path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/2011-January/001930.html
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/2011-January/001930.html
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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-sysadm] [268] Import blino's web interface
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+ <H1>[Mageia-sysadm] [268] Import blino's web interface</H1>
+ <B>root at</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-sysadm] [268] Import blino's web interface">root at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Jan 12 12:42:10 CET 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Revision: 268
+Author: pterjan
+Date: 2011-01-12 12:42:10 +0100 (Wed, 12 Jan 2011)
+Log Message:
+Import blino's web interface
+Added Paths:
+ build_system/web/
+ build_system/web/index.php
+Added: build_system/web/index.php
+--- build_system/web/index.php (rev 0)
++++ build_system/web/index.php 2011-01-12 11:42:10 UTC (rev 268)
+@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 2011 Oliver Blin *\
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License aspublished by the *
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
++* option) any later version. *
++$upload_dir = &quot;/home/schedbot/uploads&quot;;
++$max_modified = 2;
++$title = &quot;Mageia build system&quot;;
++$all_files = shell_exec(&quot;find \( -name '*.rpm' -o -name '*' -o -name '*.youri' -o -name '*.lock' \) ! -ctime $max_modified&quot;);
++preg_match_all(&quot;!^\./(\w+)/((\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\d+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\d+))_?(.+)(\.src\.rpm(?:\.info)?|\.youri|\.lock)$!m&quot;, $all_files, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
++$pkgs = array();
++foreach ($matches as $val) {
++ $key = $val[6];
++ if (!is_array($pkgs[$key])) {
++ $pkgs[$key] = array();
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;status&quot;] = array();
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;path&quot;] = $val[2];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;version&quot;] = $val[3];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;media&quot;] = $val[4];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;section&quot;] = $val[5];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;user&quot;] = $val[7];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;host&quot;] = $val[8];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;job&quot;] = $val[9];
++ }
++ $status = $val[1];
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;status&quot;][$status] = 1;
++ $data = $val[10];
++ $ext = $val[11];
++ if ($ext == &quot;;) {
++ preg_match(&quot;!^(?:@\d+:)?(.*)!&quot;, $data, $name);
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;package&quot;] = $name[1];
++ } else if ($ext == &quot;.src&quot;) {
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;status&quot;][&quot;src&quot;] = 1;
++ } else if ($ext == &quot;.youri&quot;) {
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;status&quot;][&quot;youri&quot;] = 1;
++ } else if ($ext == &quot;.lock&quot;) {
++ // parse build bot from $data
++ $pkgs[$key][&quot;status&quot;][&quot;build&quot;] = 1;
++ }
++// sort by key in reverse order to have more recent pkgs first
++&lt;title&gt;&lt;? echo $title ?&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
++&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
++td.todo {
++ color: black;
++td.building {
++ color: fuchsia;
++td.partial {
++ color: purple;
++td.built {
++ color: blue;
++td.youri {
++ color: olive
++td.uploaded {
++ color: green;
++td.failure, td.failure a, td.rejected, td.rejected a {
++ color: red;
++&lt;h1&gt;&lt;? echo $title ?&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
++function pkg_gettype($pkg) {
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;rejected&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;]))
++ return &quot;rejected&quot;;
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;youri&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;])) {
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;src&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;]))
++ return &quot;youri&quot;;
++ else
++ return &quot;uploaded&quot;;
++ }
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;failure&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;]))
++ return &quot;failure&quot;;
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;done&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;]))
++ return &quot;partial&quot;;
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;build&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;]))
++ return &quot;building&quot;;
++ if (array_key_exists(&quot;todo&quot;, $pkg[&quot;status&quot;]))
++ return &quot;todo&quot;;
++ return &quot;unknown&quot;;
++foreach ($pkgs as $key =&gt; $p) {
++ $p[&quot;type&quot;] = pkg_gettype(&amp;$p);
++ echo &quot;&lt;tr&gt;\n&quot;;
++ echo &quot;&lt;td&gt;&quot; . $p[&quot;user&quot;] . &quot;&lt;/td&gt;\n&quot;;
++ echo &quot;&lt;td&gt;&quot; . $p[&quot;package&quot;] . &quot;&lt;/td&gt;\n&quot;;
++ echo &quot;&lt;td&gt;&quot; . $p[&quot;version&quot;] . &quot;&lt;/td&gt;\n&quot;;
++ echo &quot;&lt;td&gt;&quot; . $p[&quot;media&quot;] . &quot;/&quot; . $p[&quot;section&quot;] . &quot;&lt;/td&gt;\n&quot;;
++ $typelink = &quot;&quot;;
++ if ($p[&quot;type&quot;] == &quot;failure&quot;) {
++ $typelink = &quot;/uploads/&quot; . $p[&quot;type&quot;] . &quot;/&quot; . $p[&quot;path&quot;];
++ } else if ($p[&quot;type&quot;] == &quot;rejected&quot;) {
++ $typelink = &quot;/uploads/&quot; . $p[&quot;type&quot;] . &quot;/&quot; . $p[&quot;path&quot;] . &quot;.youri&quot;;
++ }
++ echo &quot;&lt;td class='&quot; . $p[&quot;type&quot;] . &quot;'&gt;&quot;;
++ if ($typelink)
++ echo &quot;&lt;a href='$typelink'&gt;&quot;;
++ echo $p[&quot;type&quot;];
++ if ($typelink)
++ echo &quot;&lt;/a&gt;&quot;;
++ echo &quot;&lt;/td&gt;\n&quot;;;
++ echo &quot;&lt;/tr&gt;\n&quot;;
+-------------- next part --------------
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