path: root/Bugzilla
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla')
3 files changed, 290 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/CGI.pm b/Bugzilla/CGI.pm
index ae0546c2e..ad609c2ab 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/CGI.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/CGI.pm
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ __END__
=head1 NAME
- Bugzilla::CGI - CGI handling for Bugzilla
+Bugzilla::CGI - CGI handling for Bugzilla
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Template.pm b/Bugzilla/Template.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abcfd3ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/Template.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
+# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
+# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
+# Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org>
+# Jacob Steenhagen <jake@bugzilla.org>
+# Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@student.usyd.edu.au>
+# Christopher Aillon <christopher@aillon.com>
+package Bugzilla::Template;
+use strict;
+use Bugzilla::Config;
+use Bugzilla::Util;
+# for time2str - replace by TT Date plugin??
+use Date::Format ();
+use base qw(Template);
+# Templatization Code
+# Use the Toolkit Template's Stash module to add utility pseudo-methods
+# to template variables.
+use Template::Stash;
+# Add "contains***" methods to list variables that search for one or more
+# items in a list and return boolean values representing whether or not
+# one/all/any item(s) were found.
+$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ contains } =
+ sub {
+ my ($list, $item) = @_;
+ return grep($_ eq $item, @$list);
+ };
+$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ containsany } =
+ sub {
+ my ($list, $items) = @_;
+ foreach my $item (@$items) {
+ return 1 if grep($_ eq $item, @$list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+# Add a "substr" method to the Template Toolkit's "scalar" object
+# that returns a substring of a string.
+$Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ substr } =
+ sub {
+ my ($scalar, $offset, $length) = @_;
+ return substr($scalar, $offset, $length);
+ };
+# Add a "truncate" method to the Template Toolkit's "scalar" object
+# that truncates a string to a certain length.
+$Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ truncate } =
+ sub {
+ my ($string, $length, $ellipsis) = @_;
+ $ellipsis ||= "";
+ return $string if !$length || length($string) <= $length;
+ my $strlen = $length - length($ellipsis);
+ my $newstr = substr($string, 0, $strlen) . $ellipsis;
+ return $newstr;
+ };
+# Create the template object that processes templates and specify
+# configuration parameters that apply to all templates.
+# Construct the Template object
+# Note that all of the failure cases here can't use templateable errors,
+# since we won't have a template to use...
+sub create {
+ my $class = shift;
+ # IMPORTANT - If you make any configuration changes here, make sure to
+ # make them in t/004.template.t and checksetup.pl.
+ return $class->new({
+ # Colon-separated list of directories containing templates.
+ INCLUDE_PATH => "template/en/custom:template/en/default",
+ # Remove white-space before template directives (PRE_CHOMP) and at the
+ # beginning and end of templates and template blocks (TRIM) for better
+ # looking, more compact content. Use the plus sign at the beginning
+ # of directives to maintain white space (i.e. [%+ DIRECTIVE %]).
+ PRE_CHOMP => 1,
+ TRIM => 1,
+ COMPILE_DIR => 'data/',
+ # Functions for processing text within templates in various ways.
+ # IMPORTANT! When adding a filter here that does not override a
+ # built-in filter, please also add a stub filter to checksetup.pl
+ # and t/004template.t.
+ FILTERS => {
+ # Render text in strike-through style.
+ strike => sub { return "<strike>" . $_[0] . "</strike>" },
+ # Returns the text with backslashes, single/double quotes,
+ # and newlines/carriage returns escaped for use in JS strings.
+ js => sub {
+ my ($var) = @_;
+ $var =~ s/([\\\'\"])/\\$1/g;
+ $var =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $var =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ return $var;
+ },
+ # HTML collapses newlines in element attributes to a single space,
+ # so form elements which may have whitespace (ie comments) need
+ # to be encoded using &#013;
+ # See bugs 4928, 22983 and 32000 for more details
+ html_linebreak => sub {
+ my ($var) = @_;
+ $var =~ s/\r\n/\&#013;/g;
+ $var =~ s/\n\r/\&#013;/g;
+ $var =~ s/\r/\&#013;/g;
+ $var =~ s/\n/\&#013;/g;
+ return $var;
+ },
+ xml => \&Bugzilla::Util::xml_quote ,
+ # This filter escapes characters in a variable or value string for
+ # use in a query string. It escapes all characters NOT in the
+ # regex set: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]. The 'uri' filter should be used for
+ # a full URL that may have characters that need encoding.
+ url_quote => \&Bugzilla::Util::url_quote ,
+ quoteUrls => \&::quoteUrls ,
+ bug_link => [ sub {
+ my ($context, $bug) = @_;
+ return sub {
+ my $text = shift;
+ return &::GetBugLink($text, $bug);
+ };
+ },
+ 1
+ ],
+ # In CSV, quotes are doubled, and any value containing a quote or a
+ # comma is enclosed in quotes.
+ csv => sub
+ {
+ my ($var) = @_;
+ $var =~ s/\"/\"\"/g;
+ if ($var !~ /^-?(\d+\.)?\d*$/) {
+ $var = "\"$var\"";
+ }
+ return $var;
+ } ,
+ # Format a time for display (more info in Bugzilla::Util)
+ time => \&Bugzilla::Util::format_time,
+ },
+ PLUGIN_BASE => 'Bugzilla::Template::Plugin',
+ # Default variables for all templates
+ # Function for retrieving global parameters.
+ 'Param' => \&Bugzilla::Config::Param,
+ # Function to create date strings
+ 'time2str' => \&Date::Format::time2str,
+ # Function for processing global parameters that contain references
+ # to other global parameters.
+ 'PerformSubsts' => \&::PerformSubsts ,
+ # Generic linear search function
+ 'lsearch' => \&Bugzilla::Util::lsearch,
+ # UserInGroup - you probably want to cache this
+ 'UserInGroup' => \&::UserInGroup,
+ # SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges
+ # - called in the footer to sync the shadowdb
+ 'SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges' => \&::SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges,
+ # Bugzilla version
+ # This could be made a ref, or even a CONSTANT with TT2.08
+ 'VERSION' => $Bugzilla::Config::VERSION ,
+ },
+ }) || die("Template creation failed: " . $class->error());
+=head1 NAME
+Bugzilla::Template - Wrapper arround the Template Toolkit C<Template> object
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ my $template = Bugzilla::Template->create;
+This is basically a wrapper so that the correct arguments get passed into
+the C<Template> constructor.
+It should not be used directly by scripts or modules - instead, use
+C<Bugzilla-E<gt>instance-E<gt>template> to get an already created module.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Bugzilla>, L<Template>
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/Bugzilla.pm b/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/Bugzilla.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..285553b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/Bugzilla.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
+# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
+# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@student.usyd.edu.au>
+package Bugzilla::Template::Plugin::Bugzilla;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Template::Plugin);
+use Bugzilla;
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $context) = @_;
+ return Bugzilla->instance;
+=head1 NAME
+Template Toolkit plugin to allow access to the persistent C<Bugzilla>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Bugzilla>, L<Template::Plugin>