bug edit page is bad for changing componentsmkanat%bugzilla.org2008-02-081-9/+68
* Bug 374020: Re-work the bug editing form to be more usable.mkanat%bugzilla.org2008-01-281-0/+57
* Bug 405898: Date/Time Fields should accept times like H:MMmkanat%bugzilla.org2007-12-281-5/+2
* Bug 397099: Date/Time Fields should have a JavaScript widget for picking a datemkanat%bugzilla.org2007-11-291-0/+139