path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95')
2 files changed, 904 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95/attachment-0001.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95/attachment-0001.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+<html xmlns="">
+<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>[237] added German translation</title>
+<style type="text/css"><!--
+#msg dl.meta { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding: 6px; color: #fff; }
+#msg dl.meta dt { float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold; }
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+#logmsg hr { border: none 0; border-top: 2px dashed #fa0; height: 1px; }
+#header, #footer { color: #fff; background: #636; border: 1px #300 solid; padding: 6px; }
+#patch { width: 100%; }
+<div id="msg">
+<dl class="meta">
+<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>237</dd>
+<dt>Author</dt> <dd>obgr_seneca</dd>
+<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2011-01-06 22:50:53 +0100 (Thu, 06 Jan 2011)</dd>
+<h3>Log Message</h3>
+<pre>added German translation</pre>
+<h3>Added Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDaptrunklibCatDapI18Ndepo">identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po</a></li>
+<div id="patch"><pre>
+<a id="identityCatDaptrunklibCatDapI18Ndepo">Added: identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po (rev 0)
++++ identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po 2011-01-06 21:50:53 UTC (rev 237)
+@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Oliver Burger &lt;;, 2011.
++msgid &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Project-Id-Version: \n&quot;
++&quot;POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n&quot;
++&quot;PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-06 22:50+0100\n&quot;
++&quot;Last-Translator: Oliver Burger &lt;;\n&quot;
++&quot;Language-Team: German &lt;;\n&quot;
++&quot;MIME-Version: 1.0\n&quot;
++&quot;Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n&quot;
++&quot;Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n&quot;
++&quot;X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n&quot;
++&quot;Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Activation&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Aktivierung&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Add&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Hinzufügen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add ObjectClass&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Objekt-Klasse hinzufügen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Attribut hinzufügen&quot;
++#. (oc, dn)
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Objektklasse %1 zu dn %2 hinzufügen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Addresses do not match&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Adressen stimmen nicht überein&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An account already exists with this email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Zugang mit dieser Email-Adresse existiert bereits&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An account already exists with this username&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Zugang mit diesem Benutzernamen existiert bereits&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Ein Fehler beim Senden der Email ist aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess durchzuführen, &quot;
++&quot;falls Sie die korrekte Email-Adresse angegeben haben. Fehler %1&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Ein Fehler ist beim Senden der Email aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess durchzuführen, &quot;
++&quot;falls Sie die richtige Email-Adresse angegeben haben: %1&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Fehler ist beim Versenden der Email aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut. Fehler %1&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Attribut&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Datei /etc/passwd kann nicht überprüft werden, bitte warnen Sie die System-Administratoren&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Captcha&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Captcha&quot;
++#: root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Change&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ändern&quot;
++#: root/user/
++msgid &quot;Change password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Das Passwort ändern&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for activation instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Aktivieren.&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for password reset instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passwortes.&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Confirm Email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Bestätigen Sie die Emailadresse&quot;
++#: root/user/
++msgid &quot;Current password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Aktuelles Passwort&quot;
++#. (cn)
++#. (
++#: root/email/ root/email/admin/ root/email/
++msgid &quot;Dear %1,&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Sehr geehrter %1,&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Löschen&quot;
++#: root/user/
++msgid &quot;Edit&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ändern&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Email&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Email-Adresse&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Email sent.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Email versandt.&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Enter new password.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort angeben.&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Enter text&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Text angeben&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;First Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vorname&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;First name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Nachname&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Forgot password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort vergessen&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Forgot your password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Haben Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen?&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++msgid &quot;Forgotten password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vergessenes Passwort?&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Full Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vollständiger Name&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Gruppenname&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Gruppenname&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Groups&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Gruppen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/ lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Incorrect validation text, please try again&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Inkorrekter Überprüfungstext, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/ lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ungültige Email-Adresse&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ungültiger Benutzername&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username, already used by system&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ungültiger Benutzername, wird vom System bereits genutzt&quot;
