blob: 2a5369caaa14ce9c959a6d04ed0ce062f47e78f7 (
Hello all, my name is Jonny and I am a Linux System Admin. �I am a RHCSA (RHID:<strong style="font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19px">120-175-161)</strong>, and hold certs for Linux+, LPIC-1 and Novel's Linux cert. �(Not that the last three mean much, at least compared to the RH Certs. �I hope to get my RHCE sometime in the next year. �My experience is almost entirely on the admin/ops side (as opposed to app. dev). �I have almost always worked on RHEL/RHclones for work; however, I run Cauldron w/KDE on my personal/home laptop and have for about a year or since MGA2b2. �While I haven't done allot of packaging, I don't expect much difficulty. �I would like to address the�<a href="">bugzilla bug 1429</a>�(adding SABnzbd) as well as updating lottanzb which now uses SABnzbd as its' backend instead of hellanzb. �There are also some other related programs like�<a href="">SickBeard</a>,�<a href="">CouchPotatoe</a>,�<a href="">HeadPhones</a>, etc. (All of which are python apps.)<div>
<br></div><div>Anywayz, I will try to make the next IRC meeting, but it would be great if I could hit the ground running so if you wouldn't mind taking the time to mentor me I would appreciate it</div><div><br></div><div>
Thanks,</div><div><br></div><div>Jonny</div><div><a href=""></a></div><div>ICQ#428486389</div>