path: root/Bugzilla
diff options
authorReed Loden <reed@reedloden.com>2012-09-03 12:37:04 -0700
committerReed Loden <reed@reedloden.com>2012-09-03 12:37:04 -0700
commit66b1bdd314c25c3485eab86e976b2a05d5c724c1 (patch)
treefa56325e4d4ec953b7ca93bdcbee3f21db9c4655 /Bugzilla
parent038cba3913ecce36b43901d299cefa94390e6b0c (diff)
Bug 781075 - Add WebService support for accessing a user's saved reports
[r=LpSolit a=LpSolit]
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/WebService/User.pm b/Bugzilla/WebService/User.pm
index ee1442d72..5b54285c6 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/WebService/User.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/WebService/User.pm
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ sub get {
if (Bugzilla->user->id == $user->id) {
$user_info->{saved_searches} = [map { $self->_query_to_hash($_) } @{ $user->queries }];
+ $user_info->{saved_reports} = [map { $self->_report_to_hash($_) } @{ $user->reports }];
push(@users, filter($params, $user_info));
@@ -349,11 +350,20 @@ sub _group_to_hash {
sub _query_to_hash {
my ($self, $query) = @_;
my $item = {
- id => $self->type('int', $query->id),
- name => $self->type('string', $query->name),
- url => $self->type('string', $query->url),
+ id => $self->type('int', $query->id),
+ name => $self->type('string', $query->name),
+ query => $self->type('string', $query->url),
+ return $item;
+sub _report_to_hash {
+ my ($self, $report) = @_;
+ my $item = {
+ id => $self->type('int', $report->id),
+ name => $self->type('string', $report->name),
+ query => $self->type('string', $report->query),
+ };
return $item;
@@ -813,19 +823,40 @@ C<int> An integer id uniquely identifying the saved search.
C<string> The name of the saved search.
-=item url
+=item query
C<string> The CGI parameters for the saved search.
+=item saved_reports
+C<array> An array of hashes, each of which represents a user's saved report and has
+the following keys:
+=item id
+C<int> An integer id uniquely identifying the saved report.
+=item name
+C<string> The name of the saved report.
+=item query
+C<string> The CGI parameters for the saved report.
B<Note>: If you are not logged in to Bugzilla when you call this function, you
will only be returned the C<id>, C<name>, and C<real_name> items. If you are
logged in and not in editusers group, you will only be returned the C<id>, C<name>,
C<real_name>, C<email>, C<can_login>, and C<groups> items. The groups returned are
filtered based on your permission to bless each group.
-The C<saved_searches> item is only returned if you are querying your own account,
-even if you are in the editusers group.
+The C<saved_searches> and C<saved_reports> items are only returned if you are
+querying your own account, even if you are in the editusers group.
@@ -858,10 +889,11 @@ function.
=item C<group_ids> and C<groups> were added in Bugzilla B<4.0>.
-=item C<include_disabled> added in Bugzilla B<4.0>. Default behavior
-for C<match> has changed to only returning enabled accounts.
+=item C<include_disabled> was added in Bugzilla B<4.0>. Default
+behavior for C<match> was changed to only return enabled accounts.
-=item C<groups> and C<saved_searches> added in Bugzilla B<4.4>.
+=item C<groups>, C<saved_searches>, and C<saved_reports> were added
+in Bugzilla B<4.4>.