++#: root/template/header:10 root/user/
++msgid &quot;Log out&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Abmelden&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++msgid &quot;Login&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Anmelden&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;New Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;New passwords dont match&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Operation was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Operation war erfolgreich.&quot;
++#: root/
++msgid &quot;Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Password incorrect&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Falsches Passwort&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Password reset and email sent&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort zurückgesetzt und Email versandt&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Personal Information&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Persönliche Informationen&quot;
++#: root/email/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please click below to change your password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Bitte klicken Sie unten um Ihr Passwort zu ändern&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please use the menus above.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Bitte benutzen Sie die Menüs oben.&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Primary group&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Primäre Gruppe&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Register&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Registrieren&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Registration completed&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Registrierung vollständig&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Registration was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Registrierung war erfolgreich&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Repeat New Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort wiederholen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Reset password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort wiederherstellen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Suchen&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search by&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Suchen nach&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Select&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Auswählen&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Send me my password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Passwort senden&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Set new password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort setzen&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Success&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Erfolg&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Surname&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Nachname&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;The first name supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Der angegebene Vorname enthält ungültige Zeichen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;The surname supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Der angegebene Nachname enthält ungültige Zeichen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;This email address is not bound to an account&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Diese Email-Adresse ist nicht an einen Zugang gebunden&quot;
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;To activate your account, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Um Ihren Zugang zu aktivieren, folgen Sie bitte den Links unten.&quot;
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;To reset your password, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, folgen Sie den Links unten.&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Update&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Aktualisieren&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/ root/register/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Username&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Benutzername&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Username is not authorized to be used&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Der Benutzername darf nicht verwendet werden&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Wert&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Für ihren %1-Zugang wurde angefordert, das Passwort zu ändern. Wenn Sie dies nicht getan haben oder Ihr Passwort nicht ändern wollen, können Sie einfach nichts tun.&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ihr %1-Zugang wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet, benötigt aber noch Aktivierung.&quot;
++#. (c.user.username)
++#: root/email/admin/
++msgid &quot;Your password was reset by %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ihr Passwort wurde von %1 zurückgesetzt&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Your session has expired&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;contains&quot;
++msgstr &quot;enthält&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;löschen&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;greater than or equal to&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Größer als oder gleich wie&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;is exactly&quot;
++msgstr &quot;ist genau&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;less than&quot;
++msgstr &quot;weniger als&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;member&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mitglied&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;password reset&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort zurückgesetzt&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;with value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;mit dem Wert&quot;
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95/attachment.html
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110106/38fb7d95/attachment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+<html xmlns="">
+<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>[237] added German translation</title>
+<style type="text/css"><!--
+#msg dl.meta { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding: 6px; color: #fff; }
+#msg dl.meta dt { float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold; }
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+#logmsg hr { border: none 0; border-top: 2px dashed #fa0; height: 1px; }
+#header, #footer { color: #fff; background: #636; border: 1px #300 solid; padding: 6px; }
+#patch { width: 100%; }
+<div id="msg">
+<dl class="meta">
+<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>237</dd>
+<dt>Author</dt> <dd>obgr_seneca</dd>
+<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2011-01-06 22:50:53 +0100 (Thu, 06 Jan 2011)</dd>
+<h3>Log Message</h3>
+<pre>added German translation</pre>
+<h3>Added Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDaptrunklibCatDapI18Ndepo">identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po</a></li>
+<div id="patch"><pre>
+<a id="identityCatDaptrunklibCatDapI18Ndepo">Added: identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po (rev 0)
++++ identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po 2011-01-06 21:50:53 UTC (rev 237)
+@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Oliver Burger &lt;;, 2011.
