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+ <H1>[Mageia-marketing] [Mageia-artwork] Splash screens ready</H1>
+ <B>Bradley D. Thornton</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-marketing] [Mageia-artwork] Splash screens ready">Bradley at NorthTech.US
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Mon Mar 12 16:46:57 CET 2012</I>
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+Hash: RIPEMD160
+On 03/12/2012 06:34 AM, Max Quarterpleen wrote:
+&gt;<i> And then Esteban showed up with a magical external solution which was very
+</I>&gt;<i> good, but very bad for the teams.
+And he paid for that with what must have seemed to him like, &quot;The brush
+I think the thing that seemed to be the most harmful was what still
+seems to be the decision of one person (you) in selecting the product
+pack of images.
+For a minute there I was certain that I had missed some mails expressing
+the preference of a different set of images over that of Esteban's, but
+I didn't. And the Marcom Team didn't actually choose the other graphics
+over that of Esteban's, as you seemingly inferred in your last post
+(Maybe that did happen on the artwork team list, but if it didn't happen
+on this list then it wasn't the MarCom Team).
+&gt;<i> I tried to do what I thought would be best for Mageia in general, and the
+</I>&gt;<i> artwork team in particular in the long run. If that makes me a dick, fine.
+</I>&gt;<i> I didn't set out to be a dick and had only the best intentions. I still
+</I>&gt;<i> think that what I did is better for Mageia, and given the opportunity I
+</I>&gt;<i> would do it again, but it wouldn't be any easier.
+It was a mistake in judgment perhaps, but certainly not a murder or
+armed robbery LOL! Should you feel bad? Well, maybe you will consider
+sending Esteban a private email explaining this - that the promising
+graphics he seemed to just *whip up* might crush the morale of a team
+that has been performing well below what you expected, and therefore,
+you decided to throw him under the bus for their sake (Maybe you should
+tell them how you feel too).
+What you're saying isn't actually evil Max. It was a painful business
+decision to let the artwork team demonstrate and validate their worth,
+and just as they were coming through, as you indicated, someone popped
+up out of the blue (almost), and made small work of it.
+And yes, that could look bad. But if I'm not mistaken, Esteban's artwork
+did come in at or maybe one day after the deadline for the freeze.
+The worst decision you could have made as team lead it IMO, would be to
+not make a decision at all.
+That having been said, it seems you still have a lot of *post freeze*
+work to do on the artwork.
+But again, the thing that disturbs me isn't so much that this occurred,
+but that the decision wasn't actually a team product at all, but the
+decision of a single individual - an individual who cited those reasons
+for not considering the newcomer's works.
+&gt;<i> I'm very sorry that Esteban feels this way, that was entirely not my
+</I>&gt;<i> intention. In fact, I was up for over an hour last night (actually very
+</I>&gt;<i> early this morning) agonizing over that email, trying my best *not *to
+</I>&gt;<i> sound like a dick. I guess I failed there.
+I'm sure your intentions were honorable. And they seem honorable - you
+acted on behalf of a team of people who needed some sort of validation
+for the welfare of that team.
+Now please consider seeing if you can't patch things up with Esteban -
+I've got a gut feeling that he'll become a great asset and motivating
+force on your team :)
+</I>&gt;<i> Now, I am not going to resign in a huff and storm off, because that would
+Of course not. Besides, I don't think you would want to lose your
+medical and dental insurance ;)
+&gt;<i> be even worse. I don't know what I will do, but I'm open to suggestions.
+Well, right now you're going to have to get some copy folded into the
+artwork you[r team] chose to go forward with :)
+I figure Trish will have some final copy for your team in a few hours
+following a suggestion period by anyone else here.
+My gravest concern remains - that the textual verbiage and the visual
+concepts aren't being developed congruently in a complimentary manner
+(we're pasting up).
+In the meantime don't sweat it - we're all Diks at times when we're
+frustrated, exhausted, and overworked. Coming to terms with that is all
+we can do and then we move on - we've got a product launch to ready :)
+Oh, and please stop cross-posting! It bugs me and borks my mail filters.
+Sending separate duplicate messages to each list keeps the mail client
+(and Bradley) happy :)
+Kindest regards,
+- --
+Bradley D. Thornton
+Manager Network Services
+NorthTech Computer
+TEL: +1.310.388.9469 (US)
+TEL: +44.203.318.2755 (UK)
+TEL: +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)
+<A HREF="http://NorthTech.US">http://NorthTech.US</A>
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