path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20101029/0a250102
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Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20101029/0a250102')
2 files changed, 837 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
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+<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>[53] - deploy ldap with puppet on valstar</title>
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+<div id="msg">
+<dl class="meta">
+<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>53</dd>
+<dt>Author</dt> <dd>misc</dd>
+<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2010-10-29 00:55:56 +0200 (Fri, 29 Oct 2010)</dd>
+<h3>Log Message</h3>
+<pre>- deploy ldap with puppet on valstar</pre>
+<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#puppetmanifestsnodespp">puppet/manifests/nodes.pp</a></li>
+<h3>Added Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#puppetmodulesopenldapmanifestsinitpp">puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp</a></li>
+<li><a href="#puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesmandrivaditaccessconf">puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf</a></li>
+<li><a href="#puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesslapdconf">puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf</a></li>
+<div id="patch">
+<a id="puppetmanifestsnodespp"></a>
+<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: puppet/manifests/nodes.pp (52 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/manifests/nodes.pp 2010-10-28 16:47:50 UTC (rev 52)
++++ puppet/manifests/nodes.pp 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+</span><span class="cx"> timezone::timezone { &quot;Europe/Paris&quot;: }
+</span><span class="cx"> include rsyncd
+</span><span class="cx"> include mirror
+</span><ins>+ include openldap::master
+</ins><span class="cx">
+</span><span class="cx"> # for puppet svn checkout
+</span><span class="cx"> package {&quot;subversion&quot;:
+<a id="puppetmodulesopenldapmanifestsinitpp"></a>
+<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp (0 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp (rev 0)
++++ puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+</span><ins>+class openldap {
++ class base {
++ package { 'openldap-servers':
++ ensure =&gt; installed
++ }
++ service { ldap:
++ ensure =&gt; running,
++ subscribe =&gt; [ Package['openldap-servers']],
++ path =&gt; &quot;/etc/init.d/ldap&quot;
++ }
++ }
++ # /etc/
++ # 11:57:48| blingme&gt; misc: nothing special, just copy slapd.conf, mandriva-dit-access.conf across, slapcat one side, slapadd other side
++ file { '/etc/openldap/slapd.conf':
++ ensure =&gt; present,
++ owner =&gt; root,
++ group =&gt; root,
++ mode =&gt; 644,
++ require =&gt; Package[&quot;openldap-servers&quot;],
++ content =&gt; &quot;&quot;,
++ notify =&gt; [Service['ldap']]
++ }
++ file { '/etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf':
++ ensure =&gt; present,
++ owner =&gt; root,
++ group =&gt; root,
++ mode =&gt; 644,
++ require =&gt; Package[&quot;openldap-servers&quot;],
++ content =&gt; &quot;&quot;,
++ notify =&gt; [Service['ldap']]
++ }
++ class master inherits base {
++ file { '/etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf':
++ content =&gt; template(&quot;openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf&quot;),
++ }
++ file { '/etc/openldap/slapd.conf':
++ content =&gt; template(&quot;bind/slapd.conf&quot;),
++ }
++ }
+<a id="puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesmandrivaditaccessconf"></a>
+<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf (0 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf (rev 0)
++++ puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+</span><ins>+# mandriva-dit-access.conf
++limits group=&quot;cn=LDAP Replicators,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ limit size=unlimited
++ limit time=unlimited
++limits group=&quot;cn=LDAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ limit size=unlimited
++ limit time=unlimited
++limits group=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ limit size=unlimited
++ limit time=unlimited
++# so we don't have to add these to every other acl down there
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Replicators,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * break
++# userPassword access
++# shadowLastChange is here because it needs to be writable by the user because
++# of pam_ldap, which will update this attr whenever the password is changed.
++# And this is done with the user's credentials
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=shadowLastChange
++ by self write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=userPassword
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by self write
++ by anonymous auth
++ by * none
++# kerberos key access
++# &quot;by auth&quot; just in case...
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=krb5Key
++ by self write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by anonymous auth
++ by * none
++# password policies
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;ou=Password Policies,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# samba password attributes
++# by self not strictly necessary, because samba uses its own admin user to
++# change the password on the user's behalf
++# openldap also doesn't auth on these attributes, but maybe some day it will
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by anonymous auth
++ by self write
++ by * none
++# password history attribute
++# pwdHistory is read-only, but ACL is simplier with it here
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=sambaPasswordHistory,pwdHistory
++ by self read
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * none
++# pwdReset, so the admin can force an user to change a password
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=pwdReset
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# group owner can add/remove/edit members to groups
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^cn=[^,]+,ou=(System Groups|Group),dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=member
++ by dnattr=owner write
++ by * break
++# let the user change some of his/her attributes
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=carLicense,homePhone,homePostalAddress,mobile,pager,telephoneNumber
++ by self write
++ by * break
++# create new accounts
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^([^,]+,)?ou=(People|Group|Hosts),dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * break
++# access to existing entries
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^[^,]+,ou=(People|Hosts|Group),dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * break
++# sambaDomainName entry
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^(sambaDomainName=[^,]+,)?dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@sambaDomain,@sambaUnixIdPool
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# samba ID mapping
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^(sambaSID=[^,]+,)?ou=Idmap,dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@sambaIdmapEntry
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=IDMAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# global address book
++# XXX - which class(es) to use?
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^(.*,)?ou=Address Book,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@inetOrgPerson,@evolutionPerson,@evolutionPersonList
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Address Book Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# dhcp entries
++# XXX - open up read access to anybody?
++access to dn.sub=&quot;ou=dhcp,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@dhcpService,@dhcpServer,@dhcpSharedNetwork,@dhcpSubnet,@dhcpPool,@dhcpGroup,@dhcpHost,@dhcpClass,@dhcpSubClass,@dhcpOptions,@dhcpLeases,@dhcpLog
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DHCP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DHCP Readers,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * read
++# sudoers
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^([^,]+,)?ou=sudoers,dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@sudoRole
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Sudo Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# dns
++access to dn=&quot;ou=dns,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=entry,@extensibleObject
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DNS Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++access to dn.sub=&quot;ou=dns,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@dNSZone
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DNS Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DNS Readers,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * none
++# MTA
++# XXX - what else can we add here? Virtual Domains? With which schema?
++access to;ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=@inetLocalMailRecipient,mail
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=MTA Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# KDE Configuration
++access to dn.sub=&quot;ou=KDEConfig,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=KDEConfig Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# last one
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; attrs=entry,uid,cn
++ by * read
+<a id="puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesslapdconf"></a>
+<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf (0 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf (rev 0)
++++ puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+</span><ins>+# slapd.conf template
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/core.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/corba.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/java.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/krb5-kdc.schema
++#include /usr/share/openldap/schema/kerberosobject.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/misc.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/nis.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/autofs.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/samba.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/kolab.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/evolutionperson.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/calendar.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/sudo.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/dnszone.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/dhcp.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/dyngroup.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
++#include /etc/openldap/schema/local.schema
++pidfile /var/run/ldap/
++argsfile /var/run/ldap/slapd.args
++modulepath /usr/lib/openldap
++TLSCertificateFile /etc/ssl/openldap/ldap.pem
++TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/openldap/ldap.pem
++TLSCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/openldap/ldap.pem
++loglevel 256
++database bdb
++suffix &quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++directory /var/lib/ldap
++rootdn &quot;cn=manager,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++checkpoint 256 5
++# 32Mbytes, can hold about 10k posixAccount entries
++dbconfig set_cachesize 0 33554432 1
++dbconfig set_lg_bsize 2097152
++cachesize 1000
++idlcachesize 3000
++index objectClass eq
++index uidNumber,gidNumber,memberuid,member eq
++index uid eq,subinitial
++index cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,subinitial
++index sambaSID eq,sub
++index sambaDomainName,displayName,sambaGroupType eq
++index sambaSIDList eq
++index krb5PrincipalName eq
++index uniqueMember pres,eq
++index zoneName,relativeDomainName eq
++index sudouser eq,sub
++index entryCSN,entryUUID eq
++index dhcpHWAddress,dhcpClassData eq
++overlay syncprov
++syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
++syncprov-sessionlog 100
++overlay ppolicy
++ppolicy_default &quot;cn=default,ou=Password Policies,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ppolicy_hash_cleartext yes
++ppolicy_use_lockout yes
++# uncomment if you want to automatically update group
++# memberships when an user is removed from the tree
++# Also uncomment the moduleload above
++#overlay refint
++#refint_attributes member
++#refint_nothing &quot;uid=LDAP Admin,ou=System Accounts,dc=example,dc=com&quot;
++authz-regexp &quot;gidNumber=0\\\+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth&quot;
++ &quot;uid=Account Admin,ou=System Accounts,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++authz-regexp ^uid=([^,]+),cn=[^,]+,cn=auth$ uid=$1,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org
++include /etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf
++database monitor
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;cn=Monitor&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Monitors,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * none
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20101029/0a250102/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20101029/0a250102/attachment.html
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+<title>[53] - deploy ldap with puppet on valstar</title>
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+#patch ins {background:#dfd;text-decoration:none;display:block;padding:0 10px;}
+#patch del {background:#fdd;text-decoration:none;display:block;padding:0 10px;}
+#patch .lines, .info {color:#888;background:#fff;}
+<div id="msg">
+<dl class="meta">
+<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>53</dd>
+<dt>Author</dt> <dd>misc</dd>
+<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2010-10-29 00:55:56 +0200 (Fri, 29 Oct 2010)</dd>
+<h3>Log Message</h3>
+<pre>- deploy ldap with puppet on valstar</pre>
+<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#puppetmanifestsnodespp">puppet/manifests/nodes.pp</a></li>
+<h3>Added Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#puppetmodulesopenldapmanifestsinitpp">puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp</a></li>
+<li><a href="#puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesmandrivaditaccessconf">puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf</a></li>
+<li><a href="#puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesslapdconf">puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf</a></li>
+<div id="patch">
+<a id="puppetmanifestsnodespp"></a>
+<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: puppet/manifests/nodes.pp (52 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/manifests/nodes.pp 2010-10-28 16:47:50 UTC (rev 52)
++++ puppet/manifests/nodes.pp 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+</span><span class="cx"> timezone::timezone { &quot;Europe/Paris&quot;: }
+</span><span class="cx"> include rsyncd
+</span><span class="cx"> include mirror
+</span><ins>+ include openldap::master
+</ins><span class="cx">
+</span><span class="cx"> # for puppet svn checkout
+</span><span class="cx"> package {&quot;subversion&quot;:
+<a id="puppetmodulesopenldapmanifestsinitpp"></a>
+<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp (0 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp (rev 0)
++++ puppet/modules/openldap/manifests/init.pp 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+</span><ins>+class openldap {
++ class base {
++ package { 'openldap-servers':
++ ensure =&gt; installed
++ }
++ service { ldap:
++ ensure =&gt; running,
++ subscribe =&gt; [ Package['openldap-servers']],
++ path =&gt; &quot;/etc/init.d/ldap&quot;
++ }
++ }
++ # /etc/
++ # 11:57:48| blingme&gt; misc: nothing special, just copy slapd.conf, mandriva-dit-access.conf across, slapcat one side, slapadd other side
++ file { '/etc/openldap/slapd.conf':
++ ensure =&gt; present,
++ owner =&gt; root,
++ group =&gt; root,
++ mode =&gt; 644,
++ require =&gt; Package[&quot;openldap-servers&quot;],
++ content =&gt; &quot;&quot;,
++ notify =&gt; [Service['ldap']]
++ }
++ file { '/etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf':
++ ensure =&gt; present,
++ owner =&gt; root,
++ group =&gt; root,
++ mode =&gt; 644,
++ require =&gt; Package[&quot;openldap-servers&quot;],
++ content =&gt; &quot;&quot;,
++ notify =&gt; [Service['ldap']]
++ }
++ class master inherits base {
++ file { '/etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf':
++ content =&gt; template(&quot;openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf&quot;),
++ }
++ file { '/etc/openldap/slapd.conf':
++ content =&gt; template(&quot;bind/slapd.conf&quot;),
++ }
++ }
+<a id="puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesmandrivaditaccessconf"></a>
+<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf (0 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf (rev 0)
++++ puppet/modules/openldap/templates/mandriva-dit-access.conf 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+</span><ins>+# mandriva-dit-access.conf
++limits group=&quot;cn=LDAP Replicators,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ limit size=unlimited
++ limit time=unlimited
++limits group=&quot;cn=LDAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ limit size=unlimited
++ limit time=unlimited
++limits group=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ limit size=unlimited
++ limit time=unlimited
++# so we don't have to add these to every other acl down there
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Replicators,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * break
++# userPassword access
++# shadowLastChange is here because it needs to be writable by the user because
++# of pam_ldap, which will update this attr whenever the password is changed.
++# And this is done with the user's credentials
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=shadowLastChange
++ by self write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=userPassword
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by self write
++ by anonymous auth
++ by * none
++# kerberos key access
++# &quot;by auth&quot; just in case...
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=krb5Key
++ by self write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by anonymous auth
++ by * none
++# password policies
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;ou=Password Policies,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# samba password attributes
++# by self not strictly necessary, because samba uses its own admin user to
++# change the password on the user's behalf
++# openldap also doesn't auth on these attributes, but maybe some day it will
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by anonymous auth
++ by self write
++ by * none
++# password history attribute
++# pwdHistory is read-only, but ACL is simplier with it here
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=sambaPasswordHistory,pwdHistory
++ by self read
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * none
++# pwdReset, so the admin can force an user to change a password
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=pwdReset
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# group owner can add/remove/edit members to groups
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^cn=[^,]+,ou=(System Groups|Group),dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=member
++ by dnattr=owner write
++ by * break
++# let the user change some of his/her attributes
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=carLicense,homePhone,homePostalAddress,mobile,pager,telephoneNumber
++ by self write
++ by * break
++# create new accounts
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^([^,]+,)?ou=(People|Group|Hosts),dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * break
++# access to existing entries
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^[^,]+,ou=(People|Hosts|Group),dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * break
++# sambaDomainName entry
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^(sambaDomainName=[^,]+,)?dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@sambaDomain,@sambaUnixIdPool
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# samba ID mapping
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^(sambaSID=[^,]+,)?ou=Idmap,dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@sambaIdmapEntry
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Account Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=IDMAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# global address book
++# XXX - which class(es) to use?
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^(.*,)?ou=Address Book,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@inetOrgPerson,@evolutionPerson,@evolutionPersonList
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Address Book Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# dhcp entries
++# XXX - open up read access to anybody?
++access to dn.sub=&quot;ou=dhcp,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@dhcpService,@dhcpServer,@dhcpSharedNetwork,@dhcpSubnet,@dhcpPool,@dhcpGroup,@dhcpHost,@dhcpClass,@dhcpSubClass,@dhcpOptions,@dhcpLeases,@dhcpLog
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DHCP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DHCP Readers,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * read
++# sudoers
++access to dn.regex=&quot;^([^,]+,)?ou=sudoers,dc=mageia,dc=org$&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@sudoRole
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=Sudo Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# dns
++access to dn=&quot;ou=dns,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=entry,@extensibleObject
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DNS Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++access to dn.sub=&quot;ou=dns,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=children,entry,@dNSZone
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DNS Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=DNS Readers,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * none
++# MTA
++# XXX - what else can we add here? Virtual Domains? With which schema?
++access to;ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ attrs=@inetLocalMailRecipient,mail
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=MTA Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# KDE Configuration
++access to dn.sub=&quot;ou=KDEConfig,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=KDEConfig Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; write
++ by * read
++# last one
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; attrs=entry,uid,cn
++ by * read
+<a id="puppetmodulesopenldaptemplatesslapdconf"></a>
+<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf (0 => 53)</h4>
+<pre class="diff"><span>
+<span class="info">--- puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf (rev 0)
++++ puppet/modules/openldap/templates/slapd.conf 2010-10-28 22:55:56 UTC (rev 53)
+</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+</span><ins>+# slapd.conf template
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/core.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/corba.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/java.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/krb5-kdc.schema
++#include /usr/share/openldap/schema/kerberosobject.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/misc.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/nis.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/autofs.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/samba.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/kolab.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/evolutionperson.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/calendar.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/sudo.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/dnszone.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/dhcp.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/dyngroup.schema
++include /usr/share/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
++#include /etc/openldap/schema/local.schema
++pidfile /var/run/ldap/
++argsfile /var/run/ldap/slapd.args
++modulepath /usr/lib/openldap
++TLSCertificateFile /etc/ssl/openldap/ldap.pem
++TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/openldap/ldap.pem
++TLSCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/openldap/ldap.pem
++loglevel 256
++database bdb
++suffix &quot;dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++directory /var/lib/ldap
++rootdn &quot;cn=manager,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++checkpoint 256 5
++# 32Mbytes, can hold about 10k posixAccount entries
++dbconfig set_cachesize 0 33554432 1
++dbconfig set_lg_bsize 2097152
++cachesize 1000
++idlcachesize 3000
++index objectClass eq
++index uidNumber,gidNumber,memberuid,member eq
++index uid eq,subinitial
++index cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,subinitial
++index sambaSID eq,sub
++index sambaDomainName,displayName,sambaGroupType eq
++index sambaSIDList eq
++index krb5PrincipalName eq
++index uniqueMember pres,eq
++index zoneName,relativeDomainName eq
++index sudouser eq,sub
++index entryCSN,entryUUID eq
++index dhcpHWAddress,dhcpClassData eq
++overlay syncprov
++syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
++syncprov-sessionlog 100
++overlay ppolicy
++ppolicy_default &quot;cn=default,ou=Password Policies,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++ppolicy_hash_cleartext yes
++ppolicy_use_lockout yes
++# uncomment if you want to automatically update group
++# memberships when an user is removed from the tree
++# Also uncomment the moduleload above
++#overlay refint
++#refint_attributes member
++#refint_nothing &quot;uid=LDAP Admin,ou=System Accounts,dc=example,dc=com&quot;
++authz-regexp &quot;gidNumber=0\\\+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth&quot;
++ &quot;uid=Account Admin,ou=System Accounts,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
++authz-regexp ^uid=([^,]+),cn=[^,]+,cn=auth$ uid=$1,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org
++include /etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf
++database monitor
++access to dn.subtree=&quot;cn=Monitor&quot;
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Monitors,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by group.exact=&quot;cn=LDAP Admins,ou=System Groups,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot; read
++ by * none