++msgid &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Project-Id-Version: \n&quot;
++&quot;POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n&quot;
++&quot;PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-06 22:50+0100\n&quot;
++&quot;Last-Translator: Oliver Burger &lt;;\n&quot;
++&quot;Language-Team: German &lt;;\n&quot;
++&quot;MIME-Version: 1.0\n&quot;
++&quot;Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n&quot;
++&quot;Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n&quot;
++&quot;X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n&quot;
++&quot;Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Activation&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Aktivierung&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Add&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Hinzufügen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add ObjectClass&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Objekt-Klasse hinzufügen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Attribut hinzufügen&quot;
++#. (oc, dn)
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Objektklasse %1 zu dn %2 hinzufügen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Addresses do not match&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Adressen stimmen nicht überein&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An account already exists with this email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Zugang mit dieser Email-Adresse existiert bereits&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An account already exists with this username&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Zugang mit diesem Benutzernamen existiert bereits&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Ein Fehler beim Senden der Email ist aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess durchzuführen, &quot;
++&quot;falls Sie die korrekte Email-Adresse angegeben haben. Fehler %1&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Ein Fehler ist beim Senden der Email aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess durchzuführen, &quot;
++&quot;falls Sie die richtige Email-Adresse angegeben haben: %1&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Fehler ist beim Versenden der Email aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut. Fehler %1&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Attribut&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Datei /etc/passwd kann nicht überprüft werden, bitte warnen Sie die System-Administratoren&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Captcha&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Captcha&quot;
++#: root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Change&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ändern&quot;
++#: root/user/
++msgid &quot;Change password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Das Passwort ändern&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for activation instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Aktivieren.&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for password reset instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passwortes.&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Confirm Email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Bestätigen Sie die Emailadresse&quot;
++#: root/user/
++msgid &quot;Current password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Aktuelles Passwort&quot;
++#. (cn)
++#. (
++#: root/email/ root/email/admin/ root/email/
++msgid &quot;Dear %1,&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Sehr geehrter %1,&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Löschen&quot;
++#: root/user/
++msgid &quot;Edit&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ändern&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Email&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Email-Adresse&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Email sent.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Email versandt.&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Enter new password.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort angeben.&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Enter text&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Text angeben&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;First Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vorname&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;First name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Nachname&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Forgot password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort vergessen&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Forgot your password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Haben Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen?&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++msgid &quot;Forgotten password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vergessenes Passwort?&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Full Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vollständiger Name&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Gruppenname&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Gruppenname&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Groups&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Gruppen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/ lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Incorrect validation text, please try again&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Inkorrekter Überprüfungstext, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/ lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid email address&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ungültige Email-Adresse&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ungültiger Benutzername&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username, already used by system&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ungültiger Benutzername, wird vom System bereits genutzt&quot;
++#: root/template/header:10 root/user/
++msgid &quot;Log out&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Abmelden&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++msgid &quot;Login&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Anmelden&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;New Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;New passwords dont match&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Operation was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Operation war erfolgreich.&quot;
++#: root/
++msgid &quot;Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Password incorrect&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Falsches Passwort&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Password reset and email sent&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort zurückgesetzt und Email versandt&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Personal Information&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Persönliche Informationen&quot;
++#: root/email/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please click below to change your password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Bitte klicken Sie unten um Ihr Passwort zu ändern&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please use the menus above.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Bitte benutzen Sie die Menüs oben.&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Primary group&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Primäre Gruppe&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Register&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Registrieren&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Registration completed&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Registrierung vollständig&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Registration was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Die Registrierung war erfolgreich&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Repeat New Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort wiederholen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Reset password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort wiederherstellen&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Suchen&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search by&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Suchen nach&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Select&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Auswählen&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Send me my password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ein Passwort senden&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Set new password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Neues Passwort setzen&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Success&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Erfolg&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Surname&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Nachname&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;The first name supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Der angegebene Vorname enthält ungültige Zeichen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;The surname supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Der angegebene Nachname enthält ungültige Zeichen&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;This email address is not bound to an account&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Diese Email-Adresse ist nicht an einen Zugang gebunden&quot;
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;To activate your account, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Um Ihren Zugang zu aktivieren, folgen Sie bitte den Links unten.&quot;
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;To reset your password, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, folgen Sie den Links unten.&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Update&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Aktualisieren&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/ root/register/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Username&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Benutzername&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Username is not authorized to be used&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Der Benutzername darf nicht verwendet werden&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Wert&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Für ihren %1-Zugang wurde angefordert, das Passwort zu ändern. Wenn Sie dies nicht getan haben oder Ihr Passwort nicht ändern wollen, können Sie einfach nichts tun.&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ihr %1-Zugang wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet, benötigt aber noch Aktivierung.&quot;
++#. (c.user.username)
++#: root/email/admin/
++msgid &quot;Your password was reset by %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ihr Passwort wurde von %1 zurückgesetzt&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Your session has expired&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;contains&quot;
++msgstr &quot;enthält&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;löschen&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;greater than or equal to&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Größer als oder gleich wie&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;is exactly&quot;
++msgstr &quot;ist genau&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;less than&quot;
++msgstr &quot;weniger als&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;member&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mitglied&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;password reset&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Passwort zurückgesetzt&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;with value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;mit dem Wert&quot;
+</html> \ No newline at end